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There’s nothing fun about yeast infections, and you might think you can’t have sex if you’ve got one. But that’s one myth that may not be true. Another myth is that a yeast infection of a type of sexually transmitted infection, which also isn’t the case! It can occasionally be passed back and forth between partners, however.
Read on to learn the answer to “Can you have sex with a yeast infection?” and a few other burning questions about the burning in your nether regions.
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What Is a Yeast Infection?
In short, it’s what happen when your vagina’s natural yeast, or candida, becomes overgrown. You’ll usually notice itching and discharge, but thankfully as they are very common, treatment has become easy [1]. Although they may be an inconvenience, yeast infections aren’t something you should worry too much about. Once the infection has cleared up, there should be no long-term effects.
Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Have Sex with a Yeast Infection
While having sex with a yeast infection won’t make a difference in terms of healing, there are still some reasons you might abstain until your infection clears up.
- You may be more susceptible to sexually transmitted infections such as HIV if you have a yeast infection.
- You can actually give a yeast infection to your man, who can pass it back to you after you’ve healed. There’s also a small chance he’ll develop an issue rash in his member.
- The pain and itching from a yeast infection may worsen when you have sex. From a comfort standpoint, you might simply not want to have sex with a yeast infection just like some women don’t like having sex during their period.
- You or your man may find the discharge that comes with a yeast infection to be gross. Although you can hop in the shower after – or even have sex in the shower! – this might be a deal-breaker for you. It’s not about asking yourself “Can you have sex with a yeast infection?”. Then, it becomes about whether you’re comfortable doing so. Some women might not even want to let their man know they have an infection; although, there’s really no shame in it!
How to Have Sex with a Yeast Infection

Can you have sex with a yeast infection? You’re good to go! Just remember to follow these precautions first.
Use Condoms and Practice Safer Sex
Condoms prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections and bacteria (which can even cause another type of infection), both of which are concerns if you have a yeast infection. Even if you don’t regularly use condoms, you might want to use them during this time.
Most women won’t want their partners to go down on them if they have a yeast infection, but you should use dental dams if you do. This is because yeast infections can be passed to partners who perform oral. The soft tissue in the mouth and throat aren’t so different from vaginal tissue, and a yeast infection in that area is known as thrush. Thrush can be contracted by performing oral on someone who has a yeast infection[2]. It shares many of the same symptoms as a vaginal yeast infection.
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Treat Your Infection Immediately
There are a number of options to treat yeast infections. For example, your doctor might prescribe oral or suppository antifungals, the latter which requires several applications to work[3]. You can also buy over-the-counter options if you’re not prone to yeast infections, but you might want to get medical advice if you do not see any progress.
There are a few at-home treatments you can try for your yeast infection. Some of them may not be conducive to sexy times, however. If a friend is asking “Can you have sex with a yeast infection?”, you can suggest some of those remedies.
Cleanse Thoroughly But Don’t Douche

Yeast infections might occur when vaginal flora becomes upset, which can happen for a variety of reasons.
- Switching laundry soap.
- Douching.
- Using products with too many chemicals to cleanse.
- One study even suggests that saliva from a partner can contribute to yeast infections[4].
- Recent antibiotic use.
- Menopause and puberty.
- Being diabetic.
In general, you can wash your vulva with unscented, gentle cleansers, but you should have nothing more than water inside. Making sure your partner is clean can keep your vagina happy, too.
Of course, this advice only pertains to a yeast infection, which has the telltale symptoms of itching, burning and a thick, white discharge. However, discharge and itching can be a symptom of another STI: trichomoniasis. You can buy a test to determine if it’s a yeast infection from your local pharmacy. Monistat makes a test, and if it comes up negative, it’s time to talk to your doctor.
So can you have sex with a yeast infection? Yes, but you might not want to. Consider the ways you can still do the deed and whether you can be comfortable, both physically and mentally, with sex when you have a yeast infection. For some women, a mild infection won’t get in the way. For others, this is a deal-breaker.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t be sexual at all. You can still perform oral on your man or give him a stellar handjob. You might consider anal sex, instead. Keep your clothes on and dry hump like you’re teenagers in lust! Phone and cyber sex can be fun substitutes. Even if you don’t have penetrative sex, you might do something a little different. Use this as an opportunity to switch things up, and you’ll be practically tearing off your clothes – and his – when your infection clears up, and you can have sex again.
But it’s perfectly safe for most people to have sex with a yeast infection as long as they follow safer sex practices such as using condoms or dental dams. If you know you’re not going to do that, then you’ll want to avoid sex for the time being. This should only take about a week, so it’s definitely not the end of the world!
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
Even worse...
She stopped wanting sex with her husband, slowly driving him away, and...
Almost destroying her marriage. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a simple solution for women who struggle to orgasm, whether you are having sex or masturbating.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or while masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
So is it OK to do ANAL with a vaginal yeast infection??
My advice is to talk to your doctor about this.
How long do i wait to give my man a blow job when he has a yeast infection
It’s safest to wait until it’s completely cleared up
Can I use a clitoral vibrator (as long as I clean it before and after use) with a yeast infection?
Does it hurt and what type of vibrator?
Should I use a condom over my vibrator until my yeast infection clears up
Talk to your doctor
If you don’t have antibacterial soap can you use soft soap and hot water on your sex toys?
Yes, but antibacterial soap would be better if you can get it
Can I Make myself orgasm without touching myself while I have a yeast infection and uti
Check out our guide on how to have a hands-free orgasm.