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Learning how to talk dirty to your man is a great way to spice up your relationship and keep it interesting. This quick start guide on talking dirty to your boyfriend or lover will get you up to speed very quickly. Enjoy!
Why Should You Talk Dirty To Your Man?
So many relationships start out great, with passionate sex and having lots of fun with each other. But almost always, as the relationship progresses, things start to become routine…to the point where it can actually become even a little boring.
Related: I regularly get messages from women struggling to orgasm. I usually recommend that they check out the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you the 3 simple steps to reach orgasm effortlessly during sex and masturbation. If you're interested, you can find out more here.
Boredom is kryptonite to your relationship.
If your partner starts to get bored, then you are increasing the risk that he is going to look for excitement elsewhere (in other words, he is more likely to cheat if he gets bored).
Talking dirty to your guy is the perfect way to spice things up and keep your relationship fun and exciting. The really cool thing about talking dirty to your man is that you don’t just have to be in the bedroom to do it. You can talk dirty to your man anywhere. On a plane, in a coffee shop, at the movies, anywhere. On top of being able to talk dirty to your man anywhere, you can also use text messages to talk dirty as well as talking dirty on the phone or via email.
Why Talking Dirty Does Not Always Have To Be Sexual

The main purpose of dirty talk is to keep your relationship exciting and interesting. A lot of girls I teach how to talk dirty often misunderstand this.
You do not have to say outrageously sexual things to your man to arouse him and build sexual tension.
Squirting: Any woman can experience the intense pleasure of squirting, if you follow the right process. I demonstrate the most powerful squirting techniques and explain the process, step-by-step in the Squirting Magic Guide.
You’ll be surprised at how non-sexual your dirty talk can be while still arousing your man. Take some of these dirty talking phrases for example. Try these dirty talk phrases for example:
I’m going to do something for you tonight….I think you’ll like it a lot!
I love it when you wear those jeans.
Notice how non-sexual these dirty talk examples are. The first phrase could mean practically anything, depending on how you say it. It could mean that you are going to cook for him or it could mean you are going to give him a blowjob or it could mean that you are going to throw a party for him.
The second phrase is only a little bit sexual. It’s a compliment, but it’s still not very sexual.
Note: Here is more of my Take some of these dirty talking phrases and dirty talking examples.
In my experience, the best way to talk dirty to your man is to sometimes be very sexual and then sometimes be non-sexual with him. This variation will help to keep him on his toes and not know what to expect next.
What You Should Say To Your Guy To Talk Dirty

If you have never talked dirty to a guy before, then you may be wondering what you should say to him. First of all, let me just say this:
There is no perfect dirty talk phrase or line to say to your man that will turn him on, build sexual tension and make him attracted to you.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
When figuring out how to talk dirty to your man, you need to have a desired outcome in mind. Do you want to arouse him? Do you want to make him constantly think about you? Do you want to tease him? Do you want to build sexual tension?
Dirty Talk To Arouse Him
Arousing your man and turning him on using dirty talk is pretty easy. You simply need to tell him what you like about him and what you want to do with him in a sexual way. So you could try using one of these dirty talk examples.
I love your ass!
It’s so hot when you look at me like that!
I want you right now.
Possibly useful: If you want to give your man (& yourself) back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually addicted to you, then you'll find them in my private and discreet newsletter. You'll also learn the 5 dangerous & "dumb" sex mistakes that turn him off and how to avoid them. Get it here.
I want to feel you inside me.
Dirty Talk To Make Him Think About You

Talking dirty to make your man constantly think about you is the most powerful way to talk dirty. If you do it right, you will almost have a stalker on your hands! The key to using dirty talk to make him constantly think about you is to be subtle, cryptic and not that sexual. When you are subtle, cryptic and not super sexual with your dirty talk, your man’s mind will go into overdrive trying to figure out what you mean. Here are some examples to show you what I mean:
I woke up thinking about you last night.
There’s this one really awesome thing I like about you. But if I tell you what it is, you’ll stop doing it.
I don’t know why, but you make me feel so girly & feminine when I’m around you.
All of these dirty talk examples are very indirect and not super sexual sounding. They are also compliments which men love hearing. So you are massaging his ego while at the same time saying something that will get his mind wondering about what you meant (which will keep him thinking about you). So when you say, “I woke up thinking about you last night”, your man will be wondering what exactly you were thinking about. Was it a hot, sexy dream? Or was it because you were lonely and longing for him? Or was it a nightmare? When you are not direct and obvious with your dirty talk, you can get your man thinking about you for a long time using just a sentence or two.
Dirty Talk To Tease Him

A really fun way to use dirty talk is for teasing your man. This is great for flirting with him and keeping your relationship exciting. When using dirty talk to tease your man, just remember that it needs to be lighthearted and fun. Here are some great teasing dirty talk example that you should try out on your man (or even on a guy you’ve just met):
I’ve got a little surprise for you later, but only if you are on your best behaviour.
Quick Warning: While this instructional video is quite distressing, it will teach you how to make your lover cry with orgasmic pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having someone completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) oral sex tutorial video here.
If you don’t treat me right, there’ll be no kisses tonight!
Remember, the key is to be light hearted and fun. Using dirty talk to tease your man is a lot like flirting except that it’s a bit more sexual.
Dirty Talk To Build Sexual Tension

Building sexual tension by using dirty talk is really powerful. To properly build sexual tension using dirty talk, you need to say something dirty and sexual to your man in a place where you can’t actually take it any further. So this could be in at a party or family dinner or even over the phone. The key is to say something highly arousing to your man, but to be in a place where you can’t act on it. Here are some examples of dirty talk used to build sexual tension:
If these people weren’t around, I would rip your trousers off and give you a blowjob right now.
When you look at me like that, I just want to fuck you. Dam, I wish these people weren’t here.
I wish I was with you right now, you on top, dominating me. (Great when sent as a text message)
Read: 13 filthy sexting tips to make your man horny.
Buy: The Dirty Talking Secret.
All these dirty talk phrases are highly sexual, but can’t be acted upon, which is perfect for building sexual tension with your man.
Now that I have gone through 4 different ways that you can use dirty talk on your man, there are some finer details that you need to know to make sure you learn how to talk dirty the right way.
It’s Not Just The Words!
When you first start figuring out how to talk dirty to a guy, you may be most interested in learning the lines and phrases that you should use. However, it’s not all about using the right line or phrase on your man.
It’s how you say it.
If you are really awkward and weird when you say any dirty line to your man, then it’s not going to work at all. Dirty talk works much better when you can look you man in the eye and then slowly and sexually say,
I want to fuck your brains out later!
So try your best to keep this in mind when talking dirty to your man. It’s a combination of both the dirty line and how you say it. At first, you may feel a little nervous or embarrassed or even shy delivering these lines to your man. Don’t worry. The more you try it, the better you will get at it.
Related: Many female readers ask the same question again and to orgasm more easily often during sex. If you can relate, then you may want check out the 3 step solution I recommend that makes it much easier. You can also see what people have to say about it here.
Try Dirty Talk On The Phone & Online

Talking dirty to your man when he is right there in front of you is fantastic. However, talking dirty over the phone or even online is also great fun (and often easier to do).
When you talk dirty over the phone or online (text messages, email, facebook chat, etc.), you’ll find that it’s much easier and there is less pressure because your man is not right in front of you. You also have more time to respond and think of what to say to him.
How To Talk Dirty If You Are Really Shy Or Not Confident

When you first start learning about talking dirty to a guy, you may be a little nervous or shy about it. You might be afraid of saying something that your man might find weird or awkward or silly. Don’t worry, just follow these steps and you’ll be able to test to see if you man likes it and also build your confidence at the same time.
1) The first step is to see if you man likes the idea of you talking dirty. Try saying something very subtle the next time you are getting intimate with your man. Just whisper it in his ear. Try these for example:
I love how you kiss me.
That feels so good.
Both of these dirty talk examples are compliments and are very easy to say to your man.
Quick Warning: This tutorial video will teach you how to make your girl scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having her completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) pussy eating tutorial video here.
2) After trying each of these a few times, it’s time to get a little more dirty. Again just whisper it into your man’s ear:
I love it when you’re on top.
I wish we could just have sex all day long.
95% of men will love hearing you say these things. Only a few men won’t. After you get comfortable using these tame dirty talk examples, it’s time to start using some of the more advanced ones that you have read further up this page.
If you enjoyed this article on talking dirty to your man, but would like to learn more about how to talk dirty to turn him on, build sexual tension and keep him attracted to you, then you should take a look at this dirty talking instructional video where I teach you exactly how to use dirty talk to maximum effect. Click here to check it out now.
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
Even worse...
She stopped wanting sex with her husband, slowly driving him away, and...
Almost destroying her marriage. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a simple solution for women who struggle to orgasm, whether you are having sex or masturbating.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or while masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
Tell me more
Hi Cindy,
If you want a great video with advice on pleasing your man with dirty talk, then make sure to check out the dirty talking video.
Try talking like this in bed ladies: Oh baby, your cock is so swollen… like when I stroke your big swollen cock….do your balls want to come baby….ect…….You like when I when I rub your balls baby…does it want to make your big cock want to cum….Talk like this and your guy will cum in no time.
What do you think guys?
What Billy said would work on my boyfriend… I think. He tells me he wants me to talk dirty to him when we are having sex, but I don’t really know what to say. I just draw a blank.. is that weird?
Hi Autumn,
The key is to start with something simple…like ‘Yeah’ or even moaning louder than normal. Then as your confidence grows, you can start trying more and more.
I just whisper or moan: I love the way you fuck me.
Hi I read your dirty phrases and wanted to thank fiancée is Latino and I’m Skype him a lot was wondering because I’m greek what could be some sexy phrase I can say
Hi Alitheia,
The thing is, you’ll probably know best what to say as you know him better than I do. The key is starting with something easy and not too dirty to test the waters. Then once you can tell he’s enjoying it, try pushing the boat out a little.
Have fun!
my man likes to punish me if i dont do somthing right like if his shirt is alittle rincoled i get no sex what are someways i could punsh him but make him horny at the same time.
Talk about his dick
You say not to talk too dirty early in a relationship. when is a good time to start using it?
Hi Sara,
This is a tricky question to answer…the thing is that it depends. You can go as fast as you like, but the most important thing to keep in mind is gauging your man’s reaction by starting off on the tamer side. Try moaning loudly and saying short phrases like “Yeah!” or “That feels so good”. Then if you can tell that he enjoys it, the next time you are both together, try something a little more more intense and so on.
My man always starts talking dirty before me. He’s far more experienced, and we have sex everyday. I can’t orgasm because of my birth control and lately I feel like he’s getting tired of me because I feel like I’m boring! I crave hardcore sex and I want to be his dirty little slave, I just don’t know how to talk dirty back. For example he’ll say something like “Do you like when I do this?” Or “how does this make you feel?” And I just go blank! I need some tips to remember please help!!
Hi Bailey, you’ll find lots of great advice in the newsletter.
when he asks you that tell him whether you like it or not. when I like what my boyfriend is doing to me, he can tell because I start biting my lip. or I start telling him I don’t want him to stop.
if you like it and he asks how it feels you can mumble a little sexy “amazing.”
when your guy wants a response to any of the dirty talk messages, what do suggest give an answer or keep him wondering? If we keep him wondering then how do I not give an answer without getting him annoyed?
Hi Sarah,
With text messaging, I always strongly encourage people to change things up. Sometimes send him dirty texts, then other times, be much more polite in your messaging. This is the best way to keep him wondering without risking him becoming bored or annoyed.
Hay I am just new to relationships, but I have a guy I like alot and he likes me alot too, uhm, I used a false name as I dont wanna have my real name disclosed.
But I am shy when it comes to us alone, so is there anythign I can do to get past that while taking it slowly?
Hi Kitty,
This sounds tricky as it’s a relationship question, unfortunately the Bad Girls Bible is a sexual advice website. One thing I can say though is that you will notice yourself becoming more and more confident as you gain more experience.
Ladies, there will be times where you mey feel a little shyer in bed, and times you can lasso the potential powers. Don’t let the less beautiful of times discourage you, you are in control of what you present. Be true to yourself, feel it,, embrace it. Confidence comes with self empowerment. But do push yourself a little, because the things that give you butterflies(excitement/ maybe a little scary) are the most rewarding to embrace. Now blow some fucking minds 😉
Isabella wren
i think the best you tell your man what you want and what u feel with sexy way like yeah this good don’t stop also man love to hear he is the best man tell him you miss his cream like that
Hi Sean
Ok I have an unusual question, hope you don’t mind. Me and my Bf were ok in every department then suddenly he has not wanted to have SEX in the past few days at all. Do you have any idea why or the best way I could ask him with out getting him angry/upset and so on?? please let me know soon.
Hi Sarah,
The truth is that libidos rise and fall. They never stay constant. Your boyfriend’s change in libido could be due to stress, anxiety, starting a new medication or even something else. Not wanting sex for a few days is fine, but if it goes on for weeks, then you should just ask him if there’s anything you can do for him. Guys are often sensitive about their sexuality and libido, so don’t be too direct about it at first.
my man wants me to talk dirty and scream out loud–im too shy or embarred and i dont know what to say–i feel ok when sexting or when we chat online but in person i just cant seem to do it,i dont undestand
Hi Veronica,
Don’t worry, it’s actually super easy. The key is start very small, with just a little moaning and murmuring. Once you see how easy that is to do, you’ll find it easier to start saying one or two words to your man. Once you do that you will be well on your way to becoming a dirty talking pro.
My boyfriend wants to watch me with myself how might i make it less embarrassing and more arousing and fun for both of us?
Hi Wendy,
Keep the lights down low and try having a little to drink beforehand (not a lot, just a little). To help to take the pressure off yourself, you can ask him to masturbate while you touch yourself.
My guy wants me to talk dirty to his penis and I have no clue as to what to say while performing oral sex on him. Any suggestions?
Try some of the tips on further up the page or on this page or this one.
Hey Sean what are some good ways to seducing your guy..
Plus my guy yess ne ti death, but I don’t always get what I want
Seducing your guy can take many forms. You can seduce him through what you are wearing, what you say or even how you touch him. This article on building sexual tension and this one will help.
Dear Sean!
I just wanted to say thank you I’ve learned a lot my man enjoys every single thing..
Thanks a lot
Hey Sean
My man likes me to talk to him on the phone / Skype to get him hard and get him off and I just run out to things to say after the first couple mins. Only so many times I can say he has a big cock and I wish it were inside of me. Any suggestions on what else I can say?
Many thanks!!!
You’ll find some killer tips on what to say to him in the dirty talking tutorial video.
how can i tease ma man without having sex with despite not doin it remain sxy to pls hm
Talking dirty is a great start, as is building sexual tension…this guide is a great start.
I love to dirty talk my man and he loves it too much
can wait to make love with him tonight!!
I love hubby telling me I’m a slutty bitch ummm I work the head with my tongue sucking the head only,I moan he tells me suck deeper my slut ummmmm I then lick is balls its a real turns on for 20years I’m still trying different ways to blo him
My bf says he enjoys everything I do to him but just lays there silent im used to a more dominate vocal man hiw can I drive him so crazy that it all just builds up so much that he uat canr help but be vocal or dominate
i m muslim and i love my male friend but he is not interested to marry me he just,want me to do deep sex such as intercoursing with him by chat to spend joyful time so plz suggest what should i do?? i like him in honest way and want to b with him forever..
I would suggest you tell him- and don’t sleep with him if you are really into him and he’s not into you. Save the goodies and dirty talk for someone deserving. Not to be rude… but What does being Muslim have to do with this?
On another note, I love these posts! I’m extroverted but not so much in the bedroom. Thanks for posting Sean!
I am in a long distance relationship and my husband want me to talk dirty but I get blank and now he is frustrated and don’t want to talk to me . He says it doesn’t matter to him now whether I talk dirty or not .and when we have a sex I am not that verbal and vocal and I don’t do anything and every time he initiate the sex. I want to do it but I am shy and I don’t have a confident to do it . I am afraid whether he will like the things I want to do . Tell me what should I do ? How can I get comfortable to talk dirty ? How can I get confident to initiate the sex?
The Dirty Talking Guide should help
I am the WORST at talking dirty, I just feel so awkward and weird trying to do it. It just comes out so unnatural when I try and then I psyche myself out and just ruin the whole mood. So thank you for a great read. I came across another read like this that had some other great tips not mentioned here, what are your thoughts on it? Too bold?
Omg im the same way I feel so awkward not saying much to him. Then I’ll psych myself out too then I go back to moans 🤷🏻♀️
I hate dirty talk. I don’t do it, and I don’t accept when a woman attempts to do it to me. It makes her sound like a slut, and I don’t date sluts. These vulgar words have no place in polite, adult speech. It’s such a childish and immature thing to do. If any of these phrases were said to me, just once, my next message to her would be “we’re through. Don’t contact me again.”
LOLOLOL you’re on the wrong site Mr Prude. You will probably die alone too. Good luck with that very closed-minded strategy. 😛