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If you ask ten people “What does vagina taste like?” you might get ten different answers. We asked 48, (and you can skip straight to their descriptions). While it might not seem helpful to say that it varies, it really does vary. If you’re wondering whether yours tastes okay or curious what it might taste like to go down on another woman, we can provide some insight, however.
No, It’s Not Fishy
Jokes comparing the smell or taste of a vagina to something a little fishy are immature and don’t show a great understanding of the human vagina. A fishy scent or taste is usually due to an infection such as bacterial vaginosis. A healthy vagina shouldn’t smell or taste fishy — and it rarely does!
Side note: If you are currently struggling to orgasm during sex or masturbation, then you may want to learn about the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you how to have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation. It works even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating. You can find out more here.
However, some people might spread misinformation like this because they don’t want to go down on a woman, because of a misogynistic attitude or because they’ve actually never been near enough to a vagina to tell what one tastes like!
Discover how to get a guy to go down on you.
Psst, wanna know how to smell good and drive him wild?
Hygiene Affects Taste

If you’ve got a strong scent, you probably taste stronger, too. Note that we’re not saying bad. It’s just that your natural musk might have increased.
This means women who haven’t showered for a while, just finished up a workout or live in warm climates and sweat more are more likely to smell and taste stronger. This could skew to the negative side, but it doesn’t have to.
If you want to give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually addicted to you, then you'll find them in my private and discreet newsletter. You'll also learn the 5 dangerous & "dumb" sex mistakes that turn him off and how to avoid them. Get it here.
Ladies, you’ve probably noticed if you felt a little more “ripe” than usual. It happens. A shower is all you need to freshen up, but wet wipes will do in a pinch.
Of course, this doesn’t just affect women. Men can get a little rank, too, which you’ll notice when you’re going down on a guy who is in need of a shower (and some men rarely take the time to scrub between all the folds).
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Giving Great Blowjobs
A Clean, Healthy Vagina Tastes Good
Speaking of, how should a woman cleanse? No soap or product containing chemicals should ever be inserted vaginally. Your vagina is a delicate ecosystem that is easily thrown out of whack. Normally, a vagina is self-cleaning (hello, vaginal discharge). But when the pH becomes unbalanced, it could lead to an infection and unpleasant odors or taste.
Learn: What A Normal Vagina Looks Like.
This is why some women stay away from bubble baths or bath bombs. They might smell and look pretty, but they contain chemicals that aren’t necessarily vagina-friendly.
Instead, only water is needed to rinse your vagina, and you should stick to unscented, gentle soap in your vaginal area also known as the vulva (get a refresher course on your vaginal anatomy).
Don’t be afraid to really get between the folds, albeit gently. Move your labia and even clitoral hood to rinse with water. Then, make sure to dry completely.
When it comes time to get dressed, choose fabrics that are natural and breathable. If your vulva can’t breathe, it’s less likely to be a tasty treat.
Even lightly-scented products such as body wash, lotion or wet wipes can make your vagina taste like those products. Although, that might be preferable to some of the unpleasant things people report vagina has tasted like.
Get more tips on how to taste good.
48 People Explain What A Vagina Tastes Like
- Salty Gatorade.
- It has a somewhat strong/dominant taste, yet gentle It’s welcoming and seductive and a major turnon!
- A little salty and acidic. I love!
- Like cola and juice.
- Wet with a hint of perfume.
- A mixture of sweet and tangy.
- OMG!!!! Heaven!
- The same kind of taste as when kissing.
- The taste varies, sometimes sweet, sometimes musky.
- It tastes like lemon.
- Tastes like the sweet nectar from a hibiscus.
- So although pussy taste pretty similar, I have found that every girl tends to taste slightly different. Some have a strong odor and taste, others don’t. Generally, I find pussy has a slightly bitter taste especially if the girl is producing pre-cum. Tips for getting rid of vaginal odors.
- Very earthy and sweet.
- It sometimes tastes like nothing and sometimes a bit like iron or metal.
- It tastes like salted caramel truffle. It’s a great combination.
- Some taste like a copper penny. Some are salty. And some just really don’t have a taste.
- When I play with myself, I love to lick my fingers after cumming. I love the taste it reminds me of a little bit of sea salt.
- It tastes sweeter than anything I’ve ever tasted and it makes me feel like I could like to climb inside her if I could.
- Like chicken.
- It tastes like a newly fresh produced stainless steel spoon.
- It tastes a bit like salted ham and boiled shrimp and it turns me into a savage.
- Tastes like shredded wheat.
- It tastes like cotton candy flavored that is because she uses that flavor. It would still taste fine. without it. I’m into it and don’t worry about taste most of the time.
- She tastes like sweet pineapple. Related: Why eating pineapple can make your vagina taste better.
- Tastes like sweet cherry pie.
- It is like a jello with a woman flavour.
- When it’s not so clean, it has kind of a vinegar flavor but that goes away. In a couple of minutes, it’ll taste just fine. When it’s clean it basically tastes like skin and saliva. You’re just making out with a different part of the body.
- Tastes like a sweet and sour candy.
- It depends on the woman. If freshly showered, the taste is neutral or that of the scent of soap they used. Additionally, a bald vagina tastes more neutral, whereas the vagina with varying amounts of pubic hair can be musky if not showered prior to eating her out.
- Like BO and sweat.
- It tastes like a salty-sweet tomato.
- Sweet, salty and somehow slightly bitter at the same time.
- Like honey.
- Nothing quite like it.
- Zinc.
- Tasteless.
- Like butter.
- A garden of delights, like an oral flower and a musky set of lips. It tastes invigorating.
- Sweet and salty like a slightly salted version of the juice from a melon.
- If she keeps up on her hygiene tastes like sweetness. If not, it’s like fish.
- It almost tastes like whatever you want it to taste. I just close my eyes and get lost in it.
- It tastes sweet and is quite addictive at times. Like the juices from a warm apple or peach cobbler. I don’t like it when she’s been drinking cokes because it makes her juices and cum more acidic like vinegar.
- Gourmet taste of a roman dish.
- Slightly sweaty and like pickle juice.
- Burning meat.
- Spicy and a little salty.
- My girl is so fresh and the wetness almost tastes like cotton candy.
- Tastes like an unripe marula fruit.
That’s quite a variety of ways to describe what a vagina tastes like! Obviously, every woman tastes different. We all have different body chemistries, after all. And the same woman can taste different in her lifetime. Now, let’s learn how to change how you taste.
Your Cycle and Your Taste
You’ve probably noticed how your scent changes during your cycle. When you have your period, your smell is obviously more metallic and coppery because of the blood. But cycle affects smell even when you’re not menstruating.
Try paying attention to the way your vagina smells during different points of your cycle — ovulation and menstruation are just two — to see if you can notice a difference. Your taste is likely different during these times, too!
Can You Change How Your Vagina Tastes?

Urban legend says that eating pineapple will improve the taste of a man’s cum; although, that may not be true. Can a woman eat something to change how her vagina tastes?
A constant question: I consistently get emails asking how to orgasm more easily & often during sex. I usually recommend this 3 step system that makes it a lot easier (& fun!). You can also see people's reactions to it here 😉
Read: What Does Cum Taste Like?
Unless you eat a lot of certain foods, it’s unlikely to change how your vagina tastes. Pungent foods like garlic or onion could change your flavor, but they might not. There’s no easy fix.
Note that some medication can change the smell and taste of your body and bodily fluids. Mucinex, Metformin, and Cystagon are three of those products, and you might want to avoid products containing sulfur/sulfides if you know someone is going down on you in the near future. Of course, it’s not just the taste of your vagina that might be affected. The smell (and taste) of your breath, skin, sweat, and urine may all change. Some people seem more prone to smell like medicine they might take or food they might eat than other people.
Another thing that helps your vagina taste good? Keeping hydrated. If you’re going down on a woman and she doesn’t taste so pleasant, there’s a chance that she isn’t drinking enough water. Hydrating means that any odor will likely smell less pungent as it will be somewhat diluted.
We can recommend flavored lube if you’re just not a fan of the way your partner tastes or if the person going down on you isn’t a fan. Look for lube without sugar, which may contribute to yeast infections.
If you do happen to have a yeast infection, it can affect how you taste and can also produce a discharge from your vagina. Boric acid can help clear up your yeast infection and some also claim that boric acid suppositories make your vagina taste better for your partner.
Taste Yourself
Now, you may be a straight woman who has no interest in going down on another woman, but that doesn’t mean you don’t wonder what a vagina tastes like. Of course, you have your own that you can use to experiment. All you need to do is insert a finger and lick or suck on it to get an idea.
You can also taste your finger or even a sex toy after you’ve masturbated. And your partner might even find this hot! Another sexy option is to kiss your man after he goes down on you. Of course, his taste will be tinged with yours, so it’s not exactly how a vagina tastes, but it gives you an idea. You might find that you like how he tastes after going down on you, it may be neutral, or you may not like it at all.
If you're interested in learning how to squirt easily during sex and when masturbating, then you may want to check out my Squirting Magic Guide.
You don’t have to make a habit of it, but seeing how you taste at least once is super enlightening!
Once you know how you taste, you can rest assured if it’s pleasant or neutral. Or you might take steps to wash up before sex. Either way, you’ll need to be able to relax. Hang-ups and sexual anxiety about your body, including the way your vagina tastes, can be tricky culprits that make it hard to enjoy yourself and even orgasm.
Wanna know how to really enjoy sex as a woman?
You can also check out our tips to help you cum every time.
So what does vagina taste like? There’s no single answer. But that’s part of what makes vaginas so amazing!
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed. And...
She completely hid this from her husband. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a way for any woman to orgasm. Easily. And have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
Is there such a thing as “Bad Boys Bible” or something similar to help the guys out? Me and my husband are just trying to bring back physical love & passion into our 30 year marriage🥰
There sure is. Check out the Bad Boys Bible
51 year old male, married for sixteen years.
My wife squirted for the first time ever, during oral sex three times last night. It honestly tasted like honey. I thought I’d be grossed out, but it was awesome.
Why is there no reference to the shrimpy smell vaginas with moderate to heavy use generate?? Actually they don’t smell fishy but shrimpy yes!! Right?? You can tell if your partner has been out to town and how much use she put it through by the smell.
My ex wife could squirt, although she took forever into our relationship to divulge this to me, it smelled more like urine than anything. I was hoping it would be more like her natural lubrication that came out, that I could have gotten into taking all she could give!
Vagina tastes like a woman