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For thousands of years, a large penis has been associated with masculinity and virility, and today, thousands of men scour the web trying to learn how to get a bigger penis. Throughout history, men have tried many different methods to get a bigger penis, including…
Allowing poisonous snakes to bite the penis to make it larger [1]!!!
Quick Warning: This tutorial video will teach you how to make your girl scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having her completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) pussy eating tutorial video here.
Unfortunately, men today continue to feel pressure to have a larger penis, which can lead to shame, embarrassment, and stress. It often causes men who have a normal sized penis to believe that they require penis enlargement. With countless TV commercials, internet ads, and magazine advertisements advertising different ways to make your penis bigger, it’s easy to start feeling insecure about your size.
Of course, even if you feel like you could use a boost in the size department, there’s a good chance your penis is actually average. The average erect penis length for most men ranges between 5-6.5 inches, while the average flaccid length ranges between 1-4 inches [2]. Although studies haven’t found a relationship between penis size and race, the evidence does show that normal stretched penile length varies between ethnic groups, with East Asians having a slightly shorter stretched penile length compared to African-American and Caucasian ethnic groups [3].
You cannot necessarily tell how big a penis will be when it’s soft. Men who have smaller flaccid penises but impressive erections are known as “growers” (learn about the 10 types of penises). However, you might be concerned if you’re smaller in both states.
We don’t recommend grabbing your nearest poisonous snake if you want to grow your penis, but we have found a few proven methods you can use to make your penis bigger. You’ll also find some tips on how to make your penis larger in appearance and a few important suggestions for preventing shrinkage.
And if you still want more tips on how to satisfy your woman, then you may be interested in checking out our in-depth, illustrated guide on how to make your girl squirt.
Side note: We recently ran a study with 1,387 women participating where we discovered how small is too small for women. You may want to check it out if you are worried that you are not big enough.
Sidenote: If you want to learn how to make your girl squirt like a pornstar and give her girl back-arching, toe-curling, screaming (multiple) orgasms to keep her sexually addicted you, then you can learn them in my private and discreet newsletter. Get it here.
Common Methods for Increasing Penis Size

A quick internet search will give you a whole list of ways to make your penis bigger. But do they work? Are they safe? We’ve done the research to give you the real scoop on what doesn’t work, what requires more research, and the options that really will help you get a bigger penis.
Pills and Lotions
The internet is packed with banner ads and pop-ups that advertise pills and lotions for male enhancement and enlarging the penis. They often contain herbs, hormones, minerals, and vitamins, but none of them have been proven to work. Some pills have been investigated by the FDA and found to have levels of prescription drugs like sildenafil (Viagra) in them, and the FDA notes that there’s a growing trend of dietary supplements that contain hidden chemicals and drugs [5].
With no proof to back them up and the potential dangers that come with hidden ingredients, we don’t recommend these products if you want to grow your penis. There’s no guarantee that they’ll increase penis size, and you may experience unwanted side effects.
Often dubbed an ‘exercise,’ jelquing is a technique for penis enlargement that’s become popular with the rise of the internet as how-to videos, and online blogs have pushed it as an easy way to make your penis larger. Jelquing refers to penis massage with a hand-over-hand motion to push blood from the base of the penis to the head [1].
While there are many anecdotal reports online that jelquing is an effective way to increase penis size, no scientific studies have ever concluded that the technique works. Proponents of jelquing claim that regularly stretching and pulling the penis will make the tissue fill with blood, causing it to permanently swell. However, basic penis anatomy contradicts this idea, since the penis is an organ and not a muscle that you can alter or strengthen with penis enlargement exercise. There’s also the risk of penile damage with jelquing, since this technique may lead to irritation, blood vessel tears, scar formation, bruising, pain, and desensitization of the penis [6].
Psst, when it comes to being great in bed, your brain is as important an orgasn as your penis. So, find out how to make a girl horny and how to turn her on using every tool at your disposal.
Penis Extenders and Traction Devices
Penis extenders and traction devices are other options often advertised to make your penis bigger, and they are designed to stretch the penis by exerting traction on it. One small study done on 23 men saw a small increase in both flaccid penile length and stretched penile length after using a penile extender [7]. Another small study on 15 patients saw more significant gains in length after six months of using penile extenders, along with improvements in erectile function [8]. It’s important to note that both of these studies are very small, and while they look promising, further studies on penis extension and penis stretching are needed.
Vacuum Pumps
Vacuum pumps are often used to treat erectile dysfunction because they draw blood into the penis, causing it to swell. Some men have tried to use vacuum pumps to increase size, but routinely using a penis pump or using it longer than typically used to treat ED can result in damage to the elastic tissue of the penis, resulting in less-firm erections. Although a vacuum pump may create the illusion of a larger penis at the time, the results are not permanent [1].
Priapus Shot

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used clinically in humans since the 1970s, and the healing properties of PRP have been attributed to the secretory proteins and autologous growth factors that may enhance the healing process at a cellular level. It’s also been found to enhance the differentiation, recruitment, and proliferation of cells that are involved in tissue regeneration [9]. Through the years, researchers have found many different uses for PRP, studying it in the skin healing process [10][11] and as a symptom- and disease-modifying treatment for osteoarthritis [12].
In recent years, researchers at the University of California School of Medicine injected the penis of diabetic rats with adipose tissue-derived stem cells, and the results were the improvement of erectile function as well as an altering of the microarchitecture of the corpus cavernosum with an increase in the number of endothelial cells in this area [13]. Simply put – the rats had harder erections and more tissue. It’s thought that the growth factors caused this improvement, and these are the same types of growth factors found in PRP injections.
The success of PRP injections led to the cosmetic industry adopting the use of PRP for various specialized cosmetic treatments, such as the Vampire Breast Lift, Vampire Facelift, Vampire Facial, and the Priapus Shot. Certain doctors offer the Priapus Shot as a method for increasing penis size and improve erectile function. The procedure involves drawing blood from the arm, using a centrifuge to separate platelets, making those platelets think the body has been injured, so they release growth factors, and then injecting this liquid into the penis with a small needle. While you can find satisfied testimonials of men who have had the Priapus shot, no actual studies have been done to back up the idea that these shots offer effective, long-term results.
Hyaluronic Acid Injections
Another injection option to consider if you want to make your penis bigger is hyaluronic acid injections, which involves injecting stabilized, hyaluronic acid-based non-animal gel into the penis. One study assessed patients who underwent either hyaluronic acid shots or lipofilling, looking at the charts of 83 patients who underwent one of these treatments for penis enlargement. Studies showed that all patients saw an increase in penis length of between 1.8-3.6 centimeters and the patients treated with hyaluronic acid had no complications [14]. While this study showed good results, more studies are necessary.
Surgical Intervention
For men trying to figure out how to get a bigger penis, innovative surgical techniques for lengthening the penis and enhancing girth have sparked interest. Male genital corrective surgery is becoming a more popular request by patients, but there’s not a lot of long-term data and patient-related satisfaction details surrounding surgical intervention as a method for penis enlargement [15]. Penile elongation surgery is an option for restoring the penis to functional size for satisfactory sexual intercourse, although it’s generally only recommended as a treatment for micropenis [16]. Currently, there is no optimal surgical method and each one has multiple risks [1].
Other Options
Herbal remedies, Kegels (pelvic floor exercises), and exercises have all been mentioned as potential ways to make your penis bigger. However, we’ve searched and searched for medical evidence that these techniques will work to grow your penis, but there’s simply zero, zilch, nada, no evidence. You may find lots of unverified anecdotes, which come from a sample size of one, but they simply cannot be trusted. After all, no one on the internet knows you’re a dog (or liar). We recommend that you avoid these techniques.
Changing the Appearance of Size

Although many of the common methods for penis enlargement either don’t work or have very little evidence to back them up, there are ways that you can change the appearance of size. The following methods won’t make your penis bigger, but they do have the ability to make your penis appear larger if you’re worried about size.
Losing Weight
For men who do have concerns about their penis size, doctors suggest that they start by losing weight. Although your penis won’t actually get bigger, losing weight can reduce this pad of fat around the pubic bone, exposing more of the penis and making it appear larger [17]. Even though it might not make your penis look longer, changes in your body can make it look that way.
You may even hear that losing 20-30 pounds will result in an extra inch of penis becoming visible or that being overweight hides up to 1/3 of your penis. While there no studies to back this up, it never hurts to lose weight and improving your health is good for your sex life, anyway!
Try: 12 sex positions for fat men and women.
As previously noted, gaining weight can result in the penis appearing shorter because the base becomes buried in fat. Liposuction may be used to reduce the pubic fat pad to make the penis appear larger [18]. Studies show that suprapubic liposuction is very safe and successful with minor or no complications when it is performed meticulously, and long with improving associated esthetic concerns, it may help improve self-esteem as well [19].
Trimming Pubic Hair
Pubic hair grooming in men has increased, with recent surveys finding that 50.5% of men surveyed reported regular pubic hair grooming [20]. While men groom their pubic hair for many different reasons, from regular hygiene to making oral sex easier, improved appearance and making the penis look longer were found to be fairly common reasons for male grooming. Trimming pubic hair, particularly around the base of the penis, may give you the appearance of a larger penis.
Preventing Shrinkage
If you’re worried about how to get a bigger penis, it’s also a good idea to learn about issues that can cause penis shrinkage and learn how to prevent them. Certain medications, surgical procedures, and medical conditions have the ability to result in shrinkage. Here’s a look at some of the potential causes of shrinkage and what you can do to prevent it.
Medications and Treatments
Medications and treatments that have been linked to penis shrinkage include:
Androgen Deprivation Therapy – Androgen deprivation therapy is used to eliminate as much testosterone as possible in the body to treat prostate cancer. This may be done with GnRH or LHRH agonists, which reduce the amount of testosterone in the body or with anti-androgens, which block the use of testosterone by cancer cells. Unfortunately, the reduction of testosterone can cause genital shrinkage [21]. While other treatments are available if you’re worried about shrinkage, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons with your medical professional when making a decision.
Prostate Cancer – Prostate cancer itself and the various treatments for it can result in changes in sexual function. We already mentioned how treatments that lower testosterone can result in shrinkage, but shrinkage can also be caused by tissue damage that occurs during surgery for prostate cancer [22]. Some studies on men conducted after radical prostatectomy found that penis size significantly decreased after this surgery [23]. However, studies have found that vacuum erectile devices may prove helpful for penile rehabilitation after surgery and may help preserve penile size [24].
Propecia – One study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that in male rats who were given oral finasteride treatment (Propecia), over four weeks there was a 25.9% reduction in the weight of the corpora cavernosa (penis) [25].
After Penis Implant Surgery

If you think that penis implant surgery may be the answer to your quest to make your penis bigger, the opposite can actually be true. Following the implantation of a penile prosthesis, some couples have reported dissatisfaction with penile girth and length. While penis implant surgery may improve penile rigidity, but it may confound a couple’s satisfaction with penile size to variable degrees [26]. Another review found that loss of penile size is a common complaint after penile prosthetic implant surgery, and pre-insertion, intraoperative, and post-insertion strategies are recommended to address these issues to reduce dissatisfaction with size after penis implant surgery [27].
Male aging can cause changes in libido and erectile function, and one study found an association between age, testosterone deficiency, and cavernosal fibrosis (shrinkage of the penis). Although the link is tenuous, it still is there, and the study concluded that further studies are needed to determine whether testosterone treatment, alone or along with PDE5 inhibitors (such as Viagra) may reduce the risk of cavernosal fibrosis [28].
Treating Erectile Dysfunction
Men dealing with erectile dysfunction (ED) have a higher risk of dealing with penile shrinkage. One study that included 1,027 adult men looked at normal adult men and ED patients with no differences in height, race, weight, and age. The ED patients have a significantly shorter penis length, showing an association between ED and shrinkage [29]. Another case-control study also found that both diabetic and nondiabetic men with ED dealt with a decline in penile dimensions, and the decline was even more prevalent in diabetic patients [30]. Working with your doctor to find an effective treatment for ED may help prevent shrinkage due to ED, and if you have comorbidities like diabetes along with ED, effectively managing both may be important to prevent a decline in penile dimensions.
Treating Peyronie’s Disease
Peyronie’s disease refers to an abnormal curvature of the penis that is caused by scar tissue, also called a plaque, in erectile tissue [31]. Peyronie’s disease has the ability to make your erection shrink or become deformed. Prompt treatment for the disease is important and can include treatments like vitamin E, steroids, collagenase, and verapamil. In some cases, surgical intervention is required, although conservative therapies should be exhausted before turning to surgical procedures [32]. Other studies have found that administration of these ED medications for penile fibrosis is not only safe, but these medications have anti-fibrotic properties that may relieve fibrotic plaques in localized and widespread fibrosis in penile tissue [33].
Congenital Chordee
Congenital chordee is a bending of the penis that is particularly noticeable during an erection. This condition may make it seem like the penis is shrinking when you get an erection. Since an erect, straight penis is necessary for sexual function, if it inhibits sexual function it may need to be corrected surgically [34].
Erectile Dysfunction Medications for the Management of Penile Shrinkage
Penile shrinkage can occur for many reasons, many of which we’ve discussed, such as prostate cancer and surgery, erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease, or perhaps even aging. In some cases, the use of PDE5 inhibitors, which are erectile dysfunction medications like Viagra, may be used to treat shrinkage. For example, in men dealing with shrinkage due to testosterone deprivation therapy, erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis may be used to manage shortening of the penis by increasing the blood flow to the tissue [22].
While some believe that PDE5 inhibitors should be used off-label for penis enlargement, there’s currently little evidence to support this idea, although these medications are currently used to manage penile shrinkage related to multiple medical causes. We need to perform more studies to discover if Viagra make you bigger.
Other Tips

Other tips for preventing penis shrinkage such as stopping smoking and optimizing blood flow to the penis may not have a lot of studies to back them up, but we do know there’s a relationship between healthy blood flow and sexual health. Taking measures to maintain blood flow throughout the body, which includes quitting smoking, may not specifically prevent shrinkage but can promote overall sexual health and wellness.
You might also consider aids to use during sex if other methods of making your penis bigger have failed or unsuitable for you. The two main aids to use are cock rings
Cock Rings
Cock rings are sex toys that prevent blood from leaving your penis, leading to a stronger erection. Some people think this makes a penis look (and feel!) bigger. Although, it doesn’t actually make your penis longer or thicker. Learn more in this post about cock rings.
Discover how to get hard and maintain your erection.
Penis Sleeves, Prosthetic Penis Attachments, Sheaths and Extenders
The extenders we’re discussing here are not like the devices mentioned above that are used for penis extension. Instead, these tools, usually made from realistic materials, are worn on the penis during sex and make you feel bigger to your partner without changing the size of your penis. They can add a bit of girth and length if they’re the style that are closed at the end (some are shorter than a penis and remain open).
Many of these fit onto your penis with a strap that goes around your balls. A few can be worn as strap-ons for added security.
The one drawback of prosthetic penis attachments is that you won’t directly feel your partner’s vagina or anus, and they will not be able to feel your penis. Sleeves and sheaths might have textures that are designed to be stimulating for your partner, however.
Men’s Health looks at whether jelqing really works.
Sex Educator Michael Castleman discusses how women really feel about penis size at Psychology Today.
Check out this analysis of penis enlargement techniques from WebMD. They also delve into the risks and rewards of penis enlargement surgery.
Finally, even GQ has examined whether and how you can make your penis bigger.
Frequently Asked Questions About Penis Enlargement

FAQ #1 – What’s the correct way to measure my penis?
Most men don’t really know how big they are, and the average male feels that he’s below average in size. The best way to assess your penis size accurately is to learn the correct way to measure your penis.
To measure your relaxed flaccid length, measure right after undressing, since a warm or cold room may cause expansion or shrinkage. Measure while standing using a flexible ruler. Position the tip of the ruler right at the point where your shaft meets your abdomen. Bend the ruler along the shaft and read the length. The average flaccid length is about 3.43 inches.
To measure your erect length, measure immediately after you become completely hard. Measure along the top of the erection from the base of your shaft to the very tip. The average erect length is about 5.03 inches.
You can also measure your girth while erect. A cloth tape measure should be wrapped around the penis at the base to get this measurement. The average is 5.14 inches around [35].
FAQ #2 – Are there positions that work better for men with a smaller penis?
If you’re worried about satisfying your partner with an average or smaller penis, you’ll be happy to know that most of the vagina’s nerves are located on the outer third of the vagina, which is why you can finger a woman to orgasm (more here). If you have an average size penis, you can target this area by entering from on top while your partner lies with her legs flat on the bed. It reduces the depth of penetration and puts more tension on the vaginal lips, improving stimulation for both of you.
Remember that not every woman likes deep penetration, to begin with.
Related: Deep Penetration Tips For Deep, Full-Body Orgasms
If you’re shorter than average, you still have options to please your partner and enjoy sex yourself. Riding high bringing the base of the penis against the clitoris while grinding against the pubic bone instead of thrusting can work well for you. This focuses on the rocking motion, and it won’t matter how long or short you are when you’re not thrusting.
If girth is an issue for you, you may feel like you’re not getting enough sensation during penetrative sex. Having her lie flat on the bed with her legs together or tucking her legs against her chest can tighten the vaginal canal, resulting in extra friction for both of you [35].
Check out our tips for small penis sex.
FAQ #3 – When is it necessary to get treatment for penis size?
In most cases, treatment for penis size is unnecessary, but it is necessary for men who have what’s known as a micropenis. A micropenis is a medical term that refers to penises that are less than 2.8 inches long when stretched and it’s thought that only 0.6% of men are affected by this condition [2].
Learn more about a micropenis.
However, even if you have a micropenis or one that’s a little thinner or shorter than you’d like, you can still be an excellent lover. Check out the Bad Boys Bible to pleasuring a woman.
One key to pleasing your partner? Eating pussy like a pro. Get the tips and tricks for eating pussy here.
We also recommend having an honest discussion with your partner. When we asked readers if 6 inches is enough to satisfy a woman, the results were kind of shocking. Some women actually find 6 inches too big!
FAQ #4 – How can I decide if penis enlargement surgery is right for me?

Surgery simply for aesthetic reasons is not recommended as a method of penis enlargement. If you want to make your penis bigger because you’re dealing with self-esteem issues, undergoing penis enlargement surgery may not resolve the problem. In many cases, if you’re dissatisfied with your penis size, therapy may be a more useful way to address the problem [1].
FAQ #5 – Are women really concerned about penis size?
You might be more worried about your penis being too small than your partner is — similarly to how many guys think they need to last longer in bed than women prefer.
Related: How to Last Longer in Bed
Overall, most studies seem to conclude that women are not overly concerned about penis size. In fact, some studies have reported that 84% of women are very satisfied with the size of their partner’s penis size [36]. In another questionnaire on penis size, 55% of women responded that the length of the penis was unimportant and 22% responded that penis length was totally unimportant. Their opinions about penis girth followed the same trend, although length was found to be less important to women than girth [37].
Does size matter? Yes, according to 91.7% of women in this 1,387 woman study.
This doesn’t mean that you should want to make your penis thicker, however, or that your partner is dissatisfied. When Cosmopolitan polled readers, 89% responded that they were unconcerned with their partner’s penis size. Remember that of the 11% who may be concerned, some of them might think their partners are too big.
Many of our female readers want advice for big penis sex.
If your penis is too big, it can make some positions uncomfortable and even hurt your partner.
Read More: 7 Causes of Painful Sex
Most women require clitoral stimulation to orgasm, anyway.
Find out how to make a girl orgasm.
FAQ #6 – What are penile dysmorphophobia and small penis anxiety?
If you’re interested in how to make your penis bigger, you’re not alone. However, most men that seek penile elongation treatments actually have a normal penile size. If you worry about the size of your penis despite having adequate length, you could suffer from dysmorphophobia disorder (PDD) or small penis anxiety (SPA). Both of these disorders involve men underestimating the size of their penis while overestimating the average penis size for other men. PDD lies within the body dysmorphic disorder spectrum while SPA is an anxiety syndrome that’s pertinent to the genitals [38].
Watch This: Pussy Eating Tutorial Video
I put together an in-depth, step-by-step instructional video that will teach you how to make your girl sexually addicted to you and only you. You'll learn the Vortex and Pancake pussy eating techniques so you can give any woman full-body, shaking orgasms.
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Just to say that I have Peyronie and I’m young (34) and Vitamin E did the trick.
Thanks for your website, keep it running!
My age is 19 and my penis size is 5.12 inches so is it better or not
Is there any medicine for women which would make her interested in sex .
They are looking into it. Some medications are available, but not that reliable.
Try ground organic nutmeg from your grocery store. A teaspoon or 2 will induce temporary aphrodisia but be careful not to operate a motor vehicle as you will be a little sedated.
I have a 6 inch want it real big can you tell me hiws the best way to make that halpen?
Read the article, according to scientific research, it’s besically impossible.
are there ways of enlarging our penis at home, without buying any pills or drugs or lotion??
As the article states, it’s basically impossible to make your dick bigger in 2019
I use to be above average but I had a little issue and unfortunately i can’t get a proper erection, I lost some girth and length because of it…is there anything I can do to get it back to normal??
According to the current medical research…no
Your facts are heavier than some people’s dreams can handle.
Not my facts, THE facts. To be clear, regaining erections is very possible. Getting a bigger penis (length/girth) isn’t.
Although lack of scientific studies, there seems to be a lot of satisfied claims on reddit regarding extenders and traction devices. Scientifically speaking (I’m no doctor), it seems to make sense. Traction Device pulls causing micro tears in the penis, and remaining under traction forces it to heal in the extended state. Look at that time with the women who wear the neck rings, they get that thing as long as a giraffe neck.
So my question: have you any updates for 2025 regarding traction devices or any other method?
In 2025, I still haven’t been able to find any studies that show that there is any device/procedure that safely extends the penis to add length. Some doctors currently offer “filler” injections for your penis to make it appear thicker. However, I couldn’t find any data on this that indicates it is completely safe or free from side effects.
I just want to enlarge my dick by 2 inches and the girth maybe by 2 . Please show or tell
Me how and don’t need a bull shit answer.
Read the article!
I’m 5 inches thats average but not satisfying the average woman. Seems like the average penis would do the job but apparently not. So I need an inch just to help my mental state at this point. So seriously how the hell do I get an inch. If 5 is average but 7 or so is the magic number there more 7s than 5s?
Surgical intervention, I think it is really dangerous. Any kind of surgery is really scary. i would prefer penis pump then.
“Scientific” research is done with an agenda, normally funded by big pharma to sell products. Why would any company fund a scientific study for natural methods to increase penis size? They wouldn’t, because it’s an investment with no return. But I can assure you and all your readers, that there are methods to increase penis size.
Could you share these methods with everyone?
great answer mate ?
care to share through email?
Women always make joke’s and complain about small a man’s penis is, and how a small penis can’t satisfy them. That’s the main reason a lot of us men want a bigger penis, it’s not because we think we’re small, it’s because women think we’re small.
all women?
pretty much yea
I’m 21 and I am pretty much a grower, recently I measured 7″ in length and 4.8″ girth during erection; but last year my length was 6.3″ length and 4.5″ girth. I dunno why I’m still gaining size even though there’s an estimate that penises stops growing at 21 years of age.
Although my flaccid size is significantly small at 4.3″ length and 3.9″ girth; it even gets worse during winter or when I bathe with cold water or exposed to an air conditioned environment.
This has made me to develop some level of depression and the anxiety of making it look bigger when flaccid, right now I really find it very difficult going half or fully naked with my mates on public baths or swimmings as it gets even smaller when bathing. Sometimes I look like an infant below, but whenever I get aroused I begin to wonder how and where all of the masses came from.
Is there any way that I can become a shower? Or anywhere closer to it, cause I think I’m the worst grower on this planet since I gain more than twice the length and girth of my flaccid penis, and I’m really not impressed.
I’m not really sure if there’s a way to become a grower other than avoiding the cold!
How can a married guy get it in with his wife’s best friend? Or even get her to a threesome. I never had one yet and am dying need of a three way.
Our guide on how to have a threesome should help
Have a few drinks move the conversation onto fantas9
Patients with micropenis condition responded well to HGH treatments.
Is there data on this? Can you share it?
My question is to not make longer or girthy but to make it more straight…i dont think i have a disease, but when i was a smol one, my pp was bite kinda hard and it went from straight to bent…idk what happened…
i noticed that masterbating im losing girth a little like im chafing skin is there anything i can use to regenerate the skin on my penis? and how long does it take to regrow skin on penis?? i hope this isnt another monotonous question for
Losing girth by chafing your skin is something I’ve never seen in academic literature. I think this might only be something in your head and not actually possible
Pls i have small panis size. pls i really need you help i want to enlage it
Unfortunately, all the research indicates that this isn’t currently possible in 2021, however there are lots of other great ways to pleasure your partner that I teach on the site.
Bro you can increase it naturally plus one method thats been working for me!! Unsure why so little data or testing done….when 90% of men feel too small?? Slot of kind women in this world thank god to give men abit of peace but still in their minds they are tiny! N deep down woman would like a decent size penis! Sad not enough research or experimental research done! I know unfortunately for men our tool built more complicated as women can get Breasts/vagil recon /ass implants face etc list goes on… it like well ummmm seek help lose weight shave down there blah find the right woman.
Anyway I’ve gone from 5.5inc Length to 5inc girth to almost 7inc length n 5.2girth as only concentrating on length
And this been achieved over 6-7months.
Anyway hope all my fellow brothers are supporting other men as to many of us are taking our own lives! Its ok
To give ya bro a hug or ask a stranger if he’s algd.
Peace out!
My method as men don’t seem to want to share wot works fuck help ya fellow man some might wanna die or some nasty woman insulted him down there 🙁
Penis weights but find what works for u as I tried heaps before found the comfy one n boom growing started n stil growing thank god
The Pshot ive done 4 during the time period.
Plus I have an amazing partner n sex life n this is all done for her..
I know after I suck on my man’s cock he gets so damn hard and his head almost double in size. Makes me squirt with in the first few pumps of him bending me over.
I gotta disagree here… While I DO agree that permanent girth gains are still elusive, there is fairly good evidence that a penile traction device can indeed grow your penis by roughly a full inch to an inch & a half, but only if used faithfully for abt 6 months. I realize the penis is an organ, not a muscle. But a bone isn’t muscle either, but that is how doctors grew her shin bone, which she lost some of in an ATV accident. And if it’ll grow something like bone… I’m JS! Nevermind the fact that you didn’t discuss other options! But just my two cents worth. Personally, at 6.5 inches, w/almost 5 inches of girth, I good. But if I could gain an inch lengthwise, & a quarter inch in girth, 7.5×5.25 would be PLENTY AWESOME for me!
Make sure you never touch the tobacco or alcohol drugs, nor other dangerous drugs like marijuana. Also, make sure your environment is free of toxic tobacco smoke, since everyone has a long-standing RIGHT to smoke-free air!
How get one like make my dick big,er keep my wife she said dick too small try cheated on me another guy
Talking about beeing 5,5inches length being average
But at the same time linking to a “study” where 7.22 inches length being “ideal” for most women.
Yeah totally nothing to get worried at all being average.
While ya was all dick measuring, ya missus was rubbing one out.
Just man up and go stick it in.
Hi my penis size small I want to increase
What I do
Like I showed with all the research above, it currently appears to be impossible to grow your penis size. My advice is to learn other techniques to please your girl
im sorry lila your dick isnt small,its perfect size and size actually doesnt matter,its personality does
I have a tiny non functioning micropenis. I’ve tried everything out there to size myself up to no avail. My wife loves oral that I give her but she really loves penetration alot. I use big dildos on her also and she likes that. Honestly though her best sex is with her male lovers 8 inch cock. Some woman just need more. We’re both good with this set up but it’s not for everyone. Would rather be there while she fucks another guy than for her to go behind my back
I want my husbands dick to get bigger
Have your husband get the Realcock2 Dirk dildo. It’s very, very realistic and at 2×8 inches it will satisfy you, trust me. I use it in a Doc Johnson vacu-loc harness on my wife and she can’t tell the difference between it and a real dick.I can go all night with this when her lover is drained.