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Disclaimer: If you’re interested in building a relationship built on negativity and hurt emotions then you’ll love this article, but bear in mind, this isn’t the best way to build a trusting and loving relationship. Only use these tips as a last resort
If there’s anything Hollywood has taught us about how to get the guy, it’s that we have to make him jealous! As a woman, making a guy jealous is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal! Check out more tips to make him addicted to you.
Related: I regularly get messages from women struggling to orgasm. I usually recommend that they check out the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you the 3 simple steps to reach orgasm effortlessly during sex and masturbation. If you're interested, you can find out more here.
You might be wondering why you want to know how to make him jealous. The answer to that one is a no-brainer. Jealousy can encourage a prospective lover to scoop you up.
He’ll be as crazy about you as he is over the idea that someone else has your attention. If your current relationship is in a rut, then you can add some spark and redirect his attention back to you when you make him jealous. Jealousy can also encourage a guy who has taken you for granted to give you more attention!
However, you don’t want to run away with the idea of jealousy. Don’t make him jealous just to be spiteful or highlight his insecurities in a way that might damage your relationship (Read: How To Save Your Relationship From Jealousy).
Another possible side effect is that you get used to manipulating him in negative ways. This isn’t the key to a successful partnership, which every relationship should be. You can see why making him jealous is such a double-edged sword!
Before You Try to Make Him Jealous
Is jealousy really what’s going to save your relationship, get your ex back or make him fall in love with you? Most times, the answer is “No.” It may only attract his interest for a brief time if at all. If he ignores you, you’ll only feel worse.
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And if his lack of attention or your boring routine is a symptom of a deeper problem such as cheating, depression or stress, then adding jealousy to the mix might be the final nail in your relationship’s coffin. You might not to try this at all if there are things you can do to improve your relationship.
The two of you might consider going to therapy together, using active listening or just adding a weekly date night so you’ll feel closer. Those things can effect positive and long-lasting change.
Think of these tips to make him jealous as a last resort and recognize when it’s time to stop playing games!
Jealousy in the Digital Era
Thanks to Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, you can shamelessly flirt and engage with other guys, and this is certain to get a guy’s attention if you’re intent on making him jealous. From “Liking” photos on Facebook, commenting on one another’s walls, tagging each other in images and poking back and forth, there are plenty of ways to show a guy that you’re focusing on someone else – and that someone else is focusing on you, too.
You’ll want to be careful not to give any wrong messages with your flirting. It should remain harmless, after all. In fact, if you can encourage a male friend to help you make your guy jealous, you can really milk it for all it’s worth.
If you’re active on Facebook, even if it’s not with another guy, and he’s waiting for a reply via Facebook Messenger or text, it’ll really encourage his green-eyed monster. Imagine how you feel when the guy you like or even love is active online but not replying to your texts. It only makes you want him to reply to you more.
The same goes for texting. Playing hard to get in this way is great for making a guy jealous.
Read: 8 ways to play hard to get and win him over.
Even if you have time to reply to his message right away, wait at least a few minutes so he knows you’re not dropping everything for him. When you do reply, keep those replies short and sweet. The same goes for phone calls.
Did you know there’s another way to make him jealous thanks to your phone? Simply paying more attention to your screen than his conversation is sure to make your man jealous (& frustrate him). Although, it’s considered pretty rude when you’re not actively going for that response, so make sure to put your phone away at other times.
Compliment Someone Else

If you’re a fan of the TV show FRIENDS, then you might be familiar with the episode where Monica calls a guy she works with the funniest person she ever met. Her husband, Chandler, takes offense at this because being funny is his thing. He then goes out of his way to try to be funny, and Monica wonders why he’s acting so weird. The answer is simple, however. Chandler was jealous when his wife complimented another man about something he took pride in.
When you’re learning how to make a guy jealous, this skill comes in handy. You’ll want to compliment another person, typically a man, on something that your man does (or thinks) he does well. It should be something specific such as his sense of humor, his ability to fix car or computers or even the way he is as a parent.
Just like compliments toward your guy, this should be specific to be effective (Discover how compliments can bring you closer together)! You don’t even have to be talking to the person you’re complimenting, as long as your guy hears it. Nonverbal compliments work as well. In Chandler’s example, he would have been jealous to hear his wife laughing heartily at another man’s joke!
As the episode wraps up, Chandler and Monica talk over the reason for his jealousy, and she reassures her husband that he’s the only one for her. She’s not even attracted to the other guy, and she certainly didn’t mean to make him jealous! But you might encourage jealousy if your man has been taking you for granted.
Do Nice for Others
Nothing drives a guy more insane with jealousy than when you do things for others that you won’t do for him, especially a younger guy. This might mean making a home-cooked meal, offering a massage, taking care of a house or pet while your friend is away from home or another favor. You’re sure to make him jealous when he sees the effort, time and care you put into doing things for others, especially if it doesn’t even cross your mind to offer him the same thing.
If you want to give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually addicted to you, then you'll find them in my private and discreet newsletter. You'll also learn the 5 dangerous & "dumb" sex mistakes that turn him off and how to avoid them. Get it here.
But if you’ve been forgetting about your man’s needs, you might want to do these things for him before trying to make him jealous. Try these 10 sexy gifts for your man if you want your present to be a little naughtier.
Spending Time with Guys

The number one way to make a guy jealous is to spend time with other guys. This will be especially effective if it’s with your ex because every guy feels wary about previous lovers. If you’re not on friendly terms with your ex, consider bringing up memories of good times to make your guy jealous.
Guy friends, especially close guy friends, come in a close second. And even flirting with a stranger can make him feel jealousy and remind him that he doesn’t want to share you with other men. Check out these tips for flirting to drive him crazy if he’s watching. Laugh, twirl your hair and make physical contact. Your guy won’t be able to ignore it.
Remember that spending time alone with other guys can have a similar jealousy-causing effect, so your significant other doesn’t even have to be there to witness it! If a guy knows you’re dressing up for another man, it can spur him into action. Tips for dressing to kill.
Finally, relying on other guys to help you with things will bother him like none other, because guys like to be depended on. In his mind, you’re his woman and you should come to him whenever you have a problem!
Of course, there are plenty of other ways to make him jealous. Keep busy, whether it’s with your own hobbies, a girl’s night out or working late. What if you use vacation days to travel with friends rather than spending time with him? Cut conversations short and don’t be too quick to reply to phone calls or texting.
Be a little inconsistent to keep him on his toes. Keeping busy sends signals that you don’t care, and there’s hardly anything that will make a guy more jealous than thinking you’re over him or have other options. It could lead to reconciliation.
One way to make him jealous is to keep your relationship casual – and let him know! If you’ve got three dates a week, he might want to solidify your relationship because of the competition.
Quick Warning: While this woman's story & subsequent BJ tutorial video is quite distressing, it will teach you how to make your man scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having your guy completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out her story & (explicit!) blow job tutorial video here.
Even if it doesn’t work, you’ll be too busy to care!
A Word of Warning
A number of the ways of making a guy jealous involve showering attention or getting attention for other guys. If those guys have any feelings for you whatsoever, this extra time and focus could encourage those feelings and lead to confusion. He might think he can get out of the friend zone.
Make sure that whoever your partner-in-crime is, he understands that you don’t have feelings for him and that he won’t develop feelings for you in return. If you’re just using a guy to make your ex or crush jealous, it could be quite hurtful when the truth comes out. We’ve all seen the romantic-comedy where this situation heads south, so avoid it if you can.
What You’ve Learned About Jealousy

When you know how to make him jealous with a light hand, you can drive him right into your arms or remind him how much he misses you. The trick is to make him wonder so he can’t get you out of his mind. He’ll be curious when you spend more time at work or the gym or change your routine.
Make him jealous but don’t be outwardly mean or ignore him. He might pass you up if you think you’re too into playing games. There’s a fine line to walk when it comes to using jealousy to increase his attraction to you.
Making him jealous won’t work if he doesn’t already have some feelings for you. Find out if he’s sexually attracted to you, then look for these 16 signs he likes you before trying to make him jealous.
Don’t worry if he’s not super into you right now. You can get your crush to like you. Use those tricks with these ideas for making a guy jealous, and you should have him eating out of the palm of your hand.
Buy: Intense Dirty Talking.
Finally, if you’re in a happy and healthy relationship, doing this could breed negative jealousy. Jealousy should be used sparingly and shouldn’t be par for the course when it comes to your relationship! If you overdo it, you might send him running in anger! Or you might wind up dealing with a jealous lover who becomes scary.
Consider why you want to make him jealous before you actually do it. You might have some issues of your own to work on if you’re trying to sabotage your relationship.
Think long and hard whether making him jealous will have the intended effect or will it lead to something like a break up (with breakup sex). If you’ve tried everything else, this might be the one way to make him yours.
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed. And...
She completely hid this from her husband. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a way for any woman to orgasm. Easily. And have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
hello my problem is that my boyfriend is the jealous type but he wont show his reactions or feelings he keeps it cool ,and after that he become distant for a while (but inside he is burning i know because i get used to it) each time i face this problem with him so what to do to make him confess and come down to me and not be distant .
Zineb, if your boyfriend is overly jealous that isn’t a good thing. That can be very unhealthy. If he cannot open up to you I would tell him I don’t think it is going to work. A relationship takes effort from both people not just one side. After you heal from the break up I would move on.
I have this guy that really/likes me but he is alraidy dating a girl,what do I do?
Forget him and fine someone way hotter . Fine someone who will respect you and love you and not have to play games forever. A guy who is going chase you.
hey Nora
i´ve got the same problem:(.. i think the best thing we can do is like waiting whom he will choose and if he really likes (loves) you he will choose you. But please keep attention thats he’s not going to hurt you because if he’s already dating another girl but still chats with you, maybe he will do the same with other girls when he’s gonna date you.
My b.f is in matric we stay few metres away from each other but we only see each other once a month he doesnt call nor text we chat on whatsapp myb once a week when i talk 2 hm abw hs behaviour hs excuse is (matric) help plz
Zama, I would try to see whether he still wants a relationship or not. A relationship takes two people not just one. Tell him how you feel and if he doesn’t response to make it right. I would tell him it is over. Then , move on to a new guy when your ready if he doesn’t show effort into relationship.
My bf doesnt text me even he is with his phone all of times or maybe cos we are in the same work place and get to see each other all times makes him like that i dont know but i want his attention so what should i do?
Talk to him
my bf doesnt even txt me a lot because we only have our first kiss and we dont wont anyone to know about us because we are scare about what people think of us i really like him more than a friend but i really want to be his girlfriend but we are trying to take it slow.
talk to him and show him your feelings
Hi. So I finally told my ex husband that I’m seeing someone for the past few months and he went through the roof. Not really sure why. After being married for 13 years we separated a year ago n in that year I’m lucky I got him to show up for the kids let alone child support. He has ignored my text. Declined my calls. Short cold and one worded. I just chalked it up to we def are over n drifted apart. I felt him losing interest in me over 4 years ago but I kept trying to keep my family together. So I get the courage to file for divorce. He signed away without hesitation and now after a year of him living on his own n enjoying life I have found the courage to tell him I’ve been seeing someone the past 3 months and I like him a lot. Well that being said he went through the roof and hasn’t stopped blowing up my phone. Are you kidding me? Really buddy? So I’m confused on why this is happening. He hasn’t wanted me in years and because someone is tapping it he’s going crazy??? Help
I love a guy and DE guy like me buh he has not yet told me to his gf wat should I do.
I have this guy he wld lyk us to date but hes not making effort and I dont knw wat to do
I have two small children. I’ve met a guy a year younger then me and I really like him. I’ve never been this happy or even connected this good with someone. My kids don’t stop him from talking to me, but I can tell it’s a slight problem. He’s in college and it’s just so hard. I don’t wanna give him up, but my kids will always come first. He understands that and still wants to see me, I just don’t understand why it’s such a problem. My kids should be seen as a bonus. Help
Sounds like a tricky situation that you understand better than I do so it’s tough for me to tell you what to do Meghan. I hope it works out for everyone!
Wat if he is unecessary cold sometimes but he get jealous of everyguy on whatsapp dp and ask whose he????
Ladies, I am reading this and I find it amazing. Yes, jealousy can drive a guys attention toward you, but if you’re with him this is going to destroy your relationship, whether the guy is jealous or not he will question your loyalty. True men know how to value their woman, and if she’s trying to make him jealous ( it’s easy to pick up) and playing mind games you will only drive him away. Just be genuine and be you, and communicate. This is coming from a man, who has experienced when girls play mind games, I just dump those girl because I want a mature woman, not a little girl.
i have a boy in school he stops talking with me the last year i don’t know why? well he always talks about around me with his friends we wear the same colors everyday like we are couple and he talks about me with my bestfriend so what’s mean and what should i do
It’s hard to tell Rita, my advice is to talk to him.
Hallow! I have been dating this guy for 10 month but have known each other for 13 years. Our relationship has always been long distance. We’re both coming from the same country. As friends we got along pretty well but when we dated we argued a lot. Anyway long story,I found out the he was cheating on me .he wrote on Facebook that he was in a relationship with another girl. I wasn’t using Facebook just signup recently. When I asked him he lied to me that the girl is using her to make her ex boyfriend jealous who happened to be his friend. I broke up with him October 06. I blocked him on my whatsapp. 2 days later he posted on his whatsapp profile pic the picture of her and him saying happy birthday my love. If you block someone on whatsapp you can still see there status. On Facebook he still left his relationship status with her. I haven’t contacted him now almost a month. We used to talk every single day. I introduce him to my family this August. He hasn’t text me or call me since we broke up. I miss his company. I wish I could save our friendship but I don’t know if it’s a good idea. What should I do? I deleted my Facebook account cozy I was stalking him a lot. I unblocked him from my whatsapp, taking nice picture just to show him I’m having a good time but I really struggle moving on. What should I do please….. Thanks
So there’s this guy his name is Jordan and i really like him but he likes someone else i think he has never said it but he won’t go out with me what should i do my friend talked to him and he told her he really liked me but he won’t go out with me please give me advice that can get him to like me more do i have to make him jealous ?
As a man I can tell you don’t follow this advice. Maybe if your man is straying do a little of these things, but beyond that it will backfire. My ex did many of these things and and that is why she is my ex.
I have a boyfriend he always told me he love me that his not cheating on me
But he always tag a particular girl n her sister on his post or he will always use that girl picture as his display picture
Please what should I do his he deceiving me or what please what should I do n please advise me
My name is serena i just accepted a guy this holiday i left my x bcz of him i was attracted to his gd looks but know the guy ignores my text rarely calls only onces. I don’t know what to do to have my x back