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Is your husband not interested in sex? Although stereotypes describe men as having a voracious sexual appetite (and the science backs up the idea that men experience greater desire than women [1, 2, 3, 4]), women can find themselves married to men who don’t seem to want sex or whose sex drive has seriously dropped. Often, we jump to the worst conclusions, but your husband’s disinterest in sex may not necessarily be negative.
Why Is My Husband Not Interested in Sex?
So you want to know what to do when your husband doesn’t want you sexually? First, you need to determine the possible reason. This is easier by talking to him and possibly a professional (doctor or therapist). But sometimes you just want to get an idea of why he doesn’t want to be intimate with you before you talk to him.
Side note: If you are currently struggling to orgasm during sex or masturbation, then you may want to learn about the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you how to have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation. It works even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating. You can find out more here.
There are several reasons why your husband may not be interested in sex. Some of them are to be expected, many of them can be resolved, and a few may mean the death of your relationship.
1. He’s Cheating

We’ll get this reason why your husband might not be interested in sex out of the way quickly. A lot of women jump to the conclusion that just because he’s not having sex with them, he must be having sex with someone else. Yes, this does sometimes happen.
Read More: Why Do Men Cheat? 7 Reasons You Might Not Suspect
2. He’s Struggling with ED
Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is a difficult subject for many men to deal with. Instead of opening up to you or talking to his doctor, your husband might be avoiding the subject altogether. Of course, this means you’re not having sex.
Don’t think that his ED means he isn’t attracted to you, however. Everything from stress to drug use to blood pressure [5] to high cholesterol [6] to nerve damage [7] to certain medications can contribute to erectile dysfunction [8]. ED is a common side effect of medications used to treat depression [9]. Erection problems also increase with age [10]. Unfortunately, even just worrying about his erection issues can affect his desire for sex [11], so dealing with the problem of ED can prevent further problems in the bedroom.
Related: If you want to give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually addicted to you, then you'll find them in my private and discreet newsletter. You'll also learn the 5 dangerous & "dumb" sex mistakes that turn him off and how to avoid them. Get it here.
Discover the science behind boners.
Men with ED may also experience depression or anxiety [12], especially young men who worry about their performance [13], and you’ll learn how that can affect whether your husband wants sex in a bit.
For men who need just a bit of help maintaining an erection, wearing a cock ring might do the trick.
3. He’s Insecure
If insecurity about a man’s erection can sound the death knell in the bedroom, then what can we expect from his other insecurities? You can probably empathize with your man. After all, none of us are without insecurities. Research finds that body image, for example, can impact a man’s sexual satisfaction [14].
However, men are often taught not to let their insecurities show, which can complicate the issue. Women can talk to their female friends and family about gaining a few pounds, grey hairs or skin that doesn’t seem to bounce back like it once did, but men often lack that sort of outlet.
The good news is, sexual anxiety is normal, so you can let your man know he’s not alone. You can also show him that he’s desirable to you despite – or perhaps because of – whatever flaws he thinks he has. Men love a good compliment too. More on complimenting you guy.
Sexual anxiety can also be mitigated. Read this post about dealing with sexual anxiety to have better sex without reservations.
4. You’ve Changed Physically

The flip side of your husband not wanting sex might be that he’s less attracted to you. Perhaps you’ve stopped putting as much effort into your appearance since you got married, had a child or started a new job. You may have gained weight, even through no fault of your own.
On the one hand, taking care of yourself attracts members of the opposite sex and is nice to do for your man. On the other hand, if your man is so preoccupied with how you look or what you wear, he may be shallow, and you may be better off not having sex with him.
5. He’s Addicted to Porn
Although porn addiction may not be real [15] any compulsive behavior can get between a woman and her husband, ultimately leading to him not wanting sex. Seeing all those toned, youthful bodies, complete with plastic surgery and professional makeup, can certainly lead to a disconnect with the real world.
Similarly, if your husband has a specific fetish, without which he cannot become hard or cum, your regular sex life may suffer.
Keep in mind, however, that porn doesn’t always negatively affect a relationship [16], and masturbation patterns may be dissociated from the desire to have sex with a partner [17].
6. A Medical Condition Has Killed His Libido

There are a number of medical conditions which may provide the answer to the question “Why is your husband not interested in sex?”.
Depression/Anxiety – Depression and anxiety are two such conditions that may affect a man’s sexual function [18, 19].
SSRIs – Medication for depression can also decrease desire [20, 21, 22]. SSRIs, a class of medicines often used to treat depression, are known to cause sexual dysfunction including decreased desire [23, 24, 25]. While men may be less affected than women at the onset, they do not typically see the reduction in symptoms over time like women do. [26] However, building up in dose can reduce the risk of sexual dysfunction [27].
Related: Many female readers ask the same question again and to orgasm more easily often during sex. If you can relate, then you may want check out the 3 step solution I recommend that makes it much easier. You can also see what people have to say about it here.
Dating someone with depression is hard for a variety of reasons.
Cancer Treatment – Similarly, cancer treatments may wreak havoc on a man’s sex drive [28, 29]. Even the common cold or flu gets in the way of a healthy sex life. You might not realize it, but diabetes, ED, and low libido often go hand in hand [30], and diabetes especially affects men’s sexual functioning [31].
Hormone issues – Hormonal imbalances can contribute to sex drive fluctuations, too. It’s one reason why you might be hornier during some parts of your cycle [32] (find out what else makes you horny), but testosterone has been thought to play a role in both men and women who struggle with desire [33], and testosterone therapy can help treat issues with desire and arousal [34, 35, 36]. However, the role between testosterone and desire in men may be less significant than some people realize [37], and the efficacy of testosterone treatment in men has been “conflicting” [38].
Find out about how testosterone affects a man sexually and other sex facts about men.
Obesity – Obesity, technically a medical condition, is no good for sex drive, either [39].
Depending upon the condition, you might seek alternatives such as mutual masturbation or using toys, or you may be able to talk to your husband’s doctor about solutions to his decreased libido.
Sometimes a healthier focus on diet and exercise can naturally increase libido.
On a related note, certain medical conditions can also keep you/your partner in a state of constant horniness. In these cases, you may want to learn some techniques to stop being so horny all the time.
Buy: Sensual Squirting.
7. Your Relationship Is In Trouble
If there’s trouble outside of the bedroom, there’s bound to be trouble inside it. Reluctance to have sex is one sign that your man is unhappy, even if he’s unwilling to talk to you about it. Marital satisfaction and sexual satisfaction are associated [40], so this may come as no surprise.
It might be time to talk about your relationship and tackle any issues you’ve been avoiding if you suspect your man is doing this. However, it might also be a sign that your marriage is over, and you may want to look toward the future instead of trying to patch things up.
8. He Thinks You Only Want Sex

Although being married typically implies that you want more from your man than just sex, he might not be so sure. If he feels objectified or like you only want sex, he might be withholding sex as a test. Similarly, some people withhold sex as a form of punishment. Neither of these behaviors is healthy or mature, so you should make sure you’re open and honest with your man to resolve these issues.
Keep in mind that lack of emotional connection does matter to men and can affect how your man experiences desire [41]. So if he doesn’t feel connected to you, he may not want sex.
9. Your Routine Is Boring
Having sex for years or months naturally leads to a routine. Perhaps you only have sex before bed on Saturdays or you both do things that indicate sex is going to happen.
But that’s so boring!
More than boring, it can be damaging to your sex life. One study found that “[d]issatisfied men were overwhelmingly likely to desire sex more frequently [42].”
Side Note: I put together this in-depth assesment that will uncover just how good you are at giving oral sex and satisfying your man. It may uncover some uncomfortable truths, or you may discover that you are already a queen at giving blow jobs. Click here to take my quick (and shockingly accurate) “Blow Job Skills” Quiz right now and find out how good your blow job skills really are...
It’s all too common: Life is busy, and many people fail to make sex a priority when so many other things seem so much more important. But that’s how you get into a rut. It may be easy to fall into a routine, but it sometimes feels like you have to claw your way out.
10. He’s Stressed
If you feel that your man is not interested in sex, it may be because of stress.
Who can let go and enjoy themselves when so many things demand of your time? Stress hormones can reduce desire [43]. It’s hard to clear work projects, ailing parents, children, household chores and other responsibilities from your mind when you’re stressed.
The good news is, many stresses are only temporary. And you can help lower stress by doing your part at home and making sure not to nag him. A relaxing massage can both lead to satisfying sex and help reduce your husband’s stress.
Discover how to give an amazing erotic massage.
And by the way, if he tries to cope with drugs or alcohol, he may only be further reducing his desire for sex [44].
Interestingly, research has found that stress may correlate to stronger desire in some men [45].
Quick Warning: While this instructional video is quite distressing, it will teach you how to make your lover cry with orgasmic pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having someone completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) oral sex tutorial video here.
What to Do When Your Partner Doesn’t Want to Be Intimate

Once you have an idea of why your husband is not interested in you sexually or in sex at all, you can take steps to remedy the problem – as long as he’s willing. The following solutions can help if your husband has lost interest in you sexually.
1. Learn More About Sexual Desire
If the issue is about triggering desire, educating yourself on the subject can be incredibly helpful.
This article about sexual desire is geared toward women, but much of it applies to men! You might use some of the advice about increasing sex drive to boost your man’s libido or follow some of our reader’s advice about getting horny.
One thing you’ll learn about is responsive desire, which means desire that requires a trigger (such as a person or stimulus [46]) and doesn’t show up spontaneously. Women more often have responsive desire but men can experience it, too [47 p 3, 294, 48]. So you may need to give him something to respond to. Reading up on how to turn a guy on fast might give you a few ideas.
2. Talk to His Doctor
If he has erectile dysfunction, thinks medication might be the culprit behind his lack of interest in sex, or suspects other health issues, he should talk to a doctor. A doctor may be able to provide medical advice or prescribe medication that can help him get his interest in sex back.
For example, a doctor might recommend testosterone supplements for either erection issues [49, 50, 51] and desire [37, 52, 53], or adjust medication that may be interfering with arousal and erections (or suggest alternatives), or prescribe medications to keep blood pressure healthy
3. Seek Counseling

For relationship issues, mental health, stress, addiction to porn, or his own insecurities, seeing a professional who deals with mental health may be a better choice. This could be a therapist or a counselor who he sees either by himself or with you so he can examine his issues and deal with them head-on. If he never wants sex, it could be simply that his sexual attention isn’t focused on you, and counseling may help with that.
Quick Warning: This tutorial video will teach you how to make your girl collapse with unending pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having her completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out this slightly crazy & explicit pussy eating tutorial video here.
A therapist can also help either or both of you develop a secure attachment style if your unhealthy attachment style is affecting sexual satisfaction, which it has been found to impact [54, 55].
4. Deal with Stress
While a therapist may help your man deal with stress, which can contribute to sexual dysfunction [56, 57], your guy may need to focus more on eliminating or reducing the sources of stress in his life. This might be his job, family, or another obligation.
Where he cannot reduce stress, he should learn how to cope with it. Many self-help books on the subject can teach him how to adjust his attitude to better handle stress. A life coach may also be helpful, especially with tackling stress.
Various practices can help with stress including meditation [58, 59], yoga [60, 61, 62], and mindfulness [63, 64], which is also good for anxiety [65], and you may be able to assist him as well or, at the very least, not contribute to his stress.
Related: #39 Better Sex Through Mindfulness with Dr. Lori Brotto
5. Improve Your Communication
Opening up lines of communication and being more vulnerable can help you to become closer and know each other better.
This may be in how you explain your frustration by a lack of sex or how you work to rebuild a relationship after infidelity.
A note on cheating: it’s okay if you decide you want to end a relationship if you discover that your husband was cheating. Sometimes relationships cannot be salvaged, but cheating is a massive breach of trust that you would not be expected to stay through, especially if your partner shows no signs of regret or wanting to fix the issues in the first place.
There’s a complicated association between relationship satisfaction, desire, and sexual satisfaction. However, it might be more effective to focus on interactions with your man versus their low desire [66].
6. Try New Things in Bed

Sometimes the reason why he refuses sex is simply because he’s bored. If you’re willing, the solution can be relatively easy: simply explore more. This can make sex better for both of you and improve your relationship at the same time! Maybe you didn’t even realize you no longer looked forward to your routine sex.
Despite the obivousness of this next statement, few people realize that
Being excited about sex is something that makes sex much, much better.
So, breaking out of that routine might be what you need to become excited again. Instead of doing the same old thing, switch it up. This might mean:
- Dressing up for your man
- Having sex outside the bedroom or even the house
- Initiating sex
- Trying some light bondage ideas
- Adding sex toys
- Sexting
- Taking sex photos
Of course, there are an insane number of ways to spice up your sex life. Check out these 7 ways to spice up your sex life to start.
You might also focus on what men want in bed to give your man the sex he craves.
7. Work on Yourself
It’s easy to think that the answer to “Why is my husband not interested in me sexually?” is that he is less attracted to you, perhaps because of weight gain, age or some other reason. Often this is not the case at all.
However, people can find themselves less attracted to their partners and spouses over time and, truthfully, this can be due to physical or emotional reasons.
Related: How to Look Hot and Drive Him Wild
Now, we would never tell anyone to look a certain way simply to attract others. Your partner should value you, regardless. But if your partner would like to see changes such as weight loss or perhaps keeping yourself a bit more put together in a way that is totally reasonable, consider making them especially if doing so would make you feel better.
Furthermore, striving to be the best partner that you possibly can be may help your man’s attraction, so you will no longer have to wonder why he is not interested in intimacy.
Read: 27 Sexual & Non-Sexual Ideas To Increase Intimacy
Important: Don’t Jump to Conclusions If He Is No Longer Interested In Sex
It’s not the end of the world if he’s not interested in sex as much as he used to be. It might not even be the end of your relationship. Keep these things in mind as you search for the reason he doesn’t want sex and try to implement solutions.
He’s The Only One Who Can Tell You How He Feels
You might look at this article and realize that one or more of these reasons explains why your husband doesn’t want sex anymore, or it may not be that clear.
Even if you think you understand why he refuses sex, you could be wrong or only partially understand the issue. The truth is, only your husband knows why he has less interest in sex with you. No guide on this blog or stranger on the Internet can provide you any answers with certainty.
That’s why it’s so important to talk to your man about your sex life, and not just when there’s a problem. When you make a habit of talking about sex, you won’t find yourself wondering about your man’s motivations, and it won’t seem like an impossible task to have the harder discussions when you need to.
Of course, if you haven’t communicated about sex openly, there’s no better time to start. If you’re not sure, check out this guide to sexual communication, which can help make those hard conversations just a little easier and help you have a better sex life. Just remember, approach these conversations from a place of love and wanting to connect, not judgment.
Plus, talking about sex can lead to greater sexual satisfaction [67].
Desire Waxes and Wanes

In any long-term relationship, there are bound to be times when you have less sex than others. This may coincide with a hectic schedule, but it’s also completely normal for sex to slow down after the honeymoon period and beyond (although, a man’s desire remains more stable throughout a relationship [68]). It doesn’t necessarily mean that anything is wrong or that your man no longer desires you. As long as everything else is good in your relationship, you shouldn’t worry too much. The frequency may pick up again later due to fluctuations in a man’s sex drive over time [68].
Furthermore, people tend to lose desire as they age, in general [69, 70]. In fact, men produce less testosterone over time [71], and because that hormone has a lot to do with their libido, it can mean he wants sex less, too.
Men Experience Desire Issues More Often Than You May Think
One study found that desire issues were the most common type of sexual dysfunction experienced by men. Just under one-third of men experience some problems with sexual desire [72]. His lack of desire doesn’t mean something’s terribly wrong with him – or you for that matter. This leads us to our next point.
It May Not Be You
Although many of us wonder what we’ve done wrong when our partners seem disinterested in sex, it may have nothing at all to do with you. There may be something that your husband needs to work on, but you might not even be able to help other than being the supportive partner you normally are.
Sometimes you should just not waste your breath asking, “How do I get my husband interested in me sexually?” There may not be anything you can do to make things better.
Understanding that it could be him and not you is something that can help you to breathe easier.
You Can Redefine Sex to Satisfy Your Needs
You might find that you can avoid negative feelings when only you want sex, by expanding how you define sex.
There may be physical or medical issues that prevent penetration or orgasm, but this doesn’t mean that the two of you cannot still be sexual together.
Redefining sex means dropping the scripts we have been taught about sex and especially sex between a man and a woman.
What’s that script look like?
Kissing, foreplay (during which your clothes come off), penetration, and a man’s orgasm that signals the end of sex. The typical script often doesn’t include a woman’s orgasm at all and doesn’t leave much room for creativity.
Instead, allow yourself to redefine what sex means to you. It may not include penetration or orgasm at all. There may not be genital stimulation. You might focus on oral, manual sex, and other activities that are typically relegated to foreplay, the very activities that many women find the most satisfying. In fact, some people refer to those as “coreplay” for that very reason.
Learn how redefining sex can help improve your sex life.
Sex may start then pause, it can include toys, and it can even be long distance over the Internet or phone. Sex can even be by yourself.
There’s no right or wrong way to have sex and no reason to stick to the sexual script if it’s not working for you. Once you understand this, you might be able to have a satisfying sex life even if the real reason he is not interested in sex is that he can’t make penetration work.
And even if you’re unable to be physically intimate, you may still be able to foster emotional intimacy so your relationship doesn’t suffer.
Sex Doesn’t Define a Relationship
A lack of sex drive may not even be negative if you’re still working together and communicating effectively. Some couples can go long periods of time without having sex without viewing it as an issue. Some people simply value sex less than emotional intimacy, parenting or building a home together, and that’s perfectly okay! There are other ways to measure the success of your relationship and fulfillment you receive from it.
The problem arises when one of you wants more sex than you’re having. Resentment builds when you’re not on the same page as your man. Some people require more sex. For them, sex is essential to their relationship, and both the frequency of sex as well as the type of sex can be a deal-breaker.
There’s no single rule for how often you should have sex. These things you must figure out on your own with your partner.
Discover how important sex is to a relationship.
Don’t just ask yourself “Why is my husband not interested in sex?”. Consider whether it’s a bad thing.
As you’ve read about some reasons your husband may not be interested in sex, you may see how those things play out in your relationship. You may be able to effect change that returns your sex life to normal without talking to your man about it. However, many of these issues require your husband to be honest, both to himself and to you.
As you’re trying things to get your man interested in sex once more, to improve your sex life, or to work on your communication, it’s important to be realistic. Change may be possible, but it won’t be instantaneous. Even learning how to be vulnerable and open with a partner to reveal deep sexual desires can take a lot of time and work.
If you’re at the end of your rope because you want sex, but he doesn’t, you might not have the patience to stick it out while change happens. Furthermore, even if both of you are on the same page and want to work on your sex lives together, change isn’t linear. Sometimes you take one step forward and two steps back. It can be frustrating.
Focus on progress and supporting your partner even if you’re only taking baby steps. Don’t expect too much too soon, which is unrealistic and could overwhelm your partner. Professional therapy can be quite beneficial in these situations. We recommend a sex-positive therapist, and you can find a list in the resources section.
If the two of you can work together, you can often save your sex life, and you may even be surprised to realize nothing’s wrong even if your husband’s not interested in sex.
You’ll find a list of sex-positive therapists who can help you and your husband work on your relationship and sexual issues on the American Association of Sexuality Educators Counselors & Therapists website.
In her reply to a reader of The Atlantic, Lori Gottlieb reassures a woman whose husband doesn’t want sex that her feelings are valid and reasonable given the situation and that she wasn’t overacting just because it’s only about sex. This is good advice for any woman who receives no intimacy in marriage from her husband and may be considering giving him an ultimatum.
You can learn more about sexual surrogates on Wikipedia.
Better Sex Through Mindfulness is written about and for women, but many of the lessons included by author and researcher Lori Brotto can help men who might be feeling unsatisfied with sex and life because they’re stressed, which makes it difficult to remain in the moment or experience desire.
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ #1 – How do I ask him why he is not interested in intimacy?
Talking to your man is absolutely essential if you want to know the real reason your partner/husband/boyfriend is not interested in sex. However, it’s not an easy task. Here are a few pointers.
- Tell him that you want to talk about your sex life if you think he’s willing. This gives him a chance to come to you when he has the time and energy to have the conversation. Don’t trap him in a conversation time or location-wise, don’t spring it on him, and don’t try to tackle such an important issue if he’s focused on something else.
- Remember to approach the conversation with love and talk about the two of you as a team. It’s not you versus him; it’s the two of you trying to build and maintain the intimacy that sex can provide.
- Don’t start the conversation assuming it will be negative. This colors how you communicate and can set you up to fail. Instead, be vulnerable and compassionate.
- Avoid nagging and criticizing your man. Instead, focus on how much you enjoy it when you feel physically and emotionally intimate with him. It’s okay to let him know that you miss him.
- Remind him of the positives of your relationship that make working on it worth it.
- Encourage him to seek help to improve his own life and your relationship. Suggest tools such as books or therapists that can help. Don’t describe his/your needing help as being broken or negative in other ways. We all need help sometimes.
- Offer to help him in any way you can including ways that can make it easier for him to speak to you or doing things that will raise his interest in sex with you.
- Explain that is it a problem when he doesn’t want to be intimate with you, especially if he doesn’t talk about it. Don’t just drop it because nothing will be solved that way.
- Work toward a conversation first. Sex may follow later, but the two of you need to communicate before that can happen.
- Praise him for communicating and the strides he makes toward change.
Following these guidelines can make your man feel comfortable enough to explain why you want sex, but he doesn’t.
It may still take some time to learn that your husband has no sex drive rather than he has no interest in you specifically. These are two very different things.
However, you’ll never get there if he doesn’t feel like he has a space safe from judgment where he can speak to you honestly.
FAQ # 2 – What should I do if my husband has no interest in me sexually and won’t talk to me?
Tried the above and got nowhere? There isn’t much you can do if your husband simply refuses to talk to you about why he doesn’t want sex with you. Trying to seduce, persuade, or coerce him into sex will not leave either of you happy.
FAQ #3 – Should I have an affair if my husband has no sex drive?
When you’re struggling with the fact that he doesn’t want you sexually anymore, you might have some thoughts that are hard to handle. You might start by wondering how to get him interested in you sexually again; however, if that fails and you go a long time without that intimacy, you might find yourself thinking about an affair or other ways to get your needs met.
Breaking up is undoubtedly difficult, and many people struggle because they think their relationships are strong except for the little issue of sex. However, if you find yourself hurting greatly because your husband has no sex drive or, perhaps worse, is getting his needs met elsewhere, then you should analyze if your relationship is really that good. If not, would the better option be to simply leave him and sleep with other people without cheating?
If you do choose to cheat, there are all sorts of risks:
- Developing feelings for the person you have the affair with or him falling for you
- Hurting your husband if he finds out
- Ending your marriage/relationship because of that hurt
- Pregnancy or STI transmission from the affair
- Judgment from people who find out about your affair
- Guilt
Some people do cheat and do get away with it, but it’s hard, and we don’t recommend it. You need to be quite careful if you want to get away with an affair.
In a few cases, there may be ways for you to have your needs met without compromising your relationship. Consider masturbation and using sex toys if what you miss most is the pleasure and release.
Read More: 14 Powerful Masturbation Techniques For Incredible Orgasms
Sometimes people seek sexual surrogates — sex workers who provide sexual services for the purpose of relief — or even an open relationship. These options are best when your husband is aware and okay with them. Some husbands might bring up the idea first if they are not just uninterested in sex but physically unable to perform.
Of course, sleeping with someone else while you’re in a relationship may not be something you’re okay with, even if your man is. You shouldn’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable – including staying in a relationship where your sexual needs are not met. This means that breaking up might be the best course of action if it’s the only way for you to be sexually satisfied.
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed. And...
She completely hid this from her husband. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a way for any woman to orgasm. Easily. And have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
In the past couple years my boyfriend has opened a new world to me about sex. I use to have it now I love it. I use to be insecure and now I will walk naked in front of him. Since I don’t have much experience he is helping me explore and learn. Lately we haven’t had a sex life like we is to. He doesn’t touche to arouse me and w don’t have any foreplay. Usually I start and then it ends him kicking back and having a good orgasm. He spends hours looking into things we decided to try like a 3some, finding people and talking and only after long conversations he tells me about them. I feel like his attention from others is what gets him going and I just get him to finish, like he isn’t into me like that unless someone else is involved. What do I do?
Being in my late 30’s a friend suggested to me that I could be ASEXUAL, little or no interest in sex or physical contact, as I have not been in a relationship for over 10 years. So I looked into and I think her suspicion is right. At first I felt weird or like there was something I should/could be doing as you repeatedly suggest but that would be to suggest to a gay man or lesbian or bisexual that there is something they can do to have an interest ONLY in the opposite sex. The fact is that there is nothing wrong with me or anyone else that is asexual. The fact is that we simply have different priorities and maybe our brain wiring is a little different but does that make us wrong? Absolutely not and maybe you as an influencer you should have written extensively about this instead of writing about the woman possibly cheating and being unfaithful to her spouse. It is worse and disgusting for a spouse to cheat than to simply not be interested in physical contact. Asexuals not being interested in physical contact should not be confused with not wanting personal relationships or to be married or have children. They are completely different topics.
There is absolutely nothing wrong being ASEXUAL. The problem arises when one partner likes to have sex and the other doesn´t in a MONOGAMOUS relationship. Especially when one or both partners retort to shaming and shutting down any attempt for a resolution that BOTH parties are happy with.
Let the friendly negotiations begin =)
My spouse has no desire for sex at all. I feel like I’ve been sold a fraudulent marriage contract. It seems like the only way we can save our marriage and balance our sex drives is if I eliminate mine. Any tips for that?
Sorry to hear that Chris. You both need to talk to each other. Different people need different things from their relationship. Sometimes we assume that what we want is what the other person wants too. The only way to let the other person know what you want is to talk to them.
Just keep going, the resentment will kill your desire for her eventually, took me 13 years.
If you’re writing about it here, I’m sure you’ve talked to her about it many times. If it goes on longer than a year. with no legitimate reason to withhold sex, she’s not changing. No way. So, you’ve got to decide what you can live with or without in this case. I’m married 23 years. The first 10 were great! Then, he changed, slowly at first. He was an alcoholic all along, and I didn’t realize I fell in love with the person he was when he was drinking. He was a functional drunk for years, and I was naive. I rarely drink; not because I have a moral opposition to it, I just don’t like the taste of most alcohol. When his drinking became life threatening to him and me, I said ENOUGH…three times. Each time, he promised he’d stop. Each time, I came back. By the third time, he stopped drinking booze for good (I think…). However, the sober guy is ZERO fun, treats me like a roommate and pays very little attention to me or our lives as a couple. He has ZERO interest in intimacy, sex or emotional. He’s not having an affair – hell, I was his affair 25 years ago – and he’s not gay, so he says. I, on the other hand, have always had a healthy appetite for experiencing life and, most definitely, good sex. We’ve talked about it, he gets defensive and angry, usually he gives me the silent treatment or just sleeps all the time, and he controls any connection between us with little to ZERO efforts to make improvements, despite knowing how deeply rejected his emotional distance makes me feel. Physically, he checks out fine. The addict in him believes he needs medication for anxiety and depression, when the reality is if he’d participate in LIFE and sex…:)…he wouldn’t be depressed or feel anxiety. He really has no reason, and he’s said that, too, for his total disconnect and lack of libido. It’s really no deeper than that; you can’t just blame things on your parents all the time or a bad childhood. Get over it! So, if he’s got a deep dark hidden demon about his childhood, get help and don’t lie or withhold working through whatever the heck is ruining your life, and get back to living…and screwing your wife! Life’s too short to just live… Spouses who pull this kind of crap need to step outside their own ego and selfishness and remember they made a promise to someone. Keep it…or, eventually, someone will decide that contract is terminated due to non-compliance. Ha HA! I can sure give the advice; if only I could follow it, too! I pray there will be a definitive moment if all stays the same, after 13 years of me trying like hell to figure us out and find a solution…BIG FAIL…a moment when it’s clear, I’m not afraid of the unknown, know I won’t feel so alone when I’m alone, anymore, being alone won’t last and, most of all, I’ll be okay. I love him, but he’s killing me, both emotionally and physically/healthwise. I honestly thought I had it all on our 10th anniversary. Unfortunately, I didn’t know the full meaning of “all” until a few years later. I don’t want it all. I just really want the man I fell in love with back; unfortunately, I’m pretty sure he’s not coming back. Life’s full of choices…I’m staring down a big one, and so are you!
Did not see our reason listed here: hes so tired of asking and hearing “no”, that he just assumes that’s always the answer. Most women seem to settle down to only intrested when their cycle is making them. Every 28 days sex or a fight. After you finally pry yourself away from wanting it, you realize 0 times per year is much better than a dozen times or less.
You forgot one of the main reasons that men lose the desire for sex. If early in the marriage a man is constantly rejected when he initiates he tends to start to lose interest. He feels like why did she marry me if she doesn’t want to get intimate and be close to me? It is normally over many years of rejection that a man finally gives up and says to himself, she only wants sex when she can manipulate with it or do it out of duty or pity, why bother. When there is sex it’s not with any enthusiasm and normally the same old way with her mostly just laying there and not wanting to try new things. It can feel very lonely to the husband. Then the wife will start to realize that the husband doesn’t initiate anymore and wonders why he won’t try and starts to feel bad about it. It must be his fault or have something wrong with him. When a man gets to this point it can be hard to rekindle his desires.
Very true but what the solution
Warn women beforehand that it can happen, once it has happened, I see don’t think it CAN be fixed.
It’s the same when it’s the woman who gets rejected. Truthfully, when our spouses do this to us, it is like dying inside. I’d never take my boys away from him, because being apart from him breaks their little hearts, and I can’t do that. He doesn’t even look at me like that anymore. If he wants sex, he just takes care of it, right away with his phone. He’s happy. He has a best friend, beautiful kids and a stable life. I get to take care of everyone, nobody touches me, and I’m unwanted. I love him, and it’s horrible. Worse that I told myself I probably deserved it, somehow, because I needed a reason to explain why it was happening, and he wouldn’t talk to me. All humans need reasons, and we’ll invent them if needed.
This is my life minus the kids
Most important reason behind this fact is,
He wants you to surrender to him. He might think, his touch to your body does not produce the ignotion and urge to connect.He forsure can think, since you dont get wet with his touch, you are not sensitive to his presence.
Most of the men, not only want sex or porn only, they want their partner to be lost in him. They must have a feel you dont have anything to hide
I am married for 35 years. We had a very good sex life for most of it. I have suffered from chronic depression since I was a teenager but it was only after my mom’s death in 2012 that I was diagnosed with bipolar. I am doing very well on the prescribed meds. but my husband took the situation very bad and could not understand that I always had bipolar and that is how he met and married me. The diagnosis was a reliever for me as now I can control it through the correct meds and medical support. Because of it we went through a very rough 5 years. But our sex life suffered and came to a halt 1 year ago. I tried everything. but he refuse to discuss the problem and says that it is a “phase” “it is his age”. I did gain weight and for a long time blamed myself for it. I decided to let it play out, but after a year it is still ongoing. I know that he is not cheating on me. I am now at the end of my teeter. I know that it is not normal. He is very healthy a fitter than most men younger than him.
Sorry to hear this. Do you think he should talk to someone (a doctor) about it?
He just not responding to any requests to see someone. I asked him several times, but now I stopped asking
My husband never wanted to have sex as sex from my marriage. He has no desire of his own. He mostly react in a negative way. Blamed me usually for having strong desire…. I stopped trying to convince him about all love, desires, sex intimacy etc after 5 years of my Merriage. But I realised after 27 years that I have become a robot and a disturbed person. Then a year and half before started this again with him. Initially had mind blowing feelings from my side only …. then after realising constant rejection from him I started sitting down again. And I am highly hurt and disappointed on that. Kind of lost …. don’t know what to do… I have 4 kids and 28 years of this relationship…!
My wife had some affairs about 25 years ago and at the time I didn’t realize this was going on until when I called her on a business trip. I let it all go for a long time and last summer i started thinking about it a lot. I won’t go into all the details but there were several guys she met with. However she refuses to discuss any of it such as the why, how many men exactly, where etc. “I’m not that person anymore. Or, I always chose you.” Are the comments she’s made when I’ve asked her about it all. She still refuses to discuss anything. It’s affecting my desire to be sexual with her. I just want honesty.
I completely get that. It’s impossible to be truly intimate with someone who has demonstrated that depth of betrayal towards you and the marriage then the betrayal of not being respectful enough to truthfully answer the questions. I’m living it currently. It’s a mindf*k.
My husband is in his mid 70’s and I am ten years younger. Everytime I asked about sex, he told me that I should have married someone younger. He disgusts me now and after about two years of not having sex, I found a guy with a huge cock that knows how to use it, along with doing things that my husband would never have thought of. I was faithful for over 41 years and I am going to have the sex life that I desire. We live in the same house but there is no love so I’m going to get it from someone else. My sex dude moved away about five months ago. I’m taking my time looking for someone else. I’m 65 but I’m not dead yet. I will find another dude in due time.
I am a businessman and I travel a lot between Europe, US and Australia. 10 years ago I met someone who was in the same situation as me where we both were married. I know a lot of people may judge me, but we had a great chemistry. We had a beautiful friendship were we had our boundaries and it worked well for us. With Covid, she lost her job and things have come to a standstill for us!
Let’s just totally leave out a reason why your husband avoids sex with you
It’s actually I reason I avoid it with my wife
You rejected me too many times before to ever wanna try to touch you again
Plain and simple
Rejection will definitely make you look at your spouse differently. You reject sex but not my money…
After years of sexual rejection, now she wants sex with me. NOT A CHANCE.
See how it feels, bitch.
If this is your case, I can honestly tell you, good luck. He might’ve found a mistress. He learned not to want you since he couldn’t have you. If this goes on for years, you might as well cheat or dust off your vibrator, because he’s either turned off by you and/or cheating on you because you rejected him too many times
I’m tired of these blogs addressing every other reason for why a man won’t touch his wife anymore, but always leaves this obvious reason out
My advice: update this article. Many men have been repeatedly rejected and ultimately gave up on the pu$$y only to either swear of sex, rely on porn for relief, cheat or just leave you for someone else. Nine times out of ten, if he left you and has a new babe, he met her before the split since you rejected him for so long
Mistresses always pop up to APPROVE a man that another woman REJECTS. One woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure. What you won’t do for your man, another chick will. Remember that
Bang on the money Mark!
Why this never gets mentioned is feminism at work: we can’t blame the poor tbings even if they fail to hold up marital arrangements.
And they wonder why men don’t wanna marry anyone.
Take take from these odious women.
here’s a reason no woman not blog will ever admit nor disclose…
You turned him down for sex too much, too often for too long… now he doesn’t want you anymore as a result
Eventually, when he keeps hearing NO, he’ll “get the picture” and just avoid you altogether unless it’s for the children and bills
Don’t be surprised if after 1000 NOs, he found someone else who said YES
Or maybe there is another reason. You rejected his advances so many times that he just gave up and leads a life of quiet desperation. If you think this is just complaining, have a read of The Sex Diaries by Bettina Arndt. Now there’s this wall of resentment between you and everyone tip toes around it.
The point, “she’s a bitc*” wasnt in the list. No man wants to have sex with a disrespectful and rude woman.
You forgot a couple of things:
She’s a porcelain doll (everything makes her feel uncomfortable), you’ve become unflexible because you stopped exercising and stretching, I have to be at this particular angle, all of sudden I can only use half of my penis as opposed to before we where married.
Boring as in zero attempts to initiate or let me relax while she performs on me.
Talking about nonintimate things when we are supposed to be getting sexy (don’t talk about the kids while we’re naked, don’t talk about politics, chores, or your friends issues) I have actually been talked out of an erection.
Sex is ALWAYS on her terms, when I want it, it’s a maybe. I have gone three months with I’m not in the mood or maybe tomorrow. Me turning her down is the only way to make me feel like I have some say in the matter.
Frumpy is not ok, it’s bad enough if you’ve let yourself go, but buying overalls and getting the “I need to speak to your manager” haircut just doesn’t do it for me.
Knew she was fucking around the whole marriage turned me off and she acted like she wasn’t doing anything but came home with panties full of Cum…she would always shower right away before dinner. I finally divorced her after she was sneaking around with a friend of mine 20 years of her infidelity was more than enough after pulling a DNA on kids to find out they weren’t mine She always accused me of cheating.. probably why I stay alone…
There is more happiness in giving than receiving. Is that true ?
After 20 years of giving to my wife in bed I’d say it’s a lie.
I don’t want sex anymore I do all the work.
Inside I hate women. Selfish animals. Everyone of them.
I just want to have sex! I haven’t had sex in 19 years now. I don’t understand, i am pretty, a teal blond with blue eyes, normal body weight, 5ft 5in. Been told am really sexy woman. I like to dress nice, sexy, I get looks from men everywhere I go and even looks from some women, but not one man comes and starts a conversation with me, i don’t get it! What can I do to get a man to be interested in me and talk to me, have sex with me? I can go talk to them and even flirt a little and no response. What’s wrong with these men! I want sex lol, all the sex workers are female around here, no jigilos lol. Any advise for me?
Me too. Do what I did fuck his 2 best friends. And I let them do what ever they wanted to me. Double penetration. Sucked them off. They even tied me up. Only thing I wish I had not done was let his African American friend do me anal. He was too big and I was sore for days. I let them do anal with me and I demanded that they do anal with each other. Their wife’s don’t know and I have not done it again. They have asked and send me pictures. They have flashed me couple times. My girlfriend we talk about everything. She told me that her husband has asked her if she would ever consider swapping. She been married 18 years and still fucks her husband everyday. She is tiny I don’t know how she takes that huge member.
Did you insult his penis? Did you tell him youve had bigger? Or that he’s “no big deal”. There’s your problem. I don’t know how you can fix that. I don’t think it’s possible. You’ve permanently destroyed his self confidence. But no one’s going to tell you that. The diagnosis will be E.D.
Been together 15 years married for 9, used to have sex regularly now he never wants it and when indo initiate and he follows through it is terrible and doesn’t satisfy me because he just isn’t into doing it with me, I am miserable and heartbroken. I have tried talking, dressing up, not talkimg but he just isn’t into me, he says he is but all actions say he is not