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Do you know someone who raves about her clitoral piercing? Has a character on one of your favorite TV shows had this done? Or do you simply wonder why someone might?
There are a lot of things to know about clit piercings before you choose to get one, and you should make yourself aware of the healing process to minimize pain and scar tissue. Fortunately, we’ve got the answers to all your burning questions about clitoral piercings.
Side note: If you are currently struggling to orgasm during sex or masturbation, then you may want to learn about the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you how to have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation. It works even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating. You can find out more here.
What Are The Different Types of Clit Piercings?
A piercing directly through the clitoral glans, which is done quite rarely, is one type. The more common type is through the clitoral hood. This poses fewer risks than a direct glans piercing. You may only be a candidate for a clitoral hood piercing if your clitoris remains tucked too closely to your body or hidden by your hood when not erect – up to 95% of women aren’t suited for a glans piecing. A piercing artist will be able to tell you which type of clitoris piecing you can get.
Clitoral hood piercings will be defined by whether they’re vertical (VCH) or horizontal (HCH). A VCH piercing provides the most stimulation to your clit. Vertical hood piercings placed at either or both sides of the clitoris are sometimes known as Diana piercings. A horizontal hood piercing is an ornamental piercing because it sits atop the clitoral hood and does not directly stimulate the glans. If your glans is exposed, this type of piercing may be stimulating.
Anatomy that’s too flat is generally unsuitable for any clitoral piercing. A VCH requires enough depth for you to insert the head of a cotton swab into it, while you’ll need a defined clitoral hood for a VCH to work.
The triangle piercing is a horizontal piercing behind the clitoris at the base of the hood, which shouldn’t be confused with the vaginal hood (it doesn’t exist). This piercing provides sensation from behind the clitoris. You may not have the anatomy for a triangle piercing if the piercer cannot grasp the skin at the base of your hood, if you have veins near the area, or if you have full labia. This correct position of this piercing is high enough that it creates a single hole rather than two separate inner labia piercings.
You could get both a VCH and a triangle or a VCH and an HCH if your anatomy allows for it.
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There are also non-clitoral genital piercings for women. These include piercing of the inner and outer labia or a fourchette, which is a vertical piercing at the perineum.
Risks of Clit Piercings
There are several risks of clitoral piercings, most of which are not unique to the area and many of which can be avoided by seeking an experienced professional and following care instructions. These include:
- A piercing that is crooked or off-center
- Creating an extra hole by accident
- Your body rejecting the piercing
- Jewelry migration
- Infection, which can cause lymph nodes to swell [1]
- Unpleasant odors
- Getting the jewelry caught on something and potentially being ripped out, which can lead to splitting of the clitoral hood
- Becoming too sensitive (arousal or pain)
- Loss of sensation
- Losing a piece of the jewelry
- Jewelry can become retained or embedded in skin and require surgical removal [2]
- Jewelry becoming stuck
An issue with placement, which can happen with a new piercer who doesn’t know how to pierce a clit, can be the most frustrating. When a clit piercing is incorrectly placed, you’ll need to let your body heal for a couple of weeks before attempting to re-pierce it.
Of the three more common piercings — VCH, HCH and triangle — the triangle is the trickiest and requires the most skill. The piercing won’t be stimulating if it’s too low and can essentially become a HCH if it’s too high. Sometimes, it winds up being two separate labia piercings when done wrong.
Why Not Pierce The Clitoris Itself?
Perhaps the biggest risk is the loss of sensation, which may occur with some piercings but is especially risky if you wanted to pierce the clitoral shaft. This is why it’s so rarely done. In fact, many piercers will outright deny someone who is interested in a clitoral shaft piercing.
But why is this risk so high? The clitoris is especially sensitive. It contains 8,000 nerve endings [3] — even more than the penis! A clit piercing can damage these nerve endings, making it difficult to experience pleasure and potentially orgasm if you’re the type of person who needs clitoral stimulation to come.
Related: 9 Clitoral Stimulation Techniques
Even if you’re not worried about that risk, you’re probably not built for a shaft piercing. Only about 5% of women are. You need a clitoris that’s large enough to pierce and a clitoral hood that’s loose enough to fit over the jewelry.
What Type of Jewelry Is Used for A Clitoris Piercing?

Typically, a 16 gauge barbell is used for most of these piercings, but you may want to start with a 12 gauge for a triangle piercing. Guage refers to the thickness of the jewelry. The smaller the gauge, the larger the diameter. A 12 gauge piercing is 2mm wide while 14 gauge is 1.6mm and 16 gauge is 1.2 mm. A smaller gauge may be trickier to replace because the jewelry and threads are so small.
Some people who get piercings participate in gauging, which means to stretch the piercing to a smaller gauge/larger size. This isn’t common with clitoral piercings but may be possible.
A curved barbell, sometimes called a “bananabell” is commonly used for clitoral hood piercings and may be the only appropriate jewelry for a VCH. Open circular barbells are common for both HCH and triangle piercings. You may be able to use a captive-bead ring for your VCH after healing. After a triangle piercing heals, you may wear a captive ring, bead ring, teardrop, D-ring or a barbell that is curved or straight. Again, the type of jewelry depends on the size and shape of your clitoral hood and labia.
Straight barbells are used for fourchette piercings.
Quality piercing jewelry is made from stainless steel, which won’t trigger nickel allergies or rust.
Most quality body jewelry is internally threaded, which means that the ball screws into the bar and not the other way around.
However, the threading on piercing jewelry can wear down over time, so don’t expect it to last forever. You may want to periodically check the jewelry to ensure the threads work correctly. Otherwise, you might lose an end or the entire clit ring without realizing it! This becomes an issue because piercings can close up much more quickly than you realize.
A constant question: I consistently get emails asking how to orgasm more easily & often during sex. I usually recommend this 3 step system that makes it a lot easier (& fun!). You can also see people's reactions to it here 😉
Of course, this works out well if you want to remove the piercing. Simply take it out, keep it clean, and let it close.
How Is A Clit Piercing Done?
Never get a piercing from a business that is less than sterile!
A professional always wears gloves, no matter where the piercing is.
Your piercer will first clean the area with an antiseptic and mark the location to be pierced with a body-safe marker
It was once common for professionals to use forceps or clamps; however, this is less common and many people avoid piercers who use this method. Instead, most people use a receiving tube, a device that is placed beneath the skin of the clitoral hood. The piercer slides the needle through the skin and into the tube. The tube can be removed once the hole is made, and the jewelry is inserted into the needle. Finally, the needle is removed with the ring in place.
Do Clit Piercings Hurt?
Like any piercing, a needle is going through your body, so it will hurt. How much depends on your pain tolerance. Your piercing professional might recommend that you take a non-aspirin pain killer such as ibuprofen prior to your appointment, but the actual procedure is quite quick.
Remember that the clitoral hood is soft, so it should hurt less than a cartilage piercing. For some people, the discomfort of getting a clitoral hood piercing feels similar to an earlobe piercing [4 p 135].
Many people find that they want to snap their knees shut in response to this pain. It can be helpful to use your hands or have something else hold your knees open when getting your clit pierced to prevent this.
If you're interested in learning how to squirt easily during sex and when masturbating, then you may want to check out my Squirting Magic Guide.
After your piercing has healed, it shouldn’t hurt. You probably won’t even be aware of the jewelry in your clitoris. However, a piecing that is too loose and is able to catch on clothing may be painful, especially if it rips out.
Will a Clitoris Piercing Add Sensation?

Some women are able to experience orgasm for the first time after getting a clit piercing! It may also help you to have multiple orgasms or bring you to orgasm more often with your partner.
If you’re interested: Learn how to make yourself cum.
Having your clitoris pierced may provide additional stimulation during nonsexual activities too.
A triangle piercing provides a different sort of sensation because the feeling comes from behind the clitoris.
You might find that you like positions such as missionary even better once you get a clitoral piercing.
A number of Redditors reported being hornier than ever once they had a VCH piercing or HCH piercing done; although, this decreased for some people over time.
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One Redditor described his wife’s experience getting her VCH:
Of course she was a bit nervous so we did our research and found a reputable shop. The piercing itself took all of 10 minutes, from the time we walked in to the time we walked out. She was a bit sore the following day but a VCH piercing heals quickly.
Wow, I’ve never seen her so horny! It wasn’t an overwhelming horniness that got in the way, more like a constant mild hunger that never went away. The jewelry created a mild stimulation every time she moved. She felt like a horny teenager again.
That was years ago. Nothing stays new and novel forever. We’ve switched jewelry occasionally but usually stick with the original curved barbell. There have never been any problems. Quite the opposite, even though the novelty has faded, it still provides extra stimulation and fun. Her libido has returned to normal but the piercing stills create good stimulation at the appropriate times.
Another Redditor raved about her piercing:
I got my VCH done at the end of October 2018 and I love it! It makes me feel sexy and it feels good, like sometimes I get really wet and I rub my legs together and the barbell feels so good up against my clit. Before I had this I wasn’t able to get off with my fingers, but now I can. I can also get a lot of pleasure out of just like moving my hips and rubbing my legs together. It feels wonderful! I walk around with my little secret, and like no one else knows (I mean all my friends know, but just because I was so excited about it)!
Chances are, a pierced clitoris will at least make you feel hornier even if this is just due to the placebo effect. In fact, one study found that desire increased after women got a VCH [5]. However, there is always the risk that a pierced clit will be too stimulating to the point of becoming a distraction. In this case, you may want to take out the jewelry.
Quick Warning: While this instructional video is quite distressing, it will teach you how to make your lover cry with orgasmic pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having someone completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) oral sex tutorial video here.
To avoid overstimulation during sex, make sure to talk to your partner.
Get help with talking about sex in our guide to sexual communication.
People with a pierced clit are sometimes surprised by how loud they can be when using a vibrator made from a hard material — glass, ceramic, or hard plastic, for example. If your favorite vibrator to use clitorally is hard, you might want to think twice about getting a pierced clitoris. You may want to take the piercing out to masturbate, but there will be a chance that the pierced skin will close.
Additionally, some women with a pierced clit find that they have to re-learn how to masturbate because the jewelry and piercing are situated where they would usually place their fingers or a toy.
What Do I Need to Know About Healing?

A clitoral hood piercing takes much less time to heal than most piercings but more than nipple piercings (read more about nipple piercings). For some people, it heals in as little as one to two weeks! However, professionals will advise up to 8 weeks of healing to be safe. During this time, you might want to avoid activities such as horse or bike riding, which can irritate a new piercing.
A triangle piercing takes longer to heal — between 3 and 4 months.
Healing may take longer if the piercing was not done correctly.
Quick Warning: This tutorial video will teach you how to make your girl scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having her completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) pussy eating tutorial video here.
You can promote healing by keeping the area dry, which may be difficult because your vulva tends to be moist and sweat can accumulate in the area. Wearing cotton undies that allow your vulva to breathe can help with this. Make sure to dry completely after showering or swimming. This can also reduce any odor at the piercing site.
It might seem counterintuitive, but tight underwear prevents the clit piercing from snagging and being pulled out.
Be careful during sex not to pull out your clitoral jewelry.
You can have sex as soon as you feel ready but being gentle is advised. It is important that you use a condom while your genital piercing heals, even if you’re on birth control (non-latex condoms exist) or are in a committed relationship. Do not use saliva as lube and add an extra saline wash after sex. Consider covering sex toys with condoms/barriers, too.
Read more about using condoms.
A note on condoms and genital piercings: these piercings may cause condoms to more easily break.
Bacteria in the area can lead to a nasty infection (just like bacteria in the vagina can lead to bacterial vaginosis)! You should also use a dental dam when receiving oral sex. Non-sterile pools, hot tubs and lakes can also increase the likelihood of an infection at the piercing site, so avoid swimming until healing has finished.
Your piercer may give you care instructions before you leave. However, you can use a number of products to help your piercing heal. These include sterile saline solution or a mixture of 1/8 teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt and one cup of warm distilled or bottled water. You don’t want to use harsh soaps or solutions such as hydrogen peroxide, Bactine, Betadine or even Dial hand soaps.
Make sure to wash your hands before touching your piercing!
You can expect the area to be tender and swollen immediately after piercing. Bruising and bleeding are also common. However, pain and marks should decrease as your piercing heals. A yellow or white discharge may form a crust around the jewelry. This is completely normal. As it heals, the piercing may become tighter around the jewelry. Over cleansing a clitoral piercing can actually lead to more irritation.
Your jewelry may not move freely once the piercing heals, and you shouldn’t try to force it. You shouldn’t remove your jewelry during the healing process because a clit piercing can close in a matter of minutes! If your jewelry falls out, replacing it immediately is vital if you don’t want your clitoral piercing to close.
Once it is healed, you can cleanse with a gentle soap that’s not scented or colored, just like you would before getting pierced. While healing, you can mix this soap in a ratio of 1:15 with warm water. You should always wash your hands before cleaning or touching your clitoris after it has been pierced. Intimate cleansing wipes like those from the Before & After brand or Afterglow might help to keep the area clean and fresh!
What Else Do I Need to Know About a Clit Piercing?

Even after healing has finished, your piercing can close up quickly, so be careful not to leave the hole empty for any period of time. Consider carrying a sterile piece of jewelry or extra ball end on your person at all times just in case! To prevent closing, you can use jewelry tapers when changing jewelry.
With triangle piercings, you may lose the piercing immediately upon removing jewelry.
Jewelry made from surgical-grade stainless steel may be worn during an MRI; although, medical professionals may ask you to take it out, which can lead to the piercing closing, to prevent injury and impacting the image. Titanium is another option, which is safe to wear in an MRI [9].
The reason for removing jewelry made from ferromagnetic metals (iron, nickel, cobalt, etc), is that they can disturb the magnetic field, resulting in metal “artifacts” or hard to read images during your MRI [10].
Procedures such as abortion may require you to remove jewelry from a clit piercing [11].
In the event that your piercing is pulled out, grows out, or is impossible to change, it may be time to connect with your piercer once more. And if your pierced clit becomes infected, a trip to the doctor for antibiotics may be in order. Although this may seem embarrassing, it’s better to get it taken care of than to seriously risk your health!
Traveling with piercings may set off a metal detector, especially the more-sensitive handheld wands. You could replace your jewelry with non-metal options when traveling.
What Do Guys Think About a Clitoris Piercing?
Many guys are turned on when they have sex with a woman who has a clitoral piercing. Plus, he might just find piecing attractive in general. Some men are turned on by the idea of women who take charge of their sexuality and aren’t afraid to show it.
However, some men might try to slut shame you if they know you’ve got your clit pierced. Finally, some men might take this as a sign as you being too sexual or may simply not like the look of the piercing.
Furthermore, your man may not be thrilled if you choose to not have sex while your piercing heals. Consider giving him amazing head or a hand job during this time.
Some men want to experience the pleasure of a genital piercing too. If your man is in this camp, then he might consider getting a Prince Albert piercing.
Many women with clitoral piercings report only pros and no cons whatsoever! Because you can always take the jewelry out, there’s really very little risk to having your clit pierced. Proper care reduces those risks even more. So why not give it a try?
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ #1 – Do people actually get their clitoris pierced?

Generally, no because of the potential loss of sensation. When most people refer to a clit piercing, they actually mean a clitoral hood piercing.
FAQ #2 – Will a clit piercing make sex better?
Getting your clit pierced may boost your libido and enhance pleasure, so there is potential for sex to be better. However, this may not be the case if your sexual activities do not include clitoral stimulation. If you’re not already including clitoral stimulation in your sex, you should add it!
FAQ #3 – How much does a clitoral piercing actually hurt?
It’s impossible to say because everyone has a different tolerance to pain. Many people find that clitoral hood piercings hurt less than they expect, however, and the pain is brief.
FAQ #4 – How long does healing take?
It can be less than a week. However, you should plan for healing to take up to 8 weeks.
FAQ #5 – Can I get a clit piercing if I have full labia?
All clitoral piercings are dependent on your anatomy. You may be able to send a photo or get a consultation with your piercer to determine if you’re a good candidate.
Full and fleshy labia typically means you cannot get a triangle piercing; although, this may not be the case. If you have full labia, you may still be able to get a VCH or HCH; however, your labia may prevent the peircing from being visible when not spread. Your labia will need to be spread to perform the piercing itself.
Fresh Trends has useful information about clitoral hood piercings.
This post on BodyArtForms discusses how piercings may interact with MRIs.
The Piecing Bible is a book and website by master piercer Elayne Angel who may be the most experienced genital piercer in the world. It includes general information as well as that specific to clitoral piercings.
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I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
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In fact...
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Hi, a little while back, my friend sent me a link on masturbation. When I went back to find it, it wasn’t there. I was wondering if you could repost it or something? It helped me but I can’t remember what it said.
Here you go Marie:
I got a vch a few days ago.. It’s really pretty and I think the healing is coming on well…the piercing seem to be almost painless or I could say doesn’t hurt nor is it irritating…. Is that a good sign
I’m wanting to get a VHP done. However, I bend, squat, and lift a lot a work, as well as ride horses. How will this affect healing or is the piercing a good idea because of my work?
You won’t be able to ride horses for a few weeks but bending over and squatting is fineness just be careful
Your clitoral piercing, not clitoral hood piercing, will very much heighten your orgasmic pleasure. It will also turn you into a nympho. Leaving your piercing in place will be the most gratifying sensation for your type of work and for horseback riding. Especially if you ride bare back. Your pussy and your clit will make you a naughty and wanton sex maniac in the best and most wonderful way.
I had my hood done back in June.
Woken up today & it’s come out I’ve had several piercings and none have actually grown out so I am quite worried, can anyone help?
Talk to your doctor immediately.
In need of some advise. I have had many surgeries and as you may know all piercing MUST come out. Well I have a vertical hood and I had to put a regular hoop in place now I can’t get my barbell threw the back side. What should I do??? Thank you
Talk to a doctor/piercing professional about this.
I’ve recently had a vch piercing done using a 16gauge curved barbell. I’ve read lots of articles saying it should be done with a 14gauge I’m worried. Is 16gauge OK for a vch
Its whatever gage your piercer thinks. Just remember the larger the number the smaller the barbells the smaller the number the larger the barbell. My nose is periced with a 20gage but my vch and nipples are pierced with 16
I have a question which genital piercings give you pleasure during sex and oral sex between VCH or HCH?
Yes especially if the percing is directly over your clit.
A HCH being horizontal will make your clit more sensitized if the piercing actually goes through your clit. The VCH piercing is more satisfying for just a hood piercing
If a vch piercing falls out typically how hard is it to get back in?
Explain the difference in the feeling a vch and a triangle give a person
VCH can give a little tickle from the front.
Triangle feels more like if someone was pinching gently right behind your clitoris.
Triangle gives a much more intense stimulation.
I’ve had both (and more)
Was the triangle very painful?
I know this is pretty late to comment on. I have a triangle and vch. Yes, the triangle was pretty painful, at least to me. But I think inserting the jewelry was worse for some weird reason. It was internally threaded not externally threaded jewelry btw.
I’ve have a VHC for 7 years with no problems, but this week, the jewelry fell out twice in two days with no pain or tugging felt. I have a curved barbell, should I try a different type or jewelry? If so, what kind should I try?
Alot of time cheap or over priced cheaply made jewlery or even jewlery wearing out could be your coulprit in this case. Check the reviews before you buy and jewlery usaully has a shelf life of 5 years.
I just want to know am I going to lose feeling in my vajayjay area if I get my hood pierced ✌????
No I had mine done last month and the sex is amazing you don’t loose feeling at all it’s amazing and it’s so sexy to look at
I’m having mine done Saturday. How long after do you have to abstain??
I had mine done, I had to take it out because of labor , and now I barely have sensation. I dont understand why I wish I knew. I would of never periced it if I would of knew.
I didn’t lose feeling. As a matter of fact, after an orgasm, if you move the barbell up and down it almost makes you want to cum again.
Do it hurt when you get your hood perce’d did??
Of course it does
How is the best way to stimulate a women with a HCH ring piercing orally?
Talk to her and get feedback. Everyone has different preferences and she’ll let you know what feels best.
So I’ve had a vch for years, this weekend I got my clitoral gland pierced (my piercer was more excited than me) it’s so pretty but the healing is weird because it bleeds and I’m worried… Spot bleeding OK but when I urinate there’s more blood than urine. Should I be concerned or is this just healing.
Talk to your doctor about this.
This Sounds Serious. I Also Have My Clit Glans Pierced, And So Far I Haven’t Had Problems With It Like You’re Describing. I Would See A Doctor Immediately, As It Seems Like You’ve Got An Infection From It Being Poorly Pierced.
I’ve had my click done for over 10 years I need to know do I have to replace the jewelry
No you don’t have to. It doesn’t rust if it’s surgical steel
I got my hood piercing done four weeks ago, and my piercing will randomly smell like gauges(plugs/tunnels) It’s just around the piercing. Is this normal or what do you suggest I do?
Talk to your doctor and a piercing specialist.
I was just a little unclear in the article when you mentioned using a condom even with BC- was that talking about just during the healing process or forever if you have one?
I’ve had my hood pierced for 9 months now and I find it more hard to cum this has done nothing for me other then look pretty
I feel the same way. I’ve had mine for 6 weeks now. I want to remove it, but finding its very hard to unscrew. Not sure what to do at this point.
Your clitoris itself needs to be pierced, not just the hood
I’m considering getting a VCH done but I really want to know how much it hurts getting it pierced. I know everyone has a different pain threshold but if those that have had it done please give me an idea of the pain on a scale of 1-10? I like to think that I’m pretty good when it comes to pain. I have 12 piercings and 7 tattoos (including my foot) so I figure I should be able to handle the pain but I just want to have a rough idea of what to expect. Also, how much were you charged to get your piercing please?
I got mine done last night and im shocked because it didn’t hurt that bad maybe a 3 r 4 pain level. My nipples hurt a lot worse then my hood being done.
I also have many tattoos and a couple of piercings. Had my piercing done 10 days ago. It hurts when the needle pushes through. For like 10 seconds it is really painful. Then more numb and swollen for the rest of the day. How ever, the day after and next 5 days or so where very uncomfortable (swelling) and it hurt. Took some anti inflammotory pain meds. But its feeling better now. When the needle goes through I would say it’s like a 8. Don’t fool yourself – it hurts! But its only for a couple of seconds and worth it
I agree totally. That was my experience as well. It is definitely worth the 10 seconds of pain.
I got mines done 3 days ago the pain was like a 2 and I can’t take pain well at all.
I have my vch and triangle done. I had the vch done in 2013. The guy used a needle to pierce and then inserted the jewelry (separately). It really hurt and I couldn’t walk properly fit a few weeks. I wasn’t able to wear jeans comfortably for a long time. Anyway, I got the triangle done and the guy used the needle that allows you to attach the piercing on the end. It hurt, but the vch hurt worse. I had the triangle done last Saturday and it has barely bled. I did accidentally made it twist slightly when I was asleep, but I fixed it by tying one end to my healed vch piercing overnight and voila. I sleep on my back for healing but I usually sleep on my side. I’m happy and love it. Waiting for it to heal so I can have “fun” ????
Most of the vch piercings I’ve seen, or stories I heard, the woman usually say since its just the skin of the hood it’s dull pain. However, I got mine done today and it was an immediate sharp pain.. its been a couple hours and is still tender, painful, and sensitive. Hard to move around. I’m really worried my clit was pierced and I’m going to lose my feeling.. am I just freaking out? Should I let it heel or take it out, or is it just the bar rubbing it because it just got close?
Talk to your doctor and piercist
Has anyone have their vch repierced how common is that? and who was brave enough to do yet twice within atleast a two year span… I really do miss my vch piercing but really afraid it will do damage this time to this sensitive area ???? The first time was painful the whole healing process and was very painful getting pierced; but after that it was amazing, I only had it in for atleast a whole year and took it out bc I was going to have an emergency csection with my first, my husband couldn’t put it in after and I was just getting use to my post baby body and couldn’t bend enough to get it back in! After having a vbac with my second, I feel like I could be ready to get my piercing back it’s been 6 months now my body is back to normal now, I don’t know why I’m reconsidering going threw the same pain again, I’m nervous the whole process will effect the amazingness I experienced before…
Ok I’m a person who likes to have sex is it safe to say can I have sex a couple hours after I get it or I have to wait
Talk to your piercing professional and then talk to your doctor if they can’t answer your questions.
I got my vch piercing about a month and a half ago. I got a closed hoop. I can not seen to move for hoop and I don’t want to force it. Has anyone hard of this will it eventually free up and move with ease ??
I would like to remove my piercing. Where I got it done is 3 hrs away. Was hoping you had information on how to remove it. I cannot get it unscrewed.
I just want to have an orgasm! I’ve never climaxed before just through penetration, I can only climax when my clitoris is played with. Which piercing will help me finally reach the big O? I don’t care about how painful it’ll be, I just want my sexual satisfaction.
I’d love to give you a clear cut answer Candy, but it’s hard to tell. My advice is to talk to your piercing specialist.
Should a condom be used always after piercing or only during the healing?
I recommend using a condom for at least the first 2 to 3 months because if you think about it it’s any stds or semen will irritate it like no other I found that out the hard way 🙁
I got my clit pierced oct 13 2017 and it fell out I did not notice right away and my hole has vanished how long before I can have it redone
I think the pain was less than what it’s perceived to be. It’s more of a trust issue with a random person about to damage your prized goods. I orgasmed for the first time by penetration only just after two weeks of getting my VCH piercing. I climax so intensely now that it almost hurts my entire being. It doesn’t hurt the piercing any but the intensity makes it only possible to climax one time with clitoral stimulation. I don’t have any other piercings or tattoos so it seems a little off the deep end but it is hands down the best thing I ever did for sex! I would recommend this to anyone!!
I’ve had the piercing done three times but had to take it out for various reasons. I want it back but I’m scared about the multiple holes. Will it be an issue, or am I ok to get it redone?
Do “suitcase” piercings exhist? While I know of the infection risks, someone must have tried it. I’m absolutely crazy for them and would love to have one in my partner.
I have had vch about 7 weeks and at the top seems like scar tissue is building up! I went to a piercer that said it was ok and normal she said it wasn’t infected. I still haven’t had that amazing orgasm with piercing and is the extra skin going to ever go away!!
Does sensitivity return to your clitoris after removing the peircing.
I’m going to get my vch pierced, I heard that I have to wait two weeks to have sex. Is anal sex safe during the first 2 weeks?
You may need to involve your piercing professional and doctor in this discussion.
What age r u allowed to get a clitoral piercing?
I’ve had my VCH for 4 weeks now and would like to know if I still have to put condoms on my glass dildo.
i got a vertical hood piercing done nearly 2 years ago, ive loved it but these days have been noticing certain sensations esp after stimulation. these feelings wpuld include the feelimg of going numb, almost cold sensation, but i keep feeling im being paranoid. id really love reassurance otherwise id sadly consider taking it out. but dont get me wrong when i touch it i do feel it, i do still have feeling, so maybe ive masterbated too hard, or had sex that may have been too rough im not sure. i think my biggest fear is nerve damage or something going wrong and pairing that with anxiety and ive been constsntly checking it to make sure its ok hahaha.