This discreet newsletter will teach you how to make him cum hard, give freaky oral sex & make him scream your name in bed. Click here to get it.

Don’t you just love the feeling of making your man cry in bed? And knowing they can’t wait to be with you again is something else, too. A woman who masters the art of making a guy sexually addicted to her wields a lot of power. It can take a little time to perfect the art; however, which is why we’ve written this guide. And following the advice here might very well turn your sexual pleasure up to 11, too!
The trick to making a guy addicted to you, whether he’s your boyfriend or husband or an FWB (learn more about FWBs), is twofold: do things so well that he forgets about anyone else and be a safe place so he can try things he’s never done with anyone else before.
Orgasm troubles? If you are currently struggling to orgasm during sex or masturbation, then you may want to learn about the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you how to have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation. It works even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating. You can find out more here.
There are quite a few things you can do to make him addicted sexually. These things often center around adding novelty and adventure to your sex life, exploring new things and building your trust, increasing sexual pleasure, and playing a delicate game of tug-of-war that will keep his brain wanting you.
It’s not that different from other types of addiction, where the brain’s reward system is activated [1] and causes a person to feel good [2]. In fact, falling in love activates some of the same brain regions as doing cocaine [3]. No wonder they both feel so wild!
Related: Learn how to recognize the signs he is making love to you vs having sex.
Thankfully, you can have a lot of fun if you know how to make a man addicted to you sexually, and it doesn’t come with all the negative side effects of other types of addiction.
But enough of the idle chatter. Here are 21 surefire ways that will teach you how to make a man cry in bed…
Related: If you want to give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually addicted to you, then you'll find them in my private and discreet newsletter. You'll also learn the 5 dangerous & "dumb" sex mistakes that turn him off and how to avoid them. Get it here.
1. Condition Him to Crave You
Did you know that you can make a guy’s mind associate certain things with sex even if he’s not aware that it’s happening? It’s all due to conditioning [4, 5]. If you wear a certain scent or lipstick every time you have sex, his brain will register “sex” when he smells or sees it. You can see that this a powerful tool you can use to your advantage.
Give it a try on your own. Do, wear, or say something right before sex for a few weeks. you may notice that eventually doing that thing will get him thinking about you sexually and maybe even make him hard! You can use this trick when you want to make him horny.
Just be careful not to accidentally use the trigger when around other people or use the same perfume that his sister wears!
2. Surprise Him with Sex
You might want to sit down for this one because it’s kind of a bombshell: guys like sex.
Like, a lot.
Remember that whole “random act of kindness” thing? This is one of the best ways to go about it, hands down. Men are more than willing to ask for sex, but one of the hottest things you can do is initiate it.
Guys love feeling wanted too! Yet, they often have to make the first move.
It could be because of gender norms that we learn in our culture. And the fact that roughly 30% of women have responsive desire while many men have spontaneous desire doesn’t help [6 p 225]. So you may have to get yourself in the mood first if you want to surprise him with sex.
So open the door without clothes on, run your hands across his pants when he’s playing a video game, or kiss him deeply. Tell him how much you want him and cannot resist him, even if you’re got messy hair and morning breath! Sometimes the key to getting him to desire you is to remind him how sexy you find him!
Remember, it can be ultra-sexy if you initiate in the car or a semi-public place when he’s least expecting it or when the curtains are open and not just at home and in the bedroom.
3. Ride Him With Confidence
If you’ve got the confidence to get on top and ride him skillfully, you’re already leaps and bounds above any woman who’s a little too self-conscious, shy, or inexperienced. And if you use him for your own pleasure, it can make him desire you even more!
Not quite as confident as you could be? Check out these 4 tips to ride your man with confidence and this guide to feeling super confident when you’re on top.
4. Talk Dirty to Him
One of the best “tricks” in the making him addicted toolbox is talking dirty to your man.
Talking dirty to him can feel a bit awkward if you’re never done it before…Fortunately, we’ve got a few tools to help you make a guy addicted by talking dirty to him…
A constant question: I consistently get emails asking how to orgasm more easily & often during sex. I usually recommend this 3 step system that makes it a lot easier (& fun!). You can also see people's reactions to it here 😉
You can try talking dirty in the bedroom using some of these examples, but you can also do it over the phone, which is a great way to stay in touch when you or he is far from home. These phone sex tips will help a lot.
5. Do Kegel Exercises
Kegel exercises work out the muscles that hold your uterus, vagina, and surrounding organs in place. You can squeeze these muscles around your partner’s dick when he’s inside you making your vagina feel tighter, which can even make him cum right then…perfect for making your man cry in bed.
Read More: How To Tighten Your Vagina: The Exercises To Do
6. Try New Things in the Bedroom

Want to know how to make a man addicted to you in the bedroom? Easy: branch out. Guys like to experiment, and while girls usually do too, society sometimes may make you hold back a little bit more than you want to. We say,
Screw society.
Try New Positions – Your guy likes you, probably loves you, and you don’t need to be ashamed or afraid of suggesting something new to try in the bedroom. An easy way to start is by trying some new sex positions. You’ll learn over a hundred sex positions here (with demonstration photos).
There are positions for oral and some positions that work great for anal sex, too. Keep in mind that some positions give him a great view of your body.
Toys & Games – You can also add toys, costumes or lingerie, or something kinky. If you’re not sure what you want to try, sex games like these or sex dice can give you ideas and switch things up.
Gain sexual confidence: My most powerful tips for gaining sexual confidence and enjoying sex are in my private and discreet sex tips newsletter. You can find out more about it here.
Prostate Play – For men, in particular, prostate play can be a deep desire. Yet, society often makes them feel ashamed for wanting to try this because it “might be gay” to experiment with backdoor play. Of course, no activity done between you and your man can ever be gay!
Check out our guide to prostate massage if you think your guy will be into it. We also have a pegging guide, a type of sex where the woman wears a strap-on and penetrates her man. Pegging can stimulate his prostate and works well if you want to learn how to make a man scream your name in bed and dominate him sexually at the same time.
While you’re at it, why not ask about things that you want to try in the bedroom. These things should create a two-way street, after all. In fact, you can browse Bad Girls Bible with your man to find things to try that will make him cry with pleasure.
Of course, there are way more sexual roles to play in the bedroom that will get your man addicted to you. Why not add some costumes into the mix, too?
7. Encourage Him to Open Up Sexually
If you provide a space where he can talk about his kinks and fetishes, it’ll make him crazy for you! This is especially true if he didn’t feel like he could open up to other partners in the past or that he was judged for doing so.
You can make this safe space by asking him if there’s anything he’d like to do sexually. Or you can start a conversation about your own fantasies or sexual bucket list. Hopefully, being vulnerable will encourage him to do the same.
Psst.. wanna know the most common fantasies?
Side Note: I put together this in-depth assesment that will uncover just how good you are at giving oral sex and satisfying your man. It may uncover some uncomfortable truths, or you may discover that you are already a queen at giving blow jobs. Click here to take my quick (and shockingly accurate) “Blow Job Skills” Quiz right now and find out how good your blow job skills really are...
It’s important for you not to judge him in any way even if he suggests activities that aren’t exactly your cup of tea. But if you’re willing to try something new, you might find ways to bring sex to the next level and get him hooked on you sexually.
8. Try Dominant or Submissive Roles
Imagine this: a guy is sexually obsessed with you, and you both know it.
He craves you sexually.
All the power is in your hands.
So why not try actual power play and dominate him in the bedroom? You can hand out punishments and rewards and control his orgasms.
Related: 33 Wild Femdom Ideas To Dominate Your Man Completely
You can hold or tie him down, use blindfolds, spank him, and use all manner of toys.
Quick Warning: While this woman's story & subsequent BJ tutorial video is quite distressing, it will teach you how to make your man scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having your guy completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out her story & (explicit!) blow job tutorial video here.
This type of roleplay is perfect for adding dirty talk, too! You can talk about how he’s sexually addicted to you and encourage him to agree. Get him to list the things he loves about your body and sexual talents or the things he would do just to be with you. We guarantee it’ll make sex better for both of you.
On the flip side, you can try submitting to him sexually. What better way to keep him sexually obsessed than by catering to his needs and letting him feel powerful in the bedroom?
The key is to experiment with dominating your man and being submissive for him and figure this out for yourself.
Related: If domination and subission sound interesting, then you may also be interested in some of these freaky things to do to you man.
9. Edge Him
If you were a little confused about what I meant by “control his orgasms” in my previous point; don’t worry. Orgasm control is all about letting a guy cum only when and how you want him to. It’s a powerful tool to have when learning how to make a man shake in bed with pleasure. Toys exist to prevent erection and orgasm, or you can ruin his orgasm.
You can also try making him orgasm on command. The tip about sexual conditioning helps with that.
But an especially important sex trick to keep him interested in edging. Edging is the practice of bringing yourself or someone else close to orgasm and backing off. You repeat this several times before finally letting him cum. Why? It makes that final orgasm so intense after all that stimulation and buildup of anticipation!
Quick Warning: This tutorial video will teach you how to make your girl collapse with unending pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having her completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out this slightly crazy & explicit pussy eating tutorial video here.
Learn how to control his orgasms.
10. Make Him a Little Jealous

A little jealousy never hurt anyone (although, a lot can certainly be a red flag). No one is advocating that you disappear for a night or hold hands with his best friend, but a small reminder here and there that he wants you to be his and his alone can be good for your relationship.
A touch of flirtation with a passing stranger, a long gaze with the waiter, drawing heads in a pretty dress … these are all perfect ways to remind your guy that you’re desirable and that he’s lucky to have you. And if you’re not in a relationship, it might not hurt to let him know if you’re seeing other people.. or that others want to date you.
Just don’t make him so jealous that it causes a problem.
11. And…Play Hard to Get
When you’re too available for a guy, he might become the opposite of addicted to you sexually: bored.
So consider not answering his messages immediately or declining the occasional invitation for sex or a date. Leave his place before he asks you to, or even plant a sensual kiss on his lips and disappear before it has a chance to go further.
When he knows you’re in demand, he’ll be motivated to work harder to get your attention and won’t be able to stop thinking about you, even when you’re not together.
Related: 8 Ways Playing Hard to Get Will Make Him Addicted to You
Plus, making him come to you ensures that you won’t become too clingy or needy (neediness can be a serious turn off for most guys) especially if he’s only looking for something casual. Discover how casual sex can be awesome.. and not so awesome.
Be careful to give him just enough that he stays lusting for you. If you give him too much space or are too cold, he might look for someone who is a bit more accommodating or warm.
11. Build Sexual Tension
If there’s a surefire way to make him cry in the bedroom from pleasure, it’s building sexual tension higher than the Empire State Building and keeping it high.
Sexual tension requires enough sexual suggestion to keep him interested sexually but not so much that you give it all away. Flirting and teasing are two key elements of sexual tension, but there are more things to discover.
Learn how sexual tension can become the most important part of your toolbox.
12. Prioritize Your Own Pleasure
This might not sound like a way to make him want you sexually at first, but hear us out. No guy likes a woman who just lies in bed limply like a starfish or makes him do all the work. This can be a lot of pressure on a guy and is the reason why initiating sex and riding your man are such powerful moves.
But if you make a point to get your own pleasure, whether by stroking your clitoris or bringing out a sex toy, it can turn a guy on like crazy and leave him sexually wanting you! Try this the next time he’s in your bed: ask him if he wants to see you cum, and grab your favorite vibrator!
It’s even better if you cannot control your pleasure and have an explosive orgasm with loud (and real) moans. He might just forget about the rest of the world as he watches you.
13. Dress Sexy for Him
After you’ve been with someone for a while, it’s natural to let your hair down a little. You start to use the toilet while he’s in the shower; he adopts an exclusive uniform of sweats from Friday afternoon until Monday morning.
And that’s okay and totally normal, but in the interest of making him addicted, consider putting yourself together a little more often. Hair, makeup, and a cute top shouldn’t be reserved for when you’re out meeting other people. If he knows you go to extra efforts for him alone, he’ll crave and appreciate you even more. It can make you feel more sexy and desirable, too!
And if you really go all out for a date night, he may find himself picking his jaw up from the floor!
The key is to wear something that makes you feel sexy (14 tips on how to feel sexy) and compliments your body. If you’re uncomfortable, it’ll show.
Learn how to dress sexy for your man.
14. Keep Flirting!
Ah, flirtation. Something we relegate to our younger years, but we really shouldn’t. Flirting makes us feel special, sexy, wanted, and approved of. It stimulates sexual appetites and builds bonds. Knowing this, why would you ever stop?
Use shy glances, playful games, and steamy touches to keep your man interested. For more help with flirting, check out these flirty texting games you can play with him and this in-depth guide on how to flirt effectively.
15. Massage His Ego A Bit
Do you love how his cock feels?
Maybe he’s a great kisser or good at oral?
If he makes you cry, scream and shake in the bedroom every time or is a good lover in some other way, let him know! It’ll make him feel good and desperate for you. Just make sure that your compliments are genuine. Don’t tell him he has the biggest penis you’ve ever seen if he’s average or on the small size.
Not sure where to start? How about a breathless moan about how good he feels inside you!
And don’t forget to watch out for the signs to know that a man enjoys sex with you too, in case he doesn’t reciprocate with compliments.
16. Set a Regular Date Night

Everyone knows that date nights keep your marriage and sex life strong after kids, but what about when you’ve just gotten together or have only been with someone for a few months or years?
Dedicated date nights are still important in this case because that’s your time to invest in the relationship, be silly, have fun, prioritize romance and continue to get to know one another.
Failing to set aside time for date night means that the to-do list gets the upper hand or that you always have routine sex, which can become stale and won’t help make your boyfriend sexually addicted, so don’t forget about it!
17. Use Sexy Body Language
It doesn’t matter whether you’re on your first date or thousandth … sexy body language is, well, sexy.
But people tend to lose the knack for it over the weeks, months, and years as they become more comfortable with someone. It happens to guys too, they forget about looking sexy. Lean toward your man intimately, touch him softly on the arm or shoulder or cheek, lower your head and look up at him from underneath your lashes.
Everyone loves to feel special, and using sexy body language is one method of making your man feel that way.
Draw attention to your cleavage or butt. Bite your lower lip, chew on a straw, or suck on a lollipop. It might sound cliche, but it definitely works! You can also trace a finger across your collar bone or drag an ice cube along your skin.
18. Set — And Enforce — Your Boundaries
Guys might briefly like someone who is all about them, but being all about him or worse, being a doormat, becomes boring pretty quickly. That’s not how you keep him hooked. It’s also not a good way to ensure that you get what you want in bed!
Instead, set your boundaries and make sure to enforce them. This says that you’re a capable woman and it makes you more desirable. It’s another way to remind him that your time is valuable and that you’re not too needy.
19. Stay Fit & Eat Healthily
If you’ve ever wondered how to make a man addicted to you, a great way is to start with your body. Slimming and toning your figure is just one benefit of eating healthy and exercising; you also receive better skin, sleep more soundly, and have more energy.
Regular exercise can also give you more stamina for riding your man!
These all impact how a romantic partner sees you. Remember, it’s not just your looks that are important; it’s also your confidence. The better you feel in your own skin, the more courageous, inventive, confident, experimental, and charming you will be, and the more your man will want to be around you!
20. Laugh. A Lot
Everyone knows a good laughing session is fun, but did you know that laughter releases the hormone oxytocin? Also responsible for bonding mothers and babies, oxytocin brings couples closer together. The more you can laugh with your guy, the more he will feel close to you and want to be around you.
The more he’s around you, the more you two can laugh, the better; it’s a virtuous cycle. Think about fun ways to keep your guy entertained, like telling jokes, renting comedies, or (gently) teasing one another. It’s a surefire way to make your guy addicted to you. Another great way to make him laugh in a more intimate way is with some light flirting…these flirting tips will show you how.
Don’t forget to laugh in the bedroom, too. Sex doesn’t have to be serious all the time! And sometimes it can be awkward or weird, and a little laughter breaks the tension.
21. Be Uniquely You
Addiction of all types rests on the feeling that you can’t get what you need from anything or anyone else.
That’s why you need to focus on being the best you and not on being someone else.
So, focus on accentuating your good qualities, the ones you know that your man likes and don’t worry about being somebody you’re not. Oscar Wilde said it best, “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.”
What About Mixing Addictive Substances & Sex?
Some people believe that mind-altering substances such as LSD, GHB/GBL, or MDMA will make sex amazing and that this can potentially make him want you sexually more than ever before. Research has even found that just over 15.5% of both women and men have used MDMA during sex and they report that they enjoy sex on it better than pretty much any other drug besides GHB/GBL [7].
There is a chance for great sex that you’ll never forget and he’ll want you sexually like never before, but it’s also difficult to know how your body will respond to some of these substances, even if you’ve used them before. On top of that, you should avoid potentially dangerous activities when your judgment is impaired.
If you were wondering how to make a man cry in bed, then I hope this guide has given you some ideas. There are plenty of other specific tips on Bad Girls Bible that will make him cry in bed from pleasure and have him practically begging to see you again.
From aphrodisiacs to vacation sex to letting him tear off your clothes to wrestling, there are plenty of other ideas. And, of course, improving your blow job skills (check out the blow job bible) goes a long way in keeping him in lust with you, too.
By using the advice in this guide, you can make your man sexually addicted to you, and ensure he forgets about everyone else. However, don’t feel that you have to use every piece of advice given. Try choosing the things you enjoy most and go from there.
Don’t be surprised if you have him eating out of the palm of your hand!
Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ #1 – If I learn how to make a man cry in bed with pleasure, will it turn into a relationship?
Sometimes sexual relationships can turn into romantic ones, but there are plenty of people who are only looking for sex. If he tells you that he isn’t interested in a relationship, it’s usually best to take him at his word. Having sex can lead to a false sense of intimacy and you may wind up hurt if you allow yourself to fall for someone who isn’t emotionally available, even if you make him scream and moan your name in bed.
If you provide him with sex or other girlfriend-type perks, without talking about moving the relationship forward, then he has no incentive to define the relationship, and you could remain in this frustrating situation for months or even years before you force yourself to walk away.
Talk to him if you may be interested in more than sex, but remain realistic and know your worth.
You have to be honest with yourself if you have trouble developing feelings or if you’re trying to convince yourself that you want more than sex from this guy. Only you can take care of yourself.
FAQ #2 – My partner actually started crying after sex. Why?
There are a bunch of good and bad reasons why people cry after sex (and sometimes during sex).
FAQ #3 – I’ve tried all of these things; why isn’t he addicted to me sexually?
There are several reasons why you might struggle to make him sexually addicted to you.
- He’s not a very sexual person
- He has a specific fetish or kink that you’re not activating
- He may be focusing his sexual attention on someone else
- You’re too available to him, and he takes you for granted
- He has guilt or shame about sex
- There is a medical problem that impacts his arousal, desire, or ability to perform
You can’t really know unless you talk to him, however. If you’re in a more casual relationship with this guy, you’ll need to tread carefully. You don’t want to make romantic demands, and if he feels that you’re being demanding and the relationship is no longer easy, he may push you away or call things off.
But if you want to make your husband sexually addicted to you as well as crying, shaking and screaming in bed, you can and should have frank discussions about sex. We know it can be difficult, but it’s worth it. Find out how to talk about sex.
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed. And...
She completely hid this from her husband. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a way for any woman to orgasm. Easily. And have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
Just met a guy tht I really like and wanna have a good and long relay with him, really wanna try something new because most guys I’ve been with just come, we fuck and they are gone. Will try using these technics hope they work for me…… do I make him choose me over a child hood friend..they flirt even had sex.. claimed to be brother and sister type of friends. But claims I’m his woman.
Hard to tell as I don’t know the full situation.
Have you talked to him about it?
He takes me on very nice shopping trips..spend lots of time out..etc. but he flirts a lot. WHY??? I’m the only one he spoils..the flirting needs to stop.
Have you talked to him about how it makes you feel? At what stage does asking him to stop flirting with other girls crossover from being about respect and into a situation where you are trying to control him?
Asked him to make a decision between life long friend,who he admitted to sleeping with..and me. Said she’s a friend..I’m his do I make him make a decision..I have pulled back for now.
If you have to make a man choose. It’s never genuine . Men unfortunately want their cake and eat it too.
It’s not about’s about respecting your woman.. childhood friends should respect boundaries..stop sleeping with childhood friend..side with your woman.. everyone has their place..put them in it.
My husband is very gentle in bed that’s too good but sometimes I want him to be wild enough, how to do this???
Talk to him and let him know that you like a bit of variety when it comes to how he acts. Doing this in a complimentary way works best. Saying it in a critical way may have the opposite effect!
How can a man write a “Bad Girls Bible” it’s just seems outrageous to me, don’t get me wrong, the advices are really good, but coming from a man, mehh.
I really wish all women could read this guide and take it to heart!! You put into words what I wish all women were skilled at.
The most intense orgasm I’ve ever had and the bases of a majority of my fantasies since was from sexual conditioning a girlfriend did while giving me handjobs. She used your ideas of #1 to condition me #9 edge me to reinforce the conditioning and #10 adding jealousy and letting me know other guys find her really attractive. During the handjobs she would talk, usually not even sexy, and before I knew what was going on she had me wrapped around her finger! Where ever we went I would get a little jealous, but even more turned on when guys looked at her. It got me sooo excited that by the time we got home all I could think of was her and how sexy I found her.
Then she brought my sexual addiction for her to an even higher level, one that I didn’t even know was possible. We went to the mall and were shopping for clothes for both of us, all day I was seeing other guys stare at her and getting jealous, but finding I was even more attracted to hear than ever! When we got home I found myself laying on the bed with her in-between my legs wearing her new clothes, giving me a handjob. She knew I was already turned on by the days events and she was continuously edging me. About 10 minutes into the handjob and coming up her 3rd or 4th edging of me (I’m about to cum), she locks eye’s with me and nonchalantly says “Oh, I forgot to tell you, one of my old boyfriends stopped by and I fucked him.” I have never felt an orgasm as strong as I had right then!! To say it was mind blowing, life changing unbelievably intense is an understatement!! Her next words, right after I came down, were “UhOh, I think I created a monster!!” and then smiled and giggled. Right then I realized she had been conditioning my subconscious for weeks or months……I Loved It!!!
too far bro
I’ve been sleeping with this guy for a few months; he used to be super into me but I think he’s getting a little bored. He used to beg me to come over, and sometimes I would send him a dirty text and he’d be at my place in minutes.
Now he barely wants to see me and when I send him naughty messages, he replies that he’s busy… Is it salvageable? How do I get him to crave me again?
As I don’t know your relationship as well as you do, it’s hard to give concrete advice on this. However, you can try using some of our techniques from the sexual tension guide to spice things up.
Mine isnt that type that likes romance before sex. He just want to go down there,once he is done,he is out. He doesn’t care if you are satisfied sexually or not. You can imagine calling kissing and romancing as distraction during sex. It’s really discouraging.
My boyfriend just opened up to me that, in terms of our sex life, I am not as good as his other exes. I felt a bit intimidated, but he told me not to worry since love is all that matters. However, I’m just hoping that these tips will help me make him feel more excited about our sex.
My boyfriend claims he love me but his having sex with his ex
Sorry to hear that
I want tips of how to make my man always want me in bed
The above should help 😉
My boy friend give me a very nice sex he use to make me to come maybe 3 to 4 times the come and I enjoyed that but I am also want to give him what he give me I need tips because he is doing sex nicely so I have to be active too like him
Ok the one about staying fit is exactly why I’m not confident atm. That bit there made it 100X’s worse. Trust me, if you think I don’t try you’re so wrong. See, several years ago I had thyroid cancer that then spread and I had cancer of my vaginal walls. So, I have to have screenings done every 4-6 months, I’ve had 3 surgeries in the same time period, I’m on meds the rest of my life, and I eat healthy, go to the gym, and my job is one that also keeps me super active but the weight will not come off! This has been no joke the reason I haven’t liked myself in several years, don’t feel pretty, won’t get naked in the light, and my now depression because I feel like I feel all that and more about myself. When you go from 135 pounds to 200 from gaining 20 pounds a week and not changing a single thing it’s devastating. So, I realize this is from a couple of years ago but that doesn’t help make it better. I came here to try and maybe get some confidence back and I’ve always been very shy, and instead I’m feeling worse than when I started and I’m ready to just give it up. I’m so tired of feeling this way and haven’t dated in 7 years because of it. The man that I have loved my entire life and married at one point, divorced (long story but let’s just say I grew up and he really didn’t and it took something drastic for him to and he’s back to who I fell in love with) and now could very well be getting back with and I just needed advice and now I’m thinking what’s the point.
Girl, 200 ain’t shit. Get yourself showered, shave those legs and pits, put on makeup and a come get me outfit. Love yourself first. Whoever is meant to be will be. Life happens, Lazer and medication happen. Age happens. You just need confidence.
This really helps, wil try all of those, thank u.
My boyfriend says he loves me but at the same moment he denies when I ask him to give body massage. He says he’s mine still he doesn’t let me control over him. My boyfriend doesn’t even touch me. I have never even felt his touch.He never kissed me. Never gave me love bites. He doesn’t even come to my home to hug me even though I have given him my address. He doesn’t even cook for me. He doesn’t even cuddle with me even though we sleep on same bed. He doesn’t even sleep on my lap. He always makes me feel horny. He never grabs my neck to bite. He never gets horny for me. He is shy but says “fuck me”. He never brings my flowers. He never accepts my gifts. He never craves for my touches. His voice is so deep and sexy still he doesn’t moan for me. He never grabs my waist from the back. He never pins me to the wall. He never lifts me up to kiss. He never makes me breakfast in the morning. He never gives me morning kisses not even goodnight kisses. He never takes shower with me.
Have you talked to him about how you feel?
I love bad girls bible it has taught me about blow jobs and more I thank you so much
I would love to make my man yell my name I get moans and bites please give me more knowledge I’m 71 and still enjoying and will to the end