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We recently asked a bunch of people what it feels like to have an orgasm. Their descriptions were hot, helpful and sometimes quite intense. In total 77 women, 8 men, and 5 non-binary/trans folks explained the joy, ecstasy and connectedness that orgasms can bring.
You may also find their detailed responses helpful in understanding how to give yourself more pleasure.
Related: I regularly get messages from women struggling to orgasm. I usually recommend that they check out the Easy Orgasm Solution. It will teach you the 3 simple steps to reach orgasm effortlessly during sex and masturbation. If you're interested, you can find out more here.
77 Women Explain What An Orgasm Feels Like
1. You hold your breath, hoping to get one more second of that feeling
It feels like I am about to explode. As though I need to scream just to release the pressure that has built up inside me. I always figured it’s like a balloon right before it pops when you blow it up too big. It stretches and absorbs the air until it finds its limit and then bursts. That burst during the orgasm when my muscles clench and release over and over is like the greatest pleasure and release you can feel. A warm glow spreads through you, and you hold your breath, hoping to get one more second of that feeling.
2. Throbbing
Throbbing sensation through my vagina.
3. Different Sensations
Vaginally – small but controlled at the end. Clitoral – controlled but larger area of explosion. Vaginal and clitoral stimulation with penetration – whole body explosion.
4. Clitoral is the quickest
Clitoral is the quickest, and I can come really hard this way. Vaginal is slower, a combination of the two is the best. I haven’t orgasmed anally but have come close.
5. Disturbing the Neighbors
My spouse knows how to use his tongue in a manner that can cause an orgasm that I can only compare to skydiving. It causes my entire body to shake with tremors. I feel dizzy. We recently learned I become loud enough that we are actually disturbing and sometimes upsetting the wife of our next-door neighbors.
If you want to give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually addicted to you, then you'll find them in my private and discreet newsletter. You'll also learn the 5 dangerous & "dumb" sex mistakes that turn him off and how to avoid them. Get it here.
He can cause this orgasm multiple times in one session. Vaginally he can do the same. He has taught me numerous new positions that can cause the same effects. With the addition of taking time to be able to walk, think, or talk for a bit afterward. He puts me in positions that have deeper penetration than I’ve ever experienced.
I remember looking at him like he was out of his mind when he first mentioned some ideas to me, but I trusted him enough to follow, and I’ve never looked back. I’m new to blowjobs and trying to learn as I go. I want to do for him the same as he does for me. Hopefully, one day I’ll have him disturbing the neighbors too.
6. My body shakes with pleasure
I love that my body shakes with pleasure. It is hard to describe the actual feeling, just that it leaves me breathless.
7. A Heavenly Experience
It leaves your body shaking, like electricity flowing through your veins. Complete and utter euphoria. It’s so intense at times that I literally zone out of this world. Every sense is stimulated and in harmony. I feel love, power, and sexy. An orgasm makes me lucky to be a woman because I get to have the privilege of experiencing something so heavenly.
8. It’s Better Together
If I’m cumming and they are cumming too, then my orgasm feels better than any other type (of orgasm). I adore feeling him release inside me while I’m in the throes. It’s beyond sexy and delicious.
Discover the key to simultaneous orgasms.
9. Pulsating and Warm
Clitoral orgasms send shivers down my spine and make my vagina pulsate. Vaginal orgasms are weaker and feel nice. Combined with clitoral orgasms, they’re just out of this world. Warm sensation through my whole body while my vagina squeezes around his penis multiple times.
10. No Feeling Or Breath
When having orgasms, I just experience my body going numb and losing the ability to breathe most of the time.
11. Different Sensations for Different Orgasms
It feels like letting go of all control, like being closer to heaven. Clitoral orgasms feel deep, while vaginal orgasms feel like a pleasurable pain inside.
12. Your Soul Leaves your Body
Having an orgasm is breathtaking. It feels like your soul just suddenly leaves your body and smashes back down into you while he pumps his cum into you. But it’s not always that I orgasm. I have to really like someone first before I reach the pinnacle.
13. It Brings Out the Inner Animal
I feel a bit aggressive when I orgasm. I want to bite and claw and growl. However, I most often smother those impulses since my man doesn’t like it, aside from that.
- A clitoral orgasm feels like bubbly and honest laughter through my whole body.
- A vaginal orgasm makes me feel like a hunting lioness. Aggressive. Intense.
- An anal orgasm is more intense than clitoral but otherwise the same.
Related: Women Describe What an Anal Orgasm Feels Like
14. One Can Keep Going, the Other Doesn’t
Clitoral – it feels pleasurable and then explosive and then SENSITIVE. Vaginal – pleasurable the entire time. There is this need to keep going. I like to be fucked hard. Then all of a sudden, I am relaxed and just want to lie down and sleeeeeeeep.
15. Mental and Physical Feelings
I feel fulfilled, very happy, and more in love. Having orgasms is a turn-on. Afterward, my body is relaxed.
16. Fast Food Versus Sit Down Meal
Clitoral orgasm = fast food orgasm. It’s a quick release, but that’s it. Vaginal orgasm = wet gushing wide open orgasm.
A constant question: I consistently get emails asking how to orgasm more easily & often during sex. I usually recommend this 3 step system that makes it a lot easier (& fun!). You can also see people's reactions to it here 😉
Learn how sometimes female orgasm includes ejaculation.
17. Over too Soon
I can only have clitoral orgasms. I’m not sure why that was, but it just feels really good, and I don’t want it to end since it lasts only seconds.
18. Stirring and Waves
It feels like something is stirring from deep inside & it gets bigger until it consumes my whole body. Sometimes I squirt along with it. Immediately after, there’s a wave of just total relief.
Read: 119 women describe what squirting feels like.
19. Passing Out and Falling Down
Having an orgasm is a rare experience for me, but the times that I have had one, it was very intense to the point I passed out and woke up shaking uncontrollably. I almost felt sick. I tried to get up and go to the restroom, and I fell on my face because my legs were so weak.
20. Shooting to the Stars
My orgasm always starts with cunnilingus, and as I am close to orgasm, I always feel like I am at the top of a high cliff and just need that last push to shoot me to the stars. That’s when I must have that vaginal thrusting. When I orgasm, I feel a vibration through my whole body. My FB actually could feel my orgasm. Now, if that didn’t just make him feel the cock of the walk!
21. Feeling Loved and Secure
It makes me feel loved and secure when my boyfriend makes me do it. We like pleasuring each other. I’ve only ever had a clitoral orgasm, but we keep trying vaginally.
22. Left Breathless
My whole body just relaxes with a clitoral orgasm. There’s a deep feeling in and around the vagina. I usually hold my breath during orgasm. If I am lucky, there are two back-to-back, and I am out of breath but feel so good!
Squirting: Any woman can experience the intense pleasure of squirting, if you follow the right process. I demonstrate the most powerful squirting techniques and explain the process, step-by-step in the Squirting Magic Guide.
23. Vaginal Penetration for Multiple Orgasms
With a vaginal orgasm from either penis or when he fingers me, there’s a feeling of needing to pee, then a strong burst of intense pleasure (I get the wettest this way). Any position vaginally always results in multiple orgasms.
24. Electric Sensation
It feels like electricity going through my body. My vagina clamps down on his cock and I have no control.
25. Free Falling and No Inhibitions
A total surrender; a free fall. There’s no inhibition, no return. It’s a sense of levitation followed by a toe-curling spasm.
26. Some Build Up, Some Are Waves
Clitoral orgasms build up slower, and they feel bigger, while vaginal is more like waves of pleasure. Anal is the most intense when I have them, which is not that often.
27. Out of Body Experience
It’s an extreme sensation with anal orgasms, from pain to pleasure quickly once adjusted. An out-of-body type of experience.
28. Shaking Things Up
An anal orgasm feels like an earthquake at its peak, with my body shaking making me scream.
29. It Completes You
Clitoral is satisfying. Vaginal orgasm is more intimate and can only be reached when you want to go to the next level. It is more intimate and takes your breath and your legs and leaves you complete.
Side Note: I put together this in-depth assesment that will uncover just how good you are at giving oral sex and satisfying your man. It may uncover some uncomfortable truths, or you may discover that you are already a queen at giving blow jobs. Click here to take my quick (and shockingly accurate) “Blow Job Skills” Quiz right now and find out how good your blow job skills really are...
30. Love Is the Secret Ingredient
An orgasm feels like love and passion. Not everybody has given me an orgasm that I can brag about, but my husband is absolutely amazing at it and when it happens I just feel the love and passion he has for me.
31. Overwhelming
It feels overwhelming. Takes me completely away. My body shakes, and it is hard to explain. It can be small or very intense.
32. Ice Water Versus Hot Cocoa
Once during a girl’s wine/spa night, I asked, “Would you rather lose your G Spot orgasm or your clitoral orgasm?” I was surprised that every woman answered G Spot. A G Spot orgasm is different from a clitoral one. It feels dark and wild, while a clitoral orgasm feels kind of bright and spicy. I feel much more passionate about my G Spot orgasm because it’s easier to envision being fucked/having sex.
The clitoral orgasm is “spicy,” I think because it’s such a sensitive little bean. If I could compare them to everyday things that people do in the morning, I think about a clitoral orgasm similar to drinking ice water after brushing your teeth and a G Spot orgasm like having hot coffee and a biscotti. But that doesn’t mean that G Spot is mild 😉
33. Big and Small
I have little orgasms that are just a good feeling and a small release, but then there are big orgasms that are like a major release. That is harder for me to get to, but I will have a dozen once I have one. I am able to have both small and large (O, God) orgasms with anal and vaginal sex. I usually only get my O God Orgasm when I am having sex on top. He can be anal or vaginal as long as I am riding him.
34. Tingling and Shivering
My husband gives me amazing orgasms every time we have sex. I have full body tingling, shivering orgasms whenever he plays with my clit, and we just recently tried anal and I had the most amazing clitoral orgasms.
35. The Difference Between Eating to Survive and Thriving
The only similarity between my orgasms is a release; otherwise, they’re all different. I can cum from my clit, G Spot, and nipples, and they all give me different orgasms, and a combined female orgasm is just epic. My least favorite orgasms are when I masturbate alone. That feels like eating a dry piece of bread when I’m really hungry. Whereas sex with the guy I’m dating feels like a four-course meal where I am completely satisfied.
Quick Warning: While this woman's story & subsequent BJ tutorial video is quite distressing, it will teach you how to make your man scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having your guy completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out her story & (explicit!) blow job tutorial video here.
The guy I’m dating gave me an incredible orgasm this weekend. I went to give him a hand job but realized how incredibly dizzy I still was from the orgasm, which was pretty sweet.
36. Asteroid Crash
Having an orgasm from clitoral stimulation is easy. I like being on the edge, the heartbeat and stomach-tingling sensation that ends as if an asteroid of pleasure blasts in my whole body (clit being the asteroid).
37. A Table for Two
An orgasm for me is like a good meal with a starter at first to tease the palette, then a good main course and finished off with an amazing dessert. There’s a slow buildup to the point where I absolutely explode and never want it to stop.
38. Surge and Jello
It’s like a surge of energy rushing through my body. The best orgasms I’ve had were a combination of anal, vaginal, and clitoral stimulation simultaneously. My legs feel like jello after–almost like I can barely stand up.
39. It Washes Over You
A clitoral orgasm is like a huge wave of extreme pleasure that almost feels like you’re in another world. The room becomes blurry, and it is such a rush of powerful pleasure that lasts about 30 seconds, and then your body is completely relaxed and super sensitive.
40. Pleasure and Pain
Having an orgasm is an intense, pleasurable experience. My vagina contracts and relaxes – almost like a controlled spasm. A clitoral orgasm is a quicker way to orgasm. It feels good but not as intense. A G Spot orgasm takes longer to achieve but is so worth the effort. It is deeply satisfying. It makes my whole body shudder with pleasure. An A Spot orgasm is painful pleasure. It hurts so good.
41. Changes How You Move
It’s like a tension that builds up and then a sudden fall. I can’t help but move, and then I can’t move anymore. A vaginal orgasm feels deeper and longer to come.
Quick Warning: This tutorial video will teach you how to make your girl scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having her completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) pussy eating tutorial video here.
42. Tingles That Spread
He goes down on me and starts a tingling between my legs that spreads all over. I start shaking, and then everything is too sensitive to touch, and I make him stop.
43. Like Demonic Possession
It feels like I’m outside of my body and my whole body seizes up, and I can’t control my body, and I literally feel like I’m possessed by a demon.
44. From Orgasm to Subspace
I’ve had orgasms before that have pushed me into subspace. For anyone not familiar with that, it’s when a very deep level of trust and respect is present, along with feeling sexually free. Not caring about feeling self-conscious but allowing your body and mind to connect to feel every touch, thrust, kiss, etc.
It doesn’t matter if it’s vaginal or anal. The feeling that all of this can be best described as a hard physical rush that makes me very warm, and the after-effects make me feel drunk. Then from there, the orgasm subsides, and I’m left feeling tired and drained. Both physically and emotionally.
Read More: BDSM Subspace
45. Heating to Boiling Point
I usually have clitoral orgasms. It feels like I am a thermometer, and the orgasm is working its way up to the top of the thermometer as things get hotter. Then, I get a “tingly” feeling that signals to me that I am about to have an orgasm. Finally, the orgasm is a matter of contractions, with each contraction giving me the feeling of squirting, which I am not physically doing.
46. Euphoric Explosion
An orgasm is something that everyone needs to experience, if only once in their lifetime. It’s a feeling of epic euphoria when your inner being explodes with such intensity that you feel you’ve been shot into unknown territory.
47. Satisfies that Hunger
Having an orgasm feels like I’m being taken to new heights, new levels of sensation that almost can take me out of my body, especially when we have sex in a position that stimulates my G Spot to orgasm.
Those are currently my favorite as I’m learning to have them in my 40’s during sex in certain positions. While a clitoral orgasm is, of course, great, I don’t feel as satisfied cumming that way alone, and usually, after two, it’s too intense. My favorite is having a simultaneous G Spot/clitoral orgasm.
Like biting into a burger after you have been starving for hours. A rush of delicious feeling over the whole body.
48. Tension and Calm
Twisting and pulling on a rubber band until it snaps, then a calm feeling with waves of warmth pulsating with a fast heartbeat, then a release with ears ringing.
49. Gives You Chills
An orgasm feels so good. It’s letting your body do whatever it’s gonna do. An orgasm feels like a release of secretion coming from my pussy. It feels so good when someone is hitting the right spots, and that can be from oral sex, actual penetration, or from fingering myself or using a sex toy. When someone or something is hitting the right spot, and I cum, the feeling that comes over my body is good chills and sensations/good feelings. I’m also a squitter, and that feels 100% more intense than a regular nut, and it’s a BIG GUSH that squirts out, and OMG, it’s the best. Cumming is sexual sensations all over your body, including your vagina.
50. Hair On End
I’ve only had vaginal orgasms, and it felt like my insides were vibrating, the sensation of being tickled, the back of my hair standing. I felt like crying, too overwhelmed with joy. It felt like peeing and blood running up and down my spine.
51. Losing Consciousness When the Pressure Mounts
Clitoral orgasm; I need to be turned on first. The orgasm itself feels like a pressure that’s pulsing vaginally. Depending on the pressure added to my clit, this pulsating pleasure can be extended (which is awesome!).
For a G Spot orgasm, I’ve only had a few of these, but it feels like climbing. The hits to my g Spot can feel like a pull (the “Come Hither” move with the fingers) or a pulse that spreads upwards in my vagina (if my man is on his back and I am riding him). The pressure will eventually become so overwhelming that I squirt. The first time this happened, I actually lost consciousness.
52. What an Orgasm Feels Like Depends on the Type
I describe my orgasms differently.
- Clitoral: fast, explosive, short, hot, superficial.
- G Spot: ecstatic, explosive, pulsating, hot.
- Vaginal: deep, wholesome, satisfying, expansive, deeply relaxing, devoted, love expanding for the partner.
- Full body: orgasmic blissful state of magic in exchange with the partner, sharing love, vibration throughout the body. It is not local as with some other forms of orgasm but distributed all over the body/ Pulsing, vibrating, and tingling throughout the feet, legs, genitals, pelvis, belly, heart, nipples, throat, and arms.
53. When Words Fail You
A vaginal + clitoral orgasm feels like my entire body just wants to close around and grip onto my partner, plus feelings of euphoria rush and wanting to explode. As for anal orgasms, I can’t even describe how it feels because so much goes on in my body and mind that I can’t even remember any words that could describe it?
54. Your Body Clenches
I love all orgasms, but they’re all different. The most intense are from a vibrator or a good, slow tease into oral sex with fingers in every hole. A strong orgasm makes me scream and almost gives a strong warm pulsating ecstasy that makes you clench your whole body.
I will say very few men have the ability a vibrator can do. But the best orgasms are clitoral mixed with vaginal and or anal together.
55. Like the Rebirth of the Phoenix
Nirvana. It’s like exploding into millions and millions of pieces and then coming back as a whole, like the rebirth of the Phoenix. It feels like for seconds, you are in a different world like your soul has left your body.
56. Riding a Roller Coaster
I have no words to properly describe; there are only sounds! It’s like a roller coaster that shoots you out, and only the shooting is at the end.
57. Champagne, Craving, Volcano
A clitoral orgasm is tantalizing. It comes on slow and builds up like popping a bottle of champagne. A vaginal orgasm is soul-stirring when your partner has an orgasm at the same time. It’s like tasting something you’ve been craving, and your saliva glands go into overdrive. You want more of what you just had. Having a G Spot orgasm is like a freaking volcano erupting spewing lava everywhere.
58. Brain Checks Out
Everything is quiet, and I get extremely wet. It’s almost as if my brain shuts off.
59. A Shocking Good Time
If I am having sex from behind either during vaginal or anal, pulling my hair, and suddenly pushing me flat on the bed with the full weight of his body and bites my neck, it makes my whole body tease up from the pain, and I have a full-body orgasm that feels like a million electric shocks all over my body. It makes my pussy clench around his dick, and he lets out a sound of pleasure as I had never heard.
60. Forgetting to Breathe
Vaginal – A good orgasm is one where you can feel the pressure build. The intensity of the orgasm warms my vagina, and I become more moist. The intensity builds, and I can feel the build-up in my legs. As long as he continues at the right pace, there is an explosion of feeling – hot and erotic inside me.
I can feel my heartbeat fast. My partner makes me squirt through vaginal play, and the intensity of that sort of orgasm is so much bigger, and I have to make a noise when I squirt as I release the orgasm.
Clitoral is my favorite type of pleasure. I get the most intense orgasms from clitoral stimulation – multiple orgasms that grow, and when they’re good, gentle pressure makes the orgasm so intense. I almost forget to breathe as I’m focused on the build-up and then the actual orgasm itself.
Anal orgasms are not as pleasurable for me. It’s more of a pressure buildup than the enjoyment of the feeling. It takes longer for me to build up to an orgasm, and I don’t always achieve it.
61. Surging Down the Legs
I find it hard to have a vaginal orgasm. Clitoral gives me so much more. The feeling of muscles tensing up and the surge down my legs. That doesn’t happen with vaginal or anal for me.
62. Let It Flow
The sensation feels like opening a tap to allow water to flow. It’s exhilarating and calming when it’s all done.
63. Feel It In the Pit of Your Stomach
A clitoral orgasm begins with my legs literally shaking; I play with my nipples which seems to make it more intense. When it comes to me climaxing, it’s like a pulsing sensation but pins and needles at the same time. My clitoris feels ridiculously sensitive, and I feel like I can’t physically take it anymore. When I orgasm during penetration, it feels a lot like a clitoral climax deep in the pit of my stomach and covers a bigger area. It’s amazing.
64. Female Orgasm is Like Falling
On the rare occasion that I do orgasm, it tends to feel like falling from a peak of almost unbearable pleasure, both for vaginal and clitoral.
65. Seeing New Colors
Vaginal orgasms are euphoric. I swear I could see new colors after. Clitoral orgasms are a full-body experience, and I feel extremely rejuvenated after.
66. Pushing Out of Your Body
The inside feels like a pushing sensation that starts pleasure in my stomach and pushes out of my vagina. External feels like it starts in my vagina and pulls pleasure up into my stomach. Both are awesome.
67. I Still Chase this Feeling
The most intense orgasm I ever had was when someone went down on me, and while he used his tongue on my clit he slid a vibrator inside of me and kept rubbing it against my G Spot (learn how to find yours). I had no clue how good it was going to feel until, out of nowhere, I couldn’t stop my hips from shaking. I would describe the rest of my body as feeling the best high, the biggest permanent smile, the loudest moans. It was an out-of-control, amazing feeling. I still chase this feeling because it was the first intense orgasm I had.
Anal only once, but it was after someone ate my ass for a while then slowly did anal while he was rubbing my clit. It felt intense because it was the first time, and I wanted him so bad. The build-up was slow on this one but was so worth it. I would describe this one as intense with a rush of naughty because it was the first time someone ate my ass or did anal with the intention of getting me off, not just shoving himself in and pounding until he got off it.
68. The Feeling of an Orgasm Is Like an Act of Nature
Icy lightning.
69. Feel It In Your Hips, Back, and Spine
I don’t think my orgasms have just one way they feel. So many things can factor into the length and intensity of the orgasm. I guess, typically, I would say my breathing gets deeper first.
I feel my back start to tighten, and my hips curl upward. As my orgasm builds, the rest of my body tightens. When I reach my climax, everything kind of contracts together, and I can feel my clitoris throb. There’s some tingling in my genitals and this feeling of pressure being released. Kind of like I’m going to pee, but not. When we do anal, add a warm tingling up my spine to all that.
70. Letting Go When You Squirt
I don’t know how to explain it. Honestly, it’s just this sensation that feels great, like a release of pressure. Also, squirting feels like you have to pee, and instead of holding that feeling in, you push out and release that feeling, and it feels amazing!! I can’t compare the feeling when cumming to anything because I don’t get that feeling with anything else other than clitoral stimulation.
71. Female Orgasms from Kinky Activities
Anal is different. It builds but seems faster than the others. The deeper and harder, the better. When I orgasm anally, it seems to roll, and I can feel myself clenching around him/it and spasms. This is so enjoyable.
Clitoral is my fastest. I feel like I am going to explode, and sometimes I will actually feel like I am peeing. I love to bring myself to the edge and try to stop before I go over; it just makes the orgasm more intense.
This one is new for me, but I have orgasmed using a sound in the urethra. This was interesting as I never would have thought you could orgasm from there. It wasn’t as intense as a clitoral orgasm, but it was right up there in the enjoyable aspect once I got the whole of the sound in. I even squirted.
Discover more about this kinky activity in our guide to using sex toys.
72. Throbbing for 15 Minutes!
Vaginal is harder for me, maybe because I have only had several. Since discovering my G Spot toy, it has gotten a little better. They are intense, and many times I have rolling orgasms. I start shaking and feel a constant throb, not only in my vagina but in my clit as well. The throbbing can last 15 minutes and once in a while more. Love these.
73. Down to the Toes
Clitoral: heat sensation in clit and toes. Pulsing. Body twitches.
Vaginal: wet, every movement is intense. The deeper, the better. I guess I sometimes have a cervical orgasm.
Anal: more intense than vaginal. Great if you have a partner that knows how to do anal without hurting you.
74. One with the Universe
Clitoral, vaginal, and anal orgasms all have different strength orgasms available for them. You can get the small little orgasms that are just like, “Yeah, that feels good, but it’s not really something I’d really come back for.”
Then you can have the big orgasms that are like a giant firework show on the fourth of July. This drives you to want more and more.
Or, if you are lucky and have someone who pays attention, you can get full-body orgasms with each. This is an out-of-body experience with each orgasm. You feel like you’re one with the universe, and nothing else matters in that time. Everything is perfect.
75. Your Body Vibrates
It all depends on what kind of orgasm, which position, and how I feel about my partner. Clitoral orgasms feel like trembles of pleasure, but once I’m in the orgasm and for a few minutes after it, I hate to be touched. It tickles and is so sensitive I can’t move.
Vaginal orgasms are mind-shattering. They send ripples of pleasure through my whole body. I twitch and jerk and feel the vibration for a long time afterward.
Anal orgasms depend on if I’m playing with my clitoris at the same time. When I have anal and clitoris both, it’s almost too much. I shake and quiver and tremble. Sometimes I’ve passed out. It’s by far the most satisfying of all of them.
76. Roller Coaster Drop
It’s like when you’re at the very top of the roller coaster with your entire body tensed up. Then the sudden vertical drop makes your body go limp. That’s what the climax does to my body, and if it’s a REALLY freaking good orgasm where I ride it out, I have to wait a hot second to go over that next drop in the coaster 😉
77. Like Molten Gold
The best feeling in the world, like hot liquid gold all over my body.
8 Men Describe What An Orgasm Feels Like
Now that you’ve got some idea of what a female orgasm feels like, it’s time to tackle the male orgasm. Check out these orgasm experiences from our male readers to see how they’re similar and different from how women describe an orgasm!
1. Intense Personal Power
I’m a man. It is explosive pleasure. It starts from deep inside my taint and gradually builds in intensity. My anus and nipples light up. My personal power grows in leaps and bounds.
2. Total Tension Release
It’s like a total release of all the tension and random thoughts leaving your body in a burst. My entire body tenses, including my core, when I fill a woman’s mouth.
3. Male Orgasm Leaves You Spent
It feels like complete and utter satisfaction from head to toe. It usually leaves me totally spent.
4. Mind-Blowing Orgasm Experience
Mind-blowing, explosive, tingly, intense.
Discover blowjob tips to give your man this experience.
5. Mind and Body
How does an orgasm feel? It’s relief, excitement, physical ecstasy, then total relaxation.
6. Hands-free Orgasms
Prostate orgasms are the best. They take over my whole body. I normally don’t even have to touch myself to have one.
7. Close to Passing Out
With a well-performing oral sex partner, I almost pass out when I cum.
8. Releasing a Pressure Valve
The extreme pressure that has been building up just being released in the form of a male orgasm is the best feeling ever.
5 Non-Binary People Describe What An Orgasm Feels Like
Because of identity and medical interventions, trans folks often have an experience that differs or even combines aspects of the male orgasm and female orgasm. Some of these descriptions of orgasms stand apart from every other answer to our survey!
1. Like a Sneeze
I find it difficult to orgasm due to antidepressants. When I do, the orgasm feeling is weak. They are primarily clitoral (I’m a transgender man), though vaginal penetration helps. build-up up of pressure, sort of like a sneeze (unromantic comparison to describe the feeling of an orgasm, I know) and I twitch and shudder for around 5 seconds, then feel sleepy.
Before antidepressants, orgasms were much more satisfying, longer, and would spasm through my whole body. If my partner had a penis and was penetrating me with it, they would feel these spasms strongly – this no longer happens. These days I rely more on sensuality and kink for pleasure rather than focusing on orgasms.
Related: Why Can’t I Orgasm?
2. Harder Fucking = Harder Orgasm
When having anal or oral sex, I’m always in a state of ecstasy. As a transwoman, I do come very hard when fucked. An anal orgasm can last a long time and increase in intensity the harder and faster you get fucked.
3. Feels Like Flying
Euphoria throughout my body as it makes me feel like I am flying off the bed. That’s the best description of an orgasm that I can think of.
4. Not Always Numb
Sometimes it kind of feels a little numb, and sometimes it’s so intense I feel it pulsing in my entire body.
5. Shiver and Shake
I feel it coming on, and when I cum, my legs shiver and shake right down to my toes.
Now That You Know Why Orgasms Feel Good…
Hopefully, these answers where our readers describe an orgasm have been eye-opening!
As you can see, what an orgasm feels like varies, not just from person to person but depending on the type of orgasm and even the existence of an emotional connection between someone and their partner. Orgasms can be big or little, long or short, and even so intense they make you pass out.
All of this can make the question of answering how to tell if you’re having an orgasm a bit tricky, especially if you’ve never had one before.
There are a few common threads in these orgasm experiences, however, especially when it comes to female orgasm. Many people describe the physical feeling when cumming with words such as shaking, tingling, or quivering. Orgasms can even be as much pain as they are pleasure. And for those lucky few, the sensations flood their entire body and not just their genitals.
We can’t forget about the mental feelings that inevitably show up in descriptions of orgasms, either. Relief, release, and relaxation are the keywords here whether you’re talking about male orgasm or female orgasm.
With so many impressive ways to describe orgasms, it’s no wonder why people want to have them all the time.
But before you go searching for your next orgasm, leave a comment below letting us know what cumming feels like for you! And if you don’t know how to describe the feeling as you cum, pay attention. Then you can come back to give us your own orgasm description. Now, that’s fun science!
Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...
I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed. And...
She completely hid this from her husband. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a way for any woman to orgasm. Easily. And have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation.
I shared the process with Karen.
After she followed the simple process, she could barely come to terms with how...
Quickly and dramatically her sex life changed.
We met up a few months later and...
She would not stop talking about it,
“I thought I was one of those women who couldn’t orgasm. I used to think I was ‘broken’ and ‘unfixable.’ This saved my sex life, and that saved my marriage.”
Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
I still can’t orgasam ive tried toys , fingers , sex and still can’t feel the big o … I can have sex and it wil feel like I have to pee then it starts to hurt like cramping pains or like he’s to deep and he’s hitting something
I always recommend that you first try to orgasm on your own through masturbation, then once you can easily and reliably orgasm through masturbation, start focusing about orgasming during sex by replicating what you did to orgasm during masturbation. This article and this other one will help!
When I first started the orgasm through masturbate the feeling only come on one of my hips, and I was able to pick which side of my hip it wants to come. I wanted to make it come on both side at the same time, but I never succeed. Now I’m only be able to have it on left side, and it gets sore afterwards. Therefore, I want to switch sides. Any help?
Hi Jane, I’m not sure I follow you entirely here. Could you elaborate what you mean?
I know what she means. I have the same thing. I am extreme multi orgasmic and discovered that at a young age and now only vaginal orgasms. Over the years things have changed or maybe I didn’t notice as much, but my orgasms now originate from the right side of the vagina. I have some hard ridges on either side of the vagina – left and right sides – but they seem more prominent and more of them on the right side when I am aroused. I can only get the orgasm to originate on either left or right and not bilaterally. It is very specific on which side it starts and feels amazing and powerful, but maybe she means that? I have to hold the vibrator on the left side on purpose to get it to originate from that side or it defaults to the right. It seems odd, but that is how it works for me. I have been told by lovers I have had that they noticed the spiny ridges and they also have noted I tend to hold the vibrators towards the right side. I play around with this now that I have realized it was happening this way. But maybe some of us have that happen. I am left handed – interestingly enough.
They never say that it’s scary to orgasm. You lose control over your body and emotions!
When I was young I had an aunt who use to work and come home late evening. If I massage her aching feet I was payed. So I was a young girl of 14, that money really helped me to buy what I want. So I began to massage her feet. And she told me if I worshipped her feet I would be payed more.and I really enjoyed it. I began to feel an orgasm. Now I feel twice a day. I am 26 working lady now. No more aunt but I feel it. Is it a serious problem?
Camila, this sounds like potentially inappropriate behavior from your aunt
Hi, thanks so much for this website! I have two questions. 1. Most of the time when I am fingering myself, I am able to get very close to orgasm. It feels good to rub my clit faster and faster as I get closer and closer. The problem is that it feels so good that I lose control of my hands just before my body actually takes over. Any tips on how I can get all the way there? 2. Your description and instructions for finding your g-spot kinda describes the entire top side of my vagina – the soft ridges, swelling when aroused. How big can a g-spot be?
1. Try rubbing you clit against something like a pillow instead of using your hands
2. The answer is “it depends.” The key is experimenting and discovering the part that gives you the most pleasure.
Hey. I have a problem. I do not feel any sort of pleasure during sex, no pleasurable feeling or anything. However i do orgasm via my clitoris but I want to feel pleasure via vagina and penile penetration and the only thing I feel Is pressure on my bladder which leads to me wanting to pee. Please help I really want to experience pleasure with my partner via penetrative sex
2 things:
1) Pee before sex
2) Read the Orgasm Guide
Sometimes when my boyfriend is performing oral sex my entire lower body is taken over by tremors that I can’t stop it feels really good but is that an orgasm? I feel like after that stops I can’t get off like I normally feel. Any suggestions on what that is?
Sounds like an orgasm