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If you’re of a certain age, you might remember a scintillating, albeit not critically-acclaimed movie called Showgirls, which starred Elizabeth Berkley as an aspiring dancer. You probably remember the pool scene, if you’ve ever watched the movie. Let us refresh your memory.
In her race to become a starlet, Berkley’s character, Nomi, becomes entangled with a variety of characters, including an agent played by Kyle MacLachlan. In one interaction, the couple enjoy champagne, before Nomi slips off to the pool, all the while slipping off her own clothes.
Related: I regularly get messages from women struggling to orgasm. I usually recommend that they check out the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you the 3 simple steps to reach orgasm effortlessly during sex and masturbation. If you're interested, you can find out more here.
MacLachlan’s character follows to pour champagne off her naked body, and then to lick it off her breasts. She proceeds to dive underwater to perform oral sex, and then the couple finishes off their time in the pool with standing pool sex and a lot of gyration! The movie didn’t do so well, but many people still remember “the pool scene.”
At first glance, the pool scene seems hot. Hollywood and skinny dipping especially contribute to the idea that there’s nothing sexier than getting it on in the shallow end. But is sex in the pool really all it’s cracked up to be, or it just a Hollywood production? And, if you can make it work, what do you need to know? We’ve got the low down.
The Cons of Pool Sex
Sex in the pool isn’t all sexy all the time. What do we mean? Just keep reading.
1. Pools are incredibly unhygienic.
When you go to a pool, you usually shower before and after to reduce the amount of dirt you bring in with you and to wash dirt from all those bodies off of your own. Water and damp spaces are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, and we normally don’t worry about that too much because you’re not actively penetrating your vagina. However, sex in the swimming pool does increase the chances of bacteria getting in. Even a well-maintained pool contains chlorine, which can irritate your natural pH balance and lead to a bacterial infection.
2. Pool sex and condoms don’t get along!
Assuming you even have a condom on you when the mood strikes, using a condom in the pool is nearly impossible because of the water. It’s the same when you have sex in the shower or tub. Be careful that the pool water doesn’t cause your condom to break or slip off once you finally get it on! If condoms are you only method of birth control and protection against STIs then you might want to keep your bathing suit on!
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3. Water is drying.
Although it might seem like water should help keep you lubricated when having underwater sex, this isn’t the case. Water from a pool can actually make things feel more dry, which isn’t fun. If you want to be prepared, grab a bottle of silicone-based lube when you’re headed to the pool because the water won’t wash it away as easily.
Learn: What is lube and how it makes sex more enjoyable.
4. You might get caught.

For some people, having sex in a pool, outside or in another public place is thrilling because there’s always the risk of getting caught. It can make things more intense when you’re worried about getting caught, but there could be some very real consequences if other people catch you having sex in a pool. If you do it in a public pool or a pool owned by a hotel, you could get banned or potentially arrested on public indecency charges. So think twice before you say “Yes” to pool sex!
5. It’s inconsiderate.
Would you want to swim in a pool where other people have had sex? Do you want to risk your kids seeing a couple going at it? Or do you want your summer to be ruined by hearing a couple’s throes of passions in a public place? Sometimes our sex drives seem impossible to ignore, but you might want to wait to have sex in a location where you’re not invading others’ lives. It can be pretty rude.
6. Positions in the pool are hard.
Having sex in a swimming pool can be difficult when you consider the logistics of it because plain old missionary style is out of the question. Water moves and resists your movement. It makes things slippery, and no one wants a trip to the Emergency Room because of pool sex gone wrong. In general, having as much of your body supported as possible will give you the greatest chance of success, and you don’t want to lean or grab onto any hardware that isn’t intended to support body weight.
Consider these positions tips for sex in a pool:
- You sit on the edge and he stands in the pool for standing sex. Try it with your legs over his shoulders.
- He sits on the edge, where you can perform oral on him from within the pool. Tips on giving oral to a guy.
- Lean your back, arms and shoulders against the edge of the pool to support your upper body and wrap your legs around his waist. Control the movement with your hips.
- Use the stairs in the pool to your advantage. You can sit several stairs up so the bottom half of your body is in the water. Lean back on your elbows, and your man can penetrate you from above with his feet in the water and his hands supporting his body on the stairs behind you.
- Kneel on the stairs, and he can take you from behind. If the pool has an extremely shallow end, you can also try doggy style there.
- Have your man sit on the stairs. You straddle him or kneel over him and ride him in this modified version of cowgirl.
- Use a raft to support your upper body with your legs extended behind you. Your man enters between them while standing.
- Lean forward against the edge of the pool, supporting yourself with the ground/cement outside of the pool while your man takes you from behind. This position is best if you’re closer in height.
Check out this ultimate list of sex positions to find more that can be adapted for pool sex!
Sex In a Pool – Do It Anyway!

We’ve listed a lot of the risks that come with having sex in a swimming pool, but this might just be one of those ideas that’s too sexy not to try at least once. We get it. He’s wet. You’re wet. High temperatures can make you hornier, and you see half-naked bodies at the pool, anyway. You love the thrill of potentially getting caught, you feel hot in your new swimsuit or you just want to try something new. You’re going to do it. Just make sure you do it right.
Bring condoms and lube. Practice putting on condoms in the shower so you have an idea what you’re in for. Bring an extra condom in case it breaks.
Have a getaway plan if you need it. Scope out the pool area before you strip down. Consider a pool or part of the pool that’s more isolated – behind a bush, decoration or slide, for example. Borrow some time at someone’s private pool if you don’t care whether you have sex in a public place. Keep towels nearby to cover up.
Understand that any position in which he is supporting you can become dangerous if he slips and loses his balance, which is why many people skip sex in the pool and opt for smaller-scale sex in the bathtub. More on that here. You can also get naughty in a private beach cabana or on a poolside lounge chair, instead!
Shower and pee after having sex in the pool to reduce the risk of vaginal and bladder infection – read more about why you may be burning after sex. Pick a pool that’s maintained regularly, too!
A little forethought can help make your experience with pool sex more enjoyable, but you may find that it’s not for you no matter what position you try. That’s okay, too! We’ve got plenty of other suggestions for a fun sex life!
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
Even worse...
She stopped wanting sex with her husband, slowly driving him away, and...
Almost destroying her marriage. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a simple solution for women who struggle to orgasm, whether you are having sex or masturbating.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or while masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
Thanks for covering this specific topic. In my experience, the *idea* of sex in a pool, hot tub, ocean, etc… has ALWAYS been a lot more exciting in theory than in actuality. My last partner and I kept finding ourselves offered regular access to private pools & hot tubs (throw in one late night drunken excursion/attempted fumble at a deserted beach cove…where he got stung by a sea urchin in the heel while struggling for leverage, lmao… Poor guy… And, no, I didn’t pee on it, lol…)
Look, without (hopefully) entering bad romance novel territory, I’ll offer my personal tips/do’s & don’ts, plus my own POSITIVE spin on how to make use of private/legal access to man-nade bodies of water…and what about it turns ME on – in case any men OR women might benefit from my varied attempts…
Look, I *ABSOLUTELY* love, LOVE, L O V E swimming “au natural”. Like, a LOT! I adore swimming, period (I think I must’ve been a mermaid in another life, corny as that may sound) – but the feeling of cool – bath temp water caressing my bake skin? AND seeing the object of my lust and affection all wet and glistening like some Greek god (regardless of body type – trust me, you don’t need a “perfect gym body” to be sexy, imo… Any man that knows how to make his lady feel desired? Like the only woman on earth? And looks at her like he’s starving and her body is some ripe, succulent, forbidden peach he longs to devour? Trust me, that’s a hell of a lot hotter than a stereotypically “hunky” but indifferent specimen… And, I realize us ladies have to think along these lines, too – make your man/woman/whatever feel like a king or queen… It goes both ways…
However, re: penetrative sex underway? Each time we actually got down to “it” – Talk about a bummer! No matter how “aroused” you may get as a female, being surrounded by “wetness” is insanely counter-productive and actually works against you – and him, even when it comes to oral! The lube suggestion makes sense/is a good idea, but all my opportunities tended to be “spur of the moment” (ie. unexpected upgrade at a hotel, house sitting, beach crashing at 2am, etc…), so haven’t yet tried that one out…
We BOTH found it surprisingly uncomfortable, even painful after more than about a minute – I mean, holy chafing, Batman! Plus, reading about the sanitary issues mentioned (seems obvious, but not when you’re… ya know…) – not exactly “titillating”, lol…
Oh, re: the ocean/sea? Good luck getting any steady/solid footing! The current *will* always work against you, NOT with you – guaranteed! Plus, as exciting as the “thrill of getting caught” CAN be, in theory? The fear of getting kicked out of whatever hotel you’re staying at and/or getting popped for lewd or indecent exposure is a far greater buzz kill than anticipated…
*MY ADVICE:* (because, despite the obvious detracting factors, I still DO think there is MUCH fun to be had – just, in the right scenario, with the right mindset… Read on, if anyone is still with me…):
– Stick to some playful skinny dipping, if you can get away with it discreetly and/or have a private pool and/or hot tub at your disposal…
Trust me, the freeing sensation of the flowing water on your bare skin… PLUS, your bare skin on HIS/HER bare skin?! = Definite grounds for an AWESOME, youthfully playful (no matter your age) makeout sesh. If you’re turned on by water/skinny dipping, trust me… You can even up the anty by “role playing” a bit…
Like, pretend you’re a pair of horny high schoolers or something that have snuck into your neighborh’s/friend’s/parent’s (etc…) pool while they’re out of town on vacation. Again, “man-made” bodies of water are SO MUCH better suited and more reliable in terms of stability, not to mention the MANY potential positions in which to “build up” desire and friction for the inevitable fuck fest to come once you can’t take it any more and need that sweet release…
But, please, leave the actual “freaky deaky” for dry land (imo, at least…)
Everyone is different, and maybe others have had more success or possess some deeply ingrained water fetish… but, personally? I’d leave the “crecendo” of your “liquid dreams” for AFTER the pool-play…
I suggest working it into your fantasy talk, both before, during, and after… Build up tension, like this site correctly preaches, by taking initiative and daring your partner to peel that pesky bikini off of you…or, do it yourself whilst already approaching the pool or halfway submerged in it… teasingly daring your fella (or partner of choice) to quit being so *unbearably* inconsiderate of your needs, what with them leaving you there all alone and dripping wet with nothing but the occasional breeze to skim your quivering, topless body… Which is only making things agonizing, as your pert nipples are now utterly rock hard, just aching for his smoldering lips to wrap around them, for that smooth, luscious tongue of his to circle them, perhaps even a gentle little playful nip might be in order, so you know how badly he was aching for you, how he didn’t mean to neglect you and only wants to warm them up, warm YOU up….
God, not to mention the rest of your quivering, slippery wet skin… that can *only* be soothed by his hands (and his hands alone) gliding all over you, groping at you desperately, before pulling you close to him… so you can feel *exactly* just how much the very sight of your shimmering, sleek body has been making him throb for you… And, speaking of being considerate, what about how hot his body would look after he finally stops punishing me by letting me see him in all his glory, lit by the sun like some delicious trophy, so you can thank him properly by finally able to wrap your trembling thighs around his hips firmly, and your arms greedily around his shoulders – allowing your bodies to find one another through their natural instinct to stay warm and mutual desire to meld into one pulsing, aching body of flesh, all lips, hands, fingertips, teasing tongue flicks, below the waist friction… So things can REALLY get hot finally…
THAT part is OUTSTANDING fun, but I’ve found my few forays into underwater “sexy times” past that bit to be sadly… unsatisfactory… So, stick with the buildup, if you’re blessed with the opportunity… It can be pretty hot if you play it right…
Good luck! 😉