We recently surveyed 1,260 women to answer the question:
Do women like anal sex?
To comprehensively answer this question, we also analyzed what factors lead to enjoyable or unsatisfying anal sex experiences for women.
Specifically, we looked at preferred anal sex positions, rate of orgasm during anal intercourse, ideal duration, and the actions the giving partner can take to increase the pleasure of the receiver.
And now it’s time to share what we discovered.
Summary Of Key Findings
1. 63.3% of women like receiving anal sex.
2. However, 77.6% of women have had at least one negative anal sex experience.
3. “It was painful” was selected by 66.7% of women as the leading factor leading to unenjoyable anal sex.
4. Despite this, 15.8% of women actually enjoyed the pain they experienced when receiving anal sex.
5. 51.9% of women have orgasmed when receiving anal sex. 39.0% orgasmed during their most recent experience receiving anal sex.
6. Doggy style is women’s favorite anal sex position with 42.9% of women choosing this position.
7. 21.4% of women selected cowgirl as their most disliked anal sex position.
8. 28.6% of women find receiving anal sex and vaginal sex to be equally enjoyable.
9. 13 minutes and 35 seconds is the average ideal duration that women would like an anal sex session to last for.
10. Women who’ve had anal sex also enjoy a range of other anal play, including being fingered anally by their partner (57.4%), using anal sex toys (38%), and receiving anilingus (37.7%).
11. 81.7% of women found their first time receiving anal sex to be painful.
Note: You can find our methodology section at the end of this study.
63.3% Of Women Like Receiving Anal Sex
We wanted to end the debate on whether or not women actually enjoy anal sex. To get to the bottom of this, we asked a simple question to women who have experienced anal sex:
Do you like receiving anal sex?
The results speak for themselves
63.3% or almost two-thirds of women who have received anal sex, reported that they like it.
While this is a high percentage of women who like anal intercourse, there is still a sizeable group of women (36.7%) who don’t.
Additionally, just because a woman reports that they like anal sex, it does not necessarily imply that every anal sex experience is a pleasurable one for her. In fact…
77.6% Of Women Have Had At Least One Unenjoyable Anal Sex Experience
When we asked our respondents if they had ever had an unenjoyable time receiving anal sex, over three-quarters of women (77.6%) confirmed that they had at least one negative experience.
This figure hints at one of the main issues with anal sex:
While the majority of women do like anal sex, without proper preparation and communication with your partner before and during the act, it can easily become a negative, unsatisfying one.
Pain Is The Most Common Reason For Unenjoyable Anal Sex
Based on this previous data point, we investigated the specific factors leading to unenjoyable anal sex.
Pain – As you can see from the chart above, pain is the leading cause of unenjoyable anal sex with 66.7% of women selecting it.
The next most prominent factor is “Started too fast/Not enough time to relax” (43.5%). This refers to the receiving partner’s internal anal sphincter, an involuntary smooth muscle [1]. This muscle can take a while to fully relax as it’s being penetrated/stretched. Stretching it too quickly without first allowing it to relax can be painful for the receiver.
Closely following this, is “Not enough lubricant/No lubricant” selected by 41.2% of women. Using inadequate amounts of lubricant leads to too much friction which in turn leads to pain.
As you can see from the data, the 3 main factors leading to unenjoyable anal sex experiences for women all involve some aspect of pain.
No orgasm – 22.6% of women had an unenjoyable time due to a lack of orgasm.
It was forced – Perhaps the most disturbing statistic from the study is that 20.5% of women selected “It was forced” as one of the reasons for not liking anal sex. No sexual act should ever be forced.
Big penis issues – 16.6% found that their partner’s penis was too big for anal sex to be enjoyable. A penis that is too big for the receiver is another potential cause of pain.
Small penis issues – Only 1.8% of women found their partner’s lack of penis size to be a factor leading to unenjoyable anal sex.
Some of our respondents also detailed other reasons leading to unenjoyable anal sex:
- I was not prepared for ‘poop dick’ and it was embarrassing.
- When we were doing a lot of MMF threesomes, I used to almost automatically allow the new guy to try anal after the first date. But I became much more selective about who gets the brownie after a few guys got abusive or simply didn’t know how to approach anal.
- He did anal then vagina[l] which give me infection after.
It’s clear that pain is the leading reason for unenjoyable anal sex, but we also felt it important to investigate the reasons why women like anal…
15.8% Of Women Enjoyed The Pain Of Their Last Anal Sex Experience
Wanting to learn why women enjoy anal sex, we asked our respondents to elaborate on what factors led to their most recent satisfying & pleasurable anal sex experience.
Our most interesting finding is that 15.8% of women reported that they actually enjoyed the pain.

We hypothesize that this ‘enjoyable’ pain is not a result of forced/non-consensual acts, but rather a consensual kind of pain given by a respectful and caring partner.
Physical pleasure – 70% of women who enjoyed their last anal sex session stated that liked it due to the “physical pleasure experienced”, making it the most common reason for enjoyable anal sex.
Attraction & Respect – “Attraction to partner” (57.8%) and “partner respect/communication during the act” (57.4%) were the second and third most popular choices, respectively for women who enjoyed their last anal sex experience.
Additional major factors include, “It pleased my partner and that pleases me” (53.9%), “Used enough lube” (42.5%), and “Position made it enjoyable” (41.4%)
Respondents were also free to include other reasons for their enjoyment:
- It was with a stranger and my husband did not know.
- Vaginal sex is too painful.
- I was in control. He did everything I asked of him.
- Good foreplay. I was hella turned on.
- I trained my butt with smaller objects first.
- I used a toy at the same time to stimulate my clit. The combo made anal much more enjoyable for me.
We can see from the above results that there are multiple reasons why women like anal sex. It should be noted that most survey respondents choose not just a single reason, but multiple reasons why they enjoy anal.
51.9% Of Women Have Had An Orgasm During Anal Sex
A positive indicator that a sex act is enjoyable is if the receiving partner had an orgasm during the act. Naturally, we investigated this.

51.9% of women have orgasmed at least once during a previous anal sex experience, while 39.0% of women had an orgasm the last time they had anal sex.
It’s clear from these results that anal sex can be a great way for many women to reach orgasm, However, based on these results it’s less common for women to orgasm during anal sex compared to vaginal-penile sex [2]
Of course, the aggregate date from these survey results doesn’t necessarily apply to the individual, so proper communication is vital for those that believe anal intercourse might be a good way to reach orgasm for the receiving partner.
We additionally asked a question about female ejaculation.

16.9% of women have experienced female ejaculation/squirting at least once during anal sex, while 12.3% of women reported that it happened to them during their most recent anal sex experience.
Doggy Style Is Women’s Favorite Anal Sex Position
In an earlier section of our survey, we discovered that 41.4% of women found that the sex position used during anal sex contributed to it being enjoyable.
We suspected this may be the case when architecting our survey, so we included questions about sex positions.

We discovered that Doggy Style is clearly women’s favorite position for anal sex with 42.9% of women choosing it as their preferred position. This is three times more popular than the next most liked anal sex position, “lying down on my stomach” with 14% of women choosing it.
Respondents also included their own preferred positions:
- Being bent over [a] bench or counter.
- Over the arm of the couch.
- Doggy style on the sofa with my knees on the floor and upper body on the sofa.
- It depends [on] who he is, his cadence and his size.
- Doggy style with me on floor and partner sat on edge of [the] bed as it’s easier to control depth of penetration
Interestingly, we discovered that the most popular positions among women for anal sex involved facing away from their partner. These positions may be popular due to the angle they create or the depth of penetration they allow for. However, it could simply be due to the partners not being face-to-face.
Cowgirl Is Women’s Most Disliked Anal Sex Position
Naturally, we also investigated women’s most disliked positions for anal sex.
Cowgirl topped the list as women’s least favorite with 21.4% of women selecting it, followed closely by “lying on my back” positions with 20.2%. “Lying on my back” includes any position where the female partner is lying on her back, like coital alignment technique and missionary position.

Interestingly, both riding your man in the cowgirl position and lying on your back involve facing your partner. This is in direct contrast to our previous findings of the two most popular positions, Doggy Style and “lying down on my stomach” positions, which involve facing away from your partner.
1 In 4 Women Find Vaginal & Anal Sex Equally Enjoyable
In our very first finding of this study, we discovered that almost two-thirds of women like anal sex. Next, we decided to investigate how enjoyable receiving anal sex is when compared to penile-vaginal sex.

As you can see from the graph above:
- 68.4% of all women who’ve had anal sex prefer vaginal sex.
- 28.6% of women who’ve had anal sex find anal and vaginal sex equally enjoyable.
- 3% of women who’ve had anal sex prefer anal sex to vaginal sex. That’s a very small 1 in 33 women.
When we filtered our responses and looked at only those women who like anal sex, these figures change somewhat:
- 51.5% of women who like anal sex still prefer vaginal sex.
- 44.4% of women who like anal sex find anal and vaginal sex equally enjoyable.
- Only 4.1% of women who like anal sex prefer anal sex to vaginal sex. That’s just 1 in 24 women.
Perhaps the most interesting finding is that there are very few women who prefer anal sex to vaginal sex, even when we filter for those women who like anal sex.
13 Minutes And 35 Seconds Is The Ideal Anal Sex Duration (On Average)
We wanted to know if there is a perfect length of time for an anal sex session for women. Based on their responses, we got a mean time of 13 minutes and 35 seconds and a median time of 10 minutes.
Note in the above graph that these times include all respondents who have received anal sex, that is both those who like and dislike it.
Looking at the above graph, there is a huge variation in responses that ultimately makes these figures less practical when applying them to any individual relationship.
To gain more practical insight into the preferred anal sex duration for women, we filtered our responses to compare those women who like anal sex versus those who dislike anal sex.
- For women who like anal sex, the average preferred duration is 17 minutes and 52 seconds. The median time is 15 minutes.
- For women who do not like anal sex, the average preferred duration is 6 minutes, 12 seconds. The median time is 4 minutes.
These figures prove what we already suspected, women who like anal sex generally like it to last far longer than those who don’t. However, there is a wide variety of preferred times. This underscores the importance of good communication between partners to ensure individual desires are met.
37.7% Of Women Like Receiving Anilingus
Anal sex doesn’t exclusively mean penile-anal penetration, there are other kinky sex ideas that involve anal stimulation that women enjoy. We wanted to assess the popularity of anilingus, anal sex toys, fisting, anal fingering and other anal play.
- Over half (57.4%) of women who’ve had anal sex also like being anally fingered by their partner, making it the most popular anal sex activity after penile-anal sex.
- The second most popular anal sex activity is using anal sex toys with 38% of women who’ve had anal sex enjoying this.
- Closely following in third place is receiving anilingus with 37.7% of women who’ve had anal sex enjoying this anal sex activity.
Over a quarter (26.9%) of women who’ve experienced anal sex do not enjoy any of these additional anal sex activities.
3.2% of women selected “Other” and their responses include:
- 2 cocks in my ass at [the] same time.
- Having my bum smelt by my partner.
- [I] love getting my anal area rubbed in [a] circular motion during 4play. It helps relax from [the] get go.
- Vaginal fisting is much often more enjoyable but I have taken small hands up my butt and enjoyed it a lot.
- I wish he would just let me peg him.
This data certainly illuminates women’s preferences for different anal sex activities beyond penile-anal penetration, but it should be interpreted with caution when applying it to individual relationships.
As with all sex acts, whether is giving a blow job or being dominant in bed, it’s best to talk to your partner beforehand to discover their individual preferences.
81.7% Of Women Found Their First Time Receiving Anal Sex Painful
Over four-fifths (81.7%) of women found their first experience receiving anal sex to be painful.

This is most likely a result of having their anal sphincter muscle stretch too quickly before it can relax or having it stretched too far.
Although such a large number of women found their first time to be painful, 41% of women reported that their first time having anal sex was pleasurable.
With 81.7% of women experiencing pain during the first time receiving anal sex and only 41% of women finding anal sex pleasurable, this may indicate a lack of adequate knowledge from the giving partner or inadequate communication between both partners.
Sex should never be painful unless you specifically communicate that you would like it to be.
We’ve been able to accurately answer the question, “Do women like anal sex?”
63.3% of women who’ve tried anal sex like it.
However, a large majority of women (77.6%) have had at least one negative anal sex experience.
If you’d like to know more about how we collected and analyzed the data, please check out the Methodology section below.
Otherwise, please leave a comment below to let us know your own thoughts on anal sex.
We began this survey by collecting basic demographic information. Those who had never received penile-anal sex were disqualified, as were non-female respondents. All respondents were over the age of 18 with a mean age of 41. After this filtering process, we were left with a total of 1,260 respondents:
- 1,021 women identifying as heterosexual
- 182 women identifying as bisexual
- 6 women identifying as homosexual
- 17 women who specified alternative sexuality to heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual
- 34 women who declined to provide their sexuality
These remaining participants were asked a variety of questions to assess their sentiments and preferences on the topic of receiving penile-anal sex and other anal sex activities.
Our survey relied on the anonymous recollections and preferences of our study participants. While they were encouraged to tell the truth and accurately represent what they had experienced, the data is nevertheless self-reported and there is the possibility of some inaccuracy.
Hmmm ….where exactly did you find this sample group from? These stats just dont ring true because frankly this is not like any group of women, I’ve ever met…. and I work with women of all ages.
Your assertion that stats show that the majority of women enjoy anal sex is laughable. There are absolutely women who enjoy anal sex, but there are many, many other women who dont and who would rather pluck their own eyes with toothpick. The article seems to push the thought that all women should want to and engage with anal sex. This is not about sexual freedom or self expression, rather it is covert misogyny. Its staggering and horrific to see the stats around the number of women who experience pain when engaging with anal sex and the high percentage of women of women who dont enjoy that pain.
Women should be encouraged to recognise that unwanted pain is not sexy its abusive. Maybe if more men had a dildo shoved up their arses first, they would be way more respectful of women sexually.
An example of this was a former (rather dreamy) partner asked me if I wanted to have anal sex… I smiled beautifully and said yes sure, as long as I do that to you first. He changed his mind immediately.
Women have choice and we need to encourage a full understanding of what that means as well as what enthusiastic consent looks, taste, and smells like.
“Women should be encouraged to recognise that unwanted pain is not sexy its abusive. Maybe if more men had a dildo shoved up their arses first, they would be way more respectful of women sexually.”
I agree 100%.
Also our finding that 81.7% found their first time having anal sex to be painful is somewhat depressing and indicative of how far sexual education has to progress before it’s truly effective.
I disagree that anal sex is derogatory or misogynistic. Different people have different kinks, and to deride any one’s fetish is prejudice.
It can be wonderful if done correctly and if both people are into it.
Anna, in the FIRST sentence it was said that women that “Those who had never received penile-anal sex were disqualified”.
Therefore, the ones that participated were willing and enjoyed it.
@Anna… I have to agree with this date… in my nearly 10 years as a bachelor and dating over 500 women, of which I had sex with at least 81 that I can name, and had LTR’s with 5, it’s pretty much in alignment with my experience .. I also have found that women who are into a man, will pretty much do anything to please him.. and if he’s equally into them (as I was with the partners I’ve had), he goes out of his way to make it equally pleasure and so these women “Grow” to like it more and more as time goes on, and in quite a few cases it becomes a favorite item, and we did it regularly.
The fact that women you know will not confess they like it is mostly driven by cultural stigma and the way women slut shame other women is merciless compared to the way men view women who are open to things other than vanilla sex acts.. So you will not get the same honesty from most of your women associates as the men they are actually having sex with.
That is a horrific batting average my man, I’ve dated like 1/50th of the woman you have, yet have had sex with 1/4 your amount AND had LTRs with twice as many. Reflect.
After reading this,it made me want to try doing anal sex and experience the pleasure it comes with it.
Anna, you’re projecting. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean everyone else feels the same.
Anna you seem offended by this survey as if it is saying YOU are out of touch or are missing something just because YOU don’t like it that doesn’t mean this survey is flawed besides you need to keep in mind this survey is so small it shouldn’t mean much it’s only 1260 women. For example the last 5 women I’ve dated or been with they’ve all liked or loved anal my current gf is 100% against it so based on that small number would I say most women love anal bcuz of my experience NO! And as the other person stated, if you’re around certain women or JUDGY women and you’re asking about anal sex if they know you’re already against it or the crowd or group is ?, of course they’ll tell you no they hate it also because women don’t want to be judged or “slut” shamed by other women ( stupid name to call women btw)
Only 3 percent of women prefer anal sex to vaginal sex?! No way! I don’t feel anything in my vagina even when I had a huge penis in it. I can only cum with anal sex. It’s not like a mental thing, but more like a physical thing :-0
I would love to try and change that for you.. 😛 👅
I have had anal sex with all of the women I have had sex with (5), I know, not many but 5 for 5 is a weird coincidence. All of them enjoyed it and have gone on to do it with other partners. All of them had a painful experience the first time even with going slow and using a good amount of lube but they got used to it by the second time. None of it was even slightly forced. They said they wanted to experience the positive feelings they had heard from their friends and were willing to work up to it. Idk why people feel like there’s always an agenda to everything. This article seems like accurate information based on my experience and it seems like they just did a poll. Anyway, just remember that there are lots of different kinds of people out there, don’t be too quick to judge. Also be respectful and open minded in bed, often time with the right amount of patience and lube you can learn to enjoy things you didn’t think you could.
My man is very endowed & needs a girth certificate for his huge penis. I was begging him for it & finally he gave in. I’ve only done it before with my ex husband who wasn’t very big. I am so in love with this man & I love the pain,pleasing him,I want it on my back because we always look each other in the eyes during love making.i bought him prostate stimulating toys,I use toys & big dildos too. I bought a strap onto peg him,I finger his prostate while sucking him off & I swallow because it tastes heavenly. We have the hottest most loving sex & he’s 21 yrs younger but we’re getting married. I still love the pain. My vagina is tiny(very short) & so it my ass but he stretches both & it hurts wonderfully,especially afterwards! I want it all the time.
I had my first anal sex when I was 52. My bf was 25 then. He is very hung. He convinced me to try. He was very loving and caring. Even then, it hurt like hell. I screamed and cried. But in the end, it turned out to be a marvelous experience. After about 7-8 times, i could bear the pain and started actually loving it. I do get orgasms in anal. It is a beautiful thing to experience. I like lying down on my stomach, usually with a pillow under. I enjoy as he kisses me and fondles my breasts while doing anal.
Well thx for answering my question regarding possibilities with mature woman liking anal. Currently seein someone amd im very fond of her assets just not sure how to ask. Great site thx.
I’m one of those women who not only love’s being fucked in the ass, but finds that my orgasms from anal sex are generally stronger and more satisfying than from vaginal sex. I might dare say that I prefer anal sex to vaginal sex. So I guess I’m one of those 3% of the women who do so.
I’m also in the minority (4.9% according to your poll) in that my favorite position for sex (vaginally or anally) is standing up, bent over a desk or table. It produces the strongest and most explosive orgasms for me. It was also the position in which I which I had my anal virginity taken. However, as your poll indicates, doggy is my usual position simply because it allows deep penetration, provides good stability during the buttfucking and is comfortable over a lengthy period of time.
Finally, I’m also one of those women (81.7% in your poll) whose first anal experience was painful. Excruciatingly painful in my case; burned and stung from the moment he penetrated me and I was teary-eyed from the start. That said, there were a number of factors involved. First, and MOST IMPORTANT, I wanted it to hurt. At least more than it normally does. My first vaginal intercourse was quite painful (extraordinarily thick hymen) and I wanted to relive that experience when he “popped my anal cherry” and “deflowered my butt.” Second, he was quite large for a first-time anal girl (I think) – 8in long and 2in thick. Third, I’m a petite girl. Without any sources, I believe petite girls struggle more with anal than do larger girls. I might be wrong, though. In my experience, lying flat of my stomach is the most painful position, however.
I lost my anal virginity at age 26. It took a while to get used to it, but now I couldn’t imagine not taking in the ass at least several times a week. I have a very high sex drive and fortunately so does my husband, so it is a natural fit (sort of speak) for both of us.
One aspect of anal that your poll didn’t touch (and which would of been interesting to know, at least for me) is how sore the women’s butts were afterwards. My was quite sore (not surprisingly). I found it difficult to walk out of his office or sit down in the cab home and my butt was still sore the most of the next day. However, I found I kind of liked having that sore butt and still do.
Since 2016 I’ve had sex with 23 women, 12 of them anal. Of those 12, one asked me for anal, which turned out messy, but we still had fun. One was so excited when I asked her for anal she began using cucumbers and other vegetables to stretch herself before meeting with me and then asked me to video some of our experiences. One was indifferent to anal, questioned my desire but then offered repeatedly after the first time going for about 45 min. One enjoyed it and was very much in control and into it. Experiences with her were the best anal experiences I’ve ever had. Another one enjoyed it, and she would stop me after a while switching back to vaginal and oral or resting. Another one enjoyed it, and she made me use a new condom for back and front which I was happy to do. Another one enjoyed it depending on how she felt. She was very self-conscious of incontinency, but when we had anal sex, she expected a vigorous pounding. Another one was a little more anal-aggressive and controlling, sometimes yelling at me to pound her hole, and she would like to be in control most of the time. The other ones didn’t necessarily like it, but they wanted to please me so I pounded their buttholes happily. 3 of them stopped anal all together after a few times. They didn’t like it at all after a while. One didn’t really like it, but the more we did it, the more tolerable it was and she offered her butthole in stride during sex. With all of these women, I’ve reciprocated with praise, thankfulness and appreciation for letting me drain my balls into their rectum. There have always been long episodes of oral, vaginal, caressing, kissing, massaging, listening, etc… to actually show my appreciation.
I think it’s important to note that these numbers are referring to women who have tried anal, not all women. I really wish the article would’ve emphasized that more, and I’m really curious about how many of those 1,260 women have tried anal…seems like an important piece of information.
This is correct, only women who have experienced receiving anal sex were included.
Never tried anal when I was young and dating, and I’m too old to get hard enough now but it looks fun. It’s one of my regrets in life.
Ladies if you haven’t had an full body anal orgasm, you owe it to yourself to give anal sex another try. Intense on another level.
I only had sex with my husband of many years who is now in heaven. We both enjoyed sex so much. Whenever he fingered me anally it was really pleasurable and exciting. I’m sorry that we never tried anal sex because I imagine I would have enjoy ed it very much.
My boyfriend talked me into trying anal for the first time when we were in high school. I had been saying no, the simple reason being I knew it would hurt. Finally, I agreed to it. So he lubed it up and started pushing it in and I felt the pressure of it but was afraid it would start hurting all of a sudden. About 5 minutes into his pumping, though, I was still waiting for the pain I had heard about to start, but it still didn’t.
I felt like I got cheated in a way lol I told him to do it harder, still didn’t hurt but was beginning to feel very nice. I had an orgasm a few minutes later, purely from his pounding. No vaginal stimulation at all. From then on we did anal way more than vaginal.