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Many people think the art of seduction is one you either have or you don’t, but that’s not true at all! You can learn powerful seduction techniques and use them to close the deal or help find yourself a boyfriend. Plus, the rules of seduction can help to add spice to your existing relationship!
What Is Seduction?
Seduction is a combination of factors, from the the way you adorn your body with clothing and makeup, the way you use your voice when speaking, flirting skills and personality. Although you may not be built like Angelina Jolie, you can still be a seductive siren. It’s all about highlighting your positives, whether it’s your curves or your sense of humor, and knowing how to interact with a man. Therefore, being seductive might vary from potential partner to partner because you’re responding to what you know about one person.
Related: I regularly get messages from women struggling to orgasm. I usually recommend that they check out the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you the 3 simple steps to reach orgasm effortlessly during sex and masturbation. If you're interested, you can find out more here.
8 Seduction Techniques You Have to Try!
When it comes to being seductive, there are definitely some techniques that will help get the ball rolling. You can cater them to match your communication and fashion style, of course, but your repertoire wouldn’t be complete without these basics!
1. Smile!
Although your face doesn’t exist to please anyone else, smiling is always the first seduction technique I recommend. It helps to show that you’re fun, have a sense or humor and are in a good mood. Try to leave the negative thoughts at home, even if you’re having a bad day. They won’t help you when it comes to being seductive.
Make sure to make eye contact for a few seconds — but not so long that you seem like a serial killer! — as you’re smiling. Plus, you can play with shy smiles across a crowded bar, flattered smiles when someone compliments you and big smiles when you’re laughing at a goofy joke!
2. Dress to Impress
The first time you meet someone, they immediately make judgments about you based on your appearance. If you’re looking to impress potential lovers, you’ll want to look your best and highlight areas of your face and body. When it comes to sex and romance, a business suit just doesn’t cut it. We’ve got a great guide to help you learn how to dress sexy.
The trick is to cater looks to your style and body. So you might add a few rocker details or a leather jacket if you’re less preppy, or you might have to look a little harder for a dress that falls at the right length if you’re both curvy and short. However, the right outfit will boost your confidence, which is sure to help you be more seductive.
Squirting: Any woman can experience the intense pleasure of squirting, if you follow the right process. I demonstrate the most powerful squirting techniques and explain the process, step-by-step in the Squirting Magic Guide.
3. Don’t Forget What’s Underneath
When it’s just the two of you alone, you might want to lose a few layers and step out in some stunning lingerie. The same rules about shopping for your body apply here, too. Pick pieces that you’re confident flaunting. Otherwise, your discomfort will work against you. Even if it’s just a cute bra and panty set that you wear under your sexy clothes, it should make you walk taller and straighter. Check out our guide on picking out lingerie.
4. Learn How to Flirt
Some people are naturally flirtatious, but most of us have to learn. Fortunately for you, we have a number of guides on flirting at Bad Girls Bible. Check out these flirting tips to up your game. This post breaks flirting into obvious and more subtle flirting tips that you can use to your advantage, and this article will help you become a flirting pro in no time. Remember to smile, have fun, make appropriate eye and physical contact. If any of our tips don’t work for you, move on to the next one!
5. Be a Great Kisser

Here’s a skill that will serve you well both when you’re getting to know someone and when things are getting hot and heavier! Kissing is truly a wonderful activity on its own, which is why we can’t recommend making out enough. A sizzling kiss can leave him wanting more in all the right ways, which is why you should ensure your technique will pass muster. Use a little tongue, nibble his lips, explore his body with your hands and breathe warmly against his skin to get his heart racing.
This video has all the information you need to be a great kisser!
6. Know How to Use Body Language
Body language is a powerful tool that you can use to your advantage, but some people just don’t think about it a lot. Body language can indicate comfort or interest in someone. For example, if you’re facing someone, you’re invested in way they say. If you mirror their body language, you probably like them in some way, and leaning in is a great way to show you’re listening and give a good cleavage shot if you’re wearing the right clothing.
On the other hand, crossed arms is typically a sign of being closed off, and turning your body away shows disinterest in the person you’re speaking with. You might accidentally do these things if you’re a bit socially awkward or even if you’re just cold, so learning to express positive and relaxed body language cues that a man can pick up on, even if he doesn’t realize he’s doing it, is essential.
Uncross your arms and legs, point your knees (when sitting) or feet at the person you’re interested in, play with your hair or even allow your shoe to dangle from your foot to indicate that you’re relaxed and flirtatious! Plus, touching your mouth to make his gaze move toward your lips can help to arouse his subconscious! Remember to keep your posture good during all of this.
7. Hold of On Sex and Sexual Situations
We’e not trying to slut shame anyone here. However, sometimes holding a little back can be good for you. You might want to reconsider having sex on the first date if you think he’s only trying to get laid. However, you might not want to jump into conversations about sex or even innuendo too early or too often if it makes you seem overly available. If you’re looking for a serious relationship, you’ll want to spend plenty of time outside the bedroom. Fortunately, we’ve got over two dozen fun date ideas!
8. Develop an Air of Mystery

When you’re first getting to know someone, you’ll ask and answer a lot of questions. However, leaving a little to the imagination — whether it’s about sexy or otherwise — and not oversharing are skills you’ll want to hone if you want to master seduction techniques. If you hint at just the idea of an interesting story from your past or something you may want to do sexually and he takes the bait, he’ll want you even more.
It might sound odd, but being a bit mysterious and even playing hard to get do have interesting effects on our psychology. Check out our guide on playing hard to get to learn more.
How to Be Seductive in Nontraditional Ways
Now, you might think that most seduction techniques involve putting on your best Marilyn Monroe impression, but sometimes a woman just looks silly singing “Happy Birthday Mr. President.” As long as you’re comfortable and confident with yourself, seduction will come more naturally than if you try on a role that doesn’t fit.
Plus, seduction isn’t always about that cliche techniques. Men often respond to other seduction techniques, even if they don’t necessarily seem seductive to an outside. If you do the following things, you may still find yourself drawing him in!
1. Pay Attention
Pay attention to the things that matter to him. This may be his family, his volleyball league, his clients at work or the time he spends volunteering. For some men, gadgets and technology are of utmost importance, while your potential beau might prefer to focus on politics and making the world a better place. While you might not share all of his interests, pay attention to the things that matter to him. Ask insightful questions, allowing him to open up about his passions and keep eye contact so he knows you’re interested!
2. Cultivate Common Interests
It’s not very fun simply to listen to your new love interest talk about what he’s into, so find out what interests you might have in common. Even if you’re both movie buffs or like listening to cover bands in dive bars, your common interests can bring you closer together and help you to seduce him into your life for good. If you don’t have anything in common, why not ask him to teach you about something he loves? Perhaps you’ll find you really enjoy playing video games or disc golfing, even though you never gave it a second thought before!
3. Be Odd, Quirky or Nerdy

It’s hot to see someone who is really passionate about something. Or someone who snorts when she laughs. Or another person who isn’t afraid to be a little dorky and totally themselves. That’s why being yourself is crucial when using a new seduction technique. When you’re pretending your someone you’re not, and especially if you’re not so good at it, it’ll show. Instead, be proud of who you are whether you’re totally into watching wrestling, reading Sci-fi novels, going to geeky conventions or even working on cars. Those little things set you apart from other women and make you memorable to men!
Possibly useful: If you want to give your man (& yourself) back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually addicted to you, then you'll find them in my private and discreet newsletter. You'll also learn the 5 dangerous & "dumb" sex mistakes that turn him off and how to avoid them. Get it here.
If these tips weren’t enough, we’ve got fifteen more ways to be seductive.
Although many people equate being seductive with outright sexuality, that isn’t always the case. In fact, being too sexual too soon can be a turn off for some men who prefer the old idea of a “lady in the streets.” Learn to use innuendo, flirting and implications of sexuality without coming across as desperate.
Because certain seduction techniques are so tied to being yourself, you’ll want to work on self esteem and confidence if either is low. I also have advice to help you get over sexual anxiety, and much of that wisdom can be applied to seduction, too!
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
Even worse...
She stopped wanting sex with her husband, slowly driving him away, and...
Almost destroying her marriage. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a simple solution for women who struggle to orgasm, whether you are having sex or masturbating.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or while masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
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