We surveyed 1,114 heterosexual and bisexual women, over 18 years of age, who have given a blow job at least once to answer the question:
Do women like giving blow jobs?
The results were fascinating…and sometimes depressing.
We discovered why women like & sometimes HATE giving blow jobs, how long they like a blow job to last for, what blow job positions are most enjoyable for women, and whether women actually like to swallow at the end of a blow job.
Here is a summary of our key findings:
1. 92.6% of women like to give blow jobs.
2. However, 76.8% of women admitted that they have given a blow job in the past that they did not enjoy.
3. Feeling pressured or forced into giving a blow job was the most cited reason women gave for not enjoying a blow job with 43.4% of respondents admitting this. Other significant factors correlating with negative blow job experiences for women include: too much pubic hair on their partner, their partner taking too long to orgasm and their partner having hygiene issues
4. “I liked pleasuring my partner” was by far the most popular reason women gave when asked why they liked giving their most recent blow job, with 60.2% of women choosing this response.
5. Women adore giving head when their partner is lying down: 49.5% of women said their favorite blow job position is having their partner lay down on their back in bed.
6. Women HATE the 69 position, with 65.3% of women stating that it was their least favorite position when giving a blow job.
7. When asked “how long do you like a blow job to last for?”, 40.2% of women selected the “as long as my partner wants” option. This was by far the most popular choice rather than a specific time.
8. Women like to swallow: 55.5% of women stated that their favorite way to end a blow job is by swallowing their partner’s semen.
Note: You can find our methodology section at the end of this study.
The Vast Majority Of Women Like To Give Blow Jobs
Do women only give blow jobs because they feel obliged by their partner? Is it something they do out of ‘duty’ instead of enjoying the act itself? We wanted to settle the perennial debate on whether heterosexual and bisexual women actually enjoy giving blow jobs, so we asked them a very simple question:
Do you like giving blow jobs?
The results were stark:
92.6% of women answered that they like giving blow jobs.
To make sure this result was accurate, we asked a similar question, later in the survey:
Did you like giving your most recent blow job?
91.7% of respondents answered “Yes.”
Key Takeaway: The vast majority of women like giving blow jobs.
But, this overwhelming result comes with a few important caveats that we explain in the next section.
Over Three-Quarters Of Women Have Given A Blow Job That They Did Not Enjoy
A naive person could interpret our initial results (92.6% of women like to give blow jobs) to mean that women enjoy performing oral sex in all situations and circumstances. This kind of misinterpretation of the data could be very dangerous to women.
So we asked all survey participants the following question:
“Have you ever given a blow job that you did not enjoy?”
The results were jaw-dropping
Most women have given a blow job that they did not enjoy.
Even though 92.4% of women do enjoy giving blow jobs, 76.8% of all women surveyed told us that they had been in at least one situation where they did not enjoy giving head.
This was depressing to hear but thankfully we were able to uncover the reasons leading to a negative blow job experience for women…
Feeling Pressured Or Forced Is The Main Reason That A Woman Has A Negative Blow Job Experience
We wanted to dig further and understand what are the circumstances that lead to women having a negative blow job experience.
Respondents were able to give multiple answers as often there is more than one factor leading to bad blow job experiences. Their feedback was clear:
Key takeaway: Feeling pressured or forced into giving a blow job is the main reason women gave as to why they did not enjoy giving a blow job, with 43.4% of women selecting this option.
There were also some other interesting reasons leading to negative blow job experiences:
- 35.4% of women did not enjoy giving a blow job because their partner took too long to orgasm
- Bad partner hygiene (24.2%) and a partner with too much pubic hair (23.3%) were the 3rd and 4th most given reasons respectively.
- 20.5% of women selected gagging on their partner’s penis as a reason for not enjoying a blow job. This may have been while deep throating their partner.
- For women, penis size was not a major factor leading to an unenjoyable experience when sucking their partner’s penis. When reflecting on past negative blow job experiences, 7.8% of women said that their partner’s large penis was a factor in their lack of enjoyment, while 9.4% of women said their lack of size was an issue.
The most interesting result from this section of the survey: Only 5.3% of women said they did not enjoy a blow job due to their partner reaching orgasm too quickly. Remember, 35.4% of women did not enjoy giving a blow job because their partner took too long to orgasm.
If you have a penis, then this finding is clear: it’s better to cum too quickly rather than too slowly during a blow job if you want your partner to enjoy giving it.
Other reasons leading to negative blow job experiences for women were: not being in the mood, feeling tired, no sexual chemistry/attraction, lack of an erection from their partner, suffering from lockjaw, cramping muscles in the mouth and feeling nervous.
As none of these other reasons constituted over 5% of responses, they were grouped together as “Other reasons” in the chart above.
Why Do Women Like Giving Blow Jobs? Pleasing Their Partner Is The Main Reason
We’ve covered the multiple reasons why women have not enjoyed giving blow jobs. But what is the main reason why women do enjoy giving a blow job?
We wanted to get specific for this one, so we focused on respondents’ most recent positive blow job experience.
60.2% of women selected, “I liked pleasing my partner” as the main reason for enjoying their most recent blow job experience. This was followed by:
- 21.2% said that giving their partner a blow job turned them on.
- 10% said the main reason for enjoyment was that they like feeling powerful and in control.
- 5.5% said that the liked feeling submissive
- Other reasons (3.1%) included “feeling it grow in my mouth,” “I LOVE the sensation of his member on my lips and tongue,” and “all of the above”
The results from this question are clear: Giving sexual pleasure can be highly satisfying for women.
Women’s Favorite Blow Job Position Is Having Their Partner Lie Down On Their Back
We wanted to delve further into what makes a blow job enjoyable for the women giving it. We started with one of the biggest factors: blow job positions.
We got a clear answer from our respondents. Nearly half of women (49.5%) choose having their partner lay down on their back while they were between their partner’s legs as their favorite position.
While we didn’t ask for a reason behind their choice, we can speculate that it’s because of
- It’s comfortable for both partners.
- The receiving partner is in a passive position, allowing their female partner to have a high degree of control.
- It makes transitioning to sex easy.
Other popular positions were kneeling while their partner was either standing or sitting. 69 was not particularly popular and positions like having the receiving partner on their hands and knees hardly registered in the survey
Women Hate The 69 Position When Giving A Blow Job
Now that we know the blow job positions that women prefer, we wanted to investigate their least favorite positions when giving head.
The least favorite blow job position for women is the 69 position. 65.3% of women selected the 69 position as their least favorite position to perform oral sex in.
As you can see in the chart above, no position comes close to being as hated when giving a blow job.
Kneeling while your partner is standing is the second least favorite position, but was selected by only 13% of women.
Our takeaway from this result (and the results on women’s favorite blow job positions) is that the 69 position is not particularly well-liked by women.
The Ideal Blow Job Length Is…As Long As The Receiver Wants, Not A Specific Time
Before we ran our blow job survey, we first designed a small open-ended questionnaire to see if we got any interesting responses or data. As part of that initial small survey, many women did not choose a specific time duration when asked how long they like their blow jobs to last.
Instead, they responded with some form of; “However long my partner wants it to last.” So, we decided to include this as an option in our main blow job survey when asking women what the ideal blow job length is.
As you can see, 40.2% of women prefer their blow jobs to last as long as their partner wants.
The next most popular blow job duration is 5-10 minutes at 28.1%, followed by under 5 minutes (11.8%), then 11-15 minutes (10.7%).
The most popular answer, “As long as my partner wants it to last,” underscores how important having good sexual communication with your partner is so you can get on the same page and have great sex. Otherwise you may both end up less satisfied.
Women Don’t Like Facials, They Prefer To Swallow
We wanted to finish up the survey focusing on the end of the blow job and discover women’s favorite way to end a fellatio session. It was also a chance to examine whether or not women’s preferences mirror common scenarios seen in pornography?
Short answer:
They don’t.
Women’s favorite way to finish a blow job is for their partner to ejaculate in their mouth and then to swallow it, with 55.5% of women selecting this option. Having their partner finishing the mouth and swallowing it is over 7 times more popular than the number of women who chose their partner ejaculating in their mouth and then spitting, with only 7.8% of women choosing this option.
The second most popular option, with 19.8% of women choosing it, was having their partner ejaculate on their body.
Only 3.8% of women chose the “My partner cums on my face” option as their favorite way to finish a blow job. So it seems that facials aren’t quite as popular in real life as they appear in porn.
We discovered that the vast majority of women enjoy giving head and enjoyed performing their most recent blow job (over 90% of women in both cases).
The main reason (60.2%) women enjoy giving blow jobs is because they enjoy pleasuring their partner.
However, over three-quarters of women have had at least one negative experience giving a blow job. This was due to a variety of reasons, some of which included: feeling pressured/forced to having a partner who takes too long to cum to having a partner with bad hygiene.
We also discovered that women’s least favorite blow job position is the 69 while having their partner lie down on their back is their favorite.
The favorite way for women to finish a blow job was by swallowing their man’s semen.
We began this survey by collecting basic demographic information. Those who had never performed oral sex on a penis were disqualified, as were non-female respondents. After this process, we were left with 964 heterosexual and 150 bisexual women over the age of 18 (1,114 total). These remaining participants were asked a variety of questions to assess their sentiments around performing oral sex on a penis.
Our survey relied on participants’ anonymous recollections and preferences. While they were encouraged to tell the truth and accurately represent what they had experienced, the data is nevertheless self-reported and there is the possibility of some inaccuracy.
Further Study: Do Women Like Receiving Oral Sex – This study involved 1,058 Woman
I want my man to be able to say that’s the best blow job ive ever had babe
That’s why you’re a keeper 😉
All yall are lucky i’m 32 not even married tryed and failed and i have never have had sex at all.
I married my wife because it was the best blow job I ever had. 40 years later she still rocks my cock, but a lot less than I wish.
My wife gave me blows jobs since we started dating in our teens. Now after years of marriage she still loves blowing me and asks me where I want to cum. I have cum in her mouth on her face, tits, belly, all over. She always laps it all up and asks me how it was. By far the best blow jobs have come from my wife and she sucks whenever I feel the need.
At least 3 blow jobs per week, and she doesn’t mind when her equally hot 2yr younger sister blows me too. We lived together for 2yrs. Both were giving blow jobs and loving it.
A lot of women do like this as your giving a gift to your man i do admit some won’t but think this way most men wouldn’t cheat if they have that a home
Your / Her Sister?????
That’s terrible!!!!
How can you…???
What’s so bad about giving one just wondering I love giving my hubby one an I also love getting his neck once I do that he gets more into it an sometimes get mine
Lots of person puts a dick in their mouth in the first place?
I don’t believe the results of this research in study. I think and believe that the writer is biased because he enjoys it and is made up all of this research to justify why he thinks it’s good after all he’s a mail and written why female likes it. What a lot of absolute bullshit.
Have to ask a question, what comes out of a penis in anyway don’t forget all those waste products and toxins that the body releases through the penis and you’re putting all that into your mouth and then he’s probably kissing you wow what a champion tell the woman to go wash your mouth out with soap but then again I wouldn’t touch a woman he’s done it to me it’s disgusting and she’s disgusting as well.
I’m unsure what you think is taboo…it’s an important part of intimacy for a man and a woman.
Babies!! It’s what makes babies ! Far from toxic!!
You obviously dont like giving head then do U? Toxins, hahaa, after thousands of headers, and multiple givers, Ive never heard of anyone getting sick from toxins, thats for sure. You should just be upfront, that you dont like doing it and let the potential partner move on if thats what he likes.
Absolute rubbish!!!
I love giving blow jobs but tend to let it spill out rather than swallow my partner gets a blow job between 3 and 5 times per week I would be happy if he wanted it every day favourite position is on my knees Becky
You go girl!
I would love a blow job everyday
Becky your husband is a lucky man !!! The fact he even gets a blow job is amazing ! And 3-5 times a week is perfect. Also I would die to be able to spill my nut out of a mouth . Becky you are a superstar.
My wife of 11yrs but 18 altogether makes me rush when she gives blow jobs and lately when we drink she don’t want to blow me at all wether she’s at that time or not…looking for thoughts …I have my own but curious.
Just a thought… are you returning the favor? It is annoying giving way more than receiving. Also, it can be really annoying giving head when a guy has been drinking and it just isn’t going to happen anyway or takes forever.
E, maybe you need to return the favor
When I was in my teens I was so curious about giving blowjobs. It looks so hot in porn. The first few times I tried though were so awkward though. The first time was the worst. Started well, but when I took it out of my mouth to ask if I was doing ok he chose then to cum and got more of it in my hair and outfit than anywhere else. I had to sneak back into my house to change. It also took me a while to get used to the taste of cum. I never gagged or anything but it has such a strange taste – like bleach and unsweetened almond milk with a hint of salt. And the consistency is like snot. I’m in college now and feel a lot more confident and actually enjoy swallowing cum (the feeling more than the taste, though). As far as positions, 69 is not my fav either. Him lying down or sitting and I’m on all fours I guess is the most satisfying. I HATE the whole facial thing unless we are in the shower. Tried it, not a fan. Ugh what a mess. Swallowing is the best – feels sexy/erotic and now mess. Win win
I don’t have much experience giving blow jobs, but the one thing I will say is if it was shorter, I’d love giving it more. I do agree with the study when it says that giving blow jobs to make my partner happy is something I adore.
From personal experience, 80 percent of women like giving BJ especially if there is attraction. Sometimes I feel they enjoy it more than the receiver
I love pleasing my man and teasing him using my hands and my mouth also a toy to really get him going . I will spit it swallow it or even let him pick where he wants to cum . I don’t like 69 I like when I am in control tie his hands down and let me start from his neck down his chest to his penis.
That’s the kind of girl I need
I’m 81yrs. And cannot get enough to be satisfied I love the feeling
I had the best time with my man last night. I gave him a blowjob in a chair which was a lil diff for us. Then he ate me out. Then we had sex, then I gave another blowjob with him on his back, with me between his legs. He so enjoyed it and then we had sex one more time. Im kind of new to the blowjob but it was such a turn on last night. I was a river down there.
What I haven’t seen is the percentage of women that have long resisted participation in oral sex. We’ve been married for 42 years, and, although I’ve tried to introduce it at multiple times along the way, it’s never worked. I had gone down on her 30+ years ago, and I once got her close to orgasm, she has shut me out completely since then. I have always been highly sensitive and hyper hygienic in my efforts but, regardless, my desires for this common practice have gone unfulfilled.
Is there data, by age groups, that shows levels of participation in oral sex in married couples?
The Kinsey Institute has run many surveys on the sexual habits of people through the years
I like giving my partner bj it makes me horny and we enjoy giving each other satisfaction and I can give him bj daily and even several times a day.
To me that’s part of what we do before having sex but I love satisfying my partner and he satisfies me too.
I would like to get to have better conversations with my husband and show each other more about how we make each other feel about one another
I love giving my dude blow jobs. He works very hard and sometimes 16 hour days. I have him lie down on my bed. I do it three or four times a week. It makes me squirt enough to flood all over. I use a bath towel between my legs. Usually I keep the light on because I like to watch him. Last night I had the light off and had the blues on. He was so relaxed and calm. I did everything that he likes to him. His body was trembling as he reached his peak and came down my throat.
I like an occasional facial (my suggestion) or him coming on my chest. I let him take as long as he wants. Sometimes I masturbate before he gets here. I’m getting creamy thinking about it.
You have no idea how much I envy your husband. I am married and have been with the same woman for 13 years. I get maybe 1-2 blowjobs a month. I love my wife and I never cheated but the urge is growing every year. My sexual desires are not being satisfied and I don’t know what to do. I have a very strong libido and she doesn’t. My only solution at this point is to go see a sex therapist. And before you say, why don’t I please her orally. I do. She even turned me down one time when I was trying to start going down on her. It’s crazy, and I am sexually frustrated most of the time. Tired of masturbating. We talked about it, but it never lasts. We can have sex every day for a week, and then she’s like so sick of it and then there is a long break of two weeks. Sorry for my rant. I guess all my frustrations are coming out right here.
This is obviously a couple months ago, but… coming from a woman whose husband probably would’ve said the same as you a year ago, have you ever sat down (when you’re NOT upset) and talked about why blowjobs are not her thing? My experience is that I enjoy giving them when I feel like I’m a part of the experience, but there are times that I can tell I’m not the one there. It’s not pleasant when there are distractions inside his head. I want him to come to me, for me, because I’m the one putting in the work. To be very real, the question to ask: Do you enjoy it? What would it take for you to enjoy it more? But it sounds like the concern might be more than just blowjobs. Maybe an even better question: What turns you on? If she has a damaged past, she might still be learning how to articulate what she needs if her needs have changed and she’s not used to asking for things. Maybe she has a fantasy she’s afraid to ask for.
I have asked her to talk now why maybe latter she says she was at gun point in the past I say that wasn’t my doing I know I cannot force her
I love given my partner a blow job . After 25 years of marriage in a loveless marriage. I now have a partner that has allowed me to be myself. He has taught me to allow myself feel confident in my own body,which allows me to enjoy given him the blow job of his life.
I am 55 years old and giving more blowjobs than ever before. I divorced four years ago and it took me a while to get back out there, having met a new man I just find the best and easiest way to be intimate is to have him in my mouth. I am absolutely loving sucking cock and his cum is rather delicious.
Sounds like you’re having fun!
I’m 53 and newly divorced too.
My sex life is the best it’s ever been- you keep it up too girl!
The older we get the better we get!
I enjoy giving my husband blowjobs we have been together 8 years when i first gave a guy a blowjob i thought i had to swallow never knew any better but husband enjoys it so why not and for me most times i am not in mood for sex but his needs should be met but he get head 5 to 8 times a week and i don’t mind P.S if you give head you swallow precum so why not go all the way
I too love giving blowjobs. Sometimes just slow teasing and relaxing. Focusing on the head kind of like tongue kissing his cock. I try using mostly my mouth and tongue and less hand as he could do the hand thing himself. I love to lay on my stomach between his legs or on my side with my head on his stomach with his cock in my mouth. Alternating with me bobbing on him or him pumping my mouth like it’s a vagina. I also like being on all 4’s on the bed and him standing and feeding me.
Other position that’s fun is me laying on my back with head propped up. Depending on the mood this allows a little more rough oral and him really making love with my mouth. I absolutely love it. I do love to swallow his sperm. One guy would call me asking how it feels to have his sperm in my stomach. Swallowing says to him you enjoyed it too. Although sometimes I enjoy it on my face and body. I had one guy once ejaculate into my belly button. He then spooned it up and fed to me. Was so exciting and perfect for my natural submissive nature.
Love your newsletter Sean!
I’m recently divorced and love giving my new BF the best head possible. He says I blow him like the porn star fantasy girl he’s been looking for!
My favorite position (and his) is him laying on his back and me on all fours with my ass where he can see it – he fingers me while I’m giving him head and says it’s fantastic!
Awesome, thanks for your kind words Jen!
Sean, I so enjoy your Bad Girls Bible articles – especially on my favorite activity…getting blowjobs. Unfortunately, it’s not Honey’s most favorite and I am lucky to get my ‘weekly’ weekly – but I am grateful and very appreciative – and of course, always prepay or return the favor like a good boy should. I must admit, she is very good at it.
What I would like to comment on is I think your data may be a bit skewed as far as the percentage that swallow – or even just take cum in their mouth regularly…not just for birthdays. I think your survey is probably taken from an obviously ‘active’ sampling of women not a general population – otherwise they wouldn’t be here reading, right? My lifetime (50++yrs) experience is yes, nearly all do enjoy giving a blowjob….maybe 50% will let you cum in their mouth regularly…25% may swallow.. The rest, like Honey here does, treats cum like kryptonite, to which there is no solution, and believe me, I’ve tried everything in the book to make that happen for years and yes, all the obvious considerations and preparations are always made..
So if you are with someone that swallows or heaven forbid, even spits or lets it dribble…consider yourself to be in the most fortunate group and not like many of us that hope with every single blowjob finish….oh maybe this is the one…..maybe…..maybe……..ahhhhh…..nope !