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Do you only find out that someone liked you long after the moment has passed? Perhaps you’re completely oblivious when someone likes you because you don’t know what clues to look for or you’re struggling with whether a friend could be more than that. Knowing the clues to look for helps you make those missed connections and know when to make a move — or when to walk away. Here are twenty signs that a guy likes you.
Now, just one of these signs on it’s own isn’t really much of a big deal and doesn’t definitely mean that he wants you, as it could just be a coincidence. But if you notice 2 or 3 of them happening together in a short space of time and you notice them happening again and again, then it’s highly likely that he wants you
Side note: If you are currently struggling to orgasm during sex or masturbation, then you may want to learn about the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you how to have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation. It works even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating. You can find out more here.
The more of them you can pinpoint, the more likely he wants you! And once you do start dating each other, don’t forget that you’ll find a ton of awesome sex positions here and other great sex tips on the site.
The Big Signs
How a guy acts around you can immediately clue you in to his intentions, so pay attention for these clues. Your friends — or his — might notice them before you do, so it’s a good idea to recruit them to help get a feel for his intentions.
1. Teasing – You may have hated it in school, but not much has changed when it comes to being an adult. If a guy makes fun of your inability to play a sport, say a word or even how short you are, it’s a really good sign that he wants you. Teasing should never enter into mean mode, however, so keep an eye out in case he’s just being plain mean.
2. Touching You – Just like girls will playfully punch their love interests, guys will have a hard time keeping their hands off you. It might be as obvious as a long hug, but that annoying hair ruffle might also be a clue into his feelings. Pay attention if your hands accidentally brush against one another especially when it’s not that crowded. If you find yourself leaning into him and he doesn’t mind, it’s a good sign for the two of you.
3. He Mimics You – We’re not talking about the sort of mimicking that happens when he’s teasing. When humans like other humans, their brains send messages to mirror those people. Perhaps he sits in the same manner as you do or he starts laughing similar to your own laugh. He won’t have any idea he’s doing it, which might help you determine his feelings before he realizes what they are.
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4. Showing Off – Men want to show potential mates they’re the top dog. We’re sure it has to do with survival and the fittest of all that. He wants to look good in your eyes, so he does silly things like driving too fast, arm wrestling other guys or picking you up over his shoulder. Showing off can be kind of obnoxious, but doing it is a really good sign that he wants you!
Thoughtful Signs

A man who dedicates time to thinking about you might be the man for you. This is especially true if he overcomes his typical flakiness. Make sure not to confuse someone who is generally thoughtful, however. Does he do these things for just you or all his friends and family? In other words, is he singling you out with his thoughtfulness?
5. Dropping Everything For You – Whether you need someone to pick you up from your car stranded on the side of the highway or to deliver ice cream once a month, he’s always there. Perhaps he would rather spend time with you than his buddies. Little favors can be a big hint and an obvious sign that he wants you; although, you don’t want to take advantage of them if you’re not interested.
6. Surprisingly Thoughtful – It’s one thing if he does what you ask, but it’s a definite sign when he delivers on things that you don’t ask for, at least, not directly. Perhaps he notices how much you enjoy that pumpkin latte today and surprises you with one tomorrow. Furthermore, if he recalls something you said about your childhood or that one time you said that you totally hate when a person does whatever, he might be trying to get in good with you.
7. Remembering Everything – If he can remember every conversation you’ve ever had — even things you don’t remember saying yourself — he’s obviously paying attention, and he’s obviously into you. Similarly, he might remember where you were or what you were wearing when you said something. It’s nice when people are so engaged with you!
8. Noticing Changes – New boots, a haircut, a manicure. Whenever you change anything, he notices, and he takes the time to let you know. Maybe he doesn’t love the changes, but he notices when there’s a spring in your step because you feel better about yourself, and he wants to keep you bouncing.
Flattering Signs

Flattering someone is a good way to get them to like you back, so if one of your acquaintances or friends always does these things, he might be interested in moving things to the next level.
9. Laughing at Jokes – Even if you’re not that great at remembering the punch line, he cracks a smile whenever you try. This is a classic sign when someone is interested in you, and it’ll make you smile more, too. Of course, both men and women can fake a laugh when they are attracted to someone or want to get them into the sack so you don’t want to give it up to the first guy who laughs at your silly puns.
10. Complimenting You – Whether he’s proud of your recent graduation, promotion or a skill you’ve acquired or he’s quick to tell you how good you are at parenting or homemaking, he appreciates your talents. A guy who likes you won’t be afraid of showing off those skills to his crew, either, even if you’re better at something than he is. However, if he’s only complimenting your looks or how you perform in bed, he may only be interested in casual sex. So this is a sign you need to read into more deeply.
Sharing Friends, Interests and More
When he isn’t afraid to share, he might be more concerned about you happiness than his possessions. Sharing interests and friends not only shows that he wants to spend time with you, but that he wants to remain an important part of your life.
11. Sharing His Drink – When you two can share a water bottle, you might want to put even less between your mouth and his. If he’s okay with using a single straw, you might want to look for other clues that he likes you.On the other hand, it doesn’t mean he’s not interested if he doesn’t share. Maybe he’s thirsty, afraid of germs or has a cold. Not everyone wants to share a toothbrush, after all!
12. Letting You Have the Fries – If you’re notorious for stealing food off of others’ plates even when you swear you’re not hungry, you might find that he doesn’t mind letting you snack on his fries or eating that side of coleslaw. In fact, he might order those things specifically because he likes you and he knows how much you like them. That’s a pretty good sign he may want you!
13. Hanging with Friends – Perhaps he can’t wait to introduce you to his own friends or maybe he loves to meet yours. This sign means he wants you to be part of his life or vice versa for the long run, which is a good sign if you’re interested. It’s also an easy way for you to get closer without sacrificing his own life. However, you should be wary of a guy who expects you to mingle with his kind without returning the favor. No matter how much he might like you, this isn’t relationship material. Guys who won’t introduce you to their friends and family might be hiding something even if they’re frequently sleeping with you.
14. Offering His Coat or Hoodie – You shiver. He responds by draping his coat around your shoulders or taking off his hoodie, which is still warm from his body heat. Both are good signs that he wants you or that he’s a gentleman. Take this with a grain of salt if it’s a one off occurrence, but be glad that you’re warm. However, if he leaves his favorite hoodie at your place after a fun day of hanging out, chances are good that he likes you.
Possibly useful: If you want to give your man (& yourself) back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually addicted to you, then you'll find them in my private and discreet newsletter. You'll also learn the 5 dangerous & "dumb" sex mistakes that turn him off and how to avoid them. Get it here.
15. Watching Chick Flicks – Sure, a few guys like romantic comedies starring Jennifer Aniston, but most of them don’t love that genre. If you find him willing to watch one of those films on a Friday night rather than partying with his buddies, chances are he’s into you. This goes for sharing in any interest that seems a little out of left field for him. Going to the opera or enjoying time at the museum might not be his cup of tea, but he always says “Yes.” You like it, so he wants to give it a chance. How sweet is that?
21st Century Signs He Wants You

Smartphones, the Internet, and Facebook have changed the face of dating and romance. You can find out more about a person than ever before with just a few clicks, and some people even let all their feelings out on Twitter. The way that someone interacts with you on social media is a sure-fire clue into their feelings — or lack thereof — for you.
16. Messaging You in the Morning – If you receive a “Good Morning” message every day or you know he’s shooting you a text every day as soon as he wakes up, it shows he thinks about you first thing in the morning. All clues point to him liking you. The same goes for “Good night” texts or if he makes a habit of texting you every day on his lunch break.
17. Seeing You Home Safe – It always makes a person feel cared about when a person has to know you’ve gotten home safe. When a man calls or texts to ensure you’re stepped safely from your cab to your front door or when he walks or drives you there yourself, he might like you. He might also just be polite, however.
18. “Liking” All Your Posts – When someone hits “Like” on your every Twitter update, blog post or photo uploaded to Facebook (and he’s not doing it to anyone else) then you can take it as a sure sign that he wants you.
19. Sending Funny Memes – Whenever he sees anything that reminds him of you — and there are plenty of those — he sends it. This sends a pretty clear signal that he wants you to know he’s thinking of you, and it just might make you smile, too! This tactic is also an easy way to start a conversation with someone even if you have nothing to say.
20. Ignoring His Phone Around You – A man who can ignore incoming messages and his Facebook feed for a person just might be smitten. On the other hand, he just might be polite. This sign alone doesn’t indicate feelings, but it could with other clues. Keep your eyes open for the possibilities.
Some of the signs that he wants you also overlap with the signs that he enjoys eating your pussy.
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Many of the signs on this list are simply a guy being polite, and they can easily be misconstrued, especially if you only notice one sign on it’s own. However, if you can check off every signal on this list, it might be time to make your move. You don’t want to wait so long that he moves on to another person. Waiting can send him a signal you don’t mean — that there’s no hope for the two of you.
It’s not just moving too slow that can put the end to your romantic plans. Be careful of a man who doesn’t mind getting physical but won’t spend any time with you outside of the bedroom. As much as you might like him, he may just not like you that much or for anything more than sex. If you’re okay with that, great! But don’t fall into the trap where you keep hanging on because of the attention you get in bed.
However if he wants to keep it casual and so do you, then look out for these signs that he enjoyed it to keep him coming back for more
Of course, the number one sign that he likes you is simply that he tells you. A guy who can use words to describe his feelings is definitely one you should consider as boyfriend — or more — material.
Side note: If you really like the guy, then you should learn how to tell if he only wants sex or also wants a relationship
When you do finally realize that you both like each other and you want to get intimate, then the Bad Girls Bible can help out, a lot! Whether it’s learning great sex positions to try or even how to talk dirty to him, you’ll find it here.
Buy: Captivating Dirty Talk.
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
Even worse...
She stopped wanting sex with her husband, slowly driving him away, and...
Almost destroying her marriage. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a simple solution for women who struggle to orgasm, whether you are having sex or masturbating.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or while masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
My friend just recently admitted to me that he gets embarrassed and all cringey whenever he’s near or speaks to me and he doesn’t know why. Is this a sign he likes me or that he’s just shy ?
Sounds like a sign that he likes you
Many of these signs apply but only recently we’ve started talking less:/ I don’t know why and hope he hasn’t suddenly lost interest but could it be because I barely initiate conversation? Is there any way to salvage it?
This man who I have known for years and we’ve been in love, told each other, cried that we couldn’t be together is married and my colleague. We have an amazing connection that we have had to squash and reduce to almost nothing to respect his marriage and avoid uprooting our lives. We aren’t allowed to talk about emotions but he cares because he’s told me a lot before. Now he talks to me and tries to act normal but hardly looks me in the eye. Is that because it’s easier to cut off or that he can’t handle it?
It’s really hard to tell Jane and sounds like you are in a tricky situation.
Guys, should I ask my guy friend how his soccer game went??
I have seen a lot of these signs and got nervous easy to say I am quite shy but now I look carefully and pay lots of attention guys are incredible straight forward
These signs ive seen still even after the arguments we had – i thought he had moved on but hes making these signs again and ive heard him many time say he just wants to talk to me but its awkward as arguments did happen and his friends do not like me – he has not yet got a girlfriend but im nervous he will yet im nervous to message him saying I feel something still for him. I have no idea what to do. Its been 8 months and we see each other regularly.
Me and my friend have been teasing each other for years now. We know we like each other but every time one of us gets ready to make a move the other is in a relationship and we don’t know what to do. We are best friends and always will be
I have a man in my life and we been together for 7yrs almost 8 and we became fieonca s we got engaged this passed May 4th 2018 and we havnt had any 4play in a while and the last was in feb he is been weird like asking me were am I going or why am I getting dressed and stuff like that and try to ask him sertins things like why you keep asking me why am I getting dressed or want to know were im going is this a controlling situation or no?
It’s hard to tell exactly how he’s feeling…I’m sure you know better than I do. The key to keeping your relationship solid is having great communication so you can both talk about issues as they arise. My advice is to ask him what’s up in a non-confrontational way.
A guy that seems so interested in sleeping with me but only reply’s to hookups but during the sexual encounter he says he loves how I’m this and loves how this feels he could do it all night and makes comments about how parts of my body are his,but he is completely closed in every aspect of everything else. Also don’t tell me how terrible I am but I’m not completely available and he messaged me first and that began the hookups and My thoughts are what’s wrong with me am I looking too deep I wouldn’t want more than hookups but I wouldn’t care to be available to do it anytime
My boyfriend and i have been together for three months and hes great nhe does everything on that list and then some he makes me feel loved everyday.. He even stares into my eyes so intensely and says he loves me… We were having sex almost three times a week but since he staryed a new job where girls are hitting on him we havent had sex but he wants blow jobs all the time and has gotten off but not me is there something wrong with me is he tired cuz of working 16 hrs aday im confused… But like i said earlier that he makes me feel loved like i do matter otherwise but i have needs to how do i express that to him without upsetting him..
So I have a guy that I like and he first started calling me babe and baby. Every time I see him he always gives me a Big tight hug and kisses me. When I give him a blow job he always reaches for my hand and holds it.. I just want to know if he likes me or just playing with me?
Sounds like he likes you
He is angry with me because I couldn’t give him a blow job. Ignoring my text on WhatsApp but pick my calls and drop the call after talking for some seconds
I just feel that everyone is different if a guy ask and you love him than just give him a bj and ask him not to ask for it sometime. Or tell him you don’t like it but you’ll do it frequently but not always. By this he’ll feel okay and you both may work on it. By this way if he loves you and understand you. He’ll stop asking for it. If you love him and you feel that it’s not something which is a big deal you’ll do it for his happiness. Afterall it’s just a bj. It should happen naturally. Like if someone have to ask for it. It’s already late. I remember sleeping with a girl and she going down on me. I stopped her but she just did it. She said she wanted to. I stopped her again because I was about to cum. She asked me what happened and i said. I don’t wanna cum in your mouth. She asked why not? I was so happy. It’s so rare. Just make him feel good and he’ll love you like you can’t even imagine. Just be sure he loves you. Sex is so pure. Just feel the love. Don’t think of it as gross. Be happy guys.