We recently surveyed 1,387 sexually active women about erect penis size and asked them:
How small is too small for a woman?
We also discovered how big is too big for women, whether penis length is as important as penis width for women, and what makes small penis sex so unsatisfying.
This is what we discovered…
1. 5 inches is too small for 38.5% of women.
2. 50.8% of women find a 9 inch penis too big to be sexually satisfying.
3. 64.5% of women find that penis length & width are equally important for sexual satisfaction.
4. 72.7% of women have had sex with a partner with a small penis.
5. 79.5% of women find sex with a small penis to be unsatisfying.
6. “I couldn’t feel their penis inside me” is the biggest reason (79.9%) why women found small penis sex to be unsatisfying.
7. Other sexual skills are crucial to making sex pleasurable for women if you have a small penis.
Note: You can find our methodology section at the end of this study.
1. 5 Inches Is Too Small For 38.5% Of Women
Penis size is a common source of anxiety for men, with many worried about how small is too small.
Added to this frustration, we could find no good data or study available on what women consider too small (or too big), until now.
For every possible penis size, in 1 inch increments, we asked women a simple question:
Is this penis size enough to fully sexually satisfy you?
As you can see from the graph above, when faced with increasingly small penis sizes, women find them less and less sexually satisfying. Breaking out these figures in detail:
- A 9 inch penis is too small for 3.1% of women.
- An 8 inch penis is too small for 3.24% of women.
- A 7 inch penis is too small for 3.89% of women.
- A 6 inch penis is too small for 13.55% of women.
- A 5 inch penis is too small for 38.50% of women.
- A 4 inch penis is too small for 66.11% of women.
- A 3 inch penis is too small for 83.56% of women.
- A 2 inch penis is too small for 87.74% of women.
- A 1 inch penis is too small for 91.2% of women.
We can see from these results the exact percentage of women who consider each penis size to be too small for them to be fully sexually satisfied.
2. 50.8% Of Women Find A 9 Inch Penis To Be Too Big
We hypothesized that women also find some penis sizes to be too big to sexually satisfy them and instead lead to painful, uncomfortable sex.
When we surveyed our respondents on how big is too big in regard to penis size, our results were very interesting:
- A 5 inch penis is too big for 1.2% of women.
- A 6 inch penis is too big for 4.5% of women.
- A 7 inch penis is too big for 7.9% of women.
- An 8 inch penis is too big for 19.8% of women.
- A 9 inch penis is too big for 50.8% of women.
- A 10 inch penis is too big for 61.1% of women.
- An 11 inch penis is too big for 72.6% of women.
- A 12 inch penis is too big for 83.4% of women.
These results prove that bigger is not always better. In fact, the opposite is true, penis sizes of 9 inches or over are too big for more than half of women.
As we discovered in our study, Does Size Matter, the Goldilocks penis size range or ideal penis size range is between 6-8 inches (18.34 cm) in length. Women find anything bigger or smaller than this to be far less sexually satisfying.
3. 64.5% Of Women Find That Penis Length & Width Are Equally Important For Sexual Satisfaction
Popular discourse on penis size amongst men often focuses solely on penis length, but is this the only aspect of penis size that women consider?
We wanted to investigate whether or not penis width is an important factor to women for sexual satisfaction.
It turns out that it’s very important.
As you can see in the graph above:
- For 11% of women, penis length is more important than width for sexual satisfaction.
- 24.6% of women find penis width is more important than length for sexual satisfaction.
- For 64.5% of women, penis length and width are equally important for sexual satisfaction.
These findings make it clear that almost 9 in 10 women (89.1%) find penis width at least as important as length for sexual satisfaction.
4. 72.7% Of Women Have Had Sex With A Partner With A Small Penis
Next, we investigated whether many women have had sex with a partner that they considered to have a small penis.
72.7% of our female respondents reported having previously had sex with a partner they found to have a small penis.
In their most recent small penis sexual experience, they estimated their partner’s penis size at 3.79 inches (9.63 cm) on average.
For comparison, in 2020, a review of over 20 studies on penis size found that the average erect penis is 5.1-5.5 inches (12.9-13.97 cm) in length. After taking volunteer bias into account, the researchers concluded that the average erect penis size is probably towards the lower end of this range [1]. All measurements in this review were measured by researchers and not self-reported.
5. 79.5% Of Women Find Sex With A Small Penis To Be Unsatisfying
Next, we wanted to investigate whether this group of women found their most recent small penis sex experience to be satisfying or unsatisfying.
We can clearly see that the vast majority, 79.5% of women found their most recent small penis sex experience to be unsatisfying.
It’s quite clear that most women find small penis sex unsatisfying.
6. The Biggest Reason (79.9%) Why Sex With A Small Penis Is Unsatsifying For Women: “I Couldn’t Feel Their Penis Inside Me”
We wanted to get clear data on why so many women found their most recent small penis sex experience to be unsatisfying.
The results were stark and clear. The two most cited reasons by women for unsatisfying sex with a partner with a small penis are:
- 79.9% could not feel their partner inside them.
- 48.7% reported that their partner kept slipping out
Both of these reasons directly relate to the size of their partner’s penis.
Keep in mind that there were additional reasons why women found their most recent small penis sex experience to be unsatisfying:
- 47.6% reported that their partner possessed few or no sexual skills.
- 37.6% reported that there was not enough foreplay or no foreplay at all from their partner.
- 30.5% reported that their partner came too quickly.
- 29.5% reported that their partner was sexually selfish.
- 15.6% reported that their partner had erection issues.
6.1% of women reported “Other” as their reason for unsatisfying sex with their not well-endowed partner. These “Other” responses included:
- The contraception we had didn’t fit him, so in order to continue I had to agree to take after morning pill in the morning and not use contraception. There is more to the myth about most women preferring bigger penis. There are lots of things to consider not just being picky. The same can be said about too big penises as well.
- The guy was an abusive a$$hole.
- His lack of empathy.
- He slapped me in the face unexpectedly.
- Condom kept falling off inside me because it didn’t fit him.
- Had to hold the condom in place, which was awkward.
- Just an overall douche.
- Bad hygiene.
- Missionary only.
- Didn’t have sex often enough.
- He cried afterwards every time because he felt inadequate.
- He was an idiot, didn’t know much of the female anatomy.
- Talking way too much during sex to distract me from his size.
- He wasn’t willing to try different positions.
We’ve learned that the 2 most cited reasons by women for unsatisfying small penis sex relate directly to their partner’s penis size. However, other factors unrelated to penis size such as a lack of sex skills often play a role in unsatisfying sex.
7. Other Sexual Skills Are Crucial To Making Sex Pleasurable If You Have A Small Penis
Only about 1 in 5 women (20.5%) found their most recent sexual experience with a not well-endowed partner to be satisfying.
Many of the reasons reported by women for satisfying sex with a partner with a small penis relate to their other sexual skills:
- 73.9% of women reported their partner’s “focus on making me orgasm” made it satisfying.
- 66.7% of women reported their partner’s foreplay skills made it satisfying.
- 61.4% of women reported their partner’s oral sex skills made it satisfying.
- 53.1% of women reported the sex positions made it satisfying.
Notice that many of these sexual skills do not require a large penis.
However, some reasons focused on how the woman felt about her partner:
- 59.9% of women reported their attraction to their partner made it satisfying.
- 43% of women reported their partner’s confidence made it satisfying.
Interestingly 2.4% of women reported that they prefer a partner with a small penis for sex. That’s about 1 in 41 women who prefer small penises for sex.
9.2% of women choose “Other” as the reason why they found small penis sex satisfying. These “Other” responses included:
- It was easier to try new positions and for me to be in control of how I moved. Also, he focused on clitoral stimulation and not just penetration.
- He played w my ass.
- So many other things he did were pleasurable that penetration was down the list so to speak.
- He also used his hands and mouth to please me so i still enjoyed being with him.
- He was tender, sensual, took his time, moved slowly and made sure I came orally before penetration. I felt like he cared about my satisfaction and that I was enjoying it which was great.
- He eats my pussy better than any man ever has and he’s adventurous with various sex toys and doggy style and him coming in from the side with one of my legs raised up are AMAZING. He gives me multiple orgasms every time we have sex.
- He got me off with foreplay before we had intercourse.
- It’s the BEST sex I’ve ever had in my life.
- He knew how to compensate for his size.
- By knowing how to eat pussy really good before putting my legs up on his shoulders and ramming his punishment in me.
- It wasn’t his penis, it was what he did with his hands, mouth and the combination of his hands and penis.
- I loved him.
- I just find him very hot and sexy!
- The man had moved like Jagger.
Our survey discovered that a 5 inch penis is too small for 38.5% of women.
In the course of our research, we discovered that having a very large penis is also not ideal. 50.8% of women find a 9 inch penis to be too big to be sexually satisfying.
Instead, the ideal penis size range, or Goldilocks penis size range, that will sexually satisfy the largest number of women is between 6-8 inches (15.24-20.32 cm) in length.
However, penis girth is also important to women with 89.1% of women regarding penis girth at least as important as penis length.
We further explored how much women really care about penis size in our other study, Does Size Matter. In it, we investigated how penis size matters to women in relation to:
- Female sexual satisfaction
- Serious relationships
- Casual sexual relationships
- Ending a relationship
- Cheating on a partner
We began this survey by collecting basic demographic information. Those who had never received penile-vaginal sex were disqualified, as were non-female respondents. All respondents were over the age of 18 with a mean age of 42. After this filtering process, we were left with a total of 1,387 respondents:
- 1,125 women identifying as heterosexual
- 184 women identifying as bisexual
- 13 women identifying as homosexual
- 33 women who specified alternative sexuality to heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual
- 32 women who declined to provide their sexuality
These remaining participants were asked a variety of questions to assess their personal sentiments, experiences and preferences on the topic of erect penis size in relation to penile-vaginal sex.
Our survey relied on the anonymous recollections and preferences of our study participants. While they were encouraged to tell the truth and accurately represent what they had experienced, the data is nevertheless self-reported and there is the possibility of some inaccuracy.
Big D energy, with an average szed D!
I have a almost 6″ lenth (5.75), 5″ girth and a hook like a banana penis. Pretty much, I am an average white boy.
But…I kiss and lick a clit like a melting ice cream cone while rhythmically giveing her the “come here” finger until she orgasms. When that happens, most women will contract and tighten up to the width of your finger. Then a quick flip over to doggy style to tighten up everything else.
Then my banana curve and D control stretches her back out. When I do that, they all feel like virgins again to me.
“No, you’re NOT an average white boy” I used to hear alot.
I also have some advanced skills to make a girl squirt if she wants to. Not all can squirt, but I can make most blast. The banana hook D hits that jelly bean just right.
I’m not big, I’m not small. But they all remember me.
Be confident, be honest, be generous. The rest will fall into place.
Thanks you so much
However what if my size fall on the not gifted man ? I am in the NOT gifted at all…
There are plenty of other resources on here. Check out the Bad Boys Bible 😉
I’m only 4.5” =(
Me too i have 4.6 inch i haven’t married or sex with any girl yet 😂 im 22
I am only 3.5 inches hard what can I do
Aye u cool asf joe💯
Well said Joe. Because of my non functioning micropenis issues I got good with tongue, fingers and dildos. My wife loves penetration for super O’s. Her surrogate husband takes care of that need. He has a good upward bending banana like yours that drives her crazy.Shes had bigger guys but she said the big head and the bend homes in like a “heat seeking missile” on her g &a spot.
Iam 3 inch my partners have felt I kept slipped out an to small to satisfy
I am 56 years old and have never had sex with another person my penis is less than two inches erect. I have been close to sex a few times but after they seen or felt my tiny dick a couple of them flat out laughed at me and another said bluntly “oh hell no” I’ve come to the realization that the only orgasm I will ever have is the same kind I Ve had all my life, self induced.🥺
Man at this point pay for some pussy
Okay so what about girth ? I’m only nearly 4 inches long and the same girth
We discuss this in our study on whether or not penis size matters to women.
I’m 33 muscular Hunk I’m 5.9x 4.4 really narrow penis and I’ll tell you it’s extremely sad, I never gave a girl an orgasm during intercourse most of my girlfriends leave me for a bigger dick and they give me that smile like I was a joke
Circle motions man
I’m nearly 3″ erect, and my penis is to tiny to do almost anything that a normal sized one can do. So I really can’t bland these women for classifying snap penis sex as unsatisfying. I can barely penetrate and there’s absolutely no chance if coming a woman up.
I appreciate this poll lot knowing my wife is typical. I unfortunately have a 4.5″ dick when erect and have been married for 45 years. She was and is smoking hot with 36DD about 145 lbs and 5’8″ tall. She slept around before we got married with about 20 guys and me more.
She said I had the smallest dick of any guy she fucked and wished my dick was bigger but still loves me. Her last lover she said was 9″ and hung but a jerk.
I was hurt but after seeing responses for 4″ dick and 5″ dick over 50% of the women would probably kick me out of bed and unfortunately I can’t blame them women deserve to be filled up and sexually satisfied
I always knew my Penis was too small because my sexual partners would tell me so. 4 inches, made me feel undesirable to women I am pretty sure this is why I became Gay.
are you also attracted to guys?
Yes I am
My penis is only 3 inches long hard. I go have trouble keeping it in my wife! She gets very frustrated and has given up on me!
I am only 4 inches at best – my wife recently shared that intercourse by itself wasn’t enjoyable for her as she couldn’t feel anything. While not what you want to hear at lest I now know and can focus on other things so we both enjoy
How can I make my penis grow longer and fatter in order to make my wife moan?
This is impossible
sooo I’m a guy, 5 1/2 penis length, but I have no idea if I still stand a chance. Should I go for short girls? Would this change anything possibly? …wouldn’t tinier bodies mean making my penis bigger to them. What would be the most ideal height of a woman..for someone like me 27, 5’6. 5 1/2 penis when erect
Hi im about the size of a chapstick erect married only give my wife oral.but im bi.an love slowing my body off to men.they love me an it makes me feel wonderful .i think i should of been a women.
I’m 6 inches, never measured the girth but it’s definetely not much. 3 out of the 4 girls I slept with told me I was the smallest they ever had. They always reached orgasm and I don’t have any reason to think they faked it, mostly because they were actively seeking sex with me, without me having to push them to it. Still, it’s deep in myself the idea that I’m a guy with a small dick. I don’t wear speedos, I’m embarassed when I put on a wetsuit, I don’t want to be seen naked and any time I’m approaching sex I feel a strong feeling of insecurity and discomfort. I’ve always cut myself out of the idea of casual sex because of my size even if I would like to have it. Overall I would say that my size doesn’t create problems in giving girls pleasure, but it destroys my confidence towards sex. So yeah, even if in the end it doesn’t matter, size DOES matter.
Wow, reading your comment was like reading something I wrote myself. Literally everything you said is exactly me. Your D size, your feelings, fears, insecurities, etc., etc.
I’ve never had a problem getting a girl to orgasm, either via oral or from penetration – varied with the girl (I’d always be able to figure out what worked for them), so everything you said here is 100% my experience.
One time when I was younger I was called a pencil D, and that absolutely messed with my head, despite that occurring 26 years ago. I am a decent looking guy so could have got with many girls over the years, but my confidence was shot after that experience. Let’s just say lost out on many fun and interesting opportunities because of this.
Fast forward to today, I had since moved to Thailand (about 5 years ago) and got with many beautiful women since coming here. Perhaps being with Asian women helps some because Asian men are apparently smaller than average, so I know that I’m at least bigger than many of the locals – definitely not even close to all. That said, I always without fail have extreme anxiety prior to getting naked.
Just over two years ago I married a beautiful Thai woman. She always has an orgasm during sex, however, she does joke around about my size way more often than I would like. I am not sure what’s up with that. It bothers me.
Here is my theory. When we first met I joked around about it many times (to kind of make myself feel better – broke my own ice, so to speak) and it sort of backfired on me I guess, because now it’s seemingly something that comes up all the time – it’s a little inside joke to her I guess, pun intended. At first I’d just laugh too, but now it’s annoying.
And to be honest, maybe that is why I haven’t been as sexually attracted to her these days, when before I was extremely so. Most guys back in USA where I’m from would dream of being with a girl that looks like her. It could also just be that I have been with her for awhile now (over 3 years if you count us dating), and it’s just normal to lose some attraction to your partner like this, idk.
Anyways, yeah. Super bizarre to be so bothered by this despite being 43 years old and married to a pretty woman, even though I never have problems satisfying a girl in bed, including my now wife. But it’s not just that, its the aforementioned that you speak about. For example, a friend of mine recently invited me to one of those expensive nude Japanese spas (onsen) – he was even going to pay for it, but I gave him a lame excuse as to why I couldn’t take his offer.
This really sucks because I would love to have got a nice spa treatment. This isn’t the first time I turned down something like this or backed out of skinny dipping with friends and beautiful women because of my lack of confidence in my D size. Was even invited to an orgy with beautiful women once, and of course denied it, not because I didn’t want to at the time, but because of my lack of confidence.
As super weird as it is to talk about this, literally every best friend of mine except one (5 out of 6), has a huge D – I only know because we’ve gone swimming before and these guys have no shame wearing a speedo or going skinny dipping – gee, I wonder why. The orgy opportunity I had was with one of these friends, and well, he’s got girth like a coke can, lol. Me, pencil D status. No way I was going to take my clothes off in front of this guy and a bunch of hot girls.
But yeah, story of my life. Super weird how pressure from society and everything else in this bizarre society has warped my brain like this. “So yeah, even if in the end it doesn’t matter, size DOES matter.” You, sir, are 100% correct!
As someone who was blessed (8.5×6), I can attest that it isn’t always what it is cracked up to be. I have had women who had shallow vaginal canals and couldn’t take but half of it. I also broke up with a gf because of lack of intimacy, later to find out it was because the size made it not pleasurable for her. Don’t get me wrong, it has gotten me women as well, but those women I lost were keepers in all other respects. Who knows how life would have turned out if I were less endowed. But fellas, don’t get down on yourself, because if you master oral, you can win them in the bedroom. I just happen to have the “he brought dick too”. If you rock their world before you put it in, you will be just fine. Unless, as the survey indicated, you are a jerk or a whiner. Believe it or not, women are less concern with how they get of than they are that they do get off, many, many times.
I use to stress about this and still have my doubts and insecurities. I’m just a little over 7in long and a tad over 4 1/2 in in girth and I have never ever had any complaints at all I was always told I was perfect! Even if our relationships ended on bad terms. Don’t worry to much about the size because if they keep asking for it it means they like it and that’s 100
Even though I’ve been told by a few women I have an ideal sized penis, I still find myself wanting it to be bigger. One even called mine “Goldicock” as mentioned in the article after she measured it at 7 inches by 5.5 inches around. (Her idea, not mine) Even after this strange experience and endorsement, I’d like to have another inch or two.
So many of you small dick guys are being way too hard on yourselves, pun intended. Not many women orgasm or have fulfilling sex lives because of intercourse alone. I am pretty hung (8 x 5.75), but my girl comes 75% of the time from cunnilingus. Even when she does come from intercourse, it’s usually because I spent a good amount of time licking her to get her close (she arches her back and the muscles in her pelvis begin to twitch and contract right before she comes). Usually then I can get her to come through intercourse, but it’s obvious to me her most intense orgasms come from direct clitoral stimulation. And guess what? probably 5-10% of the time she needs her vibrator and my dick to come. Sometimes even a big dick isn’t the right tool for the job!! And I made it clear that’s fine by me, pretty hot actually. The only thing better than a wet pussy is a wet, vibrating one lol. Pay attention to her body and her preferences in bed, pay attention to her and her needs out of bed, and nearly every woman would consider you better than the 9 inch dick that acted like a 9 foot dick out of bed.
I’m 34 and stand at 5’10” with a 6.88 inch erect penis with a 5.5 inch girth. I thought this was “small” and that my wife was faking her orgasms. So one day I sat my wife down and asked her how I feel inside of her and if I pleasure her enough. She tells me that I make her feel full inside and that she has full body orgasms almost all the time. She put my confidence right back to where it needed to be and we have never talked about it again. The sex has become so much more satisfying after we talked.
Okay so I have a 10in penis it’s narrow tho like skinnier than most but really long and girls if I’m being honest a huge amount don’t like it or can’t take it they say I hit too far or they say it’s so deep it hurts most women’s vaginal canals only fit me about halfway and the oral sex from women isn’t good they can’t really deep throat the women who do like it usually only lust for it because they think bigger is better until they try it
You don’t have to go all the way in.
My tool used to be 6.2 inches long, but in my sixties I’ve noticed it’s now only 5.5 inches. I’ve had sexual intimacy during my life with a dozen women, and none of them, including my wife of four decades, has ever mentioned my penis size, let alone complained about it. In fact, they all seemed to have enjoyed my dick quite a bit. One thing I have always had is a dedication to pleasuring them and making sure they have an orgasm. Early on I developed a great appetite for eating pussy, and became the best cunnilinguist I could be. Fingers, lips, and tongue, enthusiastically applied, always get the job done and leave them happy. The penis is just the finishing touch.
5 and 3/4 inches long, 4 and 3/4 inches wide. My dick fits a standard empty roll of toilet paper like a sheath and sticks out almost 2 inches from the top. Not big by any measurement and my ego wont allow me to think it’s small by any measurement either. If average is 5.2 inches long then I exceed that by a little bit. If standard girth is 4.5 then I exceed that a little bit as well. Do I think this places me above average? No, but it does mean there are smaller cocks out there, as well as bigger ones. I’ve gotten all of my sexual partners off both with my tongue and my dick. I’ve never gotten a girl to orgasm with JUST my dick before but I have eaten a girl out for a long time then got her to orgasm at the same time as me. Incredible feeling, I don’t think size is all that matters, I think the foreplay matters so much more than penetrative sex, the way you feel about each other, that’s what’s paramount.
I’m a woman and all these statistics and comments are really confusing for me.. I read an average woman’s vaginal canal is between 3-4 inches.. so logically I would think “a small penis” = anything smaller than the canal length?? I honestly don’t understand why anyone need or wants more. Anytime I’ve tried to fit all of my 4.2 dildo, all it does is giving me a lasting belly ache after.
So I stopped trying to fit all of it and I dread meeting a guy bigger than that! Also circumference of that is 3.2. I have other bigger ones but that’s the one I constantly pick!
Why.. I feel like… if I’m too (filled up) to the max. Yh sure I come quick in about 5 seconds? Ish. But it’s almost like a forced come? And it’s not very strong.. feels like muscles are basically paralysed by the size or something? Idk..
my favourite one tho I can very much decide how quick I wanna come I can especially like going ultra slow hardly moving at all to savour every mm of it, I usually take 30sec to 1 min to come with that xD Yh I know I’m not that patient.. find dragging it out to long clitoris will go numb, I prefer doing it over and over instead.
And my favourite one I can angle in different directions to get NEW sensations and hitting NEW spots, because I’m not stretching every wall to the max at the “same time” I can stretch the walls separately with greater range, with the bigger ones it’s pretty much stuck to just going straight in and out, which personally I don’t find very exciting…. I need my muscles to have a certain degree of freedom to fully have mind blowing strength orgasms! Not easy for a muscle to twitch a lot of it’s completely pinned down… at least this is my experience of what’s probably going on.
Also I have never been able to come through penetration only, no mater size! But if it finally does happen it’s not gonna be with a monster dick, that’s for sure.. I’ve been close a billon times.. but soon as I realise it’s about to happen it instantly dies off , quick as switching a switch.. super frustrating every time! I’m sure it’s some sort of mental block, but not sure how to deal with it… would be cool to experience a vaginal orgasm just once.
And if I would be talking real guy size here I think perfection is somewhere between 4-5 inches, because I don’t think all of it actually enters usually.. only some positions, and if it’s anything I would find incredibly boring and a HUGE turn off.. would be needing to be careful… not to go TOO DEEP.. when it’s with a guy I can’t help wanting it rough! And if it accidentally goes too deep that’s it.. I’m done for the day! That crap just hurts like HELL!
I’m pretty sure a 3 inch guy would be fine too! I often like to just aim g-spot too.. which is like 2 inches inside? But if I’m in the mood for a little bit deeper penetration, he better not be to insecure to use tools! That goes for Any size guys!
Girls orgasms can be tricky for a number of reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with the guy! And trust me! It doesn’t matter HOW u make her come as long as you’re MAKING IT HAPPEN or at least giving it your ALL! Then your gold! It should be a lot more about enjoying the moment without any pressure or expectations of outcomes in my opinion.
Hope this input helpes someone:)
Thanks for this Aurora
Vagina on average is about 3-4 inches but it can stretch upto 70-90% at arousal.
I read and related to every word from a male pov. Every girl I ever dated needed something a little different to get off. I know at least 2 girlfriends didn’t get off the 1st or 2nd time having sex. I felt a little pressure trying to figure out each girls needs during the 1st time having sex. I’ve been told twice that some girls have sex without even expecting to get off. I personally will do what ever it takes to get her off before I even start getting myself off. Always concentrate on the clit. Each girl is a little different with how hard or rapid pr slow or easy they want there clit stimulated. But I was never afraid to tell her to give me so guidance until I figure out her button.
Its just you. Stats say women literally hate small sizes. Thats also what i experienced my whole life.
I have a tiny non functioning micropenis that disappears into my abdomen when I sit down . I have always pleased my wife with oral and dildos. She is pretty much addicted to large dildos now. She loves deep penetration and girth. I guess everyone is different. Some women just need bigger dicks to get satisfied.
I find this topic interesting.
I’m surprised nobody speaks of the foreshortening effect (for those new to this term it’s the distance from your eyes to your penis) which gives a false representation of your size.
Through statistics most women orgasm through oral then piv (penis in vagina).
Another statistic shows that men are alot more caught up about their size then women. As long as you learn to pleasure her with the tongue and fingers making her moan then size has no relevance.
There are also lots of sexual positions that tailor for different sizes. Also men under 4 inches will have the option to try anal on their lady as she be more inclined to try it.
Conclusion: try not to get caught up on your size. Remember foreshortening effect plays a cruel trick on men and through numerous articles I’ve read its become apparent that women are more bothered about getting off then how they are got off. As long as your a caring attentive lover then you have nothing to worry about.
I’m 30 years old and 2.5inch big.100% of women has said that I’m too small an they couldn’t fell me inside and I kept slipping out. I have no other skills because I’m always getting humiliated and laughed on.
I’m almost 7 inches pretty thick though…
But I’ve wondered about how well I satisfy my wife… so a few times I’ll only give her 2 or 3 or 4 inches… she didn’t really say anything at 4 inches but at 2 she was very annoyed.
But I will say this I found this neat angle… I guess it takes a longer dick to reach it.. but I got an angle where I hit her g spot head on with my dick… only going a few inches in and pressing against it… it made her cum but did almost nothing for me..
I’ve only ever slipped out pumping so hard I forgot I don’t have a10′ dick and afew times whiskey dick had me struggling to preform. Most of these problems are fixable.
I found this report very accurate given my life experiences with partners. My erect penis is 2.75 inches long and 1.25 inches thick.
How is it even possible for you to have penetrative sex with a penis that small? How have you had relationships with women?
Thank you for this interesting survey. I found it to be very informative and reflects much of my experience as a mature woman who enjoys sex and had my share of different penis sizes. Firstly I completely agree that both length and girth are important. For me even penis of 5-6 inch can work well but the problem is really with the very small penises and let me tell you many man has very small penises. I encounter many with just few inches (2-3) and sorry but this does not work out at all. You can not feel them and many of these men are very insecure. I do think that you can enjoy sex with man who have small penis but they need to acknowledge their limitation and adapt. For example using penis sleeve or strap on dildos of good quality. They need to invest in giving good prolonged oral sex and many can serve as good subs for fulfilling women’s fantasies. I feel very free to carry out my fantasies with men who has small penis.
Hey dear Doria what about 4 inches? I think the 4 inches should be sub cuz they are too small.