This discreet newsletter will teach you how to make him cum hard, give freaky blow jobs & make him scream your name in bed. Click here to get it.

I’m going to show you exactly how to make your man hard and really horny for you. Doing this will massively increase his desire for you and…make sex a lot more enjoyable for both of you.
The thing is some men can get hard at the sight of a woman, while others need specific things to turn them on and get hard.
Related: I regularly get messages from women struggling to orgasm. I usually recommend that they check out the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you the 3 simple steps to reach orgasm effortlessly during sex and masturbation. If you're interested, you can find out more here.
If you follow the framework below, you will give your man a strong erection every single time.
Use Your Voice
Is should come as no surprise that one of the surefire ways to make him hard is to talk dirty. Now, we’ve already got a guide to talking dirty on the Bad Girls Bible, so we’re not going to go super in-depth. Instead, check out a few of the key things to say to make him hard below. Remember, they work well when you speak them, but they’re great for texting, too!
1. Let Him Know How Much He Turns You On

Letting your man know how much he turns you on is one of the fastest ways to give him a boner, erection, stiffy, or whatever you want to call it!
Guys have egos. They want to believe that they can conquer the world, earn tons of money as well as turn on & attract their girl.
If you're interested in learning how to squirt easily during sex and when masturbating, then you may want to check out my Squirting Magic Guide.
By letting him know how much he turns you on, you play to his ego, which is highly attractive to a man. In turn, this will turn him on, make him horny, and invariably give him a hard on.
So how can you let him know that he is turning you on?
It’s pretty simple. The easiest way is to start talking dirty to him. If you’re both not in the same place, then you can try sending some dirty text messages too. As well as talking dirty to him, don’t forget to touch him too in a way that FRIENDS WOULDN’T (i.e., be a little more aggressive).
Touching him in a more than friendly way means things like resting your hand on his arm, rubbing his leg, putting your arm around his shoulder, kissing him, etc.
Make sure to also learn: The 17 signs he is really turned on by you.
2. Tell Him You’ve Been Thinking Of Him
This goes pretty hand-in-hand with telling a guy that you want him. But it also says that you want him to badly you just can’t stop thinking about him. Perhaps let it slip that you’ve been distracted at work. And if you’ve already fooled around, tell him how you thought of a specific time you were together
Want to take it one step further? Let him know you’ve been thinking about him while touching yourself. That visual will get him thinking about you and is sure to make your guy hard!
3. Compliment Him
The third and final tip to make him hard using your words is to compliment him. This works well because men often don’t receive compliments on their looks, so that a few kind words can make his day, if not his year!
This can certainly be a PG comment about his smile or his eyes, but it doesn’t have to be. Let him know if his forearms are a turn-on, perhaps by giving them a little squeeze. Compliment his chest, especially if you know he’s been working out. Mention his cute butt if that’s what does it for you.
Don’t forget other compliments. If he has an awesome sense of style, speak up! He’ll love hearing how that shirt compliments his best features. Explain how you appreciate the way he cares for you or how he rocks your world in bed. Don’t go overboard. Simply speak from your heart (or loins!).
Your guy might be a little shy about compliments if he isn’t used to hearing them or has been picked on in the past, so don’t make a big deal if he’s a bit flustered when you flatter him.
4. Get Him Hard Over Text
While you can certainly use the previous ideas over text, certain things work especially well in text.
Add media – Whether it’s a photo, a video, or a recording, you can add something extra that allows your man to see or hear you. You might just find yourself turned on when you’re sending texts to get him hard.
Play a game – There are a few flirty text games you can play with a guy to turn him (and you!) on. Check out our suggested texts to make him hard.
Remember, you can say all sorts of things to make him had, so feel free to get creative!
Possibly useful: If you want to give your man (& yourself) back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually addicted to you, then you'll find them in my private and discreet newsletter. You'll also learn the 5 dangerous & "dumb" sex mistakes that turn him off and how to avoid them. Get it here.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Whether you’re a little shy or want to try something new, you can use your actions if you want to make your guy hard. In fact, the right combination of words and actions might drive him wild!
5. Foreplay, Foreplay, Foreplay…

If you have been talking dirty to your man for a number of hours (or even days if you are sending him dirty text messages), then it’s time to ramp it up a little and start thinking about moving towards foreplay.
Foreplay is surprisingly easy to do right. I’ve even created a whole section on foreplay on the Bad Girls Bible that you’ll find right here.
But for the time being, think about how you are going to move from kissing him to giving him a handjob/blowjob in a smooth way while getting him rock hard at the same time. Try this 5 step process to do just that:
- Start by grazing his leg with your legs and hands as you are talking to him.
- After doing for a while, start to rub his inner leg with your hand.
- After a minute or 2 of rubbing his inner leg, start to massage his crotch outside his trousers.
- At this stage, your man should be starting to get really aroused. It’s now time to put your hand inside his trousers but outside his jocks/briefs then rub & massage his balls and cock.
- Finally, put your hands inside his briefs/jocks and start giving him a blowjob or handjob.
6. Handjobs & Blowjobs
At this stage, your man should be super hard. But if he’s not, then simply grab his penis in your hand and start to jerk him off. Check out this article on hand jobs for more info on how to jerk him off once you reach this stage.
If jerking him off doesn’t do it for him, then it’s time to start giving him a blow job. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you can give him a boner by taking his cock into your mouth. Rather than repeating myself here on how to give a blowjob, check out this powerful blow job tutorial video where I teach my most enjoyable techniques.
If you’re short on time or really want to surprise him, you can sometimes skip these steps. Most guys will become hard instantly if you walk up, pull down their pants, fall to your knees, and start sucking their cocks! This leads us to our next point.
7. Initiate Sex
Of course, most of the things that make your guy hard are great ways to initiate sex, but some women just don’t initiate. Instead, they try to put out signals that they hope their partners will pick up on [1 p 121]. This can lead to frustration if your man doesn’t clue in on your signals and even a bit of resentment if your guy is always the one who initiates sex. In fact, in one survey about sexual initiation, researchers found not only that was initiation male-dominated most of the time, but that 72.2% of those guys who were usually the initiator desired “a more egalitarian pattern” of initiation [2].
Quick Warning: While this woman's story & subsequent BJ tutorial video is quite distressing, it will teach you how to make your man scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having your guy completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out her story & (explicit!) blow job tutorial video here.
Initiating sex means you get more sex when you want it. You get to feel empowered. Your man feels desired and desirable. And there’s less pressure and potential rejection for him to deal with when you even the playing field a bit.
Related: 9 Ways to Initiate Sex, Drive Him Wild and Take Control Of Your Sex Life
8. Kissing
Have you ever had a steamy kiss that left you a little weak in the knees.. and perhaps wet between your legs? Well, a passionate kiss can do the same for your man!
Check out this post if you want to learn how to blow his mind with your amazing kissing abilities.
9. Hugging
Sometimes what makes a guy hard can come as a surprise. Have you ever hugged a guy and realized you could feel his penis? So the next time you want him hard before sex, pull him close and don’t let go.
10. Put On Lingerie
Walking into the room in some sexy lingerie is pretty much guaranteed to get him hard and get you laid! If you’ve already worn lingerie and your man has a favorite piece, bring that out to get his attention.
Otherwise, check this guide to picking the perfect lingerie for your body.
Buy: Dirty Talking Bible.
11. Give A Sneak Peek
Have you ever caught your man gazing at you as you get (un)dressed or take a shower? It can be pretty arousing for both of you. But it’s all too common for people to hide their bodies if they have insecurities or simply rush through activities such as showering if other things demand their time.
So if it’s been a while since your husband could sneak a peak or even if it’s never happened before, why not make it happen? You can change clothes when you know he’s home or leave the door slightly ajar when you shower. Try this: let him “catch” you masturbating!
Just the sight of you may be all your boyfriend needs to get hard without you touching him. It’s up to you if you want to feign surprise when he sees you. Of course, you can always ask if he likes what he sees and perhaps ask him to join you. That will definitely get him hard!
Oh, and don’t be afraid to flip the script by appreciatively watching him change or shower 😉
12. Use Your Elevator Eyes
There’s a slang term when you look someone up and down to take on their full appearance: elevator eyes. The phrase can have a negative meaning if the attention isn’t wanted. But that’s not usually the case if you’re already romantically or sexually involved with someone.
So it’s okay to take in your man’s body when he’s changing, working out, dressed to the nines, working around the house, or doing anything else that turns you on. It might feel a little weird to let your gaze linger, but you’ll get used to it in time.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to make him erect! This is just the tip of the iceberg. And some guys get it up from things you might not imagine…
A constant question: I consistently get emails asking how to orgasm more easily & often during sex. I usually recommend this 3 step system that makes it a lot easier (& fun!). You can also see people's reactions to it here 😉
We know of a guy whose dick got really hard from seeing his partner cry when she was sad!
So the best way to figure out how to get your man hard may just be to ask him.
Want more tips? Check out this guide to turn a guy on fast!
13. Keep The Pressure Off

One of the worst things you can do to a guy is put pressure on him to ‘perform’ and get an erection.
If you want to be sure that you get your guy hard, you need to make it a low-pressure situation for him. Here are 2 simple, yet highly effective ways of keeping the pressure off your man:
- The easiest way of keeping the pressure off is by NOT expecting or caring if he gets a boner or erection. Instead, just make sure that he is having fun and enjoying himself with you.
- If he is not hard or initially can’t get an erection, don’t make a big deal about it. This means that you shouldn’t talk about it too much or change your body language or act surprised. The truth is, it isn’t a big deal; all men at some stage will have trouble getting an erection. It’s natural.
This fun might come in the form of flirting, cuddling, and kissing for intimacy, or you may fool around and focus on activities that don’t involve his penis. Even masturbating in front of your guy can be a ton of fun.
And if your man isn’t as hard as a rock? That can still be a ton of fun! Although, using a cock ring or a penis pump can help if you have trouble keeping him hard.
Quick Warning: This tutorial video will teach you how to make your girl collapse with unending pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having her completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out this slightly crazy & explicit pussy eating tutorial video here.
One question I often get is:
“I can’t make my man hard. What am I doing wrong, Sean?”
My answer:
If he likes being with you and getting sexual with you, THEN YOU ARE DOING NOTHING WRONG.
Stop worrying. Seriously!
Remember, it’s not about you. There are plenty of reasons why a guy can’t get an erection that have nothing at all to do with him finding you attractive, loving you, or wanting to have sex with you, many of which can make it hard for him to come, including:
- Stress
- Medication [3, 4 p 160]
- Illness such as diabetes [5, 6]
- Certain injuries [7]
- Tummy troubles
- Tiredness [8]
- Body image
- Anxiety [9]
- Depression [10]
- Drugs or alcohol [11]
- High cholesterol [12]
- Nervousness
- Lack of sexual self-confidence [13]
- Age [14]
And don’t forget about the refractory period, the time after an orgasm when a man cannot become erect again [15]! Sometimes biology takes over, and you just can’t get your guy hard no matter what you do.
Similarly, you might need to adjust your expectations if you expect him to get instantly hard, especially if he’s a little older. Get tips for having sex with an older man.
Although the answer to why you can’t give him an erection may be easy, your guy may not want to open up if he’s having GI issues, which is just another reason to let it be, especially if only happens now and then. If it’s a recurring problem, however, you might want to talk to a professional.
14. Talk To A Doctor
Often guys find it difficult to get a proper erection when they are exhausted or stressed. This is no biggie, especially if it only happens on rare occasions. It’s something that shouldn’t concern either you or your man…
However, a very small percentage of guys, unfortunately, have serious problems ever getting an erection. If this is the case, then he should talk to a doctor. There’s a reason drugs like Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis are worth billions of dollars a year as lots of guys have erectile problems.
Your man’s doctor can also rule out physical issues. A fairly reliable rule of thumb is to check whether your man can get hard at all. If he wakes up with morning wood and has no trouble masturbating, it’s typically not a physical problem.
15. …Or a Therapist
Now, some people balk at the suggestion of talking to a mental health professional, but doing so is likely less uncomfortable than dealing with erection issues or brushing problems within your relationship under the rug.
The type of mental health professional who can help the best varies. Someone who specializes in couples might be best if relationship issues are at the heart of his difficulty to get hard, which can sometimes be the case. But if your guy is struggling with mental health, self-esteem, or other issues that impact your sex life, it might be best for him to go solo.
Regardless, you’ll want to seek out someone capable of talking about sex professionally because this is an issue of a sexual nature.
16. But First, Learn About Desire

On Bad Girls Bible, we have an entire guide dedicated to how women experience desire. Some key findings include that women often need things to be “just right,” may not want sex if they’re not feeling safe or connected to a partner, and may easily have their desire halt. While these things apply to women more frequently, plenty of men experience them, too. Dr. Emily Nagoski writes about how some men experience responsive sexual desire [16 p 3].
What this means is that it may be harder to get your man hard if the setting isn’t just right. Or you may struggle to keep him hard. If your relationship is new, nerves may not be doing him any favors.
It’s absolutely worth learning a bit more about desire. Sometimes people think they have low desire but have yet to learn how to trigger that desire.
And erection concerns are among the factors that have “a significant direct effect on reduced sexual desire.” [17]. He may not even want you to give him an erection if he feels shame or embarrassment about his dick. Talk about a catch-22! This is another reason why you don’t want to make a big deal if he struggles to get it up from time to time. Speaking of time…
17. Get Your Timing Right
If you’re trying to get your man hard and it’s not working, consider the setting. Perhaps you think it’s fun to tease in public or get really turned on at the idea of getting caught. But not everyone is like that. The two of you may need to compromise. Perhaps, instead of trying to turn him on in public, you could troke him in the car, blow him on a rooftop balcony, or get frisky while camping.
Relationships involve a lot of compromises. Fortunately, this is the sort of compromise that can end in a good time for everyone involved!
If you’d like to learn my most effective techniques on how to satisfy your man sexually, we’ve got plenty more advice throughout the site 🙂
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed. And...
She completely hid this from her husband. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a way for any woman to orgasm. Easily. And have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
Hey…every time during foreplay/blow job my partner will go hard then suddenly after I will notice that he was not hard again and sometimes when he’s hard and we have sex not long I will feel that he’s not hard. Every time we have sex he’s always like this….so what’s the reason thats why he’s always like this and sometimes I tell him why you always like this .
Hi Rose, it’s hard to tell here. If he’s young and healthy, then the best thing he can do is talk to a doctor.
I want to add an alterntive comment to Sean’s; it is most likely due to the first bullet point above, i.e. “Most likely it’s because he’s nervous about making sure everything goes right and that he can get hard for you”.
I’m a young healthy guy that has no physical problem getting hard, but when I start going out with a girl I can get stuck in a frame of mind where I’m nervous about not being able to get hard/stay hard, and so this nervous feeling makes me very anxious which of course is not ideal for getting hard/staying hard…see how the circle works, and its very difficult for a guy to snap out of it and just enjoy the experience.
My advice for You is talk to your boyfriend, ask if this is the issue. And if it is the issue, and he means more to you than just a temporary sexual fling, then be patient and understanding with him. Help him to relax and snap out of this frame of mind. Because end of the day, it is just a frame of mind and so he can learn to stop being nervous and just enjoy the experience.
Hi Sean,
First I would like to say how much I have enjoyed this bible! It really has helped me out ALOT!!! Although I still have problems giving a complete full on blow job, mostly because I have a very small mouth that dentists even have to pry open, and my jaw gets sour fairly quickly, I still enjoy all these tips!
It’s all about practice
Hi Sean
I could use some help. Over the past weekend, I had a sexual encounter with a man that I had sex with once, 15 years ago. This man and I have a long history. Since Jr high school. We dated off and on for 3 years back then and we were each other’s first kiss. Now we’ve gotten back in touch and met up last weekend. Everything was absolutely perfect. Only really strange thing was he never got fully hard until he was inside of me. Not that there was anything wrong with that, its just never happened to me before. Please tell me it was just nerves. Is this A normal occurrence? What makes me really question it is that he says it’s never happened to him before. I’m hoping it was nerves because I want to see him again and I don’t want him to worry about it. Any thoughts about what I should do?
Sounds like nerves, don’t worry about it.
Got to ask , some one I’m with, and giving him pleasure but it’s taking him ages to get a hard on, any reason why it’s takes so long?
It could be a bunch of factors…perhaps he’s a little older, a medication, stress, a medical condition or something similar causing this.
Hey, Sean
My boyfriend and I have been together for like two months now and during all this time there wouldn’t be any problem with him having an erection around me. Sometimes in bed even a slight touch of my foot would have caused an erection. But 4 days ago we’ve decided it’s finally time to have sex. The thing is…the first time we tried, he got immediately soft. Then the next day it almost worked, but he couldn’t ejaculate. Then for the last two days he had no erection at all around me. Strange is…we got out for shopping, and we kissed in the bus. There was an immediate response coming from down there, but when we got home, nothing.
It’s not his first time having sex, and it’s not mine either. The thing is, before I met him, every time I had sex was very unpleasant and it hurt. Even oral sex was terrible until he started doing it like a month ago, and it feels amazing. Maybe this is happening now because I’ve told him all this? I don’t know what to think or do about it…
Sounds like a tough situation for both of you. It could be that he is nervous and gets performance anxiety.
hi.i have a similar’s just that my boyfriend get tense and weird when it comes To sex.its like he don’t like to touch me.its fistrated and I don’t know how to handle it.
Hi Sean have been with my boyfriend for 9months nw & he’s super cool and fun how sex life is great i lost my virginity to him couple of months ago and so far we have bn great together the only issue i have nw is dat some weeks ago i asked me to give him cowgirl position but i’m so scared cuz i feel like dt position will be pain? I rili don’t know what to do should i just set aside my fears of the pain and do it or wot? Please reply
Talk to him and let him know your fears. Also, make sure to check out this guide on riding your man with confidence.
I tried it, no pain for me and I’m 59
Was married 32 year’s and hot divorce.. last few years started dating and start great get turned on but we I get ready mount and struggle putting it in , then i lose consertration and lose my erction..but if it goes in easily I’m good and perform but get so nervous trying to balance and put it in .. being around new partners trying to please them so much cannot focus and calm down …any recommendations
It’s pretty normal to be a bit nervous when with someone new. The funny thing is that he will probably be nervous too, worrying more about his own performance than worrying about your performance.
I don’t feel anything when having sex… there’s no enjoyment
Sorry to hear that Ella 🙁 Maybe start with masturbation to discover what you do enjoy
I’ve been daging my current boyfriend for 4 months now, and every time I begin taking control in the situation, he’d creep on top of me and begin fingerint or fucking me. It’s not a bad thing, but is there a way I can show dominance?
Talk to him about it so that he knows that you want to dominate him a bit.
Okay… i get it he is more sensitive and after work he’s not in the mood. Not to mention I’m pregnate but ever sense we moved in together our sex has died. I need more but it’s hard not to be an a** and tell him that he needs to f*** before I kill him. I try all the time and it never fails the rejection. I’m tired let’s just sleep it’s only been a week. Are you kidding me i am a female with needs. I am more open then most woman as in i alway want to try new things or even let people into our bed. Now it’s almost been a year of this rejection and I’m starting not to care. I ALWAYS make the moves I honestly can’t remeber the last time he did. Our relationship is now suffering from it because I’m upset and angry all the time when he tells me we will do it and then nothing happens. I have litterally exahusted ever thought I have and nothing works. I can get him hard or give him oral and he will just day sorry but I’m not in the mood. I feel like it’s partly the baby but sometimes I have to put porn on for anything to happen. I just don’t know how to change this limbo we are in or if there is anyway to fix it.
Talk to him
This situation sounds very similar to my own. Hope u can work it all out hun! And id hope I can make it work too !
Hi my name is kathleen im 19 years old an ive been with a man for 3 years he is 34 years old he still gets turned on but when hes asleep he rubs on my leg an my vagina an he turns me on what do I do I dont wanna wake him up I need some advice we still get aroused by each other should I just go for ur advice an see where it leads me ??
Talk to him and find out what you both want.
that mean is a predator. its been 3 years but i hope youre out
I am 56 and my boyfriend is 45. I find he used to get erections by just the thought of me giving him oral sex, because I would text him ahead of time and tell him that’s what he was coming home to.Now he’s all soft all the time, even though he knows it’s coming and enjoys it. I have to manipulate him with my hands all the time. Also it takes him about 15 minutes of solid thrusting in my mouth to orgasm and takes sometimes 40 minutes for him to orgasm with intercourse and he often goes through periods during the 40 minutes of intercourse where he becomes completely soft. I am starting to take it personally as he is used to sleeping with girls half his age, and I am scared I am just not doing for him anymore. Can’t talk to him about it, he’s not going to admit truth.
It’s not you. It’s almost never the woman that is the reason for a mans lack of erection. I’m 56 boyfriend is 49. He has struggled withED for a few yrs. He’s fit, healthy, doesn’t drink or smoke. If erectile problems happen often it will get in a mans head. That creates a snowball effect of anxiety about performance which just makes things worse. Many men can orgasm without erection. Talk to him, be patient, enjoy the benefit of all of the “ other” things you can do. I personally enjoy the intimacy and closeness we have without the pressure of performance. There are many performance enhancing OTC meds. Also dietary changes help a lot
I want to give my ex a blow job but I don’t know how to do that.
This guide will help, have fun 😉
My man is already hard when he sees me, is there a reason why he is?
My man doesn’t want to watch sec dvd’s with me, he’s jealous, he want to get on with the business quickly and I want to have fun, pls help
So don’t usually tell my buisness but I’m pretty confused at the moment and so is my man he has a 1 year old son but every time we try to have sex he cant keep it up then it’s just weird for the both of us help!!!! ???
I really want this guy to eat me up but were not dating and i get turned on fast especially around him, we’ve kissed once and i almost tore him apart he was hard but turned away and left i wanted to ride him with everything i’ve got i cant help it no more i seduced him once made him suck my b**bs and i know he wants me but i cant tell why he dosent want to f**k me i feel bad help!
Hi Sean,
Whenever i have sex with my boyfriend, he can’t get hard easily even though i touch and rub it. I had to take a very long time to get him hard. When my saliva touch his neck, shoulder or skin. He would be very sensitive and saying it was disgusting. Whenever i ask him the reason for not getting hard, he would be upset and ignore me.
We don’t do much sex either because he doesn’t like sex? I wonder is it my problem or his. I can’t understand the situation. Everytime we having sex, he just doesn’t get hard. I hope the methods actually work for us.
You and him may also want to check out this guide on getting hard and staying hard
I’m always practicing a balancing act with my girlfriend. She wants me to cum as fast as possible when she’s giving me head. But, when I’m pumping her pussy she wants me to not cum for at least 20 minutes.
Me n my bf been together off and on for 11 yrs.we recently was together jan.2022 til Aug 2022 and now we live separately and see each other like 10 times a month. He ignores me for days then when he wants me to come over he is loving and he really wants me. How do i make him stay consistently and only want me full time 24-7 and love me again
It could also be a health issue. Perhaps he should talk to his doctor?
Hi, my fella I’ve been with for 4 months has just started to go soft during intercourse, he stays hard if I use my hand or mouth but as soon as he enters me that it soft straight away and only gets hard again with hand or mouth we’re both 40 and he said he’s still really attracted to me, I’m wondering if it’s because I go down on him every time we get together and it’s just what he’s used to now so he doesn’t get the same stimulation from intercourse. I feel as though it’s when he’s looking at me cos it’s usually when I’m on top he loses interest cos cowgirl, reverse cowgirl and missionary don’t do it for him anymore but we can do doggy and he’s fine and in the shower doggy he loves but I need the rest to feel satisfied, usually I just end up giving a BJ and he’s satisfied but I’m left frustrated for weeks on end, he will give head every now and again but it’s just not long enough or the way i prefer (yes ive directed him what to do) for me to reach orgasm, I’ve only ever orgasmed once through penetrive in my life and can only get there on my own otherwise so I’ve got issues too. I’ve got all this desire and what i want in my mind and it’s going nowhere, sex has always been boring for me as Ile talk through things and make suggestions and tell a guy directly what I like but they never listen yet they get what they want and be happy. I’m wondering too if it’s cos ive directed him a few times as hes small in that department that’s it’s knocked his confidence cos that’s when it seemed to start happening, asked if he was bored he said he isn’t and still has that excited feeling. Thinking i should just become a lesbian!!! 😒
Hard to tell what the issue is Tamsin. Is he otherwise healthy? Could he try stopping masturbating for a few weeks to see if that helps?
How do I orgasm I’m 76
Check out our guide that will teach you how to orgasm.