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We are joined by Tyomi Morgan for a Masterclass on how to give a great blow job. Tyomi has been teaching her techniques for years and today she reveals more than 30 different methods you can use on your man tonight.
We start the podcast talking about Tyomi’s background and talk a lot about how to ride your man with confidence. You’ll learn how to get into the right mindset so that you can enjoy giving oral sex and your partner can feel that enthusiasm. You’re also going to learn things you can do leading up to the blow job so that you’re teasing your man throughout the day, building tension, and having him crave you. Most importantly, Tyomi teaches her step-by-step techniques to use with your mouth, lips, and tongue, as well as your hands to give your partner the greatest blow job of his life. Join us today to hear all this and more!
Related: I regularly get messages from women struggling to orgasm. I usually recommend that they check out the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you the 3 simple steps to reach orgasm effortlessly during sex and masturbation. If you're interested, you can find out more here.
Key Points From This Episode
- Introducing Tyomi Morgan, her background, and how she became a sex educator and coach.
- Some reasons women typically don’t feel comfortable riding their man.
- Overcoming these reservations by connecting the body and the mind.
- A five-minute tutorial to find confidence and pleasure riding your man tonight.
- Determining whether or not oral sex is for you.
- Why you should never give a blow job out of obligation.
- Whether or not to engage your hands in the process.
- Having an ‘interview’ process to determine what your partner likes best.
- The role of teasing and how it can be a kink.
- Cleaning the penis and genital area.
- Massaging the penis and balls before giving a blow job.
- Making sure you have the right size of condom.
- Underrated erogenous zones: nipples and hands.
- Areas to consider when you start the blow job.
- Options for lubrication.
- Advice for anal and prostate play.
- How to approach edging your partner and how to take it a step further.
- Exercising the mouth and tongue for strength and stamina.
- Making the process more pleasurable for the giver.
- Approaching the end of the blow job.
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“TM: And there’s this like, “Oh, what’s going to happen next?” And so, you get to have fun with the edging process. The main thing you have to know at baseline is “hmm.” So if that’s stroked and stimulated, it can be a different sensation for some. Some may have never felt that area being stroked but these are just like the pleasure spots and the hot spots you want to focus on first so the mouth won’t get tired. So, for those that are like, “Oh, my jaw is going to lock up real tight” it gives you that time to relax your jaw and relax your mouth in between the stimulation periods with the mouth.”
[0:00:40.6] SJ: Hey gang, this podcast is a masterclass on how to give a great blowjob. My guest is Tyomi Morgan. She’s been teaching her blowjob techniques for years and today, she reveals over 30 different blowjob techniques you can use on your man tonight. So, you’re going to learn things like how to get into the right mindset so that you enjoy giving oral sex and your partner can feel that enthusiasm.
You’re also going to learn the things you can do to buildup to your blowjob, so you’re teasing your man throughout the day, building up the tension, and having him crave you. Most importantly, Tyomi is going to teach you in detail, step by step, the exact techniques to use with your mouth, lips, and tongue as well as your hands, to give your partner the greatest blowjob of his life.
Quick note, we start the podcast talking about Tyomi’s background, we also talk a lot about how to ride your man with confidence, then, at the 15-minute mark, we switch gears and the entire rest of the podcast focuses on how to give the best blowjob of your life. If you’re not already subscribed to The Bad Girls Bible Podcast, you just need to open your podcast app, search for Bad Girls Bible, and hit that subscribe button so you get the latest episodes delivered straight to you, the moment they’re released.
[0:02:03.3] SJ: Today, I’m talking to Tyomi Morgan. She’s a pleasure coach, certified sexologist, and she’s also the creator of The Pleasure Academy. Tyomi, thanks so much for coming on the podcast.
[0:02:14.7] TM: Well, thanks for having me, Sean, it’s a pleasure to be here.
[0:02:17.2] SJ: Great. So, I’d love to start off with your background, how you came to do what you do and you know, what you all as a person maybe your friends could rely on for sex advice.
[0:02:30.0] TM: Wow. So, this has been a very long journey and I will say like, in my youth and when I was a teenager, I was the person hooking everybody up. So, I would be the note passer, this was before text messages, everybody, so there was a day in time where we used to pass notes in class. So, like, in middle school, high school, I will be like the note passer, the one to hook everyone up, and then even though I personally wasn’t having sex yet, I was always filled with like, eroticism.
Like erotic stories and just like, these examples of how to do things and I was very inquisitive, so I would read books and like, Kama Sutra books, sex position books, and then also watched documentaries on the Discovery Channel because, for some reason, the Discovery Channel had all of these like, documentaries about sex and so, I just learned a lot, and then in 2010, I was modeling and acting and doing all these things, like, in entertainment and a conversation with my dad inspired me to start a blog.
And my dad was like, “You know, you’re a very prolific writer, you’re very talented, naturally, you should be using your writing skills for something, I don’t care what you write about, just write.” And so, what I knew about blogging at that time was you had to be on all the time, and I was like, “Well, what can I write about that I know a lot about, that’s going to be impactful on the world, and I’m not going to get bored?”
And I said, “Oh, sex.” And so, I decided to start my sex education blog, Glamerotica101, and its YouTube channel, and then on YouTube, this was when YouTube was kind of in its infancy, so it was just getting started. I didn’t see any like, sex position tutorials. So, I started doing those and things went viral very fast for me once –
[0:04:19.7] SJ: You blew up completely, yeah.
[0:04:21.7] TM: I launched September 2011 and within a few weeks, I had my first, like, Internet radio show, and terrestrial radio show, and then it just took off from there, all kinds of people catching on to what I was writing and sharing it, and then from the YouTube videos came coaching because when I would put up the sex position videos on my YouTube channel, I would have dozens of women that would say, “Hey, Tyomi, these cowgirl positions, we like them but we don’t know what to do when we get up there.”
And so, I made three tutorials and they all went viral because there was – at that time, there was like, no instruction on how to do this and so there were a lot of women that learned, and a lot of women that still needed assistance and so, I went into my lab, started doing research and I created the Cowgirl Workout, teach women not only how to improve their intimate movement and sex on top.
But just to feel confident in their bodies overall, to experience more pleasure and orgasms because sex is a very physical activity and without stretching, without the strength and the muscles that are engaged in certain positions, you’re not going to have a good time in sex. So, from there, I started traveling the world, teaching the cowgirl workout from 2016 until now, teaching it all over the United States and in the UK, in Europe, Africa, and Canada.
And through my digital platform, the cowgirl workout, I’ve been able to reach people all over the world. So, it’s been absolutely amazing, the journey of being a coach and teaching people how to improve their sex lives and just experience more pleasure overall, not just sexual pleasure but sensual, emotional, and spiritual pleasure has been an absolute joy for me and, when I see the impact that I’ve had on people’s lives.
Like, there are people who have followed me from the beginning, I look at them now and I’m like, “Wow, it’s like a night and day.” And I see the imprint of my influence on their lives and I’m just like, that’s major.
[0:06:33.1] SJ: I know what you mean when you get those emails and it’s like, really specific story, it’s an awesome feeling.
[0:06:39.1] TM: It is, and like, there’s one person in particular. She went from being a client to then being a friend and she recently came to see me, and I just like, took a moment to look at her, and I was like, “Oh, yeah, no, I see my thumbprint on this woman, 100%.”
[0:06:56.3] SJ: You see the glow.
[0:06:57.6] TM: Yes, and then she thanked me for the impact that I’ve had on her life and she said, “You have no idea how you have transformed my life.” And I was just like, crying, because, I am a crier when I get emotional about things but I was just crying because you know, it feels really good as a coach, especially as an entrepreneur, like we’re always on, always having to like, do the next thing.
So, you can accomplish something and then, it’s like, “What’s next, what’s next?” Well, when somebody can stop and give you your flowers, it just helps me to continue to move forward, and knowing that everything that I’m doing is having an impact and it’s working and it’s not just me, you know, throwing stuff in the wind and it’s just floating away without anything sticking. So, it’s been a great journey.
[0:07:43.1] SJ: I know what you mean. So, you mentioned the Cowgirl Workout. I get emails all the time from women that they don’t feel confident riding their man. Why is that and how can they overcome it?
[0:07:58.0] TM: There’s so many reasons why women don’t feel comfortable riding. The first thing is just, all of them, they physical mechanics that goes into it. So, as soon as we get on top, the first thing is, “Oh my gosh, I’m so exposed.” So, everything is seen and if there’s any type of bodily insecurity, that’s pretty much going to be on the forefront of any woman’s mind. So, that’s the first thing.
The second thing is, it’s a power dynamic shift because now, we go from being the passive partner, just receiving, to now, we’re still receiving but we’re actually in control of how we receive. So, we control the pacing of the stroking, we control the depth of the stroking, and we also control the level of arousal within that timeframe. So, there’s a lot of power that is presented in just making that switch on top and some women prefer to be passive.
They’re okay being in the passive role because they don’t feel like they have like a dominating bone in their body. So, when they have to –
[0:09:04.1] SJ: And that’s fine.
[0:09:05.5] TM: Yeah.
[0:09:05.9] SJ: You don’t have to.
[0:09:06.7] TM: Exactly, and you can still be like a pillow princess or a passive person and get on top and have your partner, like, stroke from the bottom but there’s still that component of having to know how to ride the bull. You know, it’s just like when you ride a bull, a mechanical bull, you have to know how to stay on top of it in order to not fall off. So, even if your partner is stroking from the bottom, you still have to have the skill set to stroke back.
And then, the third issue is just physically, there is common complaints, lower back pain, knee pain, and tight hips, and the burning thighs. All of these things in combination makes it very difficult for women to get up there and then knowing how to move, to stroke, and not just scoot on the dick. Like, scooting is not necessarily a stroke, it gets a consolation prize but we want to boot the scoot and we actually want to stroke.
So, overcoming it, really, is just in training and practice and the first thing is, getting out of your head. There’s literally no one right way to do anything, I always say it’s either pleasurable or it’s not. So, if it’s not pleasurable, you have to switch up your technique. So, what I’ve noticed from like the thousands of women that I’ve coached in this, some of them feel like they don’t have rhythm, and it’s because their hips are very tight.
Sometimes, it’s the size of their partner, in combination with the lack of rhythm, in combination with the tight hips that makes it difficult for them to maneuver and navigate. So, that’s why I created the cowgirl workout, was to teach women the building blocks of what I call, are like the patterns of movement for stroking. Teaching them that in repetition because repetition is the master teacher, and then helping them to alleviate the pain and the problem areas, which are the knees and the lower back, and hips.
So, we do a lot of hip-opening exercises, and I also teach breathwork because that is what builds stamina because even if a woman has the skills up there, she’s like, “I’m not lasting more than a minute and a half.” So, if she wants to go the distance, learning how to breathe in the process is really important, and that’s what I teach and then also, mind-to-body connection, and just teaching women how to connect with what their bodies are telling them.
To trust their bodies because the one thing I hear is, “Oh, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.” And I’m like, “Well, when are you going to tell yourself that you can?” Because the body lives in the mind, not the other way around, so your body’s going to follow suit with what you tell it, with what you say. The results that I’ve gotten and the testimonies that I’ve gotten have been phenomenal. I mean, women having orgasms for the first time, on top, because they’ve used my techniques.
They’ve used my skillset, and it’s a beautiful thing, and I have to say, I have some God babies out there. That’s always my disclaimer, I’m like, “Listen, if you’re not trying to get pregnant, just tuck and roll, but don’t say, Tyomi, it’s your fault” Like, “Hey-hey-hey, I just gave you the formula, okay? I didn’t tell you to have sex during your ovulation period, all right?”
[0:12:19.0] SJ: If you were to give like a five-minute tutorial, not the whole Cowgirl Workout but a five-minute tutorial that maybe someone could use tonight, both for building confidence, like, you already covered a bit but also for, let’s say, movement for the person on top, to find it pleasurable for them, you know, maybe not just for their partner.
[0:12:39.9] TM: Yes. That is the key and I always tell my clients this. I know, many of you cum because you want to be pleasing to your partner but this is for you first because the only way we’re going to bridge the orgasm gap is for women to take control of their own pleasure. Take control of how they want to be stroked, when they want to be stroked, the depth of stroke, and so the main thing is remembering like, if you’re already there naked in the bed with this person who loves and adores you, you know? They don’t care about what your body looks like, they’ve already accepted it.
[0:13:16.2] SJ: You can take it, as a guy, I can hundred percent agree.
[0:13:20.1] TM: They already accepted it, like, all the things that we think –
[0:13:23.8] SJ: And one thing I’d add is, you know, we have our own insecurities. “Am I big enough? Am I hard enough? Am I going to last a long time? I don’t have abs, so, you know, is that a problem? What does she think of me?”
[0:13:35.3] TM: Exactly, everybody’s coming to the party with their own set of insecurities. The main thing you want to do is just disarm and disrobe. Like, physically and emotionally because at that point, everybody’s on the same playing field, right? When you’re bare-ass naked with somebody, it’s literally nothing that’s holding you back, except for your mind. So, quiet the thoughts, become present with your partner, and then when you climb on top, it’s all about remembering that it’s a stroke.
I think sometimes because we use the word “riding” that we think of something like a scooter or a bicycle, or something where we have to like, push along but we’re literally just stroking the dick with vagina. So, if you can remember that, you want to feel a glide, and this is my trademark phrase, “If it’s not a glide, it is not a ride.” You got to feel the glide for it to be a ride. There isn’t much space that’s actually needed between pelvises.
You just need like, between one to three inches of space. Have that little bit of space, feel the glide and everything is isolated from the hips. So, the tailbone or the hinge of the hips is what helps to isolate hip movement. So, there is a lifting and a lowering of the hips on and off the dick. So, if you can remember that and be conscious of the direction of the penetration and where it’s landing, and how it’s stroking you internally, ladies, then you’re going to have a good time on top.
Take your time and have fun with it. Don’t get so caught up on, “How does my face look, how does my body look?” Really focus on what’s happening in the vagina and make sure that you’re feeling that glide because that is what’s going to send, not only you but also, your partner into orgasmic bliss. Slow it down, once you get a rhythm, then you can like, add some speed to it but there’s no need to rush up there, you know? You got all the time in the world, really.
[0:15:52.3] SJ: So, I’d love to change kind of subjects and talk about giving a good blowjob, sucking good dick, and even before maybe getting to specific techniques, do you have anything, any advice you could give people, maybe overall, to keep in mind about you know, the attitude to approach giving a good blowjob. Is this a mindset someone should have?
[0:16:17.2] TM: There is absolutely a mindset and I always say, I always preface with this, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should, and just because it exists, doesn’t mean it exists for you. So, there are some people who just don’t enjoy oral sex, receiving or giving, and so that’s something first that you have to really determine. Like, “Is this something I actually want to do? Is this something I’m actually attracted to?”
And, if you’re on the fence about it, then asking yourself those like, clarifying questions around, what’s distasteful to you about this, is this something that you can change or is this something that’s just like – an inherent – something that’s just inherently off-putting but the mindset around it for those that want to give great blowjobs is first and foremost, enjoying it for yourself, having enthusiasm about all of the feels.
So, it’s a sensual experience, like feeling the stretching of the mouth as the penis enters and like, feeling the textures on the tongue and like, just being able to sync your breath with that person’s breath, and then feel into like, the arousal that’s happening. So, you can feel the dick growing bigger, you can feel it pulsating when it’s getting closer to that ejaculatory, you know, period, just really having that desire to be conscious and literally present with the penis. Present with the penis.
[0:17:50.3] SJ: For real. Like, getting out of your head and enjoying it personally adds something for you, even though, you’re the one giving pleasure.
[0:17:57.6] TM: Exactly, because it’s – some people have an oral fixation where they enjoy the feeling of things in their mouths. So, those people will tend to be more enthusiastic about performing blowjobs. Some people, they might want to do it simply because it’s a requirement – not requirement but it’s something that their partner enjoys, and that’s the thing. If it feels obligatory, trust me when I tell you, the man can feel it.
No man ever wants to feel like they’re doing this begrudgingly because you feel like the relationship’s going to end if you don’t do this thing if enthusiasm isn’t present.
[0:18:37.9] SJ: I think it’s the same in the opposite direction as well. I don’t think – Now, this is me saying it but I don’t think many women want a guy begrudgingly going down on them, like, it’s bad vibe.
[0:18:50.6] TM: Because you can feel it. You can feel it.
[0:18:51.8] SJ: Yeah, 100%.
[0:18:53.6] TM: You know, it’s interesting because like, you literally have the head, where the brain is contained and like, the mind, essentially, right? So, it’s like, you could feel a person’s thoughts. You can literally feel when they’re just down there going through the motions simply because they’re trying to move to the next thing in the process. So, really going down there sincerely and with enthusiasm is important, and then being playful.
I think sometimes, people will try to perform like a porn star and then they get too serious with it, and you don’t have to do all of that. The main thing get – oh my gosh, like, one thing that happens for me often is burping. So, I just – I’ll let out a burp and just keep going, and it’s always you know, a giggle that comes after that but that’s a sign of like, “Oh, she’s enjoying herself, she’s completely immersed in the moment.”
And so, being playful is a really big part of this, and being unafraid to try different things with your lips, your tongue, even hands. I know some people are like anti-hands but depending on size of mouth to size of penis, hands may be necessary because if it’s a very long penis and that person has smaller or more narrow mouth, and they are also big teeth or they have a very sensitive gag reflex, then they’re not going to be able to get the whole thing in. So, hands have to be used to supplement what the mouth can’t do.
[0:20:24.7] SJ: So, I want to talk about hands in a minute, sorry to interrupt. Could we talk a little bit about the buildup first, do you have advice there? Maybe before you even get to a date, is there a texting or something like that, messaging, that you can kind of build up the tension, maybe, what’s about to come, maybe a little surprise for later?
[0:20:44.2] TM: Yeah. So, one thing that I think is underrated when it comes to the buildup is what I call, like, the interview because the one thing that builds confidence is knowing what you’re doing when you go down there, and the only way to know what you’re doing is if you ask your partner how do they like their dick sucked, you know? Like, because, if you’re trying to perform like someone else or if you’re trying to perform on that person in a way that you’ve seen on porn, they might not like some of the techniques that you’re applying. Like, maybe that person doesn’t like a lot of saliva, maybe they don’t like the twisty-roo on their dick.
[0:21:19.1] SJ: The Blowjob 9,000.
[0:21:20.7] TM: Exactly. So, asking the questions like, you know, starting the conversation now, like, “Oh, I can’t wait to see you tonight. You know, I’m looking forward to having your dick in my mouth. I just want to ask you some questions about how you like it, before, you know, we get there.” And then, just go down the list of questions that you have, as that person, your partner reveals to you how they like it, and take notes.
I mean, depending on how a person retains information, they can either write it down but I mean, it’s going to be in a text. So, you know, it’s there already in the phone, and then this also gives the performer a chance to go look things up if they don’t know what the technique is, and then in the text message, as the giver, you can express enthusiasm for the things that you read about how that person enjoys being pleasured and just say, “Oh my God, that’s hot. I can’t wait to experience that with you.”
You can go into more depth like, if that person says, “I like it sloppy.” It’s like, “Oh, how sloppy do you like it? Do you want to see like you know, saliva dripping from my mouth and to my tits?” And you know, just like, really just going into building up the imagery because –
[0:22:34.2] SJ: Yeah, telling a story.
[0:22:35.2] TM: Yeah, telling a story, building up the imagery, and then by the time you get to the actual setting for this to go down, that person has kind of been worked up all day, so the erection is just kind of like, hanging out. The erection has been like hanging out all day even if just chubs, you know? So, by the time they see you, it’s like, “Oh my God, she’s so freaking hot, these text messages have had me, like, wound up all day.”
And so, now, the erection is like, super strong because now, that person’s in front of you because that’s the thing, like, some people enjoy a growing penis in the mouth but it’s always, and at least, in my opinion, more pleasurable when it’s already hard because you get to do all the things to it. So, you know, you just build up that momentum throughout the day, asking questions, and even sending pictures.
Like, you can send pictures for different positions, for fellatio. I’m like, “Ooh, do you like this position and do you want to try this one?” And there’s a bunch of like, sex position photos online from like Cosmo or like, different websites.
[0:23:44.7] SJ: Oh, we’ve got them on The Bad Girls Bible website as well. Blowjob, sex positions, we got them all.
[0:23:50.6] TM: So, go to The Bad Girls Bible, and then you just go to the fellatio positions and screenshot and just be like, “Hey, what do you think about this? I would love to be in this position.” And then also, figure out what room are you going to do this in or are you going to do all the rooms? Like, there’s just so many ways you can keep the conversation going over a period of time and I will say, like also, leave some breathing room between each message because you want to build up the anticipation for the next message to come in. So, don’t like, do a rapid-fire text.
[0:24:22.6] SJ: Yeah, don’t give it all away.
[0:24:24.4] TM: Yeah, yeah, let it breathe so that you can stretch it out over like three or four hours. I’m a fan of teasing. That’s like, one of my kinks. So, as a teaser, I highly suggest teasing your partner, just so that, again, the erection can just float for a little while so then, by the time they see you, it’s like, “I’m ready to go,” You’ll have that like, glorious moment, once the pants come down, the dick comes out and she’s like, “Hi. Give me the dick, give me the dick.”
[0:24:51.0] SJ: Oh, you were expecting me.
[0:24:52.3] TM: Right. “Oh, there you are.”
[0:24:54.8] SJ: So then, when you’re getting to that point, you’re both together, maybe you’re at home in the bedroom, do you then have sort of like blowjob foreplay that you’d advise? Like tips you’d advise for kind of building up to the actual blowjob with your partner?
[0:25:10.3] TM: For sure, for sure. So, if your partner’s not going to go sneak off to the bathroom and like, wash themselves up, I would highly suggest, either having wipes or like a towel that you can wipe things down with, so make sure to get the ball sack, don’t forget the ball sack. Get the ball sack, get the perineum, get everything, you know, in that area. The pubic mound area, get all of it because you don’t know where your mouth is going to end up, right?
And then, especially if that person has foreskin, you want to make sure that you roll that back, gently, and you clean around the head of the penis too because if they haven’t gone to clean themselves yet, like, throughout the day, lint forms like the underwear and things can get caught in the foreskin and so once the erection happens, like, everything pulls back and you can see it but you just want to make sure you clean before you go there.
So, that’s the first part of the foreplay, and then, take your time to massage the area. Underrated erogenous zone for men is the inner thighs and like, the pubic area where the pelvis meets the thigh, so like in that little V area, massage that.
[0:26:25.1] SJ: Yeah, almost tickly like.
[0:26:28.6] TM: It is, and so you want to –
[0:26:29.7] SJ: I’m saying it as a guy, yeah.
[0:26:31.1] TM: Yeah, it is because it’s not an area you – a lot of stimulation in often unless like you are a person that shaves, you know, or you’re like wearing jock straps and stuff like that but as far as pleasure, it’s not an area that men typically have stimulated, and so it’s really sensitive. So, even just like, running fingers over it lightly, running a tongue over it lightly, even blowing breath on it, those things can help just to like start to send blood into the area so that the penis can have a super hard erection.
And then like, cupping the balls and just like caressing the balls gently because they get left out a lot of times. So, if you could just use your hands first and then also like, stroking the ball sack underneath, so the middle finger can stroke the perineum, and like between the testes it’s like stroking upwards because the perineum is a very, very sensitive area for me, and that space between the balls and the anus. So, if that’s stroked and stimulated, it can be a different sensation for some.
Some may have never felt that area being stroked but these are just like the pleasure spots and the hot spots you want to focus on first and then before your mouth goes on it, just use your hands to warm things up. So just like, caressing, and as you’re caressing, you’re also kind of surveying the land, just to see like, are there any hairs that are on the shaft or are there any pustules or like, you know, raised areas that may be an area of concern to just like, talk about before you put your mouth on it.
And then, also, just being able to survey the size because when it comes to using condoms for blowjobs, you want to make sure you have the right size because if it’s too small, if it’s in that person’s bigger than the condom, it’s going to be uncomfortable for them, you know, being able to survey the size and to make sure like, you have the right sizing of condom is great but just all of this touching and feeling before you put your mouth on it, that’s the best kind of foreplay and bonus, it has nothing to do with the penis at all but some men might enjoy nipple stimulation and that gets them hard, underrated erogenous zone.
[0:28:54.1] SJ: So maybe just reach your hands up, start playing with their nipples, see how it responds.
[0:28:58.7] TM: Yup, so, it’s like, the mouth is close, right? Or almost like, touching the dick but the hands are up, just like stimulating the nipples and so, he can feel the breath coming from the mouth and like, the heat from the mouth on the dick while the nipples are being stimulated, and it’s like, “Oh, oh my gosh” right? Then, when you start to feel those ripples of pleasure go through his body, boom, then, you can put your mouth on it. So, it’s a workup, you know? You work them up, you know, you work them up –
[0:29:31.9] SJ: This is incredible. This is incredible.
[0:29:34.9] TM: I got all kinds of moves. Like, whatever stimulates this man, and also makes you feel good too because I know, as a pleaser, I really enjoy seeing my partners being satisfied and feeling pleasure from what I’m doing, so it turns me on to see them turned on. So, if I know that there’s a sensitive spot on their neck I’m going to, you know, stimulate that area. If they like their ear stimulated or just whatever, and another underrated spot, people don’t even realize is the hands.
If you massage the hands, and the palm of the hands, and the fingers before sex, it helps with stimulating arousal. That’s something that can also be done too, like, in just the talking phase of like, you know, getting into the act of massaging the hands, and then you can make out a little bit, and then work your way down and then up and then back down again.
[0:30:35.5] SJ: Once you start the actual blowjob, you’ve had this incredible build up, how do you like to start to like, focus on the tip, take everything in your mouth, focus on the shaft?
[0:30:46.2] TM: I want people to realize something about the penis. Like, it’s all friction sensitive but the shaft is more pressure sensitive than friction sensitive, and then the head is both pressure and friction but it responds to friction a lot easier but every man’s going to be different because some men might like a lot of pressure on the head, some might like light pressure. So, it’s all about like, being able to observe that.
So, I always say, you know, when you’re starting with hands, that will let you know like, what kind of pressure they enjoy because then, when you put it in your mouth, you can kind of mimic that pressure and so I like to say, start with kisses. Kiss from the tip, all the way down, and this is just introducing the lips to the dick. So, kissing all the way down the shaft and up the other side and then do the same thing with the tongue.
And then by the time you get back to the tip with the tongue, it’s easy to just insert into the mouth, and you start shallow and then you just go deeper and deeper as the mouth becomes more comfortable with the sizing and with the position because sometimes, the position may restrict how far down a person can go, as far as like the length of the shaft. So, what I have found is that positions where the man or the penis-owning person is standing slightly above the giver, it helps.
So, like, if he is standing and then she’s on her knees or if he’s sitting and she’s on her knees between his legs or if you’re going to be in a bed like lying down, where she is lying on the side of him and then can penetrate that way and this is specifically for like people who want to get deeper into the throat. If you’re just trying to do shallow – oh, and then the shape, the shape of the penis matters too because if there’s like a severe curve, then you want to adjust for that as well.
But starting off slow and starting off shallow because a lot of the erogenous zones of the penis are located on or around the head. The frenulum, which is on the underside of the peins where the foreskin attaches, if there is foreskin there, super sensitive. If the foreskin has been removed through circumcision, it can be a trauma spot for some, where it could be numb but it is still a sensitive spot for many, and then underneath the head, so the coronal ridge, very sensitive area.
So, if we just start by creating suction and a little bit of friction with your tastebuds on the head first, it like heightens the arousal like very quickly, and then when you can move that, that energy down the shaft but just going a little deeper, everything else is now stimulated. So, just going from shallow to medium to then deep, and if you can’t go that deep, hands. Like, whatever portion cannot be entered into the mouth, use hands and lots of lubrication.
If your mouth is dry, I highly suggest either rinsing your mouth with a mouthwash before or eating like a piece of sour candy or even like if you have lemon juice, you know you can drink a little bit of lemon juice. You just want to introduce something to the mouth that’s going to cause you to salivate and one thing that I know as well, when you’re performing once you go deeper into the throat, there is like this nice –
[0:34:22.5] SJ: Yeah, stimulation.
[0:34:23.7] TM: Very slick – yeah, it feels like this very –
[0:34:25.4] SJ: Gloopy.
[0:34:26.9] TM: Slick saliva at the back of the throat that if you can just dip back there and pull out, you’re going to have like a nice amount of saliva being produced so – because the thing with hands is if it’s dry and you’re trying to like rub and squeeze and all of that, it may feel uncomfortable, kind of like carpet burn type feel and nobody wants that.
[0:34:50.0] SJ: Yeah. I mean, you can even grab your hand now and you can kind of feel like if there’s just a tiny bit of moisture in your hand, it kind of grabs the skin whereas if it’s covered in lube, covered in saliva, it’s slick.
[0:35:02.9] TM: And that’s underrated, people don’t understand that if your hands are like clammy, like just like moist like that, it drags the skin and it feels so uncomfortable. Like, ladies, I’ll tell you what place on your body where you can test this out, your inner thigh. The inner thigh near the vulva has some of the thinnest skin. It’s strong, it’s resilient but if you touch that area you can see what we’re saying around dragging the skin.
It’s the same with like the inside of your elbow, that skin there too is the same kind of thinness, so it doesn’t feel good when the skin is dragged, that’s why you got to have a lot of lube. Now, if saliva is not being produced, then one thing that you can use is edible oil. So, like coconut oil or grapeseed oil. Coconut is great because it has a low melting point, so it can melt just with the heat between your hands and it’s very slick and it stays slick for a while, and again, you can eat it.
So, you know, you can cover your hands in coconut oil and first use your hands to like give a hand job before the blow job, so then the penis is completely covered in coconut oil, and then put your mouth on it and it’s safe. I recommend that for you know, blow jobs that are barrier-free, so no condom.
[0:36:27.4] SJ: Because I think coconut oil and condoms don’t mix very well.
[0:36:30.8] TM: Not latex, yeah, but the non-latex ones that you can use coconut oil with but the only thing that I would caution with that is too much coconut oil could cause the condom to slip off, so the condom won’t break but it could slip off but if you are going to use condoms, then like a subsidiary lubricant that can be used is water-based lube that’s edible because not all water-based lubricants are edible. So, you have to make sure you are not taking –
[0:37:00.1] SJ: Some of them, yeah, that’s a bit of a bummer when you’re getting down to it, yeah.
[0:37:05.8] TM: And personally, I am not a fan of manmade lubricants in blow jobs.
[0:37:11.5] SJ: Same.
[0:37:12.0] TM: It’s just –
[0:37:12.5] SJ: They just taste weird.
[0:37:13.7] TM: Nasty.
[0:37:14.4] SJ: Yeah, yeah.
[0:37:15.4] TM: They’re so nasty, it doesn’t taste good, and no matter how much they try to flavor it because the thing about lubricant is that you don’t want to put sweeteners in it, especially if it’s going to be –
[0:37:25.2] SJ: It gives you yeast infection, yeah.
[0:37:26.6] TM: Exactly, like no, we don’t want that. I always say you know, if you’re going to go down on a partner without a barrier, make sure you know their STI status so that way, you know, you can do it with freedom and knowing that nothing is going to be transmitted to you and then you can just use the edible oil and that’s a lot healthier not only for their skin but for your throat and your taste buds too because no one wants that like nasty aftertaste.
[0:37:54.2] SJ: Do you have any tips then or advice for including anal play or even prostate play while going down on your guy?
[0:38:03.5] TM: So, recently, I got this gift from a convention I went to and it’s a glove. I think it’s like a fisting glove but each finger has a different texture on it and how –
[0:38:14.6] SJ: Oh cool, yeah.
[0:38:15.2] TM: How lucky, you know, this is amazing. So, something like that could be really great for men who enjoy anal stimulation because now, you have one hand that when you use it on the penis it’s going to you know, create different sensations but when you start to go down to the perineum and then into the anus, you have all this different like little nubs and things, they can just create a different form of stimulation.
And so, if a guy is interested in anal play but hasn’t yet been penetrated and he’s like, “I don’t know if I want to go there yet.” Anal pressure, anal pressure, just applying pressure to the outside of the anus with fingers by rubbing or just like lightly pressing in as you’re stroking because that can cause a blended orgasm. You could have an anal orgasm and you could have the ejaculatory orgasm at the same time and it is going to like, you know, blow your mind.
And then so if you want to stimulate the prostate but not penetrate, the perineum gives you access to that. So, you don’t want to be on the balls, okay? If you’re on the scrotum, that’s the incorrect place. It’s literally that space between the scrotum and the anus and all you have to do is just press upwards into the body and you can stimulate the prostate from the outside just by applying pressure and just like rubbing in like some white circles.
And then, always, always, I suggest if you are going to penetrate where a glove, either a non-latex glove or a latex glove just depending on you know, your partner’s allergy because they have an allergy to latex, you want to use a non-latex glove but what that serves is as a form of protection for your fingers and you know, you can put lube on it. If you are using non-latex, you can totally use coconut oil.
If you are using latex gloves, of course, water-based. I suggest water-based and silicon combination when it comes to anal play or if you can’t get it – because silicon, so of course, you know like water-based lubricants are very nourishing to the tissues of the anus but silicon stays slicker a lot longer. So, if you can get both in a combo, you’re great but I mean, if I had to choose water over silicon, I would suggest silicon for anal play just because it’s a longer slick, it doesn’t dry up as quick as water-based lubricant does.
[0:40:44.8] SJ: Yeah, I’d say also a lot of guys are super into anal play and they’re open about it, they’re very happy to try then there’s other guys that are super into anal play but they’re kind of nervous. They think, “Maybe this makes me gay. I don’t know, this is different.”
[0:41:00.8] TM: It’s that internalized homophobia.
[0:41:03.3] SJ: Yeah, yeah, and there’s a kind of conversation you know, that maybe needs to happen for the couple and then there’s other people, they just don’t like it.
[0:41:13.4] TM: Yeah, it’s not their jam.
[0:41:14.7] SJ: That’s fine too, just plain.
[0:41:15.4] TM: That’s okay but the conversation is important though because I’ve had you know, public discourse with men online who talk about like how they are anti-anal because they had a situation with a partner who just put a finger up their anus and like without permission, without warning and it was jarring for them. So, it was basically a traumatic experience and so you have to have that conversation first because you want to gauge where your partner’s interest is.
If they have an interest in this, have they done it before, if they did it before, you know, what was their experience like, you know, what do they like about it, what do they want to improve about it? Again, an interview. Like, we have to interview our partners and talk to them about these things because we just can’t assume. Assuming can send us down the wrong path and it won’t be a pleasurable path.
It might be a painful path and we don’t want that unless you derive pleasure from pain, that’s a different conversation.
[0:42:11.7] SJ: But that’s still a conversation that has to take place. I think you can’t just assume, I don’t think anyone should assume that their partner just likes pain. What about edging? Do you have any advice or techniques to kind of amp up the pleasure, bring it back down, tease them a little bit with edging?
[0:42:31.3]4 TM: Yeah, edging is definitely the ultimate tease and it’s really encouraging a man to hold it in and so, you can play a game with this. This kind of gets into like a little bit of kink in a way because you do have that teasing element and then you have that dominating element where it’s like, “You can’t cum until I give you permission to cum, okay?” And that’s established at the beginning, okay?
Because sometimes, you might want a quickie blow job where it’s like, “Let’s just rub one, let’s get one out really quick.” But if you know you have like some time, at least like 30 minutes or so, then this is where you establish that in the beginning. “We’re going to be practicing edging, you can’t cum until I tell you to, do you agree to this?” Get their consent, right? And then when they agree, then it’s all about on and off on and off and you can tell when your partner is getting close to cumming because their breath will quicken.
They actually might start being more active in moving their hips and they might be moving their hips very quickly. They might be a vocal person that’s saying, “Oh my God, I’m about to cum” right? If you hear that, stop.
[0:43:40.7] SJ: Then my feet start grabbing things as well.
[0:43:43.1] TM: Yes, indeed. If the sole start cracking and the sheets start like gathering up, just stop, all hands, all mouth off, just completely stop, right? And what I like to do because I am also a tantric practitioner, so what I like to do is put one hand over the heart space and then I will just lay a hand gently on the penis and just encourage him to breathe. I just say, “Breathe, you know, breathe deep” right? And so, then when I –
[0:44:12.0] SJ: Kind of sensual domination-like.
[0:44:14.7] TM: I am a sensual dom.
[0:44:16.0] SJ: Okay, yeah.
[0:44:17.7] TM: So, when I see that his body has gone back down a few notches, so the breathing has like become a little longer, I feel the heart rate kind of go down, then we go back into stimulation but starting with like, light strokes of the hands and then the mouth but everything is like slow and then quicken it and then again, observe and you can do a full stop with the mouth just on.
Just feel like the pulsing and that’s like the ultimate tease, where the dick is still in the mouth but there is nothing happening right there. Like, there’s no tongue movement, no jaw movement, no lip movement, it’s just there, right? And you’re just breathing on it, you’re just breathing on the dick and there’s just like, “Oh, what’s going to happen next?” And so you get to have fun with the edging process.
The main thing you have to know with baseline is, stimulate to a point and release the stimulation and however you want to do that, whatever combination you want to do that in is up to you. You can also stop with the stimulation of the penis and go to the balls and massage the balls with hands or with your mouth, tongue, without a hand job. Like, you just do the balls, which can either heighten the sensation or it can bring it down a little bit, right? Balls to me are kind of like emergency cords.
[0:45:47.2] SJ: Where you just use to pull a little like.
[0:45:51.1] TM: Like, I’m going to pull, I’m going to pull. If I do, it’s like a light kind of grip.
[0:45:54.9] SJ: Just turn a little, okay, okay.
[0:45:55.7] TM: So, if it’s a light tug, what you want to do is literally take your index finger and your thumb and you go at the base of the scrotum and you just wrap the thumb and the index around the base of the scrotum and it’s a very, very soft tug, soft, and you can just hold it there and just like massage the ball with the palm of your hand and it can kind of calm things down and the reason why I’m doing that primarily is because if I pull the sack down but then also pull the penis up, it stretches the vas deferens.
So, that’s the tube that takes the semen from the testes up to the seminal vesicles. So, if you could stretch that out if he was already like lock and loaded, you can stop that process from happening and basically push that back down into the testes, and then that’s also another form of edging just to like prevent the ejaculation from happening. So, there’s all kinds of tricks that you can do but again, at baseline, stimulate and then stop.
Stimulate and then stop, and also, don’t forget to add some shit-talking in there, like just a little bit.
[0:47:15.0] SJ: You want this? Tell me how much you want it.
[0:47:17.3] TM: It’s like, “How bad do you want this? How bad do you want to cum for me?” Like, “No, not yet.” That could be like a 30-minute thing because and again, it’s like 30 minutes but it’s not like 30 minutes of consistent mouth play so the mouth won’t get tired. So, for those that are like, “Oh, my jaw is going to be lock up real tight.” Edging might be a thing for you, where it gives you that time to relax your jaw and relax your mouth in between the stimulation periods with the mouth.
[0:47:44.0] SJ: I think edging is also a great thing to try if you’re not particularly – if you don’t feel if the giver doesn’t feel confident they can – it is a great way to see how much kind of power and control you actually have over your partner, how much they are enjoying it when you stop.
[0:48:02.3] TM: And it’s good for raising awareness of pleasure because a lot of times, you know, like we’re all so focused on the outcome, like the end goal, especially men. It’s like, “Get to the cum” you know? But with edging, what it does is it helps a man relax into pleasure, relax into the pleasure of being stimulated in this way and not having the expectation of cumming at least not right away.
Because I think sometimes that pressure to move things along can lessen the experience for men and also it kind of disconnects them from their bodies because now, you’re not focused on the sensations that’s getting you there, you’re just focused on finding that one sensation that will take you from like a seven to a ten really quick, whereas, there’s all of these delicious feels and like sensations that are arising in the body from that one point to that ten point.
That you get to experience and become aware of when you’re edging, especially on the comedown, like when you feel your body coming down from like almost peaking in pleasure is like, “Huh, wow, this is a different sensation” and it’s almost like you can get a head high from it too, like euphoria. So, I encourage it and you’re so right about like, the person who doesn’t feel as confident in their skills.
You can kind of hide out in edging just a little bit because again, you get to use your hands, you get to do a full stop, there’s a lot of checking in because you got to see, you know, where that person is at and in the edging process you can’t fake pleasure. Like, you can’t fake feeling the feels and if you want to take it another step further, you can like, blindfold them. Put a blindfold on so they can’t see anything. So now, it’s straight sensation play.
[0:50:11.9] SJ: I have a question, you mentioned your mouth getting tired, your lips, your tongue, your neck, are there any maybe exercises people can do or even techniques they can use to you know, make it easier for themselves to be less tired.
[0:50:28.8] TM: For sure. So, I’m going to say this, head bobbing, I think it should be incorporated sparingly. It shouldn’t be the main source of stroking when it comes to fellatio because of course, your head is going to get tired if you’re like constantly bobbing your head up and down. So, there actually should be more mouth stroking, so the tongue and the lips and the jaws, the cheeks working in combination to create a suction, and then the head bob is just an extra form of stimulation.
So, when it comes to mouth exercises, there are tongue and lip exercises that people can do, I’ll give you like a few. One that’s very simple for the lips is we take like a pen or a pencil, you put it between your upper lip and your nose and you just curl your upper lip to hold it.
[0:51:24.0] SJ: You kind of give yourself a pencil mustache almost.
[0:51:26.3] TM: Yep, pencil mustache, exactly, and then you just hold it there for like a minute and then take like a break, and then you just do like a minute on, a minute off, and it helps to build up the strength and the upper lip, which can help with the lip being able to grab, so to speak. Another exercise is a duck lip exercise, where you just take the lips and you move them away from the teeth like duck lips but then you also bring them together and like a kiss and then pull them apart.
So, it looks like, so just bringing them away from the teeth touching them together, and bringing them back and you can do 20 repetitions of that, you do four sets of that, you’re going to feel it like because our lips are muscles. The tongue, you can do a simple exercise of just like tongue to corners of the mouth, and then this is all for mobility, and then also trying to touch the bottom of your chin with the tip of your tongue and then trying to touch the tip of your nose with the tip of your tongue.
Like going back and forth, so one chin touch, yes, one nose touch is like one rep, so you do like 10 reps of that, take a break, and then do three more sets of that, you’re going to feel it and then the last tongue exercise that I have found to be very impactful for building up the middle pallet of a tongue, which helps to create like some good suction, this one is kind of hard for some people but it’s like, have you ever experienced like the back of your throat itching and then you just like scratched the back of your throat with your tongue, kind of like.
[0:52:59.9] SJ: Oh, you kind – yeah, yeah, yeah.
[0:53:02.1] TM: Yeah, allergy sufferer.
[0:53:03.6] SJ: It’s a tickle, yeah, yeah.
[0:53:05.1] TM: Allergy sufferers will understand what I’m saying with that because it will cause nasal drip but – so basically, what you’re doing is you’re going to put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind the top row of your teeth and then you get the rest of your tongue fall to the back of your mouth and then you’re going to bring your middle pallet up to the roof of your mouth and then drop it down and it’s going to create a clicking sound, like this “click-click-click-click.”
But you want to keep the tip of your tongue connected to the roof of your mouth. Not yet, but with practice, and some people I think because like tongues come in different varieties, like some tongues are more flexible than others, some tongues are like shorter and like more fleshy or like fatter than others. So, certain exercises may feel a little more difficult but all of these exercises are things that I read from a book called, Blow Him Away, and it’s by a speech therapist named Marcy Michaels.
So, all of the exercises, she has dozens of exercises for the lips and the tongue in this book with all these exercises she uses in her speech therapy practice to help people with the mobility of their lips and their tongue. So, if you can build that mobility up, then you have a better chance of creating a suction and the movement with the mouth that’s going to be pleasurable. So, if you have that skillset built up, now you can literally just suck using your mouth and not move your head at all and it’s like, “Oh my God, what’s happening?”
And then when you move the head, again, that is just an added bonus. So, that’s the thing that I suggest to people is build up your mouth strength and then, you know, until then if you lie down, if you lie down so like, lying on the side of your partner and you’re sucking dick that way or like the fuck face position if it’s not too much for you, you know because your head can’t go anywhere so that challenges you to literally just use your mouth and you’re lying down so your neck won’t hurt.
[0:55:15.0] SJ: Speaking of lying down, I know I’d love to talk a little bit about giving deep throat. I find that the easiest position is to lie down on your back maybe with head over the end of the bed. So, it’s kind of you’re whole throat is in a single line. I know on the Bad Girls Bible website, we have that position, we call it the layback position but do you have any other tips for making deep throat easier and more pleasurable for the giver to make it more pleasurable for their partner and for the giver to make it more easier for themselves?
[0:55:47.6] TM: Number one, givers, do not eat before trying to deep throat, okay? If your stomach is full and you gag, you will throw up. I am telling you this from – I’m telling you this, and that’s the one thing that I think people will feel the most embarrassed by is throwing up on somebody because if you don’t catch it in your mouth and go run and spit it out, it’s just going to spill out all over the place.
So, make sure that you’re going to attempt to deep throat that it’s like maybe two hours after you’ve eaten or drank, so you don’t want to be doing this on a super full stomach. That could mean you know, it’s okay if you gag. Like, you have to be willing to gag in order to master the gag reflex and if you are a person that has a super, super sensitive gag reflex, you can actually take your thumb on your left hand and put it inside of your palm, wrap your fingers around, make a fist, and squeeze and that temporarily can shut off the gag reflex.
So, if you just squeeze your left thumb into your palm, that can help with that, and like you said, the positions matter. So, you do want to be in a position where the throat is straightened completely, and with that, so they lying down position with the head hanging off the edge of the bed, that works. Fuck face position totally works, where he’s sitting on your chest, you have like some pillows behind your head.
What else? Oh, again, being on the knees, he’s either standing or sitting down, that works because again, like the giver is going to be slightly underneath and then the position of the throat is completely straight because now, the chin, right the chin have to tilt up, which then opens up the entire neck and it’s easier for things to go down. Now, the one thing that I think is difficult for some people to master is the breathing technique that goes along with deep-throating because you can’t try to inhale and exhale while you’re deep-throating.
You kind of have to hold your breath just a little bit in order for it to be successful because when we breathe, the throat moves. So, it’s going to like be – it is going to cave in and then it’s also going to expand. So, you have to take a like a deep breath in before you bring the dick into the throat, give yourself a few strokes, pull it out so you can breathe again, and then take another deep breath, and come back down.
So, it’s really an art of practicing your breath control on top of being aware of what position is going to open the throat in the most comfortable way to avoid the uvula. Some people don’t have a uvula. I’ve met a woman who didn’t and I was just like, “Good Lord, you’re probably” –
[0:58:36.0] SJ: Is that the little thing at the back of – the little like teardrop?
[0:58:38.5] TM: That hangs, uh-huh, because basically what that does is gauges what is going down the throat to prevent something that doesn’t belong or that could be harmful to the esophagus from going down. So, it’s there for a reason but avoiding that will help to avoid the gag reflex because immediately when that is hit, it triggers the reflex process. So, practice, like that’s the only way you’re going to get better at deep throating is to be willing to practice and –
[0:59:07.4] SJ: And to have a partner I think that understands this that it’s not something that goes away maybe in one session. It takes time, it takes practice, many sessions.
[0:59:17.4] TM: And don’t force the dick down the throat. Don’t try to shove the head down, like don’t try to grab your partner’s head and like shove it down your shaft, like don’t do that because that kind of traumatic experience will like, turn anybody off from wanting to even attempt to deep throating because you don’t want to bruise the throat either. You don’t want to cause any damage back there because you are being too rough.
Let your partner be the one to guide it down, let the giver, the giver would be the one to guide it down so that way, they have the confidence in the breath control and the throat control. Like, there’s literally no other way around and you have to practice and have a willing participant who is not going to be forceful with it.
[0:59:58.8] SJ: Awesome. So, I think we covered almost everything except finishing your partner off, the receiver. Do you have any tips there that you’d like to give that can really make it amazing? Maybe everything from being able to tell when your partner is ready to blow, all the way to making it a wonderful experience.
[1:00:20.9] TM: Yes. So, you know, the subject of cum, is interesting because it’s either you’re going to be a swallower or you’re going to become a toaster strudel, either way, you want to make sure that you talk about this prior to because if you talk about whether you’re going to swallow or whether you want to be cum on as a giver, then when it comes down to that point where you feel the pulsing of the penis, you feel like the legs shaking, and then your partner is like, “Oh my gosh, I’m almost there” right?
At that point, that’s when you can become vocal if they’re going to have to pull out in order to like cum somewhere. It’s you know, asking the question just like, withdraw, hand stroke, hand stroke, “Where do you want to cum?” or “I want you to cum” insert wherever place it is, and then, “Can you do that for me?” Like, “Oh, yeah.” All right, okay, boom, back in the mouth, right? And then there isn’t much more talking you can do as a giver.
So, humming, humming cannot only help to vibrate your own throat and open up the vagus nerve to just make things easier to receive but it’s like a vibrator on his dick. So, it’s like building up even more sensation or stimulation, and at that point, you know, you can tell like you said, the toes are grabbing the sheets, eyes might be rolling at the back of their head, their eyes might be closed tightly because they’re not trying to focus on anything else but the sensation that’s happening.
You might feel the body rise up slightly, the pelvis rise up, you might feel like shaking in the legs, and you will hear the breath quicken and shorten. So, those are all signs that it’s getting there and I’m going to tell you this right now, whatever you’re doing, don’t stop it, keep it going right there in that exact spot because you too know, ladies, you know when you’re receiving and they are in that one spot, you don’t want them to stop because that’s going to get you to the place where you want to be, which is that big O, right?
So, the same applies for him, stay in that spot, that same pacing, the same pressure or friction or whatever, keep that going until you feel the pop. Now, if you are not trying to catch it in your mouth, right? There’s going to be a moment right before he might announce that he’s cumming, if not, he might be a silent cummer, where you have to pay attention to the pulsing of the dick. So, it is the perfect timing where once you feel that pulsing, you pull it out the mouth.
You just stimulate at the head and then you can direct the pumping of the cum, the pipping if you will, or the icing, right? Wherever you want it to go. I do find it easier though if you are a person that prefers to swallow cum. If you are deep-throating, it’s just going to go straight down and also, if it hits the back of the throat in a way that’s unexpected, you could gag in the middle of the process.
So, if you don’t want to have to fight with that if you’re not really good with controlling your throat, you just want to gather as much saliva as possible in the mouth as you’re sucking as you feel him getting closer so then when he cums, it mixes in with the saliva. At that point, you either have the choice of spit or swallow because some people are texture people and all semen is like different textures, different amounts. Like, some cum in a very copious manner where it’s just like, “Are you going to stop cumming?”
[1:04:13.2] SJ: There’s more?
[1:04:16.5] TM: And then some is just like little squirts, where you might not even be able to notice it, you know what I mean? So, and then everything in between, so you just want to be prepared for that with the amount of saliva in your mouth to like make – it’s a mix, it’s basically a mixer, the saliva is a mixer for the cum so you just like take a shot down when he’s ready but yeah, just like keep the stimulation going and listen to your partner, like what they’re saying.
Listen to their breath, listen to their exclamations, and also pay attention to how their body is responding because that’s the main thing that’s going to tell you whether they’re arriving or not.
[1:04:53.9] SJ: This has been incredible, Tyomi, this has been like a blow job Ph.D. I think this has been incredible.
[1:05:01.2] TM: And I do have a blow course on the pleasure academy, that’s now available for people to take and a great thing about it is that you know, I’ve designed it where there’s like a bunch of different parts but in the Pleasure Academy, there are assignments people have to do in order to move on to the next phase and people can ask me questions at any time. So, I can provide them with even more depth for things that like maybe they have questions that haven’t been covered in the blow course.
Once they ask me a question, they have full, like full access to me for me to give them the keys to the kingdom. So, please check it out at the pleasure academy, and yeah, I know you’re going to like it.
[1:05:41.8] SJ: And if they want to get in touch with you, where should they go or if they want to connect with you, maybe social media?
[1:05:49.0] TM: Yes, follow me on Instagram.
[1:06:10.5] SJ: Awesome. Tyomi, thanks so much for coming on the show.
[1:06:13.3] TM: Thank you for having me, Sean, this was so much fun.
[1:06:16.9] SJ: One last thing before you go, if you want to hear more podcasts just like this one, open your podcast app, search for Bad Girls Bible, and hit that subscribe button.
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed. And...
She completely hid this from her husband. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a way for any woman to orgasm. Easily. And have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
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