This discreet newsletter will teach you how to make him cum hard, give freaky blow jobs & make him scream your name in bed. Click here to get it.
Performing a striptease for your man is one of many wonderful ways to spice up your sex life. However if you don’t prepare properly for it, then it can awkward, weird and really nerve-wracking. So follow the guidelines in this tutorial on how to strip for your man and before you know it, you’ll almost be ready to start working in a club!
How To Strip: The Preparation
The most important part of stripping for your man is getting ready so that the whole thing goes really smoothly and flows naturally. The last thing you want to do is to be stumbling around in front of your man turning on the music and setting up a chair for him…The Where – If your bedroom is big enough, then you should ideally strip for your man there as he will automatically associate it with sex and all things naughty, but if not, then your living room will have to do.
Related: I regularly get messages from women struggling to orgasm. I usually recommend that they check out the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you the 3 simple steps to reach orgasm effortlessly during sex and masturbation. If you're interested, you can find out more here.
What You Wear – Next, you need to think about what you are going to wear so that you look hot. Choose a pair of sexy stockings, bra and panties, that you know will turn your man on. Over these, wear a skirt that’s easy to slip out of. For your top, the easiest is something like a blazer that you can take off without much effort.
Learn: How to choose really sexy lingerie.
The key when choosing your clothes is that your underwear can be super tight and sexy, but your outerwear needs to be fairly loose and simple to remove.
What shoes or boots you wear is truly up to you. They should accent your legs, so heels are almost always best…but if you don’t feel comfortable wearing heels, don’t feel like you have to, just go barefoot instead.
Also: How to dress sexy
If you're interested in learning how to squirt easily during sex and when masturbating, then you may want to check out my Squirting Magic Guide.
The Mood – Next it’s time to pay attention to the mood. Bright lights are a big no-no. Subtle, subdued lighting is what you want. So if you have a dimmer, then you are in luck. If not, then you will need to turn off the light and use candles instead.
Alternatively, you can throw a sheet over a lamp to give the same effect (just make sure not to start any fires!).
Additionally, you can try lighting some incense/scented candles for some nice smells while performing your striptease for your man.
Related: How to make your vagina taste and smell good for your man.
The last part of setting the mood is choosing the right music. Do your best to find out what type of music really turns your man on. It could turn out to be some cheesy top 40 songs or even heavy metal. Whatever it is, try your best to find out what it is.
These 22 lap dance songs will give you some inspiration.
We’ve also made this sex songs playlist with over 400 tracks!
First Time? – If this is your first time stripping for your man, then you may be a little nervous at the idea. There’s a simple solution to all of this…try having a glass of wine before doing it. It will help to make everything go smoothly. Just make sure to only make it 1 glass though, any more and you will end up getting drunk…which won’t make for very sexy stripping.
The last thing you are going to need is a chair for your man to sit in. Okay, now that we have everything, time to learn how to actually strip for your man…
How To Strip For Him
1. You are going to start off by grabbing your man’s wrist and leading him to the chair, from wherever else you are in your house/apartment. When you get there, push him down firmly into the chair so that he knows that you are in charge.
This requires you to be a bit dominant. We have put together a guide on how to be sexually dominant.
2. Next give him a quick kiss so that he knows you aren’t being too serious (even though you are still definitely the one in charge)…
3. Afterwards, slowly and seductively walk a few steps away from him making sure to accentuate your hips as you do. Then stop, look over your shoulder at him and lower your jacket to the floor.
Related: How to be seductive.
If you want to give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually addicted to you, then you'll find them in my private and discreet newsletter. You'll also learn the 5 dangerous & "dumb" sex mistakes that turn him off and how to avoid them. Get it here.
4. Next, take a step back towards your man. Then put your hands on either side of your hips and slowly start to lower your skirt to the floor. As you do, start to bend down towards the ground making sure to give your man a bird’s eye view of your ass.
The slower you do all of this the better.
5. If you are feeling confident at this stage, then it’s just a case of putting your hands on your hips and slowly rotating your hips right in front of him. If he tries to touch or grab you, then swat his hands away and wave your finger in his face. You can do this while facing him or while you have your back to him.
6. Another very sexy move is to straddle one of his legs, sit down on it and seductively grind up and down it.
Related: 11 confidence-building seduction techniques
7. Once you are done doing this, again slowly walk away from your man. Stop when you are a few feet away and then slowly start to undo your bra with your back to him. Start by slipping the shoulder straps down before undoing it from behind your back. When you’re done, throw it at your man before turning around and slowly walking back to him.
8. Sit down on his knee and start grinding on it again, and just go from there. Or you can stay grinding on his knee until you make yourself cum.
You’ll find that it’s a good idea to try this all out on your own first to get an idea of what is easy to do and what needs some work to perfect. The first few times that you do strip for your man, you may them to be a little awkward and not go perfectly well. But with time and practice, you will eventually get really smooth and sexy at it.
Quick Warning: While this instructional video is quite distressing, it will teach you how to make your lover cry with orgasmic pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having someone completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) oral sex tutorial video here.
Making It Super Hot
Once you have mastered the actual stripping part, then it’s time to graduate to some sexy foreplay or even use some of these powerful sex tips on him.
Have fun!
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
Even worse...
She stopped wanting sex with her husband, slowly driving him away, and...
Almost destroying her marriage. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a simple solution for women who struggle to orgasm, whether you are having sex or masturbating.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or while masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
Never in my life have I felt so confident in the bedroom.. I have the man of my dreams & we have amazing chemistry, but now he treats me even more wonderfully than before. He’s WAY more understanding when I have a problem or I’m feeling down, & he’s more likely to side with me in our little debates & talks with friends/family. We play fight and catch ourselves being completely inappropriate around others- even family members. It’s like it is impossible to not have sex at least twice a day. Even if I’m so sore and swollen I can’t resist him & vice versa. Because of you, Sean, the man I’ve had a crush on since I was basically a little girl is crazy about me & I truly feel that he will never leave my side. Thank you very much. My man is snoring away right now but I’m sure if he knew I was writing this he would throw in some appreciation as well :). Best wishes for you in your daily and sexual life!
Hi Alice,
Great to hear! I’m thrilled that the Bad Girls Bible has been able to improve your love life & relationship.
Whats the best lube to use when you are trying anal for the first time and is there anything you can use as a numming agent?
Hi Mz T,
The truth is that there isn’t a ‘best’ lube. There are a number of different kinds though, oil based, water based, silicone base, etc. The key is to make sure that you don’t use oil based ones when your man is wearing a condom as it will damage it making it more likely to tear.
Boy butter also great!!!
KY jelly.. its the best.
You must be a mind reader because this is exactly what I was looking for tonight. Brilliant site, so many great ideas. Thanks!
I had this great guy but wouldn’t have sex with him because I wasn’t ready (trust issues in the past with guys).
He broke things off with me because i was too emotional.
How can I get him back?I would do anything for him.
Hi Sarah,
This is a tough one and sounds like more of a relationship question. My advice would be to talk to him about it.
what if he won’t talk to me? i try calling him and he wont answer.
Hi Sarah,
That sounds more like a relationship question. It could be any number of things
Hi, quick question. Does it really turn a guy on to see a female masturbate? If I was to call my boyfriend upstairs and let him walk in to seeing me touching myself?
Hi Christina,
Many guys find this to be super hot, while some are indifferent and a few may not enjoy it. If you really want to know what your man thinks about it, then the best thing is to talk to him about it.
I don’t know any guy who would object! It is damn hot to watch your girl masturbate!
Hey sean…so do you have any advice on how to give your man cock pops? Ps: I saw it at urban dictionary haha
Lol, honestly it could be a bit painful and potentially dangerous
Sounds intense, but I’d pass. SO many other ways to make him enjoy it.
Ok this is awesome and I now feel more confident doing this BUT on the part where you grid against your guy I’m not to sure. Do you have how to give a lap dance because I’ve always want to try that and just be a slut for my boyfriend.
Hi Kathleen,
You don’t have to know how to give a lap dance. But if you are worried about doing it right, try performing a lap dance on your own to get an idea of how to perform it. It doesn’t have to be perfect. The hottest part about stripping for your man is showing him that you want to do it for him. It’s not all about being super sexy.
Go to burlesque shows for ideas
Take burlesque classes (good work out too)
Watch burlesque videos on YouTube
You don’t have to strip like a stripper. A sexy burlesque routine you make up is just fine.
Also rent 9 and 1/2 weeks as one burlesque dancer told me to do because I was working at home in my own private time a little number to Joe Cocker’s You Can Leave Your Hat On.
Sadly the night Mr. Cocker passed was when I did the striptease for my man and he was already lounging on the bed when I played the song & he knew Cocker had died earlier that day & he whispered slyly that it was in Mr. Cocker’s memory and my man had already told me what he wanted me wearing by the time he got to my place as he didn’t have much time. I was nervous but went with it, bedside small lamp on in the bedroom and just went with the music and teased him by turning my back, pulling panties barely down and then quickly up, flashing my butt more and pulling up & eventually flicking off and same with my bra.
You don’t have to follow Sean’s instructions step by step. It’s a lot easier to enjoy YouTube videos and find a burlesque troop in your area & attend shows & see if they offer classes. Plain & simple
Hi Sean,
I love all of your emails, they have truly helped me in my relationship with my husband.
I have an idea i would like to share with you and your readers, im sure their guy will appreciate it as much as mine did. You use a grapefruit… take the grapefruit and cut off each end (the pink grapefruits are the best because they are juicy) then cut out a hole big enough for your guys penis, if u didnt make the hole big enough, its ok because u can use your fingers to make it bigger. Now before performing this technique tell your guy he needs to be blind folded because otherwise he will be looking at u very akwardly and wondering what u are going to do with that grapefruit. Now start off by giving him a simple blow job, then slip the grapefruit on his penis and with one hand gently squeeze the grapefruit and use circular motions and with the head of his penis continue with your blow job. U can at this point tell him to remove the blind fold, it feels so good to the guy he wont ask u to stop. My husband said it feels like getting a blow job and fucking at the same time. He said its mind blowing.
When he smelt the grapefruit he said he thought it was a fragrance from victoria’s secret. It was a wild experience for us, and i know your readers will enjoy it too.
P.S. WE are still waiting to hear about the bad boys bible. Looking forward to it.
Thanks a million Sean
Hi Laura,
Aren’t grapefruits kinda acid??? Doesn’t it sting? Imagining having some acid juices dripping on my pussy after some action, I think that might really burn…
I assume the texture might feel great for him, but these juices??? Really?
As a guy, I would pass. I tried that once with an orange (large orange) and it was PAINFUL! Way too acidic. Great idea if you can find something not acidic. (I haven’t found it yet)
Hi, the link to the video is not working.
Which one?
I’m a very sexual woman and love creativity and crave kinky, my boyfriend is a amazing lover he is up for anything I want to do to him, now the catch is its whatever I do to him such as tying him up, he tied me up once, he could have done anything he wanted I was game, it was very disappointing.
How do I get him to be creative sexually without always giving him step by step instructions?
Try talking to him and letting him know your frustrations in an open, non-confrontational way
Hi Sean I love all emails and they are super cool,I still can’t believe how great my sex life is right now,all thanks to YOU
I love ur site, ur emails..eveything..I have learned so many kool techniques that my friend njoy..
Thank u
Don’t wanna sound stupid but what is a cock pop. ??
Also thank you . I’m in love and happy keeping my guy happy since I started this journey to learn some new techniques. Thru the bad girl bible
My man loves phones sex and loves to see me masturbate .
I just wish I could say more than the simple things that I say when I’m getting off over the phones for him .
.while he’s away from home we have phones sex every night.
Im cumming up short though on. Sexy phones sex talk.. Moaning and simple phrases invade my mind. I feel dumb. Help..
Im going through the same thing. Idk what to do. It’s so fustrating.