We recently surveyed 1,387 sexually active women to answer the question:
Does size matter to women during penile-vaginal sex?
We also analyzed what women’s preferred penis size is, whether or not they’d cheat due to a partner having an inadequate penis size, and investigated what makes big penis sex enjoyable and unenjoyable.
Now it’s time to share what we discovered:
Summary Of Key Findings
1. 91.2% of women say that size matters for sexual satisfaction with certain penis sizes being too small for them.
2. Women also don’t like very large penises: 83.4% of women find some penises too big to be satisfying.
3. 6-8 inches is the most favored penis size range (“Goldilocks” range) for women.
4. 43.6% of women say penis size matters when deciding to date someone.
5. 56.6% of women say that a partner possessing a penis that is too large could contribute to them ending their relationship.
6. 40.2% of women would consider cheating on a partner with a small penis.
7. 47.4% of women report that penis size matters during a one night stand.
8. 68.5% of women report that penis size matters in a friends-with-benefits situation.
9. 64.5% of women believe that penis length & width are equally important for their sexual satisfaction.
10. Only 61.5% of women find sex with a well-endowed partner satisfying.
11. 81.5% of women cited pain as the main cause of unsatisfying big penis sex.
12. 57.3% of women who found big penis sex satisfying reported that they enjoy “the feeling of being stretched.”
13. 7.22 inches is the average ideal penis length for women.
Note: You can find our methodology section at the end of this study.
1. 91.2% Of Women Say That Size Does Matter – It Can Be Too Small
Despite an exhaustive search, we could not find any existing sexual study or research that examined the relationship between penis size and sexual satisfaction for women during penile-vaginal sex. So we conducted our own in-depth research.
We began by asking a simple question about every penis size (in 1 inch increments) from 1 inch in length up to 12 inches in length. That simple question was:
Is this penis size enough to fully sexually satisfy you during penile-vaginal sex?
There were 3 answer choices for each penis size:
- It’s too small to fully satisfy me.
- It’s enough to fully satisfy me.
- It’s too big to fully satisfy me. This revealed something that is rarely talked about.
Below, you can see the percentage of women who selected each penis size as being too small:
Looking at the chart, we can see that women do not find smaller penises to be sexually satisfying. Below 7 inches, we can see a clear negative correlation between smaller penis sizes and sexual satisfaction.
In other words, the smaller the penis is, the lower the number of women that it will sexually satisfy.
Only 8.3% of women reported that they can be fully sexually satisfied with a penis that is 1 inch or smaller in length. Interestingly, 0.5% reported that even a 1 inch penis is too big for them. This is likely due to a condition known as vaginismus.
This means that in total, 91.2% of our respondents reported that a penis can be too small to fully satisfy them. In other words, size does matter to sexual satisfaction.
The table below provides more detail on the percentage of women that find each penis size to be too small to fully sexually satisfy them
However, a penis can also be too big…
2. Women Don’t Like Big Penises: 83.4% Of Women Say A Penis Can Be Too Big To Be Satisfying
Most women do not find very large penises to be sexually satisfying.
In fact, the opposite is true. Above 7 inches in size, there is a negative correlation between larger penis sizes and sexual satisfaction for women.
This means that the larger a penis is, the fewer women there are who find it to be sexually satisfying. It becomes too big.
In fact, five out of six women (83.4%) find a 12 inch penis too big to be sexually satisfying.
This finding destroys the popular notion amongst men that bigger penises are universally preferred by women. They are clearly not:
- Over half of women (50.8%) reported that a 9 inch penis is too big to fully sexually satisfy them.
- 61.1% of women reported that a 10 inch penis is too big to fully sexually satisfy them.
- Interestingly, 4.5% of women reported that a 6 inch penis is too big for them. That’s about 1 in 22 women who require their partner to have a penis smaller than 6 inches to be fully sexually satisfied.
The table below provides more detail on the percentage of women who find each penis size to be too big to fully sexually satisfy them.
3. 6-8 Inches Is The “Goldilocks” Penis Size Range For Women
We now know that most women don’t particularly enjoy penises that are either too large or too small.
So, what is the preferred penis size range for women, that is big enough for full sexual satisfaction but not so big that it becomes uncomfortable? In other words, what is the “Goldilocks” penis size range?
Based on our survey results:
6-8 inches (15.24-20.32 cm) is the preferred or Goldilocks penis size range for women
At least three-quarters of women (77% or more) find that any penis size between 6-8 inches is big enough to fully sexually satisfy them. Penis sizes in this range will fully sexually satisfy the highest percentage of women:
- A penis size of 7 inches would sexually satisfy more women (88.3%) than any other size.
- More than half of women (60.4% or more) find any penis size between 5-8 inches is big enough to fully sexually satisfy them.
This finding reinforces our earlier findings, women find small and overly large penises to be less sexually satisfying. In general, women prefer a penis size slightly above average.
The table below provides more detail on the percentage of women that find each penis size to be too enough to fully sexually satisfy them.
What Is The Average Penis Size?
A scientific review of 10 studies was conducted in 2020 where erect penis size was measured by researchers for 1,629 participants (size was NOT self-reported) [1]. Based on these 10 studies, they found that the average erect penis length is 5.36 inches (13.61 cm)
During this same scientific review, they analyzed a further 21 studies with 13,719 participants where stretched flaccid penis length was measured by researchers (not self-reported). The average stretch flaccid penis length from these studies was found to be 5.11 inches (12.98 cm) [1].
Based on all these studies, the researchers calculated that the average erect penis is 5.1-5.5 inches (12.9-13.97 cm) in length. After taking volunteer bias into account, the researchers concluded that the average penis size is probably toward the lower end of this range [1].
4. 43.6% Of Women Say Penis Size Matters When Deciding To Date Someone
People make all sorts of compromises when deciding to date someone. Penis size and how it relates to sexual satisfaction is not the sole factor women consider when deciding to enter into a relationship
However, we hypothesized that it is a factor and investigated it with a simple question:
When deciding to enter into a relationship with a person who has a penis, does their penis size matter in any way?
As you can see in the pie chart above:
Penis size matters to 43.6% of women when deciding to date someone. However, this does not only refer to partners with a small penis, a big penis is also a negative factor for some women.
Of all the women surveyed,
- 39.7% of women reported that they are less likely to date someone with a penis that is too small.
- 13.6% of women reported that they are less likely to date someone with a penis that is too big.
Note: Some women reported both, they would be less likely to date someone who is either too small or too big.
5. 56.6% Of Women Would Consider Breaking Up With A Partner Because Their Penis Is Too Large
We also wanted to investigate if penis size mattered to women already in a relationship and whether it could be a factor for women deciding to end that relationship. First, we asked,
Would you break up with someone due to their large penis size?
When their partner has a penis that is too big::
- 43.4% of women would not end their relationship.
- 11.2% would always end their relationship.
- 45.4% reported that it could be a contributing factor to ending their relationship.
That’s a total of 56.6% of women who would consider ending their relationship due to their partner’s large penis size. Next, we asked,
Would you break up with someone due to their small penis size?
When faced with a partner’s penis that is too small:
- 34.6% of women would not end their relationship.
- 12% would always end their relationship.
- 53.4% reported that it could be a contributing factor to ending their relationship.
That adds up to a total of 65.4% of women who would consider breaking up with a partner because their penis is too small.
From these results, we can see that penis size does matter to women when considering whether to end a relationship. However, this does not only refer to those with small penises.
A partner with a penis that is too large is also a factor that can lead to the ending of a relationship for over half of women.
6. 40.2% Of Women Would Consider Cheating On A Partner With A Small Penis
A common cultural meme is that those female partners who are not satisfied with their male partner’s penis size will inevitably cheat on them. We wanted to investigate and see whether penis size really mattered so much to women, that they would be willing to cheat.
As you can see in the results above, 10.7% of women would definitely cheat on their partner if their penis size wasn’t big enough.
A further 29.5% of women stated that they may eventually cheat on their partner if their penis size was not large enough to satisfy them.
This adds up to a total of 40.2% of women for whom penis size matters enough that cheating is something they would consider in order to be with a partner who is big enough.
As this is a study of whether penis size matters to women, we also wanted to investigate the other end of the spectrum:
Would women cheat on a partner with a penis size that was too big for them?
5.6% of women confirmed that they would definitely cheat on a partner who had a penis that was too big.
A further 24.6% of women answered that they may eventually cheat on a partner who had a penis that was too big.
That adds up to a total of 30.2% of women for whom a partner with a big penis is so intolerable that they would consider cheating on them.
Based on these results, it’s clear that penis size does matter enough to women that they would cheat on their partners. What is interesting about the results is that this does not just apply to those lacking endowment, it also applies to those with larger penises.
7. 47.4% Of Women Report That Penis Size Matters During A One Night Stand
We hypothesized that women place a lot of emphasis on penis size during a one night stand.
For this question, we first filtered out respondents who had never experienced a one night stand, leaving only those who had.
Of those women who have experienced a one night stand, 47.4% indicated that penis size matters in bed.
Getting more specific, we discovered that for all women who have previously experienced a one night stand:
- 43.6% of women reported that a penis that is too small will be less pleasurable during a one night stand.
- 18.9% of women reported that a penis size that is too large will be less pleasurable during a one night stand.
Note: Respondents could select both “too large” and “too small”.
Yet again, this makes it clear that penis size matters to a large percentage of women.
Having a penis that is too small can be viewed negatively by women, with a penis size that is too large also being viewed negatively by roughly 1 in 5 women during a one night stand. This further lends credence to what we already discovered:
Having a penis within the Goldilocks range, neither too small nor too large is preferred by most women.
8. 68.5% Of Women Believe That Penis Size Matters In A Friends With Benefits (FWB) Situation
Staying with the topic of whether penis size matters during casual sex, we also investigated whether penis size matters during a friends with benefits (FWB) situation, where you are in an ongoing, sex-only relationship.
We asked those women who had experienced a friends with benefits situation the following question:
During an ongoing friends with benefits relationship, does your partner’s penis size matter?
As you can see penis size matters to 68.5% of women in friends with benefits relationships.
For all women who have been in a friends with benefits relationship:
- 63.6% of women reported that a penis that is too small would be less pleasurable during a friends with benefits relationship.
- 27.4% of women stated that a penis that is too large would be less pleasurable during a friends with benefits relationship.
We can clearly see that penis size matters a lot more to a woman’s pleasure for those in friends with benefits relationships when compared to a one night stand.
9. 64.5% Of Women Believe That Penis Length & Width Are Equally Important For Sexual Satisfaction
In the course of our research, we wanted to investigate whether penis length is the only thing that matters to women for sexual satisfaction, or if penis width/girth also matters in bed.
In other words, is there a difference between a 6 inch penis that is as thin as a pencil and 6 inch penis that’s as wide as a Coke can?
Women’s views on length & width in relation to sexual satisfaction are interesting:
- 11% of women reported that penis length is more important than width.
- 24.5% of women reported that penis width is more important than length.
- 64.5% of women reported that penis length and width are equally important.
Our takeaway from this is obvious and straightforward:
Women don’t solely care about penis length. They also care about how wide or girthy their partner is, with almost two-thirds of women finding length as important as width/girth.
10. Only 61.5% Of Women Find Sex With A Well-Endowed Partner Satisfying
We also investigated whether or not women found sex with a well-endowed partner to be satisfying or not. In other words:
Is bigger always better?
To accurately answer this question, we only included responses from women who have previously had vaginal intercourse with a partner possessing a large penis.
In total, 63.7% of sexually active women reported that they have had sex with a well-endowed partner in the past.
For this cohort of women who have had sex with a well-endowed partner in the past, the average size of their partner’s penis during their most recent big penis sexual experience was 9.33 inches (23.7 cm).
Only 61.5% of women found their most recent sexual experience with a well-endowed partner to be satisfying.
This means that nearly two-fifths of women were left unsatisfied due to their partner’s large penis.
In other words, bigger is not always better for women with regard to penis size.
11. 81.5% Of Women Who Found Big Penis Sex Unsatisfying Cited Pain As The Main Issue
“It was painful” is the most common reason (81.5%) that women found sex with a well-endowed partner to be unsatisfying.
This intuitively makes sense, as any body part (including the vagina), that is stretched beyond its normal size can feel painful.
Length v width – When we dug into the data, we could see that 59.4% of women found their last big penis sex experience unsatisfying due to their partner’s long penis length compared to 32.9% of women who reported that their partner’s penis width was the issue.
It’s not just the size – Interestingly, many women’s issues stemming from unsatisfying vaginal sex with a larger penis were not directly related to penis size. Despite their partner having a large penis, women were dissatisfied for other reasons:
- 39.1% were dissatisfied because there was not enough foreplay.
- 27.4% were dissatisfied because their partner was a selfish lover.
- 23.5% were dissatisfied because their partner had few/no sexual skills.
- 10.6% were dissatisfied because their partner came too quickly.
- 2.9% were dissatisfied because their partner had erection issues.
Other issues included:
- He enjoyed hurting me.
- Violent
- I felt him way up in my belly and I saw blood after every encounter.
- Looked like a horse….ouch!
- I bleed from him tearing me.
- He couldn’t even get in.
- In time it would’ve been ok but I was young. Hell I love a big cock now.
12. 57.3% Of Women Who Found Big Penis Sex Satisfying Reported That They Enjoy “The Feeling Of Being Stretched”
Survey participants made it clear that the physical sensations created by their partner’s large penis were a major factor for their most recent sexual experience being sexually satisfying.
This may sound obvious, but we couldn’t find any previous research or studies confirming this, aside from anecdotes on online forums.
Of the women who found their most recent big penis sexual experience satisfying:
- 67.2% liked that their partner’s penis could hit their spots (like the G Spot).
- 63.2% of women liked the feeling of being full.
- 57.3% enjoyed the feeling of being stretched.
- 23.8% of women found it painful and liked the pain.
- 5.8% of women consider themselves size queens.
However, the physical sensations from a big penis were not the only factors that lead to survey participants enjoying their most recent sexual encounter with a well-endowed partner. We also discovered that:
- 59.7% of women found their attraction to their partner resulted in satisfying big penis sex.
- 51.8% of women found their partner’s confidence to make it satisfying.
- 51.4% reported that their partner’s foreplay skills made it satisfying.
- 56.4% of women reported that it was their partner’s other sexual skills besides penetration that made it satisfying.
Based on these results, we can clearly see that some women enjoy sex with a well-endowed partner due mainly to the physical sensations their big penis provides them. Some women even enjoy the pain it causes.
We hypothesize that this could be due to things like cervix stimulation which many women find both painful and enjoyable.
However, for the majority of women who enjoyed their most recent sexual experience with a well-endowed partner, it was far more than their large size. In other words:
Size matters, but it’s not the only factor for satisfying sex.
5.3% of participants provided additional reasons why they enjoyed their most recent sexual experience with a well-endowed partner:
- He was a freak in bed and rough I like that.
- He was sweet and careful.
- He pulled my hair and choked me. Yummy.
- I was totally in love with him and the fact he had a massive penis (at least for me it was) was as some sort of bonus. A little difficult when it came to penetration, but nevertheless satisfying; the union was stronger, at least that’s how I felt at that moment. Maybe that’s the reason why I still think of him with dearness.
- The combination of size, positions, and force he used was somewhat painful, but the overall experience was satisfying.
- His kissing skills.
- I love him.
- His moans.
- And the amount of cum he produced. Bout drowned me trying to swallow it all after a blow job.
- Some angles hurt but when he was hitting it right it was mint. Lots of lube was the key.
- Everything about him was Big: 6’4”, 210lbs, an 8 inch penis that was as wide as a soup can.
- He was kinky as.
- It took lube and foreplay to make penetration work.
- Madly in love with him, his primal ways and hunger in his eyes.
13. 7.22 Inches Is The Average Ideal Penis Length For Women
While the beginning of this sex study covered what penis sizes are too small, too big, and are just right aka the Goldilocks penis size range, we also wanted to discover what women view as the ideal penis size.
According to 1,387 female respondents, the average ideal erect penis size is 7.22 inches (18.34 cm) and the median ideal erect penis size is 7 inches (17.78 cm).
This average figure falls almost exactly in the middle of the Goldilocks range of penis sizes that we discovered earlier in our study (6-8 inches/15.24-20.32 cm).
When you contrast women’s ideal erect penis length with the actual average erect penis length for men, which is 5.1-5.5 inches (12.9-13.97 cm) [1], we can conclusively say that women prefer penises that are about 2 inches (5.08 cm) longer than average.
You can see the the percentage of women that view each penis size as ideal in the table below.
We also surveyed women to examine their ideal penis width…
The average ideal erect penis width for women is 1.89 inches (4.8 cm). The median ideal width is 2 inches (5.08 cm).
This translates into an average ideal girth/circumference of 5.94 inches (15.09 cm).
For comparison, a standard golf ball is 1.68 inches (4.27 cm) wide, while an 8.4oz/250mll Red Bull can is 2.1 inches (5.33 cm) wide.
According to one large-scale sex study, the average erect penis girth/circumference is 4.59 inches (11.66 cm) [2]. This means that a women’s preferred erect penis girth is 1.35 inches (3.43 cm) larger than the average girth.
However, we’d caution against promoting the idea that having a 7.22 inch long or 1.89 inch wide penis is ideal for every woman. You can see from the data above that the ideal erect penis length and width is a personal preference for each individual woman.
We have repeatedly found that penis size matters to women in all major aspects of sex, dating and relationships. Penis size matters to women in relation to:
- Female sexual satisfaction
- Casual sexual relationships
- Entering a new relationship
- Ending a relationship
- Cheating on a partner
Most women find both small and excessively large penises to be less desirable. Instead, they find penises within the Goldilocks penis size range of 6-8 inches (15.24-20.32 cm) to be the most desirable.
The average male penis, at 5.1-5.5 inches (12.9-13.97 cm) in length [1], is enough to sexually satisfy the majority (60.4%) of women.
We began this survey by collecting basic demographic information. Those who had never received penile-vaginal sex were disqualified, as were non-female respondents. All respondents were over the age of 18 with a mean age of 42. After this filtering process, we were left with a total of 1,387 respondents:
- 1,125 women identifying as heterosexual
- 184 women identifying as bisexual
- 13 women identifying as homosexual
- 33 women who specified alternative sexuality to heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual
- 32 women who declined to provide their sexuality
These remaining participants answered a variety of questions to assess their personal sentiments, experiences and preferences on the topic of erect penis size in relation to penile-vaginal sex.
Our survey relied on the anonymous recollections and preferences of our study participants. While they were encouraged to tell the truth and accurately represent what they had experienced, the data is nevertheless self-reported and there is the possibility of some inaccuracy.
My girlfriend has a big booty and a bit overweight. She’s pretty and I find her attractive but my penis is only 5 inches long and was wanting to try doggy style but don’t want to be disappointed because he booty size and short length, I’m not sure it will work out.
Try it and you’ll see. You can always spread her booty with your hands to penetrate her deeper.
All the advice that size doesn’t matter is frustrating. My wife asked to start using large dildos after 20 years of marriage. She said she has always wanted bigger. I am below avg at 4.75 long and like the above poster, many positions are challenging for me to reach because my wife has a booty.
When she uses the the large dildos her experience goes to whole different level than with me. She’s appreciative to have the toys and I am left feeling inadequate. She now likes to put it on top of me and ride it pretending my size is bigger.
On one hand it’s super healthy that she expressed her interest and desire. On the other hand after she’s done playing with the toys she falls asleep. I’ve asked her to at least talk with me or be with me after. But she seems to be focused on the large toys.
So. Size doesn’t matter
Except to her it does.
4.75 is the same erect size I have. It’s just below average and should not be a problem for enjoying satisfying sex. It’s a normal and very common penis size (4-7 inches is 90 to 95 percent of the male population). So, if a normal 4.75 erect penis can’t satisfy her and she complains, than either her anatomy or psychological attitude is the problem. not you.
You should talk to your wife,your size is a little bit below average and you are still capable of satisfying a woman, she is causing a lot of psychological damage to you and you should not tolerate that. What for women is penis size and vigor for us men it all comes down to looks, they think we care about their moves and how they are gonna rock our world but the truth is that we do most of the work and we care 99% about what’s in front of our eyes, that’s why a Scandinavian model makes you come before you even put it in. That being said, your wife is being selfish, A woman who wants a 7 or 8 inch dick is the same as a man wanting to fuck Scarlett Johanson, we all wanna fuck a super hot girl but we understand reality and we marry our wives for so many other reasons not just their looks. It’s ok for women to like and fantasize with bigger dicks just like it is ok for us to fantasize about 20 something year olds that pop up dancing on tik tok, we just don’t hold our wives to those standards, would your wife like it if you get virtual reality goggles while you are fucking her so that you can pretend you are fucking a pornstar????
You could try sheaths. They literally slip over your penis, enlarging it.
My wife said she can feel the difference between it and real. But it’s still a lot of fun forme too.
That’s abuse. You should leave.
I fell in love with a woman who had a preference for deep penetration. She had slept with multiple partners (30-40+) before me – which is not normally an issue. However I learnt that the majority of them were larger than me. I’m 5.8 to 6 inches long (bone pressed) and 4.5 to 4.8 inches thick (shaft wider than glans).
I eventually learnt that the guy she slept with a week or two before meeting me had an ~8 inch penis. And her 2 previous long term boyfriends were well endowed (one was ~7.5inches long and the other one was “thick”). She made comments when we watched porn together describing guys (who to me were above average +) as “only average”. Early on she also accidentally let slip out that her ex (7.5 incher) “had the perfect sized penis for her vagina”.
I always felt intimidated and insecure when it came to sex with her as I had only experienced PIV intercourse with 2 other women prior to her (both long term relationships). We tried sleeves and dildos, which to be fair were always my suggestion due to me feeling inadequate. To be frank, she never made the same faces or noises with my penis as she did with the dildo (7.5 – 8 inch insertable length, 5-6 inch girth) and the sleeve
I was with her for a year and during that time I made it my mission to become an experienced at sex. I read websites such as these to learn about female anatomy, and to learn the best techniques for using my hands, fingers and tongue. Before her, I didn’t know the G-spot, A-Spot or the cervix” existed. Before her I didn’t think size mattered at all, I thought it was just a lie sold to us by pornography.
I learnt to make her squirt with my fingers, I learnt to give her g-spot orgasms during oral with a combination of my fingers and tongue. I learnt to angle my penis to reach the deeper parts of her vagina. I was also able to make her orgasm from clitoral stimulation alone on rare occasions (what complicated the picture was that she was on medication (SSRI antidepressants) which made it difficult for her to reach orgasm.
She had a high powered clitoral vibrator (wand) which she used during sex. She found it hard to cum from PIV with me even when using the vibrator. And I was heartbroken when I found out that her ex’s could make her cum with a vibrator. In comparison I had to wear a sleeve for her to reach orgasm or suck on her nipples (whilst not penetrating her).
The relationship eventually broke down for other reasons as we just couldn’t establish emotional safety and security. And when it came to the bedroom, I couldn’t stop comparing myself to her past lovers. We would go through phases of using toys and dildos, to her throwing them out in a rage because of how inadequate it would make me feel.
What I learnt from this situation was that women’s vaginas vary significantly in size. She definitely had the most accommodating vagina I had ever encountered (out of the 3 I have been inside). It was relaxed and roomy and I could slip right in without feeling any resistance or vaginal walls. It did not offer a great deal of friction and when she got wet, I found it difficult to reach orgasm without powering away like a jackhammer.
I eventually learnt (through research and trial and error) that certain positions worked better for us. If she has a more accommodating vagina that does not grip, then I suggest letting her go on top. I felt it allowed me to go deeper than doggy and I could feel at least some of her vaginal walls. My experience is also that woman-on-top provides greater stimulation to the frenulum or frenulum remnant (if circumcised) which makes it easier for me to cum. We also used butt plugs on her to help reduce the space inside her vagina, it really enhanced PIV for us. We also tried anal on her on occasion which if I am honest, felt amazing. It was snug and I noticed that any slight twitch or movement in my penis sent shockwaves through her body. During anal I did not have to thrust fast or hard to get a reaction out of her, it was a very validating experience but something that is unsustainable and unreasonable to ask from a partner every time. But I imagine that my experience of anal is what an oversized penis feels like inside a woman’s vagina. In fact, I’d go far as saying, if size matters to women, then the same can be said about why men want anal.
Long story short, TLDR: Size does matter to a small portion of people. But in a long term relationship, emotional safety and attachment is far more important than size. I think we could have made it work but I simply could not move past her sexual history and her preference for larger penis, particularly because she had readily experienced throughout her life. I always felt second to other men she had been with, and second to the toys and the sleeve. I feel that things may have been different if she was able to provide me with the emotional safety I needed in order to feel secure about my body inside the relationship. But I also suspect being with me made her feel ashamed of herself and her past sexual history.
My advice to others who may be in similar situations is to learn how to make do with what you have. Do not feel pressured to use toys to make your partner happy – it’s not like you ask or expect anal all the time. But if she truly appreciates deep penetration, and you cannot provide it naturally then you both need to have a stable relationship, with a strong foundation of emotional safety, security and trust.
“Long story short, TLDR: Size does matter to a small portion of people. But in a long term relationship, emotional safety and attachment is far more important than size.”
Thanks for sharing!
Penis size is not everything. Yeah its easier to say having a gigantic one, but I promise you, it has its own challenge. Eg. am 6.5 long by 6.25 circumference. I have yet to find a girl to explore back door bum fun, cause I cannot fit. Similarly, my ex, always made it sound like it was a chore to let me plow her. Cause it always seemed painful for her over our 6 year run.
I’ve had an interesting sex life throughout my 20 years of being sexually active (since age 17). With my penis somewhere between 6-7in length and exactly 5in girth, a majority of the 50+ women I’ve been with have remarked, reacted as if and sometimes reassured me that I have a large member.
My early trauma though came from my first love, who’s only previous sexual partner was bigger, which she told me directly and I’d read old text messages between them. I was on SSRIs and didn’t know that some GNC herbs could maximize size and hardness and I really struggled to satisfy her as I saw it.
Later, conversely, I was briefly with a woman who had several African American boyfriend’s with what she said were well endowed, but that I compared just fine to, and she would often remark, during sex acts, that’s it’s ”so big” (while fully erect and fully inside her).
I can say that it seems just as men have variance in genital size, women also seem to have something similar. Smaller girls sometimes seem to have smaller ”holes”. This can manifest as a visibly smaller anus, a feeling of her vagina feeling very ”tight” upon penetration, and even the size of the mouth itself. There does seem to be a racial component. Berber women, from North Africa (non Arab), are generally short, ”small holed” women, as are Indian and Oriental women.
Some girls can orgasm within a minute or so, which for me is good because I have problem with premature ejaculation for years, unless I use opiates or tramadol or gabapentin, which can then outright prevent my own orgasm. So in relationships, I’ll sometimes sacrifice possibility of my own orgasm for a higher chance to make a girl who requires more thrusting to climax.
Foreplay can sometimes bring them close to orgasm, so then a quick switch to penetrative sex can net a mutual orgasm.
The danger with using toys or large cucumbers is, for example with my current partner, I can make her literally piss in less than a minute with a 6in girth, 10in vegetable (maybe 7 actually fits in). But it’s the fact I can ramrod it in and out and have finer control over it using my hand, than my dick attached to my aging hips, and when arm gets tired, simply switch hands. It’s immensely erotic to me watching her bladder empty, my fantasy is to be able to fuck her naturally and make her piss all over my dick. I feel like if I had 5.7in girth and 8in length and a bit more stamina, it would happen every time.
She’s also remarked one of her two prior partners had a larger dick, which bothers me. Even though several previous partners who had had 40+ men said mine was great – although I attributed that to half of their experiences were likely with men with below average.
There was even a girl with a terminal illness, cystic fibrosis, who had admitted I was # 80 something, who said my dick was ”way too big” for anal, but I remember her reaction to vaginal being lackluster.
I think it simply has to do with it being yet another metric a couple has to match well with. It’s a shame because, it can prove to be a bridge too far, with every other aspect of the relationship being pure gold, but then the struggle to being her to orgasm constantly will create a complex, create tensions, insecurities, you can’t help but wonder why, why can’t the girl who orgasms every single time BEFORE or with you not end up being an untenable personality? It’s that old dark ironic sense of humor of life.
My advice to any man who wants to have a girl that orgasms, worships his dick, has less sexual partners, is go East or stay with eastern races. Oriental, North African, Persian, Asians in general. Indian. It’s not everything, for sure, but once everything else is good but the sex is a struggle, it can really ruin the romantic core of the thing.
Good luck boys
“I think it simply has to do with it being yet another metric a couple has to match well with.”
This was the most interesting finding of the study. It basically comes down to personal tastes. There is no “perfect penis” for every women, just probabilities of a certain penis size being perfect for any given woman.
The Kama Sutra could have told you that. Studies pair well with research.
This is the most dishonest garbage that I have ever read on this sensitive subject. 5.16 is the exact average and 90% of men are in the 4-6 range. So, if a woman isn’t happy with a normal, very common size between 4 and 6 inches, there is something wrong with her and she is the problem, not him. Also, 7 and 8 inches are very much the minority of men and are porn-star sized penises. Any woman who wants those size would make her a size queen. The fact is that size queens are very much a minority of women and only an extreme minority of women place importance penis size and make it a priority. So, while I’m speaking facts, your article and numbers are 100% lies.
Found the guy with a small member that believes everything women tell him. This is why women lie to people like you because the moment they actually tell the truth about preferring larger sizes out comes the temper tantrum. If a guy prefers a woman with larger breasts, like the overwhelming majority of heterosexual men do, then by your logic that also means there is something wrong with them? In fact, preferring anything that isn’t average in terms of attraction is wrong? There is 0 logic in that. You guys need to wake up.
Correct.. His response is why women lie.
All women regardless of the numbers will prefer a large penis ONCE THEY HAVE HAD ONE.
If they have never had one, then the chances of them being satisfied with a smaller on increase.. BUT ONCE A WOMAN HAS HAD A LARGE PENIS it just a matter of time before she has a crisis in her life..
good response. His response is why this research is so crucial for dating/mating.
We need men to accept the truth so they can have a better relationship built on true satisfaction not fake “blue pill” fantasy.
So if you’re small there’s no hope for you because anyone bigger than you is better?
I know you’re just going to say I’m throwing a tantrum but that honestly sounds like the conclusion you guys are making here. You say all women will prefer the bigger man. So to me the conclusion to draw is that there’s no hope of you’re small because someone out there is bigger and therefore better.
“So to me the conclusion to draw is that there’s no hope of you’re small because someone out there is bigger and therefore better.”
Actually yes, you cannpt change the fact that many woman prefer large penises, although many of them settle with smaller ones,. Equally, as a 174cm (5ft 8.5in) man I have found (too) many times that majority of women prefer taller, dark haired men no matter what they say, although shorter ones also marry and can lead a happy life. Those two are the facts of life and men will do good to themselves to accept it and find their own path in life accepting reality. I have done that, but to be honest a small portion of me is always longing for ‘if I only could be..’ sceneries too often. Because constantly denying undeniable is a sure path to frustration and misery. Btw, in life it’s better to be taller than to have bigger one. Great research btw, even better comments, Keep them coming, respect.
Can I just say the comparison of women with small breasts to men with small penises doesn’t work. Breaststroke aren’t responsible for sexual satisfaction and most probably won’t cause a woman to be rejected, cheated on or ridiculed.
I am 7 in and have been told mostly that I am the perfect size not to big not to small. seriously. Not trying to brag but get the point. I am an attractive(75% females say) Sicilian/Prussian American man. I was in the military 10 yrs slept with many women all over the world. My experience is that the data is correct!!
I’m 4 inches long but almost six inches in circumference. The girth doesn’t compensate my lack of length. From my experience women are dissatisfied with small penises. Even my current long term partner admits I can’t take her to the same level of pleasure that a big penis would achieve. She told me that overall size doesn’t matter too much, but yes bigger would be better.
The study review that found that average also found that about 1% of men have a penis of 7-8 inches long, but 1% of 3,970,238,390 is STILL 39.7 MILLION men. Now, while the research deals with a significantly smaller sample size and volunteer bias was taken into account, the actual figure is likely smaller, but you get my point.
Nonetheless, there’s still at least 10’s of millions of men between 7-8 inches long, and even a good number over 8 inches.
The way I see it, this information combined might explain why most women don’t experience orgasm from vaginal penetration alone, as aside from skill issues, it would seem that what’s average isn’t quite large enough for the ideal level of vaginal stimulation to be achieved.
I get that that’s not exactly pleasant news if you’re a guy below 6 x 5.5, but keep in mind that there’s a whole lot more to sex, intimacy, and personal connection than just dick-in-vagina penetration. It’s not actually that big of a deal overall, and even if 7 ideal for the largest portion of women, that largest portion was only a little larger than 6s’, and 5 was still found to be large enough to be satisfying by 60% of women, even if only 5.2% found it ideal.
So it isn’t actually that bad.
Regardless, in the end, it’s not really that important anyways.
You are right, size isn’t the biggest deal, but that’s only applies to men that don’t rely solely on penis-vagina penetration. If a man is small, and only doing vaginal penetration, the female is gonna be highly unsatisfied. However, if he’s also giving foreplay, oral, using toys, etc he should be fine.
I am small but a previous partner taught me how to give head really well. And I can now make women orgasm. Not in the same way as penetrative sex but at least I’m generous and it has really got me a long way with a couple of really nice partners. We adapt, we overcome. It still doesn’t change the sad fact that I have been ridiculed, rejected and overlooked because of my penis which is my body, I can’t change it. I do have a complex about it but….give good head!!
Yeah so basically the “ideal” is literally a standard deviation or two more than the statical average penis length and girth.
Of course there is more to factor in for long term relationships. The problem is that often times an LTR is spun as a the end all be all. “Oh its okay, so what she likes her ex’s penis better because she loves you and chose to be with you!”
The problem is basically saying “you fulfill me in all other aspects of life that is why I chose you, but I dream about some other dudes penis.” So the majority of women will just live sexually unsatisfied lives or cheat….great that’s wonderful.
Despite having other skills, it still feels shitty. And I have met my fair share of women that aren’t truly satisfied unless they have a large penis inside them. So, for me at least, I think I should just save the money and get a penis implant.
After 35 years of marriage I’ve finally come to realize that guys 5 inches or short, or thin, should not get married, because the odds are that either you will live with a sexually frustrated woman the rest of her life, or she will cheat on you. Infidelity at that size, especially with a woman who has experienced and enjoyed larger, is inevitiable if the opportunity arises.
I know from experience. And yes, women do vary greatly in size just like men. My wife is a full 8 inches deep, so my 5 doesn’t do much
Yes, I just accept that I am her cuckold! I am small and she deserves to have a larger sexual partner.
My penis is 9inches long and for the longest time I found myself unable to control myself and hurting girls extremly bad by I going in too deep. It was so bad that my now soon to be wife became scared to have sex with me. But i found a solution recently. I found a nice bumper that trims off 2.5 inches and my girl has never been happier! Our sex life has never been better. This study makes so much sense.
So I guess it is kind of depressing that if the ideal is so much bigger than the average, but the silver lining of the study I guess is that if you’re 6 inches or more you’re pretty good. I mean they rank 6 inches as slightly preferred over 8 so that’s kind of cool.
My conclusion from the study is that ultimately every woman is different. Some women prefer smaller, some bigger than normal and that it ultimately comes down to your partner’s preference.
This information is extremely discouraging from dating since it is highly probably that most men will be rejected or cheated on for their penis size. You go through the brutally honest evidence to support that. It is then of a further insult to injury to throw that platitude of a reassurance that the anatomically average 5 inch penis is just fine for the majority of women. The analogy is to offer the car accident statistic with the resulting disabilities and to conclude that the disabilities are a good thing.
Maybe next you could offer a guide to men of how to have fulfilling lives with the anatomically insufficient bodies that we’ve been given by nature. Fulfilling is limited to sex. Fulfilling in terms of acceptance. One cannot have a loving relationship, a family, social acceptance without the ridicule while having a small penis. Its comparable to the mass of the electron – too small (although yes, it is a constant) and the atom cannot exist, therefore matter and therefore reality cannot exist. Same with size – too small and: you cannot have mutually appreciated sex -> you cannot be loved -> you cannot have a family or a full, normal, monogamous relationship -> you cannot fit well in the society as you are single while all your friends and family are not -> you die alone.
Why don’t you give us some statistic on that.
Bruh, that’s depressingly deep. o_o
But while the average of 5 inches was only ideal to 5.2%, it was satisfying enough to about 60% of women, which if that scales up then it basically means that billions of women are perfectly fine with 5 inchers, and that 205Mil actually find 5 inches to be ideal for them.
My girlfriend loves me and I love her. I’m average sized but she does prefer longer thicker partners. We decided that it’s best that she be able to have sex with people who can give her that from time to time.
You poor thing.
You could try getting a dildo and that way you can have that experience together instead of her needing another man. There are lots of positions that you could do where she is giving you a handjob or blow job while you pump her pussy with the dildo. Surprise her one day, she will love it and love you more for putting her pleasure first.
She loves you ? Really?
She definitely doesn’t love her
I’m sure the “ideal” size is above average. However, what exactly is the methodology in terms of measurement? Because people are pretty bad at just estimating how long an inch is exactly.
Did all of these women use a ruler? If they just went off the measurements their men claimed they had, then those numbers are probably a bit inflated, considering the male ego.
The measurements were based solely on the recollections of the female participants.
You should have put samples like dildos in different sizes in front of the volunteers.
I would have preferred that, but we didn’t have the funds!
I am 60 yrs. old. Had sex 1st time on 16th birthday (good present). Got married at 31, and have had >150 partners in my life. I have 7″ penis, with a large mushroom head that is ~6″ girth. In general, my goal has always been to be a generous lover and make my partner orgasm before me. I believe that I’ve encountered 4-5 women that were “size queens”, that I couldn’t fully satisfy. There’s probably been 10 or so that were scared at first, and for those, I spent more time on foreplay to get them relaxed. etc. That always worked for me. My conclusion is that I’m pretty close to your “ideal”, and I think my experiences track decently close to your conclusions. I think my satisfaction sussess rate of >95% is partially due to the size factors, but also due to the fact that I try hard and always had my partners needs in mind… BTW, I was never shy in asking what she liked, how it feels, etc. Funny thing is, I usually heard, “I like what you are doing”. I chalk that up to a desire to please, and perhaps my competitive nature… If I try to be the best lover my partner has ever had, I surely won’t be the worst. 🙂
Girl math lol I am just under 8 inches hard. Every girl always comes in at a higher number. 9-10 inches Not even close lol
this survey is seriously flawed as there are no proven (measured)penises 10 inches of more in existence, and those around 9 inches long are extremely rare in the real world! “Porn inches” don’t count! Real penis size surveys where measurements were take have the average size between 5 and 6 inches. At 7 inches long with a 6 inch girth, I have been called “huge” by every woman I’ve been with, a few who had experienced many dozens of erect penises.
What you do with what you have, no matter the size, is much more important than size. Paying attention to what she wants, how she likes things done, and making sure she is getting the most pleasure you can provide will make most women happy and sexually satisfied.
Keep in might that dozens of partners might still not be enough to find the other guys your size or bigger. As only 1 in 100 men have over 7 inches in length. Basically, about 1% of men are at least between 7-8 inches. But when overall population is taken into consideration, that’s still 39 million men worldwide. And like, 1.6-something Mil. in the US alone.
The studies also found that .2% of men having over 9 inches. Which would be almost 9 million in total. Of course, that’s IF the statistics scale up properly to full population numbers from the mere tens of thousands that participated.
Why are you so intent on repeating this same imformation
Measurements were not self reported. Measurements were taken by researchers…Who were these researchers and how do I sign up to be measured?
An interesting study and comments. I don’t think as a man it anything unexpected. Of course size matters. But from talking to a few ladies a rock hard five inches is better than an eight inch whiskey dick.
I’ve only been with one woman, so I can only relate to my experience with her for over forty years. Early years I pre E, didn’t know I should last longer than a minute, adding insult to injury I was only Five inches long. In my late forties I had ED and started on viagra which helped me Pre E. More importantly I started getting my penis bigger. Started around five bone pressed and 4.5 inch girth and now 6.75 bone pressed and 5.5 inch girth, and can go for ever. She’s hyper multi orgasmic now, and yes we have a nice collection of toys but her favourite is me going deep hitting thoughs deep spots I never could before. So I guess, in a way she’s had multiple partners but with a growing penis. She claims she always enjoyed my penis regardless of it size, because it is attached to me, but she admits she likes it better now.
Damn I’m 6×4.5 and I feel no friction cuz I’m thin but I use a sleeve and I get my ex off she left me for this cholo, seen it on camera him fuckin her and he spread her and made her shake like I never did in 7yrs, he was saying I’m bigger n better, and she said it’s yours now, I knew then bigger penis can take my woman because they are a better breed and they know there name will carry on more, but I understand I would never fuck like that in my life he gots bigger cock and makes her face look crazy and feet twitching like I will never do, he a more dominant breed
How can I make my husband’s penis bigger?
We investigated all the scientific research out there on getting a bigger penis, NOT anecdotal evidence. We couldn’t find any method that reliably increases penis size.
Change Husband
What’s the point of this statistic? Only 1,387 women were questioned? Out of the entire 332,000,000 people living in the United States that’s literally an insignificant percentage of the population.
Absolutely true. 1,387 is small sample and we can’t guarantee that this group is perfectly representative of the female population, but we think it is big enough to represent a very good approximation of their preferences when it comes to penis size. Unfortunately we don’t (yet) have the resources to survey the entire US population 😉
Nonetheless, thank you for taking the time to do this research. It is enlightening.
Please try to do a larger scale one in the future if at all possible, and with visual size reference guide provided alongside (maybe with a recommendation to have a ruler on hand as well) for those participating in the study/survey.
Yo I’m 17 with 5 in how much more time do I have to grow and how do I make sure it grows?
But I was told it was long enough… 🙁
I think everything is above board here. Be the best person you can be. Educate yourself about the particular types of love making you like. If your partner happens to have a size preference,
Consider alternatives or move on. Do not ever let anyone degrade you because of your size.
I was born with a tiny non functioning micro penis that is inverted inside my abdomen. When I later met my wife she had been with lots of guys from High school and college and knew I couldn’t ever penetrate her but she said I could please her in different ways. I got good at oral and using my fingers but I wanted her to get an orgasm from penetration so I bought her a dildo copy of Jeremy Bilding and used it on her that night. She moaned and came so many times from this we lost count. She obviously enjoyed these orgasms more than what I was doing. I kept using bigger dildos all the way up to the Jeff Stryker and Kevin Dean and Real Cock 2 dildos. After 2 years of encouraging her I finally convinced her to allow our mutual male friend to have sex with her. It was awkward the first time but we all had a few drinks things heated up. I had second thoughts when I saw his large cock sink into her but It made me so horny seeing his cock go deeply inside her.She wrapped her legs around him and pumped her hips on him. She came like a “wild woman”! I realized then and there that my wife needed penetration and girth to cum hard. We both are addicted to this now and at times wife entertains his friends too . Like someone said all women are different and have different sexual needs .I feel liberated now that I love watching guys cum in her while she has fun too.Some women lust for big cocks and that’s just how it is.
Puts , lendo tudo isso , me ferrei kkkkkkk
Just as you men like girls with thick ass and with a good shape so do girls like a big dick why do you think you came here, you knew your dick was undersized or oversized it is up to you to think what you want…….. THE PHILOSOPHER
Well, I’m 8 inches. I didn’t realize how “well endowed” I am until reading this study.
I have had 1 woman say “your a porn star”, 1 say “it’s the biggest she’s ever had”, most of them say “it hurts”, and a good majority of them tell me “I have to get use to it”. I’ve never really consider myself to be “big”. This study has made me realize that I’m not the most ideal for women and I can see why. It’s made me realize that the majority of the women I have been with experienced some pain.
I think most men under estimate themselves. I am a black American and there are rumors about use. I think I’ll go look that up now.
Some of the people here are just weird, allowing cuckery in an attempt to keep your wife in a way to compensate for your size is just outrageous frankly speaking. The average penis is built for the average woman’s vagina, simple as that. The variation in men’s penis size suggests there is the same variation in women’s vaginas, this is common sense. If you’re average and find a woman that says it’s too small, then go to another and don’t force yourself to be with the last, there are plently of women that will find the average adequate. If you’re below average you will need to know other methods to get her aroused, basically make up for the lack of size. Another thing, you can get women that are tighter, typically east asian, north African and sometimes European women are tighter although it’s just a general rule, not always the case. Last time I measured I was 6.1 inches length, 4.9 inches girth at 20 and I believe I’m still growing but even if I wasn’t I feel no insecurity about it at all. I used to think 6 was average and still didn’t feel anything about it, now knowing it’s actually 5.16 does give a small boost ngl🥶
Finally someone reasonable. Some of these comments make me sick.
I struggle to believe statistics. I am 6.1″ bone pressed length and a visible length of 5.6″ with both of these measurements being close to the top 20% statistically. I have REPEATEDLY received feedback from women, often unprompted, that I am in the bottom 20% for length and that most are actually significantly longer. By all means we may not be great at taking actual measurements with our eyes but it’s easy enough to say ‘most are bigger by a fair way’ with a degree of accuracy.
Similarly, my girth of 5.3″ (I need 60mm condoms for a proper fit) sees me nudge into the top 10% statistically. Yet… feedback from women is that I am a touch above average, and that many guys are not just bigger but WAY bigger.
I believe in maths and statistics and science in every other area of my life but this simply makes no sense & I’m talking decades of experience with dozens of women so it is probably going a bit past anecdotal evidence.
I’d be curious to know how exactly you received this feedback from women. Did you ask them how big you were? If so, why even bother? Why not just ask what she likes instead? Why did you need to know where you ranked in terms of size? Secondly you said some of the feedback you received was unprompted. That seems extremely strange to me. I can’t imagine any woman telling you you were bottom 20% unless either you did something to piss them off, or she sensed you were into the small penis humiliation kink.
As an aside, a 9″ visible length is 1 in 10,000,000 men and an 8″ visible length is 1 in 250,000 men, according to statistics. Even if the stats are wrong by double, ten times, even a hundred times… a 9″ visible length is 1 in 100,000 men and an 8″ visible length is 1 in 2,500 men.
So even if stats are off by ONE HUNDRED TIMES there’s no way women are seeing 8″ and 9″ penises and certainly not multiples… and 10″ and 12″ are absolute nonsense with no medical or scientific proof.
Perhaps if this ‘survey’ was ‘squashed’ to move the uppermost size to 8.5″ and the lowest point to 2.5″ it might provide a more accurate assessment of women’s experiences.
Can you share a link to these stats?
Did you consider that the guys with large penises probably have sex with way more girls than the guys with small penises? I used to know a guy that was supposedly huge and he was taking a girl home just about every night that he went to town. So even if he was the only 8+ inch dick in town, a lot of girls got to see it.
Yes, that’s the only way I can make sense of statistics. Big dudes are confident and sleep with dozens, small dudes are ridiculed and ashamed and don’t sleep around. This skews experiences with rare or near impossible sizes, it doesn’t make them more common but it does make them more common as far as dicks women see.
I’ve not been with many women but the ones I’ve been with have said that my 8in long, 6in in circumference member was very big. I’ve also had my sister in law who is my best friend and who is completely comfortable with me coming out of the shower naked and comment that I am very big in comparison to her husband. My wife agrees but isn’t a woman who would have cared whether I was 5, 6 or 8 inches because she was a virgin when we met and can’t really compare me to anyone else. In her mind, I represent most men. She’s also a tiny woman who in time got used to my big member simply asking that I do not introduce my little man or thrust aggressively once inside. I’ve since learned to appreciate what I have and to learn how to use it in a manner that gives pleasure which I think every man despite their size can achieve. Just think, if two women (lesbians) can achieve orgasms with something much tinier than a penis, then who are we to complain and worry so much about size.
I personally think it is more about appealing because i think average vagina is only 4 to 6 inch deep when stretched(in rare cases it can go more than 6 inches) just like guys who love bigger boobs, they like larger than the handful or average but too large is unattractive, similarly , a larger penis like 7-8 inch rather than 6 inches is attractive but anything larger than 8 inch would probably feel weird.
I’m 8.2”x 5.5” although I haven’t had too many complaints a couple petite women had to see their obgyn after our sexual encounters.
I was reading on reddit under the bigdickproblems or w.e it was called nd was very suprised that so many men nd women considered over 7″ big. I was under the the stupid shit im sure all guys hear about all these guys being 8 or 9 or bigger so i felt i was not enough. Im a lil over 7″ but only like 5″ girth so was nervous about what women wld think but suprisingly got some pretty good wows nd please go slow’s. Which skyrocketed my self esteem when it came to that. I still wasnt convinced it was big enough cuz my first gf in highschool was shockingly loose like im talking starting off w 4 fingers sideways loose (and i have big hands/fingers) nd she was a tiny girl just had wide set hips which now i no normally equates to a wide set vagina atleast in my experience. She was always wet when wed hang out tho like to thw point shed have to bring a change of underwear nd pants. She had only had 1 guy before me nd had said i was def longer but maybe a tiny bit less girth than him. She also never moaned no matter what shed like stop breathing nd gasp but was embarresed to let the noises out some reason. The next was way tighter nd was one of the “oh wow..please go slow” ones. Prob helps im only 5’8″ so maybe looks bigger? But eitherway i cld bottom her out nd she loved it as long as i wasnt too rough nd only did it missionary. Same goes for the nxt couple of relationships i had no problem getting them off w just my dick. until i met the one ive been with for like 10yrs now. Weve fought about this exact topic cuz she apt had “many” guys before me nd alot were bigger than me yet i bottom out the worse ive experienced thus far. Like we have to take extra time w foreplay nd then i have to go slow for awhile nd find the perfect position nd sometimes normally around her period i can go pretty much balls deep but then it hurts me cuz it feels like im hitting bone instead of the spongy wall. She also hints that its cuz she has an inverted uterus thats why i hit. Shes the only one that didnt even really flinch when seeing it but orgasms like crazy nd swears shes never got off more than once ever nd that was even rare w other guys she had been with but i cld get her off up to 3x but i was also fucking straight for newhere from 30mins to over an hr if anything was in my system. But shed get sore nd almost dry up after 30mins. Then shed be either trying to ride me or telling me to go deeper then itd hit nd shed cry hard so id feel bad nd obvi didnt get to finish so thatd suck. She had never really referred to it as being big really ever but did say it was built specifically for her pussy she thinks just maybe a tad bit shorter (and i think a lil bigger around as shes kinda a wide set as well) and even wanted to make a mould of it since i worked away all week. Going to blowjobs ive been sadly disapointed as watching porn younger id see these tiny girls taking “big” ones all the way to the balls yet havent found a woman that cld yet nd have had more partners pertaining to that than sex as some would see my dick and look suprised/scared nd say is it ok if i just suck you off instead which i was plenty ok w. Well the point i was trying to get to when i started was on that forum so many men were insecure after their woman said shed been w a 12″ or 10″ w.e then see theres nd wld be like wow u didnt say you were over 10″ when in fact they were like 7″ if that even. They concluded its called girl inches nd its way the f off nd part of that is their exes wld tell them their 9″ when in fact they were like 6 or less nd the women just believed them nd went by that number. Good way they said to check was to either have them guess ur size nd then let them measure it (if u want to be honest,some wld let them believe it was way bigger so theyd tell their girlfirends) or have them tell u the actual size of like a dildo but the actual insertion size of it. Granted a cpl guys said that their girl actually was w men 9 nd bigger so it kinda hurt his ego but u nvr no until u ask. But personally if shes not happy right off w you or ur size id move on cuz ull only fight about it more down the road nd itd be way more complicated if you had a kid or were married by the time one of you has had enough so better to do it early until you find someone happy w you for who and what you are. Just might take a lil more work for some. Oh nd btw to the guy that said that 7 nd 8″ dicks are rare or pornstar dicks ya maybe 8″+ but 7″ ask guys that have them nd theyll prob still tell you they worry about being bigger depending on the girl. Like i said im like 5’8″ tall nd over 7″ (prob closer to 7.25″ boneline or w.e thats called) but i feel self consious about it nd i know my friend whos like 6’5″ def does w from his words a 7″ spec cuz ppl expect bigger from bigger humans or i also knew some black guys that hate that stereotype cuz they didnt in fact have a big dick nd were also big men too. Moral of the story is try nd be happy with what you got and keep trying until you find a woman that you can please. Plus idk if theres a connection or not but any of the guys i know of that supposedly have giant hogs(9″ or bigger determined by a woman) they all seem to be pos idiots that are legit stupid. Maybe lack of blood to the brain has consequences in some cases haha
I have 7 inch length and 6 inch circumference. TRUST ME! It all comes down to her MOOD and wants at that very moment. She still has to want to cum. There have been few times of trying everything in the book, but no big O. Then there are times when I stick it in and the O happens immediately.
In my line of business as a PSO, size is the #1 topic for men about other men.
Unfortunately, the adult video industry has led to the belief that huge is better or makes you a better/strong more virile man.
Your study proves that women don’t want huge.
Thank you for putting that fallacy to bed, so to speak.
In my experience, it is men who are more obsessed with size than we women.
Size does matter, but it’s not everything.
I don’t agree with that last part about men being obsessed not women. I have tried SO hard to be ok with my size and pretend it doesn’t matter, and women insist on making it a (negative) topic of conversation.
I’m not even small, if statistics are true I’m well into the top 10%, but I am wounded to my core over WOMENS BEHAVIOUR.
So yeah, I care a lot, but it’s not men, it’s women who laugh, complain, make backhanded comments, mean unprompted comparisons to their ex or their biggeat, huff and puff if you slip out, or pressure you to consent to use a dildo the size of the ex they just told you they preferred. My current partner, in her 40s, laughed at me naked and now is frustrated I cover myself and my self esteem is tanking. You can’t laugh at my dick and then say it doesn’t matter or I can’t be hurt.
You cannot possibly imagine being laughed at, rejected, or cheated on because of your genitalia.
The damage is real and men are suffering.
I have just over a three inch penis, it barely penetrates. My girlfriend says she can only feel me inside of her occasionally. I’ve found that more often than not a tiny penis is a deal breaker. So I know I’m on the side of the too small fence, and I know the statistics are most likely accurate. At least as far as the too small end of the surgeon is concerned.
I always knew size matters in extreme circumstances. My penis gets up to around 2”. I knew before they did this study that I’m my situation size would inevitably matter. I mean what can you do with a two inch penis? I wasn’t surprised to find that 80% of women found small penis to be unsatisfactory. And I already knew before the report, and week before my girlfriend walked out on me that in extreme cases such as mine your partner was more likely to cheat. It even ends the relationship. Then my girlfriend actually did end the relationship because my penis is too small.
I hope you find the right woman. Try to find a woman with small V.
There are women with compatible V’s for you. Best of luck!
So what smaller guys just get cheated on. That sucks. Maybe why male suicide is so high
Based on the survey, yes, guys who are considered too small have a chance of being cheated on. However, guys who are considered too big by their partner have a chance of getting cheated on.
I realise this is a casual survey but anything on this topic uses a lot of false equivalence, delusionally positive twists, and out-of-shape logic.
The question guys are truly insecure about is not “will you settle for sub par intercourse with someone my size after a decade of men who pleased you in ways I never can”… seriously? The question is “do you prefer your exs much larger dick” and the answer is OVERWHELMINGLY yes.
The thinking we are encouraged to follow borders on delusional – how can you NOT be affected by the fact that every time you put your dick in a woman, it doesnt feel as good as her ex. Ever?
That there are positions where you fall out and she gets frustrated, and cant do properly, and positions you cant even do full stop. Not falling out, not is it in yet, but a big fat zero to an entire part of their sex life they will never, ever have again because you simply cant even attempt the position.
And she wants a toy the size of her ex. Women with 7.5″ partners dont buy skinny, 3″ and 4″ long dildos for penetrative enjoyment, but when yiure small or even average, they want a dildo the size of the ex they lie was too big and hurt them. Its not his size, he was just a jerk. But not enough of a jerk for her to overlook his giant penis… but women will happily overlook a decent guy because he isnt big.
An example of the thing this survey misses is that “too small” is 30-50% of men, and “too big” is men that are a fraction of a % and should scarcely feature in womens experiences.
So yeah sure x% of women may cheat on each group and you can claim equivalence, but the reality is the number of small men this encapsulates is many orders of magnitude above the number of big guys it refers to.
Similarpy this whole ‘too big hurts’, even yhese statistics clearly show that most women dont consider statistically rare big penises to be too big. So yeah, a baseball bat may hurt, but basically 99.9% of penises (not necessarily experiences, as someone above said, small guys like 4″ simply arent in the market) are not into the category of ‘it hurts’.
This holds true with my own personal experiences as someone supposedly in the average range – a significant number of women are actively disappointed, and 100% if pushes will admit a definite preference that I be far larger.
This is a serious mental health issue and societys abuse of men with size jokes EVERY DAY needs to change, and women need to be educated not to say awful things to men when they are naked.
Too late for me, but maybe we can give some guys safer and happier lives.
From my experience the survey seems to have a lot of truth and can accept that no survey of this size can be wholly correct. I am approx 4.7 inches fully erect(thats pushing the ruler to the bone!) so definitely on the smaller side of average but maybe not in the tiny range as one or 2 women told me! Being reasonably good looking & adventurous I have had sexual encounters with about 25 ladies ie where the she got the chance to hold or see my erection(takes a bit of bravery when you are on the petite size) of these I had full penetrative sex with about 6 Most of the women I encountered made funny comments about my smaller size and quite a few declined to have further sex with me! Some were polite but some were a bit more frank – in one encounter I had been fucking the lady hard for 5 mins when she asked me if I was going to put it in! When I said it was in she just said Oh!! a few laughed quite a bit and apologised while saying Im so sorry but I didnt know they came this small. Truth of the matter is that this is a problem that only the bottom 20% has to deal with – we have to accept that women have physical needs that we cant always fulfil with our smaller dicks but we can satisfy in other ways & still have healthy loving relationships. I am currently married for 20 years to my partner who says she is quite happy with my smaller size(she experienced a really big one when younger and said it was not good for her) So hang in there lads below 5 inches there is a lady out there for everyone.. just gotta roll with the punches!
This is literally the main finding of the survey! Different women find different sizes to be ideal. For some women, they find bigger than average to be ideal, while for others, they find smaller than average to be ideal.
The thing people miss is that 4.7 is not tiny *medically*, but it is tiny to women as guys who are smaller simply dont sleep around – many don’t participate at all – and bigger guys have bulk confodence from bwing praised (or at least not humiliated).
You may be statistically larger than 30-40% of men, but you’re smaller than almost 100% of the men women sleep with because the men around & below you simply arent in the game.
A 7″ dick should be rare, under 5%, but women who have been with even half a dozen men have all been with one, or multiple, as if they’re almost one in every three sexual experiences.
Thats why guys who are severely affected by this (often because of a few cruel women early on) dont believe statistics & get treated like they’re crazy – they have repeated life experience that their supposedly 1 in 2 or 3 size is freakshow territory, and the 7″-7.5″ porn dicks we are told are rare and dont exist in womens experiences, seem to be somewhat common.
Not a lot here that’s illuminating, in part because the terminology is vague. What is meant by ideal? Realistic or fantasy? The ideal mate for most heterosexual men might be a Playboy Playmate, but she represents less than 1% of the female population (and even then also a product of make up and photographic trickery). His chances of finding her in the general population are quite remote (and I work with someone who was a Playmate); the chances of the typical man getting her even more so. So, realistically is this who he seeks or expects to find while dating? Is he perpetually disappointed because the fantasy does not match reality? Or is he satisfied with reality even if he still has fantasies?
Another issue is demographics. Was a broad sample of races and ethnicities included? A five foot nine woman of African or Northern European descent might physically and culturally desire a man who is well over six feet tall and perhaps more likely to have larger reproductive organs. Hers might be proportional as well. But a petite Asian, Hispanic, Indigenous, or Southern European woman might feel quite differently. Or vice versa. Yes, there’s a dominant race in the U.S., but it’s not the only one and is shrinking in population. Surveys tend to skew results about men and women when they lack diversity.
I also wonder about self reported data. In my experience, people aren’t very good at estimating the size of body parts, especially genitalia. Most women I know think things are larger than they are in this regard (though men can be just as bad — I always chuckle when this subject comes up and all the men chiming in assure us they’re eight inches or more). Depending on my sexual excitement, what shape I’m in, and how recharged I am, I can be anywhere from 6 to 6.5 inches. That potentially puts me just above most reported averages but still not at the 7 or more inches many women have assumed I am if the subject even comes up. Yes, they could be playing to my ego, but I’ve been with some brutally honest ones, and even they might overestimate. Maybe my experience is different, but I’ve never had one take out a ruler.
That said, there are all sorts of prejudices about race, height, weight, and so forth. Why wouldn’t there be equally dumb ones about genitalia? I’ve been with my share of women, maybe more than that, and none ever complained about being sexually unsatisfied. In fact, it’s been volunteered frequently that I have the perfect size (which, again, might make me wonder about the numbers reported in your survey). Most of the women have been petite to average height and slim to athletic, but some have been tall and some curvy. I’ve been with every race.
So, just my two cents. It’s funny we spend so much time and energy in pursuit of reproduction and, thus, in competition and are borderline neurotic if we don’t think we measure up. In the meantime, life is short and we would enjoy it more if we weren’t so obsessed with sex.
This is a brilliant survey.
Contrary to what some are saying, the sample size is large! I believe it is statistically significant.
My main takeaway, which I had no idea of previously, is that ‘most’ women prefer 6 to 8 inches length and about a 6 inch girth.
However, those on the small and or large ends will have less opportunities to find a compatible mate but those opportunities still exist.
I would consider the recollection of the female participants as “expert opinions”
“40.2% Of Women Would Consider Cheating On A Partner With A Small Penis”
you’ve managed to find pretty damn trash individuals of women for your study
The key word here is “consider”. It is not definitive.
Basically the same proportion of women who said they wouldn’t enter a relationship with a man whose penis was too small to satisfy them… i.e., it seems to suggest that women wouldn’t enter that relationship in the first place BECAUSE they know they would be tempted to cheat. Which makes sense
These are reported sizes. How can we be sure they are accurate? In fact, they are probably substantially high.
A study found that guys over-report their sizes by two inches on average.
Plus there are different ways of measuring. Different starting points. Different angle. Different postures. All of these affect the measurement very substantially.
How do these women know their partners’ sizes? Did they measure them? Probably not. Even if they did, exactly how did they measure (posture, starting point, angle, etc.)?
I suspect that the given figures are high by at least an inch, relative to the actual scientific standard measurements.
“A study found that guys over-report their sizes by two inches on average.”
Can you share the study?
I agree with you. Never heard of passionate sex involving measuring the P.
Maybe someone has a fetish for that? Women does not see difference between 5 to 7 inches. They only have a subjective estimate of shape and size.
I always thought 7 inches was average, probably I don’t know but in terms of the bedroom, 7 times out of 10 I’ve been able to give my partner an orgasm having 7 inches.
Theres lot of men objecting this article and zero girls objecting this so it prove what the situation really is
I have a length of 4.2 inches long and 6 inches in circumference and it has fit me perfectly for over 40 years
Mechanically it is a rock, hard, rigid and inflexible, short according to the statistics but within a context that the statistics do not consider it has been perfect for me: it is my pride and I do not need to have “more”
A long penis bends and cannot compete with the “rock”
Others also have their advantages, not without remembering that we cannot have two or more penises to have the advantages of each one.
There are men who get excited when they see a woman’s hips, others fixate on the breasts, others on the thinness or fatness of the legs, etc. And women, who know this, do not suffer knowing that sooner or later the man they want will arrive. they love them
The multiple orgasms of my partner for 20 years is the guarantee, a notarized document that allows me to be very empowered
Each woman is unrepeatable, unique, and despite statistical methods, not a single one of them has a copy anywhere on planet Earth.
The man with a small penis should not look for promiscuous women or women who have had many partners
The more previous relationships of a woman, the more options to compare
There is a psychological aspect that must be taken into account in relation to a woman’s opinion and it is her connection with the masculine and love
For a woman to know the difference between a small penis and a big one, she must have a man with an interchangeable penis to know, with the same partner, if one or the other is better.
All opinions are the product of a subjective opinion
Do any of them carry a seamstress meter so that what they understand by “big” or “small” has a measure in inches?¨
Everything revolves around the visual (3D plastic penis surveys) and the natural impression of participating in this type of survey, for example.
The design of the woman (spiritual and biological) brings her closer to a type of unconditional love different from that of the man: that is why every human being is born from the womb of a woman
Changing your partner because of the size of your penis is the same as changing your wife because you are fat, because you have stretch marks after pregnancy, because you are very thin, or because you have sagging or sagging breasts due to age.
All the statistics work like rational machines without considering, for example, the statistics taken in religious groups like Mormons, Adventists, Baptists, etc., where a spiritual growth and preparation could give totally different figures in a female population that points to more spiritual things. than the simple measurement of a penis.
Pornography has adulterated world sexuality particularly today where every cell phone has a free door to view pornography in any of over a hundred classifications.
The penis-vagina design is a self-connecting kit as if it were a puzzle, a male connector of fixed size which is found with a female connector that according to the measurements are adapted
The statistics do not take into account the psychological profile of women. Some of them, abandoned by their parents, may wish for a large penis as a parental compensation value.
The need for a large penis, even if 50% of the world population of women had been surveyed, cannot be applied by a man who is looking for a partner.
More than enlarging the penis, the man must enlarge himself as a good, faithful, loving, helpful, consenting, protective, provider, etc. man.
A well-structured woman will greatly value these attributes in her partner and thus the size of the penis ceases to be a parameter, becoming irrelevant.
The man must learn that a woman is not measured with a seamstress’ meter and know her psyche, her emotional and hormonal nature, her sensitivity, her ineffable desires, her needs and her response patterns.
For that, a scalpel is not needed to place implants, but an intentional work of human growth BUT with different patterns than what the world in general dictates.
Be proud of your penis and thank God you have it and don’t forget that your partner’s vagina has the ability to adapt to your exact size.
that was perfect
Well said, more people need to hear this, myself included; and I consider myself somewhat enlightened.
Thank you.
You have described me, the interchangeable. I have learned the art of withholding my length to 5.6″ and it’s a little fatter than my big one. My big one is as hard as rock at 8″ by 6″ diam at the base. I use it as fulcrum not straight in and out but move it in out by angling it,so it hits the side and then the other as I thrust. I have tapering shape which I think makes for easy entry. There is a lot in sex not just the penis but a little finger can bring more pleasure than a big member. Every woman is different and have needs desires and passion and like different things. It would be boring world if everyone were the same. This means there is partner out there for everyone. Some girls have really small clits and some have big clits. My woman that I have been with for 13yrs personally likes the bigger one. She is tall for a woman for her age and very well built. I met my woman when I was was 59 and she has been the woman that I have been most compatible with. And age is no barrier to the sexual happiness and makes you a better lover as practice makes perfect.
Well it mostly is mental for the women because if you know what to do and how to please a woman and use your penis and give women orgasms every time like I do than size means nothing really.
Did you know, women can fully satisfied their own body just using their finger, THEIR FINGER. Avg length of their finger is only 3 inch! and girth of 3inch! In fact, average of women reach climax faster (9minute) when they using their own finger than sex with his partner (a penis) (14minute).
So the point is, if your penis more than 3inch (length and girth) it shouldn’t be a problem unless you have erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, bad position, etc. If you dont have any of that problem but shes not fully satisfied so the problem is on her, she might have anxiety, depression, trauma, or psychological reasons like: she thinks your small so shes not focusing on sex but shes focusing told her self “his dick small inside”, or can be she’s not horny enough so she dont feel satisfied enough, etc.
If she find 7inch is fully satisfied her, so the smaller might be harder to satisfy her, But if she find that 7inch hurts her, so the smaller one might satisfy more.
Just because she “can” get off with just a finger, doesn’t mean its better than a 7-inch penis. As in, ask 100 women if they “prefer” a finger over a 7-inch hard penis…see what the responses are. In fact, why would she even insert a finger if she can just get off with rubbing the clit?
There are levels of this, I’m sure.
It’s about preferences.
Some women prefer clitoral stimulation (the clitoris has the most nerve endings in her body, and the g-spot is an extension of it (the most popular hypothesis), which is around the first three inches of the vagina. Clitoris is the most sensitive part of her body, you would make her feel more electro shock by passing your cock over her clitoris than ramming your cock inside her vagina, so much that it could possibly hurt her more if you go rough through it than if you have a massive cock and you tried to force it inside her vagina.Only the third first half of her vagina is plenty of nerve cells, the rest has around like 10% or something. That’s why the most sensitive in the vagina is the g.spot. The cervix and the end of it sensitive but not as sensitive as the g-spot. Women love to talk a lot of shit. A lot of what “arouses” a woman is how “manly” and “confident” a dude is. He can be bad, vile, that’s sexy. Guys with average cocks grew up being insecure over pornstar dicks and developed small cock insecurity syndrome over it. If a guy is small, but the girl is aroused, her uterus is going to drop and she is going to feel more. A 4 incher, depending on the position and where it hits, can be more felt than a six incher if the girl isn’t aroused at all. You need to hit the good spots and do what you can do with what you have, but first the girl needs to be horny. If she isn’t horny, she is dry and not even her finger or anything else will work.
But yeah my point is, it’s about nerves, sensations, and no cock can give more sensation than a clitoris can.
And also, a lot of what makes women horny and cum are reactions to pure raw testosterone and things that are manly which they venerate, and if you are not dumb you know when veneration comes into play dillusionment comes next. A guy to make a girl horny need to make her feel fantasy, and that’s why women want large cocks, not because it feels better per se, but because it’s more imposing. It hurts them a lot at first but they get used to it. Women are hypergamous, and promiscuous.
Who cares. Fuck these fucking women.
Interesting and I wouldn’t doubt the general findings of your study. However, the sizes given by the women questioned weren’t actual measurements, right? I can’t imagine that all of those 1300+ women actually whipped out a tape and measured their partners. And in my experience most people will significantly overestimate the size of any penis they’re presented with. “Porn inches” contribute to that misconception as well when you realise that what’s advertised as a foot long monster is in fact well below that.
I can very well believe that most women prefer above average sized penises, but when they say their preference is 7 inches they most likely think of something that’s really maybe 6.
I can hardly believe that those women who recently had a “large penis experience” had on average encountered a 9+ incher.
My personal experience also contradicts your finding that nearly 50% wouldn’t consider 9 inches too much. And nearly 40% would say the same of 10 and nearly 20% don’t think 11 is too big? Maybe I have met the wrong women throughout my entire life, but I definitely can’t confirm those claims.
I’m 9.25 x 6.5 and no, I haven’t been with 1300+ women so my own “sample” isn’t statistically relevant. But I know that all of my partners overestimated my size, some of them by a lot. Except for one, a self proclaimed size queen who estimated my size almost 100% accurately. Absolutely everyone else thought I was anything from 10 to 15 inches, most common guess being 12. And I’d say for probably 90% of my partners it was too large to be pleasurable or at least a struggle for them and myself to make it work.
These issues in mind I had started to drop hints and somehow bring the subject up when meeting someone new but soon realised it’s often pointless because most of the time they just don’t have a realistic idea of what 9.25 actually looks like.
So yeah, those women who report they’ve recently had 10 inches, they most likely had 8, if that.
And when they say they like 7-8, that’s probably 5-7.
So most of us men should be just fine
I want to point out that you make no sense putting 7.22 inches as the ideal average. When 6 and 7 were the 2 most favored sizes. How do you get 7.22. It would be 6.22 because you would meet in the middle of 6 and 7. It’s obvious that 6 inches was better than 8 so how the fuck do you get 7.22. That makes no sense and who ever did the math on this shit is a fucking dumb ass I swear. Like foreal how the fuck do you get 7.22 when 6 inches and 7 inches are more favorable than 8. Sorry bad girls bible but the moderators who run this site need to go back to school cause your a fucking idiot. Yea you hear me Sean you’re fucking dumb as shit foreal. Learn how to do math idiot.
I don’t really follow you. We added up all the preferred lengths and divided that result by the number of respondents to get the average. That’s why there is a decimal place.
You literally said Despite an exhaustive search, we could not find any existing sexual study or research that examined the relationship between penis size and sexual satisfaction for women during penile-vaginal sex. So we conducted our own in-depth research.
We began by asking a simple question about every penis size (in 1 inch increments) from 1 inch in length up to 12 inches in length.
How to fuck do you examine the relationship between a size and sexual pleasure it brings by asking a question? Does that make any sense really? How can you examine the relationship between size and pleasure by asking a ???
It was a survey, so we asked questions. Not sure how else we could find out, but open to suggestions
Speaking for myself, SIZE DOES NOT MATTER!!! As long as you know what to do with it, size is irrelevant. My boyfriend is average 6 inches and I am fully satisfied daily. It just depends on the girl but most girls don’t care about size.
…because he is 6 inches long. Which is close to the upper end of average. In case you missed it, this study claims 6-8 inches long is the ideal length, so you beau meets that range (albeit barely).
You wouldn’t be quite the cheerleader if he were 2 inches shorter…
I’m 35 and 5.9×4.4 never made a female orgasm with intercourse had a 3sum with my roommate he 5.7×5.4 I was going till I had no breath, he gave her 3 strokes and her legs where shaking she sounded Chinese and she had that ghost face on, she said he felt more powerful and felt him throbbing and she said he stretched her good, i wanna breed and keep my bloodline going but with a pencil dick it’s impossible to hold a female down with social media, pencil dick men will go instinct, and alpha’s with big d will continue to breed and spread they genes
The main finding of the survey was that different women have different preferences. Not every woman wants a big penis.
Statistically speaking, I am supposed to be longer than 92% of men and thicker than 96%. Yet, women’s disappointment, dissatisfaction, and unprompted comparisons/hints about huge exes or preferences are not at all uncommon and statistically rare or impossible sizes are commonplace. I am also a ‘grower’ and have had two partners laugh at my cold/flaccid size while showering.
So anyway, 7.22″ is a size that you should, statistically, have to sleep with a hundred, or hundreds, of men to experience even ONCE.
I think there’s an experience bias? Exaggerated example here, but 4″ guy sleeps with 1 & gets laughed at or massively negative feedback, 6″ a bit more confident sleeps with 5, 8″ guy full of BDE and sleeps with 20 because women love confidence so he’s successful and he also puts himself out there more in a self-feeding loop of confidence building praise and success. All of a sudden small practically doesn’t feature in women’s experiences, normal becomes small and large becomes common, even though sizes of 8″ are practically impossible for someone with a fairly normal body count (say 10-20) to ever experience except for an extreme skew in the dating market produced by shame, fear, negative experiences, and also women’s preferences for confident, taller men (tall is a mild correlation to slightly larger average size, not a guarantee of big) before you even consider those who sleep with people because they’ve heard/asked/suspect they’re doing well for themselves.
Stay strong lads, maybe next life, hey?
The two biggest cocks in porn are average height dudes. 5’8 at around 9.5 inches. Height isn’t linked to size. You are not going to ten inches because you’re 7ft. I know a 6’2 dude who is 4’5. Just dont correlate it with size. My brother is smaller than me yet i am average and he is a 6 incher
Try using your tongue
Harsh truths.Having smaller one literally destroyed my whole dating life, after 9 years of dating with tons of women, almost all of them didnt like it and left because of it.
I think I’ve always been naturally roomier and preferred/needed thicker girths. My dildos range from 6″ to 8″ in girth (circumference). My husband is about 4″ girth and we regularly use dildos to help keep me filled up. Girth is so much more important than length!
56-yr old male here. Full disclosure, I am about 6.25 inches long by about 5.5 inches circumference, but my max circumference is about 6.5 inches around because I’m tapered thicker towards the base.
This is fully erect and fully bone pressed. So, on the upper end of ave for length but def thicker than ave for girth.
So lets see…the AVE length and circumference of a fully erect penis is like 5.7 inches by 4.7 inches, respectively. But the AVE female reports they “prefer” a size of about 7 inches long by almost 6 inches wide. I don’t doubt this, and its quite reasonable – even accurate. Note that if you check out several adult toy websites, you’ll find the typical insertable length for dildos sold ranges from about 4 to 12 inches. OK, so for easy math, lets say the max is 10 inches instead. That’s a 7 inch long average. Not coincidentally, that’s the average “preferred” length from above. Dildo makers are not stupid…its supply n demand – they sell what women want to buy.
EVERYTHING in this world is preference. As in size preference. Why do women get breast enlargements? Why do peeps have homes and cars bigger than they need? Why do women prefer guys who are 6 ft 3 inches tall vs 5 ft 3 inches tall? Why do men prefer 40-inch asses over stick-figure barbie doll asses? Everything in this world is size oriented. Penis size is no different – and its size DOES matter!
But we must all realize that this “preferred” size of say 7 x 6 represents about the 92%-tile in fully erect penis size. This means that barely 8% of all guys are “the perfect size”. OK, so if we expand a bit with a range, then say barely 20% of all guys are “the perfect size”. But way more than 20% of women are telling their men that they ARE the perfect size. So, either they are lying, or they really don’t know any better…
Which brings me to the next point. Certain women absolutely know what their “preferred” size is. The ones that have had enough sex with many different sizes know the difference between too small, too big, and just right. The ones who are horny and want and truly enjoy sex are the ones who know the difference. The ones who don’t put out or don’t really enjoy sex (for whatever reasons) or have self esteem issues or just don’t put out any vibe, are the ones who tell us “size doesn’t matter”…or that “you’re the perfect size for me”.
My ex wife and current girlfriend are very representative of this issue. With my ex wife (who pushed out two babies vaginally and subsequently got somewhat stretched out), she rarely showed any physical, vocal, or body gesture indications that my “size” was doing anything spectacular to her. She always acted and sounded the same regardless of whether I was doing her or she was doing herself with nothing inside her. She never really remarked about my size and never really made any sounds or moans that indicated that. She once told me that I was perfect for her, and that “I meet expectations”. I once asked her if she HAD to either increase my length or decrease my length by 1 inch, which would she choose? Naturally, she chose “add 1 inch”, but it was because of a lame reason…”because even if you add, you don’t have to use it all”. My current GF told me that was a “crock”…it really meant the EX would have been worried that if I lost an inch, I would then be too small for it to “meet expectations”. Long story short…there are ways to tell if you woman does NOT fully dig your size, regardless of if she lies about it.
Fast forward to my current GF (who incidentally never had any kids). She is def tighter…I feel that! And that results in her squirming and moaning and moving her bod in ways to try to accommodate my size – especially when my thickest part gets into her. I feel and hear her reacting to my size…the past EX wife did not. I even get a bigtime reaction from her when I swell up and contract and cum. She tells me I’m hard and thick fairly often…the past EX wife rarely did that. So I am convinced that I am actually the perfect “preferred” size for my GF. That was not the case with my EX.
So there…Penis Size class 305 has concluded.
Penis girths above 6 inches are very rare. The average girth is only about 4.5 to 4.75 inches. Most women who claim their BF is 6+ girth have never actually measured it, and wouldn’t even know how lol.
Mid 30’s female. 5’7 Marilyn Monroe curves but very athletic. Labeled a size queen by friends. I want to comment on this thread bc it’s a lot of males on here. From a woman’s perspective Size does matter. Only bc the size of a woman’s vagina matters in relation to the dic*. I prefer men on the larger end 7.5 inches is best for me. I have an inverted cervix and a hart shaped booty. I have had normal to above normal partners. I’ve enjoyed them all to varying degrees.
I have run into a few smaller guys and one micro penis. I gave him pity head as to not make him feel bad. I am a sensual person and took great care to make the men feel empowered and masculine. Sometimes I faked it with smaller men to not hurt their feelings. The average penis would usually get me off depending on the angels. They can hit the Gspt easier I feel. Where’s the longer ones miss it and can go to far. Girth is definitely a plus on any length. I am Swedish decent with only one child. What I know is I like to feel filled by a man and my vaginal length is longer than most but tighter than most. My best sex is with taller men bc I like to feel feminine and petite next to them.
My gf is also white but prefers smaller thicker dic*s. She calls me the size queen bc she likes 4-5 inches. She also had to have a cesarean bc her vaginal opening was too small for child birth. I did not have this problem and had all natural child birth. Her obgyn commented that she resembled an Asian lady downstairs. My Obgyn stated I had a pretty kitty and was overly tight. So guys this being said, size matters to all women based on their anatomy, their experiences and their traumas.
I love a bigger member bc I have a longer vaginal canal and my bf has stated at 7.5inches he had difficulty finding a women who could accommodate all of him. Most women flat out refused him or said it was too painful. So larger is not always the solution. I hope this helps bc the main issue with men is their confidence. A confident man will get plenty of kitty!! If it’s not right for your current girl please find one that prefers your member. It’ll be way more rewarding for both!!
*Best dick is a clean dick!! Please Manscape and don’t be stinky*
I’ve been with hundreds of women.
This is the most honest article on dick size I’ve ever read.
Good job!
Great another reason why I hate my life I was basically given the three cards of death.
1) Ugly in looks
2) Overweight
3) Small penis
What’s the point of living? Most ok all women don’t even look or talk to me unless I’m in the checkout line and only then it’s their job to be nice to me not because she wants to but because she has too. I want to see a survey where they ask men what they think about breast size? Unlike breasts women can always get them bigger but men, can’t control something they have no control over. Men are usually called shallow when they say they want bigger boobs/asses but when it comes to penis size it’s oh that’s just her preference. Double Standards at its finest.
Dude, relax. They were asked to REMEMBER how big their partners were, and ESTIMATE what their ideal size is. Ask yourself how many women go around measuring each of their partners, or even just one of them? I can guarantee you it’s the minority. So they’re just giving half-assed guesses. And even if they DO know what they’re talking about, it’s STILL not worth worrying about, because study after study has revealed that only about 5% of men are 7 plus inches, and less than 1% are 8 plus. Yet at least half of women are with a long-term BF or husband. So there is no way all those women are with a guy who’s well-endowed. And no, the vast majority of them aren’t going to cheat just to find a bigger dick. It’s just not worth worrying about. Several PROFESSIONAL surveys have revealed that penis size is NOT one of the most important things women look for when choosing a partner.
Women lie even in surveys. Common sense says she’ll be happier with you sexually if you’re 8 or above. Pain can be mitigated with lube and others. Having a small dick cannot be mitigated. Having the right tool for the job is important. What makes you think it is not important for sex? Basically, bigger is better at all times. If you disagree ask a guy with a big dick if he’d traded places with you. Why do people sugarcoat reality?
What is it you’re accusing women of lying about? That they’re OK with an average sized penis? Well, your argument works both ways. They could just as easily be lying when they say they need a big penis. Also, most women have never even measured a penis anyway, much less each one of their partners. So when women claim they “need” a certain size, it needs to be taken with a grain of salt. How would they know if they’ve never measured one? And even if they did, did they measure it correctly? As for your claim that bigger is “always” better, that is categorically false. Study after study has shown that penises above a certain size start declining in preference, because some women simply can’t tolerate one that big.
Penis size has given birth to the number one searched category in pornography, cuckolding. My girlfriend and I started out with MFM threesomes. A couple of the guys had 8 inches or more. She said sometimes it was painful but only when they pushed all of the way in. She learned to squirt because of the fullness that she enjoyed. I am 5.5 inches which has been enough to satisfy her but she is unable to squirt with me. With our relationship, I’m not afraid in the least that she will leave me and we both have an enjoyable sex life. Another study could be done concerning semen quantity. I believe most heterosexual women enjoy more versus less, much like penis length and girth.
Shaming men for something they have no control over is just plain awful. As somebody with an average penis at 5.5 inches, I cannot fathom how women would shame a guy for something that he has no control over. Hasn’t happened to me but that is a huge red flag. I mean, it is scientifically proven that most women don’t climax from vaginal penetration anyways so you just have to be confident, not worry about your dick and focus on other things as well such as fingering, cunnilingus etc and sex will surely be great. Besides that, we tend to isolate penis size, but forget one important aspect – there are way more things that need to be alright before you get into bed together so don’t hyperfocus on this issue. The numbers show that something between 6 and 8 inches is preferred and we have seen that starting at 7.2 inches sexual satisfaction drops. So I would assume it is safe to say, taking into account average penile length at I believe 5.1 inches measured by the researchers, that having a dick between 5 and 7 inches should satisfy most women. So men just stop whining, get into the gym, improve every aspect of your health, get off online dating and out into the real world and see how it works out for you 🙂 And women should not shame a guy for something that is defined by genetics, there is so much more to dating than 1 cm more or less my god…
Size does matter, but it’s not the only thing. My man is very well endowed, nearly 11 inches long and very thick. But I like when he does me doggy style the best starting out with long, slow strokes while he massages my boobs and belly and then slapping my ass and fucking me with longer, harder strokes as I start moaning loudly. It’s certainly worked well. We’ve been married for almost nine years and I recently found out I’m pregnant again with our sixth child.
I am a mother of two with two vaginal births and my vagina is just as tight as it ever was. You know why? Because the female body is amazing. In the last month and especially the last two weeks of pregnancy, your body secretes enormous amounts of prostaglandins, which turn you into Gumby. The prostaglandins make all of the soft tissue in your body super stretchy. You can even feel it walking around. Your joints and muscles feel all gummy and wobbly. Like you’re stretch Armstrong. Once you have the baby, the prostaglandins go away, and everything shrinks and hardens back to original size. When women get “stretched out” from giving birth, and have “gaping” issues, this is a result of pelvic floor injury and is not normal. It can also be improved with pelvic floor therapy.
As for the “tight vagina,” it’s sort of a myth. Vaginas get engorged just like penises do. They also contract muscularly to clasp around something as small as a finger. I know that if I masturbate I can feel my own vagina hugging my finger. Thus, I think on the horizontal axis, even a finger sized penis could do the job hitting the g-spot.
The rub lies in the vertical axis. The vagina lengthens when engorged, much like a penis. Thus when it gets tight, it also gets long. For me anyway, the cervix and rectal wall are major g-spots too, especially in the home stretch. This is where the 7-inch penis is crucial.
It’s not like the small penis is unusable. It merely has limited range.
But that’s ok! Women learn from a very early age to tolerate and overcome the fact that our bodies will be mercilessly scrutinized and always found wanting. That’s why you develop your other talents too. How many absolute geniuses who changed society incomparably for the better had underwhelming penises? Seems like probably 99%. It is what it is. No reason to cry about it.
7.2″ is way above average and extremely rare and not even being realistic. That’s odd. I’m 6.8 and I know for a fact that over 7″ can be rather painful for some, but everyone is different.
See: Prause, N., Park, J., Leung, S., & Miller, G. (2015). Women’s preferences for penis size: a new research method using selection among 3D models. Plos one, 10(9), e0133079.
Though slightly more ‘humble’ than the results from this study, it seems resonant with it, overall (e.g. preference above 6″). The thing that made this study so strong is that they asked women to handle 3D models of phalluses of different sizes.
As a self identifying size-queen, size does matter andb bigger for me anyway, is alwasy better.
Whilst I think it’s fair to consider the high level findings of this as a reasonable reflection of women in that particular region/country; it would be unreasonable to assume this as univerally shared on a worlwide basis.
Additionally, I don’t belive there can be any credance at all given to any stated figures relating to measurements. A very significant majority of respondants, who admitidly will know if they like big/small; are making absolute finger in the air estimates on measurements; based on very poor and extremtly unreliable information, such as what measurments the man has said; looking at or feeling it and taking a rough guess, which in itself I know is almost always wrong; add then a human’s unreliable memory and tendancy to romantisise things, just makes the numbers worthless.
On top of this, even the data of respondents that have actually measured is questionable data. It’s likely that some would have measured incorrectly, as there is a considerable history of this in past surveys that still continues.
And furthermore, when scientists say the average is 5.5 inches, they mean bone-pressed, meaning the ruler was pressed into the pubic bone. Men can have anywhere between 0.5 to 5.0 inches of fat over the pubic bone. The average is about 1.0. So, if the average person has a bone-pressed length of 5.5″, then only about 4.5″ of it is visible. Which makes this study very questionable, because if a woman has actually measured any penises, she probably just measured the shaft without pressing into the pubic bone. Or just estimated it based on her hands, which again is not a bone-pressed measurement.
So, given those inaccurate measurements, when they said 7 inches is ideal, they really mean 8 inches when bone-pressed. But based on the studies, only about 0.5% of men are 8-inch bone-pressed. That’s only 5 in 1,000. Therefore, the vast majority of women have never seen a penis that big. Yet here they are, claiming they know what they feel like.
All the data is great, great work, and thank you for doing this. My only issue is the following:
I find the quote “median ideal erect penis size is 7 inches (17.78 cm)” troubling. The reason is that many men and women will find this number troubling to achieve.
The difference between 5 and 5.80 is BIG. The difference between a guy 6 and 6.90 is even bigger. So if you were to do this study again, I believe from 5 to 8 you need to go by half-inch increments.
I’m 100% sure that if you did this study again the majority would have chosen 6.5 inches BPEL and that median would have changed to way below 7 from the above 7 as you have now. As Shalina mentioned the 3D models would have helped, maybe next time you ask them to print it out on paper.
The vast majority of men can just relax when it comes to penis size. It doesn’t matter what women want if there’s no men out there who match it. I can want a multi-million dollar beachfront mansion in Miami Beach all day long but there is a 95% chance that it’s not happening. A woman can want a 7 to 8 inch penis and the same odds apply. Learn to use what you have. Thankfully, the bigger problem, premature ejaculation, is actually resolvable with some effort on your part and maybe some participation of your woman. Believe it or not, one of the main reasons for premature ejaculation is anxiety. There are things you can do to force yourself to relax, to reduce your anxiety. You can concentrate on your breathing. You can have conversation with your woman to put yourself more at ease. You can get yourself close to ejaculation and then pause, learning to catch yourself before you go too far. Lastly, if you still struggle to control it, work with your partner to get an erection again. Each time you can get it up you’ll last longer because your penis will become less sensitive.
One other thing, AND I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! Ruthlessly and mercilessly eliminate pornography from your life. Give it no quarter. It’s extremely damaging to the male psyche and will end up destroying the most important aspect of sex: intimacy with the woman you love. It completely distorts and twists everything about the act of sex. It will dramatically affect your state of mind and this is proven by scientific studies. It is also highly addictive. If you value your woman, the act of making love, and want to have the right state of mind necessary for you and your woman to enjoy sex, pornography has to go. It is a massive problem for men today and far too many don’t see the danger it presents.
Well I have to say that having a 7.6 “ and my time in the different countries all the woman I exposed my penis to they said that is not going to be put that all the way in me and they wanted to suck on it half way in there vagina all the way so I did what they wanted. Having a big penis is great but you have to find a woman to take it all and that is not easy..
Nearly every woman I have been with who I asked swears I am 7″ long and 6.5″ in girth. In reality, I am 6.25-6.5″ long and 5.5-5.75″ in girth. Still, I am a bit above average, but not near what women assume it measures in at. I think we could reduce all these measurements by 0.5-1″ and have the accurate “wants” of women.
I was born with an extremely small micropenis.My to be wife knew I would never be able to penetrate her like past bf’s and x husband . I used dildos and strapons on her that she really enjoyed and I noticed that the larger especially thicker ones seemed to make her cum harder. When I used one strap on on her she enjoyed it but when I used a larger one in a harness it made her cum much harder. I also noticed this when we got involved in my wife having sex with our mutual male friend who is about 7 inches and thick and has an upward curve with a big head and his friends that are in the 6 inch or less category. and thinner. Not sure it’s the curve or big head or what but her orgasms are crazier with bigger dick. Ultimately every women is different with different needs but the above is my perspective anyway.
How common is it for men with with small penises (less than 5”) to share or want their wife with someone with a larger penis?
It would be interesting if penis ‘volume’, as in combined length and girth, were included as a study (stretch) option for sweet spot range.
Also, while penis length can’t be easily modified without addons, penis pumps and elastic rings may be able to temporarily modify girth, if used with reasonable care… Additional, all be it temporary, volume increases may move borderline ‘acceptable’ experiences to higher levels for both parties…
All you hear when it comes to size is the average but what you have to remember is that 5.5 is the average, not the most common size (mode or median would be much more accurate).
Say you have the following:
2 guys measure 3″ long
3 guys measure 4″ long,
2 measure 7″ long
2 measure 8″ long
1 measures 9 inches long
Your average is now 5.7 inches despite no one actually measuring that. If you replace that guy measuring 9″ with 6″, then you get an average of 5.4 inches.
From what I’ve seen on penis size studies they don’t actually share the raw data or which side the measures lean towards.
It’s like when they release the average size per country, that isn’t necessarily the most common size but the results of all the different measurements so if the average of that country is high then you could argue there’s more larger penis sizes and vice versa for smaller countries.
A lot of people lie about their sizes but we can’t just always cite the average when every study has its flaws and using averages is a massive one that everyone ignore.
Asking ChatGPT it says this about averages:
“Measuring penis size using averages can be misleading because it fails to account for the wide variation in size across individuals. Here are a few reasons why averages can be an inaccurate representation of what is “normal” or “common”:
Penis size does not follow a perfectly symmetrical distribution. Many studies show that the average is skewed, meaning there are more men with sizes closer to the lower or upper extremes than what the average suggests. This can create a false impression of what is typical.
Averages can be heavily influenced by extreme values (outliers). For example, a few men with very large or very small penises can shift the average significantly, even if the majority of people fall within a narrower range.
Averages don’t show the full distribution. Looking at ranges, percentiles, or median values provides a clearer picture of what the majority experience. For instance, the median (the middle value in a dataset) may be a more accurate indicator of “normal” size than the average”.
TLDR: Averages aren’t a true representation of what penis size everyone has lol
I’ve always been nervous with my wife of 14 yrs my d is 7.5 and I am always trying to buy bigger toys for her because I feel I’m not enough but she always tells me I am why am I so insecure she says I don’t want bigger I just want you I dont get why I’m second guessing myself after ready this study I’m like the perfect size I just ordered a cock sleeve that I don’t think will fit because I’m to big like wtf why am I so insecure the sex is great I love my wife why do I feel she wants more when she doesn’t even express that I guess I’m just weird but all and all I would like advice on how to get back door access she used to let me but not anymore any advice would be great