Tutorial: 3 Techniques To Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You…
“It was just a drunken kiss! It won’t happen again. I love you, not her.”
That’s what Jenny’s husband Ray said when she confronted him.
They were at a summer party in their neighbor’s back yard and Ray would NOT stop flirting with this other woman.
“Why doesn’t Ray flirt with me anymore like he’s flirting with this other woman?” she thought
Just from looking at her, Jenny could see that this other woman wasn’t particularly attractive and she even looked older than Jenny herself, but for some reason she had Ray’s undivided attention.
Even when he wasn’t talking to his new found ‘best friend’, Jenny caught Ray repeatedly stealing glances at her.
It was infuriating, but more than that, it was embarrassing. Jenny had never felt so unwanted or undesired in her life and all her neighbors got to witness this spectacle unfold.
For a while, she felt that she might be overreacting, that but as the evening wore on, Jenny noticed that she hadn’t seen her husband in a while…
Or the other woman…
She looked around outside and couldn’t see either of them.
Then she checked inside. They weren’t there either.
Now she was panicking. “Where were they?!”
She rushed out into the front yard and couldn’t see them there either.
She stood outside in the front yard and tried calling Ray’s phone, but he didn’t pick up.
Then she saw 2 people further down the road.
Could it be them? Ray & the other woman?
As she walked towards them, she could see two people hugging…
As she got closer she could see that this other woman had her hand in Ray’s pants.
and that’s when she broke down.
The following days were painful.
Jenny wanted to throw Ray out of the house and take the kids…but at the same time she didn’t want to throw away the life they had built together over the previous 11 years.
At first Ray apologized…
Then as the days progressed, he started to open up about what happened
And even though Jenny was crushed when she heard all the details….something inside of her wanted to know more…even if it upset her. So she poked and prodded her husband for more information.
Ray said that this other woman knew how to push all his buttons. It was like she hijacked my brain, she switched off my ability to think logically and I could only think emotionally. I was putty in her hands.
“It was like she hijacked my brain”
Although she wanted to know every detail of what happened, it was crushing for Jenny and brought back those horrible feelings of inadequacy, humiliation, jealousy and weeks of hurt. Now, she didn’t know what to do.
The worst feeling she had was confusion. Jenny had done everything right.
Jenny was in pretty good shape. She was funny. She was raising two healthy, happy boys with her husband. There wasn’t even any tension or anger or passive aggressiveness between Jenny and Ray. And interestingly, she would still notice guys checking her out. But…
HE cheated on HER
Jenny just wanted to know why. Why did he allow it to happen? What did she do wrong? She had to know. So she confronted him…
“Why? I Just Want To Know Why? You Owe Me That”
Ray got upset. Really upset.
Not angry.
Instead he was crying. And Jenny could tell that he actually seemed really remorseful and sorry.
He told her that he never wanted to cheat on her. He was totally happy with her and their family life. But according to him he just hadn’t felt sexually satisfied for a long time and his inhibitions were lowered thanks to the beer he was drinking….and it just happened.
He explained the whole situation to her…
He told her a story that all men can relate to:
Before we met, I was attracted to and most sexually satisfied by women who know how to push my buttons. They were always so crazy in bed and always left me feeling completely satisfied after sex. But as well as being good in bed, these girls knew exactly what to say to keep me wanting more, to keep me obsessed. These are the girls that guys fantasize about. But because they usually have a wild personality, they were always scattered and unreliable, they weren’t the kinds of women I would want to settle down with. I didn’t see them as stable, mom material.
She Froze
She didn’t want to be viewed only as ‘stable, mom material’, while her husband was out getting sexually fulfilled by some other woman he was obsessed with
But then she realized something…
She used to feel the same way about the guys she dated. She usually put them into one of two categories.
- Guys she is sexually attracted to and sees as ‘fuckable’ (Jenny’s exact words)
- Guys she sees as stable, husband material that she can bring home to mom.
Very rarely does a guy fall into both categories
Maybe you feel the same way too?
Have You Ever Categorized Guys As Either ‘Fuckable’ Or Husband Material?

The funny thing is that men categorize women in much the same way.
It all started to make sense for Jenny.
She realized that her husband only saw her as ‘stable, mom material’, not as the woman he was lusting after and sexually obsessed with. And it was the most disappointing and heartbreaking feeling imaginable.
But she wanted to change that and she didn’t want to have to deal with infidelity again.
She was obviously angry at him, but she didn’t want to throw away her relationship. And she didn’t see cheating on him as a positive way to get revenge.
So instead of giving up and hoping that things would magically fix themselves, she decided she was going to figure out how make him feel those same lusting, obsessive feelings and give him the same kinds of intense sexual satisfaction that these ‘wild’ women used to give him.
Here’s What Happened Next
That’s when Jenny turned to me (what I haven’t mentioned yet is that me & Jenny have been friends since we were both 19).
She asked me to put a guide together for her, to teach her exactly what to do to make her man sexually & emotionally obsessed with her, so that the thought of another woman in her man’s life was laughable.
- I got started on her action plan by emailing over 10,000 women who receive my newsletter asking for their best tips.
- I consulted with friends, past lovers and other experts on how to cause these feelings of intense sexual obsession.
- I quickly discovered exactly what you should say AND and what sexual techniques you should use do to have your man completely obsessed and addicted to you and only you.
This action plan soon turned two long lists of ideas.
The first list was of techniques to build sexual tension to keep him obsessed when you’re not together.
The second list was of techniques that will give him the most powerful orgasms and sex of his life when you do get physical.
These two lists grew from 25 pages each…
To 50 pages each…
To 75 pages each…
They kept growing.
When I started adding the exact word-for-word lines she should use and step-by-step sex techniques, Jenny ended up with a complete and detailed blueprint to make her man crave her with every fiber of his being. When I had it completed, I sent the guide to Jenny and asked her to email me back the results in a few weeks. But…
She Didn’t Email…He Did!
I couldn’t believe it, 5 days later Jenny’s husband emailed me:


Fortunately, Jenny was able to work through the anger, disgust, jealousy and all the other emotions that plagued her in the weeks after finding out about her husbands infidelity. Now, this didn’t magically happen overnight, it took time and a lot of effort from both Jenny and her husband.
Not only did she fix her relationship, but she was able to reignite that spark of sexual tension, obsession and sexual satisfaction that had attracted her husband and made him fall in love in the first place.
How Women Mess Up This One Simple Thing
The sad thing however is that most women wait until it’s too late… They allow the passion & spark to slowly disappear and for their man to cheat before they do anything about it.
They Literally Sleepwalk Into It
And by that stage it’s too late, they lose their man and their relationship.
The crazy thing is that preventing a guy from cheating and keeping him deeply obsessed with you and only you is surprisingly easy.
However, it can seem very hard to learn. Because…
- Pornography is a complete lie. Does a group of 7 guys on a pool table with one tiny, fake breasted woman sound realistic to you?
- You could buy a book written by ‘an expert’ with a pHD. The problem with these ‘experts’ with pHDs is that they have spent all their time in a lab or with their heads in books. They haven’t spent time actually having sex & teaching real women how to have better sex and keep a guy completely devoted to you.
- Many women’s magazines publish huge lists of tips for keeping a guy hooked (often over 100 tips). At best, you’ll realize that most of them are completely ridiculous. At worst, you may actually injure yourself (or your man). But often you’ll just end up feeling confused.
- Lastly, asking your friends can help. But often, you’ll find that they are just pretending to know what they are talking about and are empathizing with you, so that they won’t seem clueless or inexperienced themselves.
Let Me Ask You Something…
- Do you know how to create addicting sexual tension and slowly build it up to the point where your man is calling in sick to work and cancelling on his buddies so that he can spend more time with you? or…do you just hope and pray he’ll feel this way?
- Do you know the 1 simple trick to give him the most powerful orgasm of his life? tI’m talking about an orgasm so powerful that he will brag to his friends about you?
- Do you use multiple sex techniques, positions, ideas, tactics and scenarios on him or…do you just use the same few techniques and the same few positions over and over again?
Most students and friends I’ve talked to are intrigued with the idea of having a man that’s devoted and completely obsessed with you and only you.
A guy who gets jealous when other men so much as look at you.
A guy who is desperate to rip your clothes off the moment he has you alone.
And most women don’t want to lose sleep over the thought of their man straying and seeking sexual satisfaction elsewhere. But sadly, they do…
This Is Silly, Stupid…And Sad
One fascinating thing that I regularly encounter are women who try to figure this out on their own, using guesswork and hoping to make their man adore them.
They wonder, pray and try to figure out everything alone.
It truly boggles my mind, because when I talk to these women, they aren’t getting the results they want. Yet for some weird reason, they don’t change or admit that they need help. Not admitting you need help will totally kill you ability to have a man who is looks at you with devotion and lust in his eyes.
The Truth About Making Him Obsessed & Addicted
The truth is that most women have no idea how to build intense sexual tension to make their man crave them and they just don’t know what sexual techniques will light the flames of passion in their man to keep him hooked.
It’s like I explained earlier…porn, women’s magazines, phd sexologists and your friends simply do not know how to teach this stuff properly (even if they mean well!).
Not only that, if you do pick up a book, you’ll usually notice that the author leaves out a ton of vital information and includes almost no examples.
Worst of all, often these books are often written like cheap erotica, telling you to “suck his throbbing member like you mean it” or to “engulf him with your womanhood”.
This kind of crap is NOT helpful!!!
You need precise, step-by-step instructions with illustrations and photographs that show you exactly what to do. This way there is no guesswork.
“My man was squirming, shaking, quivering and gasping during my blow jobs!”
I always thought you had to be born with the ability to make a man adore you and obsess over you. I mean I really thought that it was something like being born with blue eyes or blonde hair. I thought that some have it and some don’t. Boy was I wrong!
I grabbed your course on a whim, 2 weeks ago while browsnig for tips on spicing up our sex life. The first night, I surprised my man with just 2 of your techinques. He didn’t say anything afterwards, the moaning during it was all I needed to hear. But that was just the beginning. Over the last 2 weeks, I have been amping up the sexual tension using your instructions. Now he can’t keep his hands off me. I’ve never felt so desired in my life.
I get so turned by how he looks at me now, but the best part is how he’s be treating me, he wants us to start having a regular date night again! The last thing to tell you is that it’s funny how your girlfriends can suddenly become jealous of you when your husband starts being so attentive.
One happy wife!
[Name Changed By Request], 37, Montreal
It’s because of this lack of decent information that I decided to share the course I created to make your man obsessed with you and only you.
Naturally, I call it…
Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You

This is the same guide Jenny used to turn herself from ‘stable, mom material’ into a woman that has her husband flirting with her, chasing her and courting her like when they first started dating.
Here’s A Small Taste Of What You Will Learn
Inside, you’ll learn…
- 9 ‘Out There’ techniques to give your man the MOST passionate sex of his life.
- The right way to surprise your man so that he remembers (and fantasizes about you) for years to come.
- How to make sure you effectively build sexual tension with your man, to make him helplessly hypnotized by you.
- A sex game that may make your man insane with desire and lust. He won’t be able to control himself when you do this.
- 5 games you and your man can play with your vibrator that will really push your boundaries.
- Why you only need a few specific techniques to make your man obsessed with you.
- Using the Less Is More principle to play havoc with his mind and keep him devoted to only you.
- How to touch him and physically build sexual tension with your man so that he can’t help but grab you.
- How to flirt like a pro: I’m talking about playful teasing, disagreeing with him and reacting to him so that just talking to you is addictive for your man.
- A counter-intuitive game you can play with your man that will make him crazy with desire.
- The right way (& the wrong way to use sexual innuendo). Get this wrong and you’ll completely turn your man off. Get it right and he’ll be putty in your hands.
- The super simple tip that will give him the strongest orgasm he’s ever experienced.
- The step-by-step system you should use to physically create sexual tension with your man (or any man) when you’re out in public with him.
- A sneaky trick that he won’t see coming that puts you front and center in his mind.
- How to make quickies highly charged and exciting for BOTH of you.
- 12 clever text messages you can send him to put his mind into overdrive, forcing him to only think of you.
- How to subtly educate your man on what types of things you like sexually all while turning him on.
- Why slowing down can lead to some of the most intense and long, drawn out orgasms of your life.
- The ultimate way to give your man a blow job – and you don’t even need to use any special techniques for this one.
- How to expertly build anticipation so your man is eagerly awaiting every date and moment he gets to spend with you. This one puts you firmly in the driving seat.
- A long term sex game you can play with your man that will keep him on his toes for YEARS.
- How to use subtlety and ambiguity to ratchet up the sexual tension and keep him constantly thinking about and obsessing about you.
- How to keep him guessing, wondering and trying to figure out what you’re thinking (which by the way is vital for keeping a man obsessed with you).
- How to make a to-do list of all your sexual fantasies so that your man is eager to help make them a reality.
- I also clear up any questions you may have about effectively building sexual tension to keep your man constantly fantasizing about you.
- The most sensual, easy effective way to dominate your man so that he craves more.
I hate being ‘that guy who brags’, but I do want to be honest with you:
Over 10,000 women have referred their friends to my newsletter since I started writing online and I’ve also written another best selling sex book, The Blow Job Bible as well as my Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You course. Not only that, but I’m constantly getting emails, letters and messages from happy women (& a lot of men too).
“I’m angry…”
I was a tiny bit hesitant to buy your Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You course online, but when I saw that I could use PayPal to handle the payment and that you have a 60 day money back guarantee, I realized I had nothing to lose.
I’m in my 40’s now and would consider myself quite conservative, so I’ll spare you the explicit details. All I do want to say is that I’m angry…I’m angry that I didn’t find this soooner. And I’m angry that I didn’t discover this when I first met my husband. It truly has changed our love life.
God Bless
[Name Removed By Request], 42, Dallas, Texas
When Jenny suggested that I sell the course to women who want to drastically improve their sex life & relationship, I had to come up with a price… I usually charge between $797 – $997 for my one day seminars.
But that’s a lot for some people and I knew more people could benefit if I made it cheaper. The price I decided on is $197. But these days even $197 is a lot for some and I don’t want the cost to prevent you from having this powerful, life-changing information, so am offering you the complete guide today for just $97.
This Week I’m Slashing The Price To Just $47!

Here Are The Bonuses You Get When You Grab Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You Today For Just $47
The “Other Woman” Destroyer
Does your man have female friends?
Female friends that you don’t particularly like?
Maybe he even has female friends that want to jump him, the next chance they get?
This course will help you to get rid of them, cut them out of his life and make your man despise them.
Inside, you will learn some pretty ruthless tactics and techniques to make sure your man never thinks about another woman again, except for you and only you.
Best of all, he will never even notice you are using these subtle, secret techniques…all while your bond with him strengthens.
The Fantasy Explorer’s Guidebook
In this course you will discover…
– How to confidently share you fantasies with your man without risking rejection
When you follow these 7 steps, you will be able to share your fantasies with your man without it getting awkward.
– Discover how to get your man excited about exploring your fantasies with you.
There is a stupidly simple way to get your man enthusiastic about fulfilling your fantasies in the bedroom.
Best of all, he’ll end up thinking that it was his idea!
Boost His Sex Drive
I have something to ask you…
Do you have as much sex with your man as you want to have?
If you answered “No” then this course will change that.
Inside you’ll discover:
– The single most important factor to boost his sex drive. This factor is responsible for 90% of his sex drive. Fix this and he will be like a horny teenager again.
– Why Viagra is not the solution.
– And much more…

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To prevent any unwanted suspicion or embarrassment, your bank statement will show a charge from our payment processor, “Clickbank” or “CLCKBNK*COM”
After you order on the secure server, you will be brought to a special access page where you can quickly and easily download the Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You course along with with your 3 bonus courses. The Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You course is a set of pdf files which can be read on any PC or Apple computer, smart phone, tablet or ebook reader.
Once you download your copy of the Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You course, you will be able to learn my best strategies on making your man completely addicted and devoted to you.

My 60 Day 100% No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee
Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You comes with a no questions asked, 60 day money back guarantee. If for some reason you decide that Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You isn’t worth the paltry $47 you paid for it, just shoot me an email and I’ll buy the book back back from you. No question asked, no hassles, NO FINE PRINT.
This means that you have a full 60 days to test and practice everything you’ve learned in Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You and 3 bonus courses and if you don’t totally fall in love with the techniques you are just 30 seconds away from learning, then I will refund every cent.
I’m deadly serious by the way. I’m convinced that Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You is the best course that you will ever find on the subject of making your man obsessed with you and adoring you. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t put myself on the line like this.
If you are not completely satisfied with Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You, then I will buy it back off you. The truth is that I’m not satisfied unless you are.
To having a man who is completely and utterly obsessed and devoted to you,

P.S. All the techniques in Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You are tested and work (there is no ‘theory’ or ‘guess work’, just simple techniques that have already worked for 1000′s of women before you. And remember, if you aren’t 100% satisfied with Make Him Obsessed With You & Only You, I’ll give you a full refund.
P.P.S. I’m also going to include access to my sex tips email newsletter in your purchase. Purchasers in the EU will need to tick the opt-in box on the payment form, otherwise, they will not receive the email newsletter. Unsubscribe any time.
Remember: For your privacy and to avoid unwanted embarrassment, you’ll be discreetly billed with the name “Clickbank” or “CLCKBNK*COM”

One time cost of $47

This product contains adult language and situations, and is not meant for those under 18 years old. If you need to contact me for any reason, then you can reach me at this address:[email protected]
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