This discreet newsletter will teach you how to make her squirt, eat pussy like a god & make her scream your name. Click here to get it.

The Bad Boys Bible is the guide that people have been begging me to write. First, I have to admit that…
Yes, the name is cheesy.
Quick Warning: This tutorial video will teach you how to make your girl scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having her completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) pussy eating tutorial video here.
The sex tips for men you’re about to learn work…crazy well.
You’re going to learn exactly how to make your woman scream and shake with intense sexual pleasure and become the only man that can fulfill her deepest fantasies.
In this introduction, I’ll outline everything you need to know before showing you the exact step-by-step techniques you should be using on your girl to please her sexually.
Becoming the best lover that she has ever had is surprisingly easy IF you can put your ego aside and follow the “3 Steps”, that I explain below.
They are:
Sidenote: If you want to learn how to make your girl squirt like a pornstar and give her girl back-arching, toe-curling, screaming (multiple) orgasms to keep her sexually addicted you, then you can learn them in my private and discreet newsletter. Get it here.
Step 1 – Learn How To Turn Her On By Removing The Brakes To Her Sex Drive – In Step 1 you’ll learn how to remove the obstacles that act as Brakes to her sex drive and getting turned on. Once you remove these Brakes, she will be shocked at how easily she gets aroused. Learn how to remove the Brakes to her getting turned on by reading Step 1.
Step 2 – Learn How To Make Her Crazy Horny By Amplifying The Accelerators To Her Sex Drive – Step 2 is all about making her aroused and horny by using the right kind of foreplay so she will beg you for sex and you can start to please her sexually. Important: Effective foreplay for women is very different than the foreplay that makes men horny. Learn how to amplify the Accelerators to her sex drive and make her crazy horny by reading Step 2.
Step 3 – The 73 Techniques That Will Make Her Scream & Cry With Pleasure – Step 3 comprises four separate guides. These are the essential skills you need to please a woman. You’ll learn how to eat her pussy, how to make her squirt, how to finger your girl for maximum pleasure and all my secret techniques to make her orgasm harder than ever before.
But before we dive in and you become a master who can please her in bed, there are a few quick things that can derail this otherwise simple process. Ignoring these warnings will lead to lousy results and a woman that isn’t sexually satisfied.
Here we go…
Warning 1 – Don’t Skip Step 1 & Step 2

If you skip Step 1 or Step 2, you will fuck up.
Trust me.
Every guy just wants the physical techniques I teach in Step 3, but they are not willing to put in the (very easy) groundwork of Step 1 & Step 2 that will ultimately put your wife or girlfriend into a coma from cumming so hard.
Warning 2 – These Are Guidelines, Not Rigid Laws
Everything I’m about to teach you is a guideline that you need to tailor to your relationship and girl.
Some things will work great; others won’t…
You need to figure out what works on each girl you are with while discarding everything else.
If you approach sex with an open mind, can communicate with your partner about what’s effective and enjoyable, and adapt the advice to fit your relationship then you’re going to have women begging you for more because of your ability to please her in bed.
If neither of you talks about your sex life, and think this guide is something that must be followed rigidly and without debate, then you will end up with a woman who avoids sex with you.
Want to know how to make talking about sex easier? Check out our guide to communicating about sex effectively.
The key to learning how to pleasure a woman is being flexible and tailoring these tips to each individual woman.
Warning 3 – Generalizations
I have made some generalizations throughout to make the guide easier to read, easier to remember and easier to use.
Of course, human sexuality is a deeply complicated subject with tens of thousands of research papers having been written on the subject, so these generalizations will not cover every possibility, for every person, in every situation.
I’ve used generalizations to make the guide as short and easy-to-use as possible.
However, these generalizations are clearly offensive when taken to the extreme and applied to every last woman on earth. I’ll try to note these generalizations when I make them and presume you are smart enough to understand that they apply to a large percentage of women, but not all. Some of them won’t work to satisfy your girl, so you’ll need to pay attention to her specific needs and desires.
Warning 4 – Safety

If you’re not having safer sex, you’re an idiot.
You’re putting your health and your partner’s in jeopardy and opening yourself up to the risk of pregnancy. You can minimize risk in a few ways, but you can never be completely safe (hence the phrase “safer” sex).
Before you please a woman, you have to take safety precautions. One of the easiest ways to have safer sex is to use a condom to protect against pregnancy and several STIs [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
Now, you might not want to use a condom. Some guys think that sex with a condom doesn’t feel as good as without. But sex with a condom certainly feels better than no sex at all. There’s a secret to make it feel a little more natural: use lube. A dab of lube can exponentially improve your experiences when wearing a condom, and it may help prevent the condom from breaking [6].
When choosing condoms and lube, you’ll see those that include spermicide. Nonoxynol-9 (N-9) is widely used as an active ingredient in various spermicides [7] — has been shown to increase the chance of transmitting an STI due to the damage it does to your tissues [8, 9, 10], so you may be better off skipping lube with a spermicide like nonoxynol-9.
For a condom to be effective, you have to use it right [11, 12]. That means choosing one that fits well, is made of the right material, and is not expired. You must put it on correctly and replace it as advised on the package.
Below are some helpful articles on the Bad Girls Bible about condoms:
Condoms don’t prevent against all STIs. Infections like HPV spread from skin-to-skin contact [13, 14, 15], so it’s virtually impossible to remove risk when you’re having penetrative sex. Oral sex can also transmit gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, chlamydia, herpes, and HPV [16]. One way to minimize spreading infections during oral sex is to wear a condom or to use a dental dam — a square of plastic or latex [17] — against a woman’s body when you perform oral on her. You can also cut open a condom to use it like a dental dam [18].
Now it’s time to learn how to make your girl have screaming orgasms…
Here’s a full list of each Step to the “Bad Boys Bible”:
Introduction – Introduction and overview of the Bad Boys Bible – you’re currently on this page
Step 1 – Learn How To Turn Her On By Removing The Brakes To Her Sex Drive
Step 2 – Learn How To Make Her Crazy Horny By Amplifying The Accelerators To Her Sex Drive
Step 3 – How To Eat Pussy – This is the first part of Step, where I teach you the physical techniques to satisfy your girl.
Step 3 – How to Make A Girl Squirt – This is the second part of Step 3.
Step 3 – How To Finger A Girl – This is the third part of Step 3 that you need to know to please a woman.
Step 3 – How To Make A Girl Orgasm – This is the last part of Step 3.
Bonus Step – How To Last Longer In Bed – First bonus guide where I break down the science to lasting longer.
Bonus Step – How To Get Hard & Stay Hard – Second bonus guide where I look at the science of getting harder, longer-lasting erections.
Bonus Step – How To Get A Bigger Penis – Final bonus guide where I show you the science & research to getting a bigger penis.
Now you’re ready for Step 1 – Turning Her On By Removing the Brakes To Her Sex Drive.
Watch This: Pussy Eating Tutorial Video
I put together an in-depth, step-by-step instructional video that will teach you how to make your girl sexually addicted to you and only you. You'll learn the Vortex and Pancake pussy eating techniques so you can give any woman full-body, shaking orgasms.
If you're interested in learning these techniques to keep her addicted and deeply devoted to you as well as having a lot more fun in the bedroom, then you may want to check out the video. You can watch here.
Do you sell you audio books and can I share this with my girlfriend.? im 46 and she just turned 20. She came on to me btw. I was married for 20 years I never cheated and she left me! The sex was not good. This has helped me with tips to get back in the game!! I find your books your web page a very good, refreshing and inspirational. I would like to read and listen to more.
Yes, you can also get the audio version. It’s an optional extra on the checkout page.
How to buy your book. Can you give me the link?.
You can get it at the link below:
I love the book
I just wanted to tell you how good your tipps are. Right after i followed your tipps i got told hoe good i am and thats the best sex that she ever had! It was crazy amazing.
And im going to buy your book bcs you now have my trust into your tipps.
Thanks David!!!
Just Went through, but I’m very delighted there is such a page to educate us(guys on effective sex).
Thanks so much
I wish to reap a maximum benefit
This is a nice piece of work,I turn my wife on by talking dirty to her by calling her a whore,a slut and a pornstar,She screams in orgasms after hearing this words.
You have changed my life bro!
Just a question, did you find all these tips by yourself? Because for that you need to fuck a lot of women bro.
A happy guy with a even happier girlfriend.
Thanks Sean
u helped me and my girl quite a lot.. awesome work… and dude how old are u 😁😁😁😁😁
I’m just grossed out by all ALL the sex depravity any more- from women and men and all this weird shit- and I used to be the wild man.
I screwed up. The book I ordered was called scream squirt and shake. Again why is there so very little information on sex for men? I hate to remind you but yes, there are two genders in our world and the male gender is grossly ignored! Here’s the thing that really gets bothers me. Women say men are ignorant pigs when it comes to please a woman. Here’s a clue as to why. Many people say ( even you) all women are not the same when it comes to sexual arousal. So, my point is, that being true how is a male to know what turns her on. Most likely you cannot use the same hot buttons on your current lady as you used on your last one. Most women will NOT tell her male partner what pleases her (even when she is asked) the most in bed. Thus the woman expects the male to be a mind reader and know exactly what to do or brand him as a stupid dumb shit that can’t and won’t care about her. Women have 8000 nerve endings in the glans of their clit, not counting the legs and the bulbs, while men have only 4000 nerve endings in the glans of their penis. Women can have orgasms through their A spot, g spot, cervix and u spot. While men have only their penis and prostrate. Believe me, not many men want something jammed up their butt, just to get off. So, with many more erogenous zones women have and the very few men have in comparison, women still bitch about men being stupid about how to please a woman. Here’s a neat piece of information for you. With women having all these great sex zones, women are always privy to the most technical, biggest and most expensive sex toys they can find. The sex toys offered to males now days appeared
on the market in the 1990s. Just look at you tube. The sex information for females, couples and gays is abundant. So, I ask you, with this unbalanced culture of biased information and resources aimed solely for females, which gender is getting left out? Again, surprise! There really are TWO genders! Waiting for your reply. Lonn. And these are just a few of the reasons you need to be more inclusive about male information on sex, instead of looking at us as stupid, on a need to know basis, will never learn idiots. Dammit we need more and much better information than we’re getting.
As funny as it is there are more then one book out there, one for girls, and one for guys. Dont be stupid
Im very curious on electro stimulation for myself as well as prostate orgasms in all forms on men .Sooooo Is it really worth the effort ?…I’ve tried a few times and it didn’t work and thought I’d write you for any pointers and any pointers I may have missed on my research on the subjects …Ty in advance Sean.
Our guide on how to massage your prostate should help you have your first prostate orgasm.
Need help with my Alfa bratt how to earn her trust
Our guide to Brat BDSM should be quite helpful on this.