This discreet newsletter will teach you how to make him cum hard, give freaky blow jobs & make him scream your name in bed. Click here to get it.
You may have found the one.
He may be hot, handsome and funny. But does he feel the same way about you?
Related: I regularly get messages from women struggling to orgasm. I usually recommend that they check out the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you the 3 simple steps to reach orgasm effortlessly during sex and masturbation. If you're interested, you can find out more here.
The dread of being in a relationship where you can feel your man slowly slipping away from you is far worse than a short, sharp,sudden break up (even if the breakup sex is great).
Nothing is more crushing to your confidence than someone who once was attracted to you, but now doesn’t have that same desire.
But you don’t have to feel powerless.
There are a few simple things that you can do to be the only one that he ever desires…
Looks Do Count
Possibly useful: If you want to give your man (& yourself) back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually addicted to you, then you'll find them in my private and discreet newsletter. You'll also learn the 5 dangerous & "dumb" sex mistakes that turn him off and how to avoid them. Get it here.
I’m not going to sugar-coat it. I’m not going to hold your hand and say, “looks don’t matter”. I’m not going to tell you that it’s your ‘inner beauty’. The fact is that it’s both your inner and outer beauty that keeps a man attracted.
You can’t have one and not the other.
You need both.
So if you do get into a relationship with a great guy, you have to keep this in mind.
And I know that this is something you might not like hearing.
I’m sorry, but this is The Bad Girls Bible. We try to be up front and honest around here. It may hurt to hear now, but in the long run, it’s much better.
So if you do meet a great guy, make sure to keep doing what you were doing before you met him.
If you went to the gym, keep going.
If you were serious about finding and buying stylish clothes, keep doing it.
If you ate healthy, keep eating healthy.
Again you might be thinking, “This all sounds a little shallow Sean!” Maybe it does, but as a guy, who has talked to many other guys about this, I can only say one thing.
Looks do count.
But fortunately your looks are mostly in your control and it surprisingly easy to be hot. You control your clothes, your weight, your hair color and even what your nails look like!
Remain A Challenge
Have you ever wondered why sports are so popular with men. Have you ever wondered why men always dream of being the captain of the Super Bowl winning team or winning an Olympic gold medal?
A constant question: I consistently get emails asking how to orgasm more easily & often during sex. I usually recommend this 3 step system that makes it a lot easier (& fun!). You can also see people's reactions to it here 😉
It’s the challenge.
It’s the same reason that they don’t care much about switching phone plans to save $5 a month. It’s because switching phone plans is not much of a challenge.
You may have noticed that men don’t care that much for the girls that are easy to date or sleep with. They don’t present much of a challenge to them.
But the girls they have to chase after, the girls that they have to prove their worth to, the girls that are a challenge are the girls that guys really desire.
So how can I be the only one your man desires?
Remain a challenge to him
- You need to keep him on his toes.
- You need to make him work for your attention.
- You need to keep friends outside your relationship, so that your man knows that although you love him, you don’t need to rely solely on him for your social life.
- You need to stop giving in to his every whim or demand.
Warning: Remaining a challenge is certainly important if you are serious about your man desiring you.
If you're interested in learning powerful squirting techniques, then you may want to check out the Squirting Magic Guide.
But if you are always out of reach, always doing only what you want or treating him badly or unfairly, then you are taking it to an extreme.
Taking anything to an extreme is unhealthy for your relationship. You need to keep a fine balance of being challenging, but not too challenging.
Don’t Forget To Flirt
Have you ever seen those dreary couples, sitting silently in a restaurant opposite each other. You know the ones. They are barely talking. They don’t even look like they like each other!
What happened?
How did they become so dull & boring?
Most likely it’s because they forgot about flirting, about trying to keep things fun and light.
Side Note: I put together this in-depth assesment that will uncover just how good you are at giving oral sex and satisfying your man. It may uncover some uncomfortable truths, or you may discover that you are already a queen at giving blow jobs. Click here to take my quick (and shockingly accurate) “Blow Job Skills” Quiz right now and find out how good your blow job skills really are...
Do not let this happen to your relationship.
Your man will start desiring you less and less if you stop being fun and flirty.
Fortunately I have created a detailed video tutorial within the Bad Girls Bible devoted solely to teaching you how to flirt and talk dirty to your man to turn him on, keep him attracted and build sexual tension. You can watch it here.
Become A Dynamo In Bed
‘Dynamo’ you say?
It sounds a little cheesy,
But it’s true.
Becoming a dynamo in bed is crucial if you want to be the only one your man desires.
Quick Warning: While this woman's story & subsequent BJ tutorial video is quite distressing, it will teach you how to make your man scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having your guy completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out her story & (explicit!) blow job tutorial video here.
That’s the reason why I decided to create The Bad Girls Bible. To teach you everything you need to know about becoming a ‘dynamo’/goddess/queen in bed (or whatever-you-want-to-call-it).
I have created sections that teach you everything from how to talk dirty to your man, how to give a good blowjob, a section with over 100 different sex positions along with an assortment of other sex tips.
There is so much information here in the Bad Girls Bible that you may feel a little overwhelmed if you try everything all at once. My advice is to simply pick out 1 or 2 techniques that you find interesting and try them out.
But if you are looking for a quick start guide that you can use tonight, then you should really take a look at this instructional video I put together that will teach you my most powerful and effective blow job techniques. Click here to watch it now.
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed. And...
She completely hid this from her husband. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a way for any woman to orgasm. Easily. And have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
Hi Sean. Do you have any tips on touching and fingering?
Sure, you’ll find everything you need to know on this page on fingering.
How do you spice things up when your man’s got ADHD an doesn’t like to give muchase attention to you?
Hi Kayla,
Sounds more like a relationship question than a sexual one. It would be best to talk to him about this problem.
He likes to Finger me .
Thank you for your candid and informative article! Woman tend to complicate even the simplest of things.
No problem Jasmine, glad you liked it!
Wut is the best way of gettin over the awkwardness of tryin some of the techniques for the first time
Hi Courtney,
The truth is that you will always encounter at least some awkwardness when trying out these techniques for the first time. So the first thing is that you need to accept that there will be at least some awkwardness when you try new things with your man. You’ll find that doing it anyway will make you far more confident the next time you do it with him.
Another strategy to get over any awkwardness you’re feeling is to start with the easiest things first and then once you’re confident doing those things, move onto the harder to do techniques and positions.
Hi Sean,
Thank you so much for all your tips. They have been a huge help and my man who couldn’t find any time to see me is now here all the time. It wasn’t me but became easy once i started. Will definitely be buying book soon. Its a must have.
Love Linda x
Great to hear Linda. What tips are working best for you?
This is amazing Sean! I am dating a gemini man and find myself reaching out to him from time to time… Thanks for reminding me to remain a challenge. Oh and your amazing blowjob tips have made me an even better dynamo in the sack.
Thank you Sean! Keep doing the good work.
Hi Debroah,
Thanks for your kind words, they are the ultimate motivator to keep producing great content for the site.
Nice info 🙂 I do most of what you say on here, being a challenge for my man, etc. I’m trying new things with him I wasn’t comfortable doing and now everytime I see him it’s very passionate 🙂
Great to hear!
Hi Sean, I do NOT regret signing up for your news letters. They are very infornative and has helped me enhance what I already knew! I do read another news letter from a woman who writes about attracting men and some of what she says is similar to you, however she also is going to make alot of women regret reading her articles! I’m aware of the tricks some writers use to keep an audience and you don’t do that! You’re real and raw and more importantly, who comes closer to knowing what men want besides another man!? I wonder if this woman writer even has a man herself because it seems like she writes more about attracting another woman! Any way Sean, you ROCK!
Hi Angeal,
Thank you for your kind words!
Dear Sean,How truely wise u r.I have heard ur advice before,and it has helped immensely.However my case is alitte more complicated.Trust an believe i have tried ur other technices.He is a long distance truck driver.I have occasionally join him on his run with little clothing as possible,to say mouth drop undies,an lingerie.Your mind blowing blow job,yes i have to say he has dropped to his knees a few times.Oh back to the problem,flirting ck,sexy picture ck,but i would like to hear from him without me having to txt or call first making me feel like a desperate clinging bother.Don’t get me wrong we have a very healthy communication,an honest one so far itz been 2 yrs.when he comes home it’s once a month or maybe 2he goes see
his moma,an family,leaving me one day to be with him.In the beginning he would stop to see me first,sometime surprisingly me.We have lunch or dinner then he promises to c me before he leave,an he would.He says he trying to balance his time.What can i do,or should i do to get more of his time,not trying to come between his moma,or boys 17,21.I don’t push or give alternative,i don’t ask for any thing accept time to do things together don’t wanna feel like a pit stop,which he says it’s not true,an he hates me to feel like that he’s only one man.
Hi Yoggie,
This is a tricky relationship question. Unfortunately I only give sex advice. My advice is to make sure to talk to him about it to find out a solution that pleases both of you.
Do you have any specific advice on how to remain a challenge. My husband and I have been together 4.5 years-married 2.5 and we have 2 kids. I am a stay at home mom and most of my friends live 2+ hours away.
Hi Chelsea,
There are a few different things that you can do. ‘Being a challenge’ could involve doing something as simple as teasing and flirting with him a little more than normal. It could even be something like whispering something naughty in his ear when you are both out in public and he can’t act on it. You may even find that staying in a hotel for a night might be a good way to ‘escape’ from home.
Nice one…i love the part of “keep doing what you where doing before you met him” most women tend to forget that…i will stck to it
I LOVE your articles! I look so forward to them each week. I really wish the Bad Girls Bible could be purchased in hard cover. I’ll be ordering soon! I happened to stumble on your site & its THE BEST stumble I’ve had. Keep the articles coming. I will always be a follower!
Thanks Jill!
Sean, I think I have already blown it. My husband is going thru mid life crises. He brought a 20 year old into our home because she was in a bad relationship. He wanted to help her. I ended up leaving because i could not stand to see the way he looked at her…the same way he used to look at me! He is 43 and I am 55…help!!! How can I get him back?
Hi Cyndi,
This sounds like a really tough situation and I’m not too sure I can help as the Bad Girls Bible is only a sex advice website. I hope you are able to work it out.
Sean, I like to see that you tell women that you are not offering relationship advice and stick to the sex advice. Too many people try and give advice about things they are not qualified to advise upon. You, however, limit your advice to areas that you are qualified to offer advice in. Thanks!
Hi Sean. I love your articles and I like how honest you are. Agree looks do count and I still keep wearing sexy stuff and light perfume when im with my man. Although he still takes good care of me, hugs and kisses a lot, touches me every time we sit or stand beside, and still creates romantic dinner just for us two…but he seems to has a little interest in sex with me. (We arent living together yet and we see each other only once or twice a week. You can imagine how much I really want him.) He gets rock hard when we make out but when we actually do it, he goes weak. I keep thinking its probably im not hot enough for him anymore, and yes, I feel a bit bad. It could be the stress from work and his drinking habit like he says? Do you have any suggestion for me then?
Hi Missy Sandy,
Thanks for reaching out. From what you describe, your man is definitely attracted to you. However, there could actually be many reasons for your man’s lack of desire for sex.
– Some guys really do have a low sex drive.
– Some guys get anxious, stressed and/or nervous when getting sexual with someone that they are super attracted to. This can also be a contributing factor to him going soft during sex, but being rock hard when you make out. A really important thing to do in this situation is to let him know that it’s not a big deal if he goes flaccid from time to time.
– It’s most likely nothing to do with you, so don’t worry!
The thing is that I don’t know all the ins and outs of your situation so it’s hard to give really specific advice other than saying that it’s really important that you don’t stress out about it or put pressure on your man about the situation, it will only make it worse. The best course of action is to talk to your man about it, let him know that you don’t mind, but that you’d like to help him.
Get your ass back home and off the floor. You are not a doormat! Go tell miss 20 yr. old she has 20 min. to pack her shit and get out of your house. Then have a come to Jesus talk with your husband about fixing or ending your marriage!
Hi Sean,
I try most everything I have read in these newsletters. However, none of it is getting much of a response or reaction from my husband. Most of the advice I have read from u seems wonderful and is apparently working for others but it seems to almost have an opposite affect in my world. What am I doing wrong???
Hi Shannon,
Here’s the most important piece of advice I can give you: Talk to your man.
No sex advice (neither mine, nor anyone elses’) will work, unless you have good communication between you and your man. There could be a million different reasons. He could be exhausted from work, he could be depressed, he could have a low testosterone count, he could be shy about opening up in the bedroom or it could be a million other things. You will never know the problem unless you talk to him.
Just one word of advice though, many guys are very sensitive when it comes to talking about sex. So don’t expect him to open up the minute you start talking about sex with him. It can take time.
Hi Sean,
U r d best thing dat has happened to my sexual life.more grease to ur elbows.i really luv dat tip on kip being challenge.thanks 4 making a difference in ma sexual lyf
Hey Sean,
I love reading your tips. Everytime my phone beeps I say to i hope this is BAD GIRLS BIBLE. There needs to be a BAD BOYS BIBLE for all theses bad boys..
Hi Sean,
How can i dominate a guy in bed?
Hi Lady,
You might want to check out this article on dominating your man.
Hi sean,
Can I talk to my man about if he likes dirty talking or not instead of just experimenting first?
of course!
Hello…Iam new to your site & i can really say i love what i hve seen and Wwhat i read about. I will do & try all that best wrks for me. I’m a good woman with the best man. I’m wondering if you hve any tips on being your self & letting the freak out of you! How can i make my man come on to me 1st before i come on to him? Known that he really wanted to hve sex & everything we did in the bed room he love it & not playing like he did.? Yes sometimes i dont no. COULD IT BE ME?
If you want your man to come on to you and initiate sex, then make sure to start building sexual tension. This article should help.
I just wanted to say I’m not sure this is good or bad but I used ur information about bj and rocked my husband mind he has a big thing for that and I was not really into it but once I got into it he loved it and now he is acting like it’s not a big deal we are older and maybe he is at the time in life he is a little settle and sex is not important is that true? It’s fine with me we love each other and sex had not been a big deal for us but we enjoy just been in love and I think that is so important but I just wanted to say thanks for this site I will be reading every time u post.
Hi, it’s a tough situation for me to read. Some guys, as they get older see their testosterone level off and they don’t desire sex as much, despite being crazy about you.
The key is having great communication with your man and finding out what works to satisfy both you and him.
BTW, so glad you enjoy my techniques!
Hey Sean. I was just wondering if you had any tips on how to make a girl orgasm. I enjoy your articles very much.
Hi Ashley,
Sure, check out this article on how to orgasm and this one on masturbation.
Have fun!
Well I’ve got to say this website has helped me a lot! I’m only 18 I lost my virgity in Dec, when I first started I would lay there lifeless and let my man do what ever he wanted and had to do all the work. BORING! But now I’m with someone new who makes me feel comfortable and I know love trying new things behind closed doors! Him and I kinda learns some of the position you talk about just by being bord with the usual and wanting to spice it up. Having this site to go to is nice…and much easier then having to go and ask my mom EVERYTHING! although she was patient with me and helped as much as she could. Thanks Sean!
Glad I could help!
Hi Sean. My boyfriend prefers for me to be on top. i am not used to doing it that way and sometimes i cant get a rhythm and i fumble and feel like a fool, like i dont know what im doing. Please help
Hi Andrea,
First up don’t worry! Fumbling around is how you learn…you’re not magically born with awesome-sex-goddess abilities! The key is to keep going and take some steps to make it even easier for yourself like keeping the lights down low and even having a drink or 2 beforehand.
hi Sean!
I’m having problems with my boyfriend.. Well, he’s still a virgin although it’s not new in the generation having ‘devirginized’ girlfriends, I’m still worried ’cause he wants to marry me, even we’re not been couples for a year. We never had sex yet ’cause we’re on a long distance relationship, I’m worried ’cause he keeps on giving me some booty calls and talking dirty to me.. And I’m not comfortable with that, I didn’t had a great experience in sex before, it’s like it just gave me a traumatic bad memory than pleasure.. And he doesn’t seem to understand that, he wants us to have sex but of course, it feels like I’m a virgin again and don’t know what to do well, honestly I don’t.. Will I turn him off, if I can’t satisfy him and can’t reach his erotic expectations from me?
Hi Elli, honestly it’s hard for me to tell you what to do as I don’t know the specifics of your situation. The main thing is to talk to him and make sure you’re both on the same page.
Should I tell him about my “studying” that’s probably something for me to keep confidential huh?
It’s completely up to you Jessica!
Well, I guess its not just about being the hottest woman in the world or having the the well-hipped, hour-glass shaped figure . Its better to have hygiene than that . Like, what is that HOT body of yours if you cannot even clean it right? I think thats what ‘Looks Do Count’ means to me..
Sean, I absolutely LOVE your advice! My boyfriend and I have were getting a little redundant in the bed, and although I know he’s content I always find myself wanting to please him more. Your tips and advice have been such a thrill to try with him, and everything you’ve said so far works! He goes nuts! It has really put a different level of passion into our sex lives. Thank you so much for helping me bring out the power I knew I had all along.
Thrilled to hear it!
Hi Sean,
All the articles you send me helped in a certain way. But I have one question why can’t my husband make me have a organism? Ever since I have been with him I haven’t gotten a organism. Could this be helped or do we need to try different sex positions. Thanks for your help and answering my questions.
Regina, can you orgasm on your own with masturbation?
I have to tell you, I have been seeing a great guy for almost 3 years. He really enjoys taking care of me first, in fact he sometimes focuses so much on staying hard for me, that he doesn’t cum when I give him a BJ. He has teased me about not being able to get him there. So, last night I found his special spot with my finger and sent him to the moon. He told me that was the best orgasm he had ever experienced. He was still commenting on how great it was this am.
I just wanted to tell you that your emails and articles are very helpful and I use the suggestions all the time. Thank you for doing this. Gina
I love your newsletters! My boyfriend knows I get them and he asks sometimes “Get your newsletter this week?” I wish you would put out more about Blow Jobs though. He is a pretty big man and I have an extremely hard time getting him off that way. I have twice maybe. My jaw gets tired quickly. I have bad gag reflexes and he is so long I can’t put much of him in my mouth. He is very sweet about it but it is a self esteem issue for me. Is there anything I can do to be better or get past the gag reflex?
Hi Regan, there’s a few tips that you can start using now in this deep throating article.
I just want to tell you that I read all your articles and I am so glad you create and send these out. I wanted to share specifically about the blow job techniques. I have been seeing a man for 3 years he always takes care of me first, so much so that when I give him a BJ he typically won’t orgasm so that he can pleasure me more. However, I recently used your technique of massaging his “p” spot. He was absolutely floored and he enjoyed every second of it and was pushed to orgasm quickly. He commented that it was the most powerful orgasm he has ever experienced, I guess it really was because he commented again the next morning about how awesome it was.
I have used many other of your techniques and advice, they all are great and he quickly has become very close.
Thanks a bunch and keep them coming! 🙂
Hey Sean I am so happy I subscribed to your news letter, my man has given me that “smile” multiple times and I could never thank you enough!
Me and my bf have been together for 2yrs lately we haven’t been having sex we went from being all over each other to sex maybe every other week. It’s not that we aren’t hot and bothered by each other I kiss him and he’s more than ready I just feel like something’s missing, I need some advice please
Hi Jasmine,
Sounds like you need to reignite the sexual tension with him. This article will help to start building it up again. Enjoy!
What does one do in a new relationship and he has ED
Talking to a doctor about your options to cure it is your best option. Additionally, if you find that you masturbate and watch porn frequently, then you should cut back.
Hi Sean
Thanks for all the tips, guides and everything its just great but i have one problem my hubby just dont seem to take on to anything ive done so far idk if im doing something wrong or it might be just him. He doesnt seem to like sex or anything in the line. He is just not active. I feel like its me at times because even when i dress up or talk dirty to him he just moves away more from me do you have any suggeations please
The best thing you can do is talk to him about it in an open and non-confrontational way.
Thank you so much for writing these articles . my husband cheated on me early in our relationship and even tho we got passed it and have a strong marriage sexually I didn’t feel like he was happy and with the help of the articles things have gotten much better. So thank you again .
Hi Sean,
I need a guys point of view on this;
I’m in a relationship for over a year, everything’s great, we’re having fun, great sex, serious talks, close to perfection. My man has female friends, one of them for over 15 years. Non sexual he said. I saw a chatsession of them. She’s feeling depressed, he’s cheering her up, then she says she wants sex with him. Twenty minutes no text. Then she says she reads back to a certain point (in the missing 20minutes !) when she had her first orgasm that evening. Some more talk over deep throating, do it yourself and it’s better with a dick. Then he says; oh (name) I wanna do you any time any place.
I confronted him with this. I said he deleted the missing 20 min, he says there was no conversation for 20 min. Obviously a lie. Don’t you think?
Anyhow, he said this was a first and last time, he send her a message the friendship is over and he wants no more contact because he chooses me as his wife over her as a friend.
Do you think he’s trustworthy?
Jenny, it’s really hard to tell you if he is trustworthy here as I just don’t know every aspect of your relationship like you do.
Hi Sean,
Your newsletters have not only boosted my self confidence but my relationship also. Your techniques have made me feel like a sex goddess and porn star(not to toot my own horn?) lol. Thanks so much and please keep the newsletters coming with your positive and helpful techniques.
hi Sean! I still cannot locate my man’s ‘p’ spot…I really need more clarification,although I must confess your tips have been helpful and has served as sex builders…keep it up man and pls don’t forget my earlier question, I need a reply ASAP..thanks Sean
This article will help.
Hi Sean, desperately need your advice a while ago I found out my boyfriend was watching por after a massive phone bill, I was mortified thought I wasn’t enough for him ect he said he didn’t no why he did it and wouldn’t do it again, only time and time again I’ve found evidence of him watching porn, I’ve tried absolutely everything you’ve posted to be the only one he needs and not to turn to porn as I feel like that turns him om and then he finishes up on me, we ended up arguing about it and he basically told me to grow up and get over it and if I didn’t like it I can leave, I’ve spoke to girlfriends and they’ve all said it’s a man thing and not to worry , what’s your opinion am I overreacting is it just a man thing, why can’t I be enough for him…?
Hi Lou,
Almost all men watch porn and most couples see it as a pretty normal thing, PROVIDED it’s not compulsive for your man and it doesn’t interfere with your sex life. Many couples even find it hot to watch porn together.
What’s the chances my husband won’t still try to get or impress someone He was. Really attracted to and couldn’t be with for financial Reasons. Now tHat he is standing on his own two feet There’s nothing standing in the way ofthem getting back together besides me (money is everything for this girl). So wouldn’t that be. Reason enough for him to cheat regardless of how I use your techniques
Dear Sean,
My boyfriend is really into being deepthroated but I can’t seem to do it, I always gag. Is there a way past it?
Try these deep throating tips.
Can u do something about pegging? I am a woman who loves to do it? I was a lesbein before the man I’m with. I love him but I love my old ways. I want to strapon and give him me in that way. BUT I don’t know how. He is like Paul Bunion. How do I tell him I want to make love to him like that?
I’m working on it. This article on prostate play may help. Stay tuned!
Hi Sean, loving your website but needing some advice.. I literally just found a tumblr blog belonging to my boyfriend.. it’s one of those NSFW containing pictures and gifs of women naked, I suppose porn like pictures. I never knew he had this we’ve been together over 2 years and I would say our sex life is good..Basically I never turn it down. Initially when I seen it is choked but a little bit of me got turned on as there was images of bdsm (we often tie each other up..blindfolds etc) but I feel like this is stuff he likes and we’re not doing it..but I also feel a bit hurt and sickened because I am nothing like these girls. Also it just seems so sly of him like a big dirty secret that he can’t wait to get at when I’m not around. We’re going on holidays tomorrow and I’m just not sure what to I tell him I know because I snooped and found it? Or do i leave it be? I’ve came home from work now and he’s gone to his mothers..he hasn’t even started packing but i checked the account again and since he’s been home from work he’s shared more pics. Would greatly appreciate your help on this asap because right now I don’t feel like I can look at him..and I know I’m gonna be distant with him when he’s home ?
Susie, this is a tricky one for me to answer as I don’t know the ins and outs of your relationship. I hope you work it out 🙂
I absolutely love each and every article and tip. While my man and I are both extremely pleased with each other… Even after 20 years. You are able to say just once sentence or word that sparks us up again. Thank you and keep them coming!!
So glad I can help Dawn!
Hey Sean. My story is like this. Me and my guy have been dating for 7 months now. Everything is great, out of this world. He is amazing and your tips just keep surprising him and that’s a bonus. The part about being a challenge is spot on, what I wanna know is. Me and my guy can go for about a week without seeing each other, though we communicate and it’s healthy. When he calls and asks for me, I’m there at the time I said I’ll be there. We often set an appointment to see each other coz we always busy. He has stood me up but it’s work I know it. Does being a challenge mean I should sometimes decline when he wants to see me? I’m that sort of a person if an idea is planted in my head, I’ll try to fix what’s not broken. I don’t wanna make a big deal out of our time but is it wrong that I’m always available for him? Even though sometimes I do get busy and cancel or see him way after our appointment? I know he won’t cheat on me, I just want to keep the spark coz we have this mad chemistry.
Hi Anna, If you are declining on him without a valid reason, that’s not a good idea. You need to be honest. It’s perfectly fine to be always available for him as long as you aren’t a doormat for him.
How do I get my man to go down on me?!?! And would be the reason’s a guy won’t or isn’t interested in doing that?? Please help!!! Thanks Sean!!!
Talk to him about it.
Hey sean, thank you for this great advice, i wanted to ask if for instance your in a FWB relationship and you want the guy to fall inlove wt you what should you do? To drive him carzy to dat goal
Do you publish the Blow Job Bible in a book? I despise reading online. I prefer the old fashion book in my hand. Thanks!
Online only. This way I can give you more for less as you do not have to pay for shipping.
I’m 37 he is 33 and I love him dearly. He has had erectile dysfunction since he started having sex. I was already in love when I found out he has to take a pill to be intimate with me. I’m a sexually driven woman and a Scorpio. Can you give me any advice on how we can become more connected sexually? Any advice on this would be a big help.
Hi Sean,
What can I do when I assume that I give a great bj, but there are times that my man goes soft, although he says he loves when I give him a blow job. I do know that in his past relationship a bj was out of the question, what could be the problem? BTW love the tips and advice. Thanks.
He could be nervous or maybe he’s not even that big a fan of blow jobs. My advice is to talk to him.
Your comments are dead on. I always think it’s so unfair when a woman lets herself go after she gets married. Thanks for all the great information.
What if he isn’t yours yet and you are trying to get him?
Hi Sean! I just wanted to say that your articles have really helped to has things up in the sack, and I’m more confident with my boyfriend than ever before, I think because I I’ve started taking more initiative? Anyways, I love your articles. Keep up the good work!
In praise,
Glad I could help Lethe!
i want you to be a naughty boy i want you get on top of me and stick your penis inside me so i want to wank you right now all i ever think about is being in a lift and having sex and we never come out i believe having sex in a lift will be fun and at break we will be in that lift again i want you to drop your trousers and your underpants and i want your penis inside me shagging me stupid and yuu are mine and i am yours together forever but i cant wait ro see you every time i always think about you all the time everyday and everynight
I find this information to be spot on. I hope women do not get offended by it, because it is absolute truth. We get 7 seconds to make a first impression with new people, and the human brain can determine in as little as ONE SECOND if it has seen something attractive. That goes for men and women. Its not just men who are visually stimulated by looks. But modern culture has targeted women regarding beauty an therefore put pressure on us to look good. It is my personal opinion that any healthy minded individual should want to be at their best almost all of the time. We do have moments when we need “down time” to regenerate our bodies and minds. So I thank you for your honesty in what you write and I hope you continue to help women understand these important truths
My wife is overweight. It is hard to reach her vulva. In addition she has terrible pains in her legs, hips and back…so she has discomfort maneuvering for simple kissing either in bed or on a simple sofa or chair.
I also have totally lost my erectal abilities and Viagra seems to have no effect.
My wife has never been willing to try any king of oral sex.
She actually doesn’t like sex of any kind.
Is there any hope?
Hi Sean,
What do you recommend for a couple who’s lost that last spark of passion? I’ve seen much information about what she can do for me. I want to be able to return the favor in multiple ways.
Try to rebuild the sexual tension in your relationship.
I’m OBSESSED WITH THIS SITE, and I love your articles each week. I look forward to them! You are doing a great thing! Thank you for all the hard work
Thanks Kae!
So, even “bad girls” can’t question the Monogomy-by-Default model of relationships??
Don’t get me wrong. If someone has genuinely thought out their needs, and decides they want monogamy, that’s great. People should do what works for them.
But if monogamy is the only is the only option you even consider, then you don’t get a chance to figure what you really want and need. Then people wind up unhappy, maybe even cheating. Not saying Monogomy-by-Default is the only factor. Just an important one.
I m from conservative Indian family and got married three years back. I had lake of sufficient knowledge and had have fear and hesitation regarding sex with my man. Gradually after few months I observed that his interest towards me going down and took transfer his job to distant place where he moving around a beautiful widow. I discuss the matter with one of my friend from college having a happy life. She advise me read your blog and she gave me some classical blowjob video. I start to read your blog regularly to get the knowledge of good sex for a good relation and start watching the blowjob video. Gradually I became confident and hesitation gone. I promised to go his place and i will discover his love to me thru my new enthusiasm. I day I leave for my man and start to live with him. I applied all your tips and the skills I gathered from those blowjob videos. Miracle was waiting for me. He became a new man for me. He leave the widow and start to stay most of the time besides his duty with me. Now he love me heartedly and look after me all the time. Now he is sexually very happy with me I m also happy with him as he also know about what I like from him. Often we enjoying and never forget to give my man a nice vigorios blowjob. During my blowjob he often explodes his first cum in my mouth and i sallow his load because it should not be wasted as the semen are made of finest final particle of of food a man eat. I request you kindly to inform me if there will be chances of any negative may arise in my health from eating this vital fluid ?
As long as he is healthy, then there is no issue with swallowing his load when he cums. Glad I could help!
I love your newsletter. I look forward to it every week. It has opened my eyes to so many new things. And I can tell my man appreciates it also. I especially admire that although you sell your videos and on-lines tips and tricks, you are giving a lot of it away for free. Thank you for that. I’m a huge fan for life!
Thanks Beth!
Hi Sean,
Just got back with my high school sweetheart after 26 years apart. I was so nervous to get intimate with him again because even though I was married for 22 years we RARELY had sex. Turned out my awesome husband is gay.
Your tips and articles have been soooo helpful to me!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
I look forward to reading each one. Really…you’re a lifesaver. 🙂
I slept with my man for the first time in three years and he says he was mind- blown but after a while I asked him if I was the best he’s ever had and he says “No, you lack experience” it crushed me to know that some girl got freakier with him than I did. I don’t know what to do. I love him and he’s a sex addict… how do I make him tap out in bed?!
Signing up the Bad Girls Bible newsletter would be a great start 😉 My best tips are in there!
It’s very true. A person shouldn’t be working out or eating healthy just to attract someone and stop doing it when he does. It’s like false advertisement to a consumer.
I felt a little weird about the being hard to get part. But that’s maybe because I like guys who give me a good Chase and I get bored easily if the guy is too easy for me.
So I’m confused about how include it as I’d hate it if a guy is just available there for me or coming after me as that keeps happening.
Rest are check and check ?
Enjoyed the list and your honesty
And I meant to ask something
There have been goofy things I used to do with my ex boyfriend’s just to keep things interesting.
Wrestling with them in bed before having sex which really gives the adrenaline rush.
Playing a video game or cards and the loser will have to do something like giving oral sex to the winner all through the movie of the winner’s choice.
Blindfolding and playing hide and seek with them but teasing and talking dirty till they actually manage to catch me.
Messing their day, getting them fully frustrated and angry,making them jealous as hell and having them come home to a bedroom ready for BDSM.
And a lot more
But I’d really want to get some new ideas.
Please let me know if you already have an article on this one.
I’d love to read and share it with my girlfriends.
Love ?
Hi Sean!
I really appreciate how carefully you word things women (& occasionally men too) might be offended by, but I totally agree with you! Beauty on the outside really do count as much as inner beauty does. It’s nice when someone is able to own up to that fact in such an endearing way.
I know my man gets a little frustrated with me when I take a little to long to get ready- which to be fair, I could be faster- but he seems to understand that I do it for him to enjoy too!
My only issue right now is I think I have him right where I want him, but I think we’re both a little awkward about trying new positions. We have great sexual chemistry, we have no issues at all pleasing each other- we just see to stick to cowgirl positions (both forward and backward facing, doggy style, anal, and legs around the head ‘missionary’ i guess it what i would call it.
What are some positions you might recommend for a couple a little awkward about trying something different?
Just check out the main Sex Positions Guide. There are over 100+ positions to choose from!
I have been with my husband for 20 years now. I have learned that he has been sneaking behind my back and watching porn. When I ask him about it he lies. He later confuses it to me but I dont understand why he lies about it. He also says he never chooses porn over me but yet he tells me he woke up horny the other day (we had sex that night before ) and instead of waking me up he went to the bathroom and watched porn. Now to me that is choosing porn over me and I know this isnt the first time that he has done this. He tells me the porn he watches is harmless cause hes watching amateur wife videos. (As if that makes it any better. This is really affecting our sex life cause he cant keep it hard. He promised me he wont ever do but I know it’s a lie. He makes sure he deletes everything on his phone.I really need help. I love him very much and I have told him a ton of times how I feel about porn. But he keeps going back to it. If he lied to me about porn how can I trust him when he says he never has cheated with anyone??