At Bad Girls Bible, we're all about having the best sex you can and improving your life through that sex. So it should come as no surprise that we're not strangers or opponents of the one-night stand. But we're also familiar with the realities of casual sex, some of which may have stopped you from having casual sex in the past! The good news is that a few precautions and a level head can make … [Read more...]
13 Things That Might Happen During Drunk Sex
Drunk sex. Have you had it? Is it something that you'd be willing to try? Perhaps the drunken you would say "Yes" even if sober you isn't so sure. In fact, many people have had drunk sex. Sometimes it's with strangers, or it may happen with a friends or even your significant other. Drunk sex can certainly be fun or help you to get back on the horse as the saying goes...If you try it, then … [Read more...]
What Is a Queef, Why It Happens & How To Stop Queefing
Queefing. It's a funny word and can even be funny in person, but it can also be uncomfortable. A lot of people don't know how to respond to a queef or even understand what causes queefing. Rest assured that it's normal to queef and that you shouldn't be too worried about it. But if queefing is a problem, there may be something you can do about it. What Is a Queef, Anyway? Simply put, a … [Read more...]
Help! Am I Peeing During Sex? What’s Going On?
One question that many women ask is "Why do I feel the need to pee during sex?" It's a common question that may have you worried something's wrong with you. And while the feeling might be of concern in a few extreme cases, it's much more likely that something good is going on, and that you'll be able to learn more about your body and increase your pleasure during sex once you explore it! Why … [Read more...]
Everything You Need to Know About Dating with Herpes
A herpes diagnoses can be quite life-altering. At least, it can feel that way initially. But it doesn't need to end your relationship or put a damper on your sex life. You can continue dating with herpes as long as you're honest and safe, and we can help with both of those goals! What You Need to Know About Herpes If you suspect you have herpes because a sore has suddenly appeared or if … [Read more...]
Vaginal Anatomy 101: The Power Of Your Awesome Body!
Your vagina is a capable and powerful organ, but so much misinformation exists about vaginas that many women - and their partners - don't know them as well as they could. This could potentially be a source of frustration. We've outlined all the parts of your vagina and their functions in this post, and you can refer to the vaginal diagram to help it all make sense. Vulva Your vulva is the … [Read more...]
Anal Sex During Pregnancy: What You Need to Know
Even though vaginal sex during pregnancy is usually safe, you may want to spice up your sex life and try something different, like having anal sex when pregnant. Anal can also help satiate your desire if you find your hormones go crazy during pregnancy. It can be uncomfortable at times to have vaginal sex during pregnancy. Your body goes through many hormonal changes during this time. Your … [Read more...]
What You Need To Know About Rim Jobs And More Orgasms
Unlike some bedroom activities, a rim job is considered a little more off the beaten path. Plenty of people love to engage in this activity, but many people don't. Stimulation in and around the anus can be erotic. It can make orgasms more intense or even bring you to orgasm without other stimulation and some people just can't get enough of the taboo, calling it “the best thing in the entire … [Read more...]
Can You Have Sex with a Yeast Infection or Should You Wait?
There's nothing fun about yeast infections, and you might think you can't have sex if you've got one. But that's one myth that may not be true. Another myth is that a yeast infection of a type of sexually transmitted infection, which also isn't the case! It can occasionally be passed back and forth between partners, however. Read on to learn the answer to "Can you have sex with a yeast … [Read more...]
Bacterial Vaginosis: Causes, Symptoms & How To Treat It
Sexual health is no laughing matter, so it's important to seek out your doctor and start treatment as soon as you experienced symptoms of any infection. This guide will tell you everything you need to learn about bacterial vaginosis, so you can get back to passionate sex and quit worrying! What is Bacterial Vaginosis? Bacterial Vaginosis literally translates into a bacterial … [Read more...]