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Today on the podcast we welcome Megan Riley. Megan is a sexual empowerment coach, trainer, psychic, and the host of The Woman’s Guide to Living Your Orgasmic Life Podcast.
Throughout her career, Megan has worked with more than 19,000 men and women over a period of 14 years to heal the past and create more love, abundance, freedom, peace, and joy in all aspects of their lives.
Side note: If you are currently struggling to orgasm during sex or masturbation, then you may want to learn about the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you how to have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation. It works even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating. You can find out more here.
She believes that everything happens for a reason, and in today’s episode, Megan opens up about her story of dealing with alcohol addiction and how her experience with a Yoni egg completely turned her life around.
We dive into the benefits of the Yoni egg crystal, how it works with a woman’s body, and Megan shares her advice and practices for first-time users.
Finally, we hear from Megan about how to better communicate with your partner to close the “orgasm gap” between men and women, and why she believes the prostate to be the “God Spot” for men.
- Megan’s story and how she became a sexual empowerment coach.
- What is a Yoni egg, and how does it work?
- Advice for first-time Yoni egg users; what are the first steps?
- How to communicate better to bridge the orgasm gap between partners.
- Why the prostate is the God spot for men AND how to pleasure it.
- Understanding how to approach the subject of giving a prostate massage.
- The step-by-step guide to prostate massage.
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Sean Jameson: Hey guys, welcome to The Bad Girl’s Bible Podcast. Today, I’m talking to Megan Riley. She’s a sexual empowerment coach, trainer, and the host of The Woman’s Guide to Living Your Orgasmic Life Podcast.
Megan, thanks so much for coming on the show.
Megan Riley: Sean, thank you so much for having me. I’m really excited.
Sean Jameson: Well, it’s great to have you here. I’d love to start off by asking you and finding out a bit about you and your backstory and how you came to become a sexual empowerment coach?
Megan Riley: You know, it’s pretty interesting. I am a psychic and I have been working as a psychic for a very long time and about two years ago, I started using a Yoni egg and have always been very sexual, have always not really understood why I had been more comfortable sexually than other people. Just kind of, you know, put it up to myself.
But I remember years and years ago, I was studying Tantra and there was this woman who would not shut up about Yoni eggs. Anyone who doesn’t know, they’re little crystals and they’re shaped like eggs and there are specific for your Yoni. So it’s not just a crystal that you’re going to get at a rock shop that may or may not be porous or might look pretty but they are polished for your Yoni.
So, lots of different practices that you could do. You could do a 10 minute practice with a Yoni egg, you can sleep with it, you can wear it all day. I usually wear mine all day and then go out dancing with mine, we’ll get to that. I was a little irritated by how this woman would not shut up about the egg. So, I finally bought one and then put it in my toy box and forgot about it for 10 years or so.
Two years ago, I was going through my toy box and found the egg. I thought, “Well, might as well try it.” But at the time, I was towards the end of alcoholism and really – you know, I couldn’t even remember to wash my face at night, much less use an egg every day.
Sean Jameson: That must have been tough.
Megan Riley: It was not a really fun time but I started using an egg every once in a while and –
Sean Jameson: So when you say “using a Yoni egg”, for those who don’t know what the Yoni is, could you explain that?
Megan Riley: Sure, so the Yoni is, it’s like the second chakra area. It’s anywhere from the belly button to about halfway of the thigh so that’s what we define is the Yoni. It’s all the sexual organs; vagina, vulva, all the sexual area is the second chakra.
So, we take an egg and then we put it in our vagina and either keep it there for 10 minutes, a Yoni yoga practice that I do and I recorded a meditation about, or then just pop it in right before you go to sleep and it starts to work on you.
Sean Jameson: How do you mean work exactly?
Megan Riley: Well, physically, what’s going on is, it’s increasing the good estrogen, it reduces PMS, it reduces perimenopause symptoms and produces menopause symptoms. It increases, strengthens the vaginal wall and then stronger and longer orgasms.
Sean Jameson: As I’m sure, many of our listeners would appreciate.
Megan Riley: Oh my gosh.
Sean Jameson: So how long can you have an orgasm for?
Megan Riley: After using the egg pretty regularly, you know, the story about Sting and Trudy and making love for four hours?
Sean Jameson: Oh yeah.
Megan Riley: And we think that that was just made up? It’s really not. I had a four hour orgasm where, I kind of start to wonder, “Is this too much? Is this too much pleasure?” Then learning how to lean back into that and just accept the waves and the ride, it’s really extraordinary.
Sean Jameson: Wow, four hours. What do you do after four hours, do you take a big long nap or?
Megan Riley: A really nice long nap and then get up and a bath and if it’s with the right partner, go all over again.
Sean Jameson: Wow, nice. Okay, so if you’re introducing the Yoni egg to someone who hasn’t tried it before, what sort of advice would you give to the novice for using it, the first steps?
Megan Riley: I’m a little woo, so this will be more woo-based. It’s a crystal and with a crystal, crystal is going to be working with you on your intention, what you want to get from the egg. But then also the crystal is going to work with your body and your energy as to what you may need.
When I first started, what I wanted was to be happy. I didn’t know the process that it was going to take. So I really trust the crystal. We intend into the crystal, we get – I would say, just start, put a yoga mat down, get the crystal, some coconut oil and put coconut oil on the crystal put the egg into your vagina and I have a meditation, it’s about 10 minutes long of how to slow the breathing down, how then what to do.
So going into bridge pose, going your knees back and forth, moving your hips up and down, getting it into undulations where this isn’t really a sexual experience, it really is more just doing yoga for the Yoni.
Sean Jameson: Okay.
Megan Riley: And, a lot of women do have sexual experiences while using the egg.
Sean Jameson: But it’s not necessary?
Megan Riley: Not necessary at all.
Sean Jameson: Cool. So you do this a few times a day, a few times a week, once a month?
Megan Riley: I say start 30 days in a row, 10 minutes a day, that’s it.
Sean Jameson: That sounds pretty simple.
Megan Riley: And, you’ll start to sleep better, people will start to notice a glow and not really know what’s happening. People will ask, “Did you change your hair? What’s going on? Something has shifted.” You’ll start to see different opportunities that were there that you just couldn’t see. Then, you’ll notice sexually, so orgasms get much more strong and they last longer.
So a three, four, five-minute orgasm, right? Whole body orgasm, maybe if it’s a G spot, maybe a couple of minutes. These get even longer than that.
Sean Jameson: That sounds like a lot of fun, I’ve got to say.
Megan Riley: It is, it’s so great. Life is really unrecognizable and I bring it back to the egg, the egg put me in a different space, had me start seeing things differently and of course, you know, women, our neurosis is a direct relation to how many orgasms we have; the more orgasms we have, the less neurotic we are.
So really getting into the body, being able to feel the body, being able to feel when is – where is it that I am in my cycle? How is it that I can predict what’s going on? I know when it is that I’m ovulating, I know when it is that my moon is coming. Really being able to sync in, get out of the head and into the body.
Sean Jameson: Yeah, I think you make a great point that you know, I think it goes for guys too; sometimes anxiety, neurosis, stress, even things like, you know, past abuse or trauma can kind of affect, and you might not think it at the time but it can deeply affect your ability to enjoy sex alone or with a partner. I think it can be tough.
Megan Riley: Oh, very much so. We grew up masturbating as fast and as quiet as possible so that we didn’t get caught. Where now as adults, why is it that we don’t learn how to pleasure ourselves as adults by making love to ourselves? Why does it have to be as fast and as quiet as possible? And then, with a partner, how can we be with them?
So the Men’s Health spent millions and millions of dollars studying the women’s orgasm. What the result was, was when the amygdala is fired off — so if a woman is worried, if she’s concerned, if she’s feeling criticized, she is not going to be able to have an orgasm. That’s all great, but then what do we do about that? All that does is explain why 50% of women are non-orgasmic.
Well, with an egg, what that will do is it brings you down out of your head, into your body so that you can feel and not be worried, criticized, feeling scarce, not loved by your partner.
Sean Jameson: So it makes it easier for the orgasm.
Megan Riley: It will set us up. Yes, makes it easier to orgasm and for those women. So 50% of women are none orgasmic, another 50% of the remaining, so 25%, is touch or go. Yeah, it might happen, it might not happen. My experience with my clients with the egg is that 25% is more likely to orgasm.
Sean Jameson: Well then, I can only say you should try out the Yoni egg.
Megan Riley: I just can’t even say enough about the egg.
Sean Jameson: Going in a slightly different direction, if a couple is struggling, if there’s an orgasm gap for a couple where perhaps the man is really enjoying himself, but his female partner isn’t, what can they do to communicate better to kind of bridge that gap and for her to have more fun, more pleasure during sex? Do you have any advice for people listening in that situation?
Megan Riley: Well, I think that depends a lot of love languages but not only love languages like a woman likes to be told how beautiful she is. I just think the Yoni is very much like a woman. The Yoni wants to be told how beautiful she is, the Yoni wants to be admired. The Yoni wants to be revered and we spend so much time building resentments, not saying things, not getting things out. There is so much that’s not said between couples that are more often than not sex life has to do with laundry.
Sean Jameson: Oh yeah? What do you mean exactly about that?
Megan Riley: Oh very much. Well, if something is not being done about the house and we’ll just use gender because it is easier but not to say that same sex relationships don’t have the same issue. If a woman is feeling resentful about something not being done about the house, she is less likely to be able to get into her body and much less likely to orgasm.
Sean Jameson: Absolutely, I completely agree and I mean that even feeds into the duo control model that it is something that will put the brakes on your sexuality. You know, if you are a little pissed off to be frank, it is naturally going to cascade over into your ability to get turned on, to get out of your head and to enjoy sex.
Megan Riley: Very much so. So, I love to tell men, foreplay starts 24 hours before. If a man wants to get laid in a day start by acknowledging her. Start by having her feel beautiful, start by sexting her a little bit the next day, the day before. Why not build up to something that is beautiful and romantic so that she can turn her brain off?
Sean Jameson: I can’t agree more because it’s something – you know, I get emails from guys saying, “I don’t know what’s up, you know? We’ve got three kids at home, my wife is stressed and then I came home tired from work and I just wanted some sex and she wasn’t in the mood. It really pissed me off.”
Megan Riley: I can’t imagine why.
Sean Jameson: It’s kind of bizarre. I mean, it’s obvious perhaps for someone on the outside looking in but I guess it’s a tragedy for some people if you don’t realize particularly for guys perhaps that the buildup can take time. It is not the case of five minutes. You know, sometimes a quickie can be hot, can be nice but often a lot of time is needed to sort of preheat the oven if you want to take a very clichéd approach to it.
Megan Riley: Very much so and a quick and dirty in the shower is great if she’s had the time to prime for it.
Sean Jameson: Absolutely. So, I’ve heard from a friend that you have some great advice for women who want to repay the favor to their man. So for men who do provide their partner with lots of pleasure and for women who want to repay that favor, I am told you have some very fun advice on that.
Megan Riley: Oh I do Sean. The prostate. Now, okay, so the prostate is — just like the G-spot is the God spot for women, the prostate is the God spot for men. So giving your partner a prostate massage either with your finger or a toy, there’s all sorts of toys out there and I think it was one of your podcasts — Aneros was the toy.
Sean Jameson: Yeah, I think Forest, he was the product developer for Aneros who makes prostate massagers.
Megan Riley: Yes, that thing. I’ve got to tell you, I bought that thing for a partner, it’s been a while and that was a god spot moment.
Sean Jameson: So you got good reviews from your partner?
Megan Riley: Yes, good review. So the toys or a finger and there’s all sorts of books out there, I have a podcast on prostate massage, there is all sorts of things available but this, this is a way to give back that whole body god, spiritual, physical, sexual experience that men give us with g spot orgasm and cervical orgasms. It’s such a sweet gift to give him and really isn’t that much of a stretch, you know, some men are cautious about going for an oil check but open to what is possible.
And once you start talking about when you can describe what other men are describing, there is all sorts of post about it, there is books about it about this god experience, about the whole body orgasm, they are much more willing to open up. Ladies, this kind of experience and Sean maybe you can comment on this, will change their life. Then they will understand what a g spot orgasm can do for us. Then they’ll understand what a cervical orgasm does for us is when they have this experience.
Sean Jameson: Okay, so if you have to give someone, imagine you have to give someone step by step advice, maybe they have a partner who is a little bit curious but they’ve never mentioned the P spot, the prostrate, the god spot and they are trying to bring it up and they want their partner to experience it, how would you advise them to approach it?
Megan Riley: Well first I would either say, “Well, I heard a podcast about this and I would really love to try it,” or something like that. With somewhere where he can refer back to and listen to our conversation your previous podcasts about it, something like that so that he doesn’t feel this isn’t an attack on his masculinity, this doesn’t mean anything about him, it is just going to be a spiritual experience, at some point. It may not be the first time he has a prostate massage.
So then what you want to do is have him aroused just like a g spot, a man can’t go right in for g spot stimulation. You have to start out with oral sex, you have to start out with foreplay, you have to start out getting the prostate enlarged. So oral sex, penetration, you have to start out there, right? Lots and lots of lubrication, coconut oil is our friend just like the Yoni egg.
So what you are looking for is very similar to how the g spot feels. It’s just a different texture and it depends on different men how far up that it, some are two to three inches up and as you put a finger in then very similar, this is not an accident, just like with women, the “come hither” movement, just like that.
So how does that feel? For some men, direct stimulation right on the prostrate that’s too much so you want to go around. Some men need a lot of pressure right on that, and so it’s just lots of communication, lots of how is it that he’s feeling, is this arousing, is it too much, is it too much stimulation? Where else could you distract or maybe divert a little bit of intimidation if that is oral sex, if that is a hand job, what is it that is then going to work for him because it is different for every man.
[0:19:05.6] Sean Jameson: Yeah, sure and there is a little bit of I guess you can say quite figuratively feeling your way around to what works best, just like with any kind of sexual act.
Megan Riley: Exactly and that is why I love, before you go to toys to really explore this with your partner because I would want to say this is in a committed relationship. In more of a casual relationship just like women don’t want to have the god spot experience in a casual relationship because we’ll probably fall in love with him, you probably don’t want to give him a prostate orgasm for the same reason, in a casual relationship, especially if it’s the first one he’s ever had.
Sean Jameson: It’s just that powerful.
Megan Riley: It’s just that powerful. So starting out with just the two of you, so before you go to a toy, learn him and his body and how is it that you can not only give him this kind of pleasure but how it is that you can take pleasure from what you are giving him. I think it is a really beautiful, sweet experience.
Sean Jameson: I do too. I think that’s a great place, Megan, to leave the podcast and thanks so much for coming on the show. If people want to find out more about you, connect with you, how can they do that?
Megan Riley: Well my website is Megan M. Riley and I am a sexual empowerment coach and psychic. So I work with women on healing their relationship with their bodies, healing their relationship with their sexuality and really bringing that sense of the orgasmic into every area of their life.
Sean Jameson: So not just their sex life?
Megan Riley: Not just sex, every area.
Sean Jameson: Awesome. Megan, thanks for coming in the show.
Megan Riley: Thank you, Sean.
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed. And...
She completely hid this from her husband. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a way for any woman to orgasm. Easily. And have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
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