Learning how to swallow cum at the end of a blow job is an interesting topic. For some women, the thought is terrifying, while others find the idea both erotic and fun. By the way, if you are looking for tips and techniques on how to give mind-altering oral sex, my advice is to start at Chapter 1 of in-depth Blow Job Guide here. There are ten chapters in total. Podcast: Orgasmic Oral Sex - … [Read more...]
9 Fun Bachelorette Party Games (Downloads Included)
Below are 9 outrageously fun bachelorette party games that you can download, print out and play at your bachelorette party. 1. Crimes Against Matrimony Crimes Against Matrimony is our choice for the best bachelorette party game you can play. The goal is to make everyone laugh hysterically by being as crude, rude and filthy as possible. If you want everyone rolling on the floor in … [Read more...]
A Perfect Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt Checklist (32 Tasks)
Below is the ultimate bachelorette scavenger hunt that you can play at your bachelorette party.You can download this scavenger hunt checklist here. You can also download a blank version of the scavenger hunt checklist here and use it to create your own checklist, tailored to the bachelorette. Tailor the Scavenger Hunt to the Bachelorette The bachelorette is someone you've probably known for a … [Read more...]
How To Look Hot & Boost Your Sexiness – 14 Effortless Tips
Most women want to look ravishing and to garner the attention that comes with beauty. However, the look we crave isn’t always what shows up in the mirror. While a few aspects of appearance, like facial features, are hands dealt by nature and genes, there are plenty of things you can control. From skin care and makeup to fashion, looking hot is all about finding your best features and … [Read more...]
30 Crazy, Cool, Fun Date Ideas For You And Your Boo
Sure, we've all done dinner and a movie, probably more times than we'd care to admit. But what about the fun date ideas that really stand out in your mind? Besides being different, fun and interesting, planning and organizing them helps make your relationship, whether a budding romance or a date night for a married couple of many years, stronger, deeper and more intense, especially when you … [Read more...]
How To Ride Your Man With Confidence – 4 Simple Tips
Susan submitted this incredible story of how she learned to ride her man with perfect confidence and details all the techniques she used that you can use to. I submitted this story to the Bad Girls Bible to show you how to ride your man without feeling nervous or scared. When you're finished, you'll be surprised at just how easy (& satisfying) is it is! You're going to learn the same … [Read more...]
How To Have Sex In A Car & Still Make It Incredible
Whether your living situation prevents you from having steamy sex with your partner in the comfort of your own bed or you simply can't wait to get home before your hands are on each other, you might find yourself having sex in a car. Even if you've never experienced having car sex as a teenager like is so common on the Hollywood big screen, you might find that occasionally sneaking off to a … [Read more...]
[Infographic] 12 Blowjob Myths Uncovered!
Hopefully you have learned a lot on how to give your man a great blowjob from the Bad Girls Bible. But don't forget that giving your man great oral sex is not supposed to be a serious affair, it's supposed to be fun for both of you! With that in mind, we have created this blowjob infographic to expose 12 of the craziest myths (& facts) about blowjobs. Enjoy! … [Read more...]
The Bad Girls Bible Sex Survey
We are putting together a study of sexual behavior to see what the average woman gets up to during her sex life. If you are a woman, you can take our sex survey here. And if you are a guy, click here to take the sex survey for men. Thanks for helping! … [Read more...]
8 Real-Life Dominatrixes Confess All…
Ever wonder what it's really like to be a dominatrix? Why men would pay someone to them beat up and humiliate them? As popular culture so often twists, turns and distorts the facts surrounding the kinkier sides of sexuality, we decided to interview some of the world's top dominatrices so you can see what their job really entails and how they got involved with such an interesting … [Read more...]