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We’ve previously talked about the definition of kinky and what makes a fetish. Now, it’s time to list all those kinks in one place. It’s unlikely that you’ve heard of every fetish or kink on this list of kinks; although, we’d be willing you have – or have at least thought about – a few of them! Some of them are fairly common, after all.
Wondering what a fetish is exactly?
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Abasiophilia: attraction to people in neck braces, wheelchairs, casts, or other devices that impair mobility that was documented for the first time as occurring in a woman in the late 80s [1]. It may be part of a medical fetish or enjoyed because it restricts movement.
Abduction as seduction: a kink where the abductor/kidnapper treats the victim in a loving manner (can be related to gentle femdom).
Abrasions: people who enjoy this fetish like giving or receiving cuts and scrapes.
Acarophilia: arousal from scratching. Scratching is often an element incorporated into rough sex.
Accidental stimulation: refers to accidental physical stimulation and situations that arouse adrenaline and cause arousal.
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Acrotomophilia: fetish for amputees [2]. Fetishists may prefer a specific type of amputee (arm, leg, etc). A person with a fetish for being an amputee has apotemnophilia. There may be overlap with morphophilia.
Actirasty: arousal by the rays of the sun. This may be enjoyed through sex outside. Discover how to have satisfying sex outside.
Agalmatophilia: a person with this fetish is aroused by statues, mannequins or other figurative representations. This may be related to Pygmalionism, an attraction to items of one’s own creation.
Age play: role play in which one or both partners pretends to be a different age/stage. Types of age play include infantilism, Daddy/daughter play, and diaper play, among others. Some kinksters differentiate between DD/lg and age play.
Agoraphilia: fetish dedicated to sex in public places. Here are the 48 best places to have sex if you have this fetish.
Aliens: kinksters fetishize about having sex with aliens, often in an abduction and forced scenario.
Altocalciphilia: a fetish for high heels, usually worn by women but not always.
Amazons and authoritarians: fetish dedicated to physically strong women like Amazons, women with strong personalities, or women in positions of authority.
Amaurophilia: kink for being unable to see, blinded or blindfolded during sex.
Anal penetration: a fetish for anal penetration with foreign objects (not sex toys or penises). Inserting objects that are not designed for anal safety (porous, without a flared base, with sharp edges) can cause damage.
Anal sex: both giving and receiving anal sex can be a kink or fetish. Giving to a male with a strap-on is also known as pegging (read our guide to pegging) Read our anal sex guide here.
Anal toys worn under clothing: a fetish for using/wearing anal toys such as using butt plugs during the day and not just during sex activity. It may be a command of a submissive by a dominant, part of anal training to take bigger items or penises and/or as part of foreplay.
Anal training: the practice of preparing one’s anus for inserting large items.
Anasteemaphilia: a fetish for people over extreme sizes, ie a giant or a dwarf. It can be used to refer to attraction to partners of differing heights even if those people aren’t especially gigantic or tiny.
Anonymous sex: a kink revolving around anonymous sexual encounters where one or both parties is unaware of the other’s identity. Gloryholes are a common form of anonymous sex but they are not the only form.
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Aquaphilia: fetish for water and having sex in or around water. This can extend to a fetish for swimwear or posing in water even if it doesn’t involve sexual activity.
Asphyxiation: a highly danerous kink dedicated to choking, smothering and strangulation. Autoerotic asphyxiation is self-choking. To be clear, asphyxiation is very dangerous and has led to injuries and deaths [3] [4] [5] [6]. See also breath play. BDSM author talks in depth about the subject.
Autogynephilia: a kink where men present/dress as women (gynemimetophilia refers to men impersonating women). Autoandrophilia is arousal at the idea of being a man.
Note that this term was coined as an improvement on cross-dressing kink and has been used to describe transgendered individuals and has been used as an argument that trans people are mentally ill. Many prefer not to use this term, which is often transphobic. However, some people may have a fetish for crossdressing or becoming another gender that does not relate to their gender identity.
Autofellatio: a kink where a man performs a blowjob on himself.
Autoplushophilia: a type of plushophilia where a person is aroused by the idea being a stuffed animal, especially a cartoonish one [7].
Barebacking: sex without a condom. Barebacking is especially common in the gay community, but this act can be dangerous and lead to STI transmission or pregnancy. Learn how and why you should use a condom.
Bathroom control: when the dominant person controls when, how and where the submissive can urinate or defecate. Extreme bathroom control can be dangerous.
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Begging: kink for begging and pleading (to have sex, for release/orgasm, to perform an act, etc.). Begging is submissive in nature.
Belonephilia: affinity to pins, needles and sharp objects. Belonephilia can be quite dangerous. See also knife play.
Bestiality: sex with animals.
Bimbofication: The process of making someone into a bimbo or being turned into a bimbo themselves. This might be a fun “punishment” for a bratty sub.
Blindfolds: a type of bondage that blocks a person’s vision. See also amaurophilia.
Body Inflation: The practice of inflating or pretending to inflate a part of one’s body, often for sexual gratification.
Bondage: restraint of a person, either by physical item (cuffs, rope, etc.) or instruction (known as mental bondage). Restraint can be full-body (vacuum beds, suspension) or involve a single body part such as the eyes (blindfold), mouth (ball gag), wrists or even thumbs. Bondage may include furniture like sex swings and devices like handcuffs. Reddit has a number of subreddits dedicated to the subject.
Buy: The Dirty Talking Secret.
Body modification: kink for a variety of body modifications. This may mean anything that changes the appearance of a body from tattoos to piercings to saline injections, but this kink may also only refer to specific body mods such as lip sewing.
Branding: marking someone with a symbol, word, etc. Typically uses a heated object (such as a metal hanger) to produce the brand. Branding is dangerous.
Breath play: choking and limiting breath. Being aroused by this is known as hypoxyphilia This kink is a type of edge play that is dangerous.
Breast/nipple torture: the breast equivalent of CBT. Torture may include hitting, pinching, bondage, and other methods of inflicting pain onto breasts.
Breast/nipple worship: the act of worshipshipping someone’s breasts or nipples.
Check out – How to make a man cry in bed.
Caning: the act of hitting someone with a rod known as caning. Fleshy areas such as the back of the thighs and butt are advised, but some people enjoy caning the bottoms of feet. Canes are traditionally made from wood, but modern canes may be made from plastic, metal or other semi-flexible materials. Caning is a form of impact play that is more extreme than typical flogging and may be dangerous if done improperly. Sadists are usually the most common type of dom that enjoy caning their sub.
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Castration: An extreme fetish involving removal of all or part of a man’s genitals. Actual castration is incredibly dangerous. Most kinksters obsess over it without actually going through with it. This kink goes hand in hand with emasculation fetishes as well as the ball busting, in which a man’s balls are crushed.
CBT: Cock and ball torture (CBT) is pain applied to a man’s genitals. It may be a form of punishment. CBT can involve shoes, sounding, stretching, impact implements and other tools. CBT can be dangerous.
Chasmophilia: aroused by crevices, caverns, or valleys.
Chastity: a fetish where someone’s access to their genitals is blocked. Women wear chastity belts, and men wear cock cages that prevent erection and release. Also known as forced abstinence or forced celibacy. Chastity can be used as a form of self-denial or orgasm control, including ruined orgasms. Learn more about ruining an orgasm.
Choking: blood choking is the act of choking someone until they pass out. It is incredibly dangerous (which we wrote about before – check out our guide on choking during sex) and can lead to brain damage. Choking is a type of edge play:
Claustrophilia: this fetish is the opposite of claustrophobia. A person becomes aroused or experiences orgasm through confinement to small spaces. This is a type of bondage. Discover more here.
Clothed sex (endytophilia): the affinity for sex while fully or partially clothed. You can enjoy this kink while lifting your skirt or dress, so your man penetrates you. Pushing underwear to the side can also be a form of this fetish.
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Cock and/or ball fetishization: an obsession with cock and balls.
Cock worship: similar to breast worship. This fetish involves verbal, physical and mental adoration of a penis – including fake ones (strap-ons).
Collaring: for many types of submissive, the act of wearing a collar shows submission, loyalty and/or devotion to a dominant. A collar may be seen as purely sexual or also romantic (similar to an engagement/wedding ring). Collars may be placed on in public or private collaring ceremonies, and dominants may provide instructions for wearing collars. The collar may be an actual collar purchased from a pet store, one that is hand-tooled or a safe-for-work necklace or choker that can be worn in non-kinky spaces.
Consensual nonconsent: situations where one or both parties have given prior consent for activities that may appear to be or actually involve nonconsent. Rape play is a common form. The “victim” has given prior consent to this type of play but seems to resist. Couples should negotiate boundaries beforehand, including a safe word. Consensual nonconsent should never be spontaneous. If negotiations are avoided or safe words ignored, consensual nonconsent can lead to real trauma or even become sexual assault.
Learn: Consensual non-consent 101: Complete guide to CNC kink play.
Psst, interested in BDSM? Check out rules that keep it safe and sane.
Corsetry: the act of wearing a corset, sometimes to the extent of changing the shape and size of one’s body. Tight-lacing a corset enables one to successfully waist-train. Some dominants may use tight-lacing to limit breathing. It’s not just limited to your abs and tummy either.
Cross-dressing: dressing like a member of the opposite sex. For many people, it’s not necessarily sexual while it is for others. Cross-dressing can involves clothing, accessories, makeup, and wigs.
Crurophilia: A kink related to legs.
Crush fetish: a particular fetish relating to crushing small animals or objects. Squashing kink is a similar obsession.
Cunnilingus: this kink can be geared towards receiving oral sex as a woman or giving it either as a man or woman. Cunnilingus plays well with pussy worship. If your partner has a kink for licking pussy, you won’t need to convince him to go down on.
Cupping: small cups or jars are applied upside down to the body, usually the back. Fire or a hand-pump creates suction that results in temporary bruising and a tight feeling. Extreme cupping can break the skin, but cupping is considered safe (the flame is only used for suction and doesn’t burn the skin).
Dacryphilia: arousal caused by tears or crying.
Degradation: if you like when your man talks down to you during sex, you might be into degradation. This is one of those kinks that works especially well with domination and submission. Just because you like doing it (giving or receiving) during sex doesn’t mean you think any less of your partner. However, not everyone likes degradation, and that’s okay.
Dendrophilia: also known as Arbophilia. A sexual attraction to trees, either because they are phallic-shaped or because of the texture. May overlap with xylophilia.
Diapers: this fetish is usually part of infantilism – but not always.
Discipline: giving or receiving punishment for perceived or defined infractions. Discipline is a major part of many power exchange relationships and something typically desired by masochists and administered by sadists.
Dirty talking: having a kink for talking dirty during sex is pretty tame. Some people might not even consider it a fetish! Get tips for talking dirty here. See also narratophilia.
Doraphilia: playing with skin, leather, or fur. Hyphephilia is a similar fetish for touching hair, fur, skin and certain fabrics.
Double penetration: penetration of a woman’s vagina and ass via a combination of toys, penises or both. Double penetration may be part of a group sex scenario (MFM), which often occurs in the swinging lifestyle.
Dracophilia: a fetish for dragons. Fantasy fetish companies such as Bad Dragon make dragon dildos, including those that ejaculate!
DVP: stands for double vaginal penetration. Unlike double penetration (DP), which is simultaneous anal and vaginal penetration, DVP involves two penises or one penis and one toy in the vagina. It can be satisfying for all parties; although, it requires lube and preparation. In DVP, only one partner may have enough room to thrust.

Edge play: Any kink or fetish that is considered more risky or extreme. Examples include choking, breath play, knife play, fire play, and any activity that results in bleeding.
Elastophilia: a fetish for stretchy materials including spandex, latex, silicone, etc. Elastophiles often enjoy bouncing on these materials or sinking deep down into something stretchy.
Electric play: playing with uncontrolled electricity is very dangerous and can even lead to heart failure. However, most people (aside from those with pacemakers, heart issues, and other implants), can safely play with TENS units or violet wands to explore this kink.
Enemas (klismaphilia) [8] [9]: inserting a tube into the anus and using a liquid (typically water, but other solutions may be utilized including urine) to clean out the rectum. Enemas may be used to prepare for anal activities, but this is not necessary. An enema could be a form of punishment or control.
Enkuopoiphilia: fetish for impregnantion or breeding. We have an entire guide on the breeding kink.
Eproctophilia: arousal from flatulence (farts) [10]. It’s a type of olfactophilia
Exhibitionism: a common fetish for being naked and performing sexually in front of a person or persons. Masturbating for your partner is a mild form of this kink, but performing in sex windows or at BDSM shows and parties is a safe way to explore this fetish. Sex in public is partly exhibitionism. Related to agrexophilia, which is arousal when other people know about your sexual activities, and autagonistophilia, exposing oneself while on stage and being photographed. The counterpart of voyeurism.
Exoticism: fetishizing members and elements of Far Eastern culture (Japan, China, etc.), including fictional worlds inspired by these locations. A preoccupation with Geishas is common in the Western world, for example. See also Otherness.
Face fucking: an extreme form of blowjob where a man roughly fucks a partner’s mouth. This kink isn’t inherently dangerous, but it can be uncomfortable and lead to tears, gagging and even vomiting.
Face sitting: the act of a woman sitting on a man’s face while he performs oral. Face sitting can include mild suffocation but doesn’t have to. It’s incredibly dominant. Check out other ways to dominate your man.
Face slapping: a slap across the face brings you to attention and corrects your mistakes. You’re unlikely to enjoy this fetish unless you’re a bit of a masochist, but it’s not as far out as some items on our list of kinks.
Fat fetishism: The sexual attraction to overweight or obese people due to their weight and size. Gaining or feederism (mentioned below as “Forced feeding”) is a variation of fat fetishism where the sexual attraction/gratification is not solely gained from the “fatness” but more from the process of gaining weight/getting fat. Check out the 12 best sex positions for fat people.
Fellatio: Not usually deemed a fetish or kink, but it can be for some. Check out the Blow Job Guide for tips.
Figging: using ginger root to create a burning sensation. It must be peeled before it can be inserted anally or vaginally.
Fighting/Wrestling: play fighting and wrestling is sexy because your body proximity as you struggle to maintain control. Even if you lose, you don’t really lose! If you’re turned on by a fight between other people, you’re not alone, either.
Fire play: a form of edge play that involves flames and fire. Kinksters should be careful with hair, which can burn off and smell terrible (consider shaving first). Fire/heat may be contrasted with cold/ice. Fire play can be dangerous.
Fisting: the act of penetration with a full hand. Unlike the name suggests, your partner should start with your hand straight and thumb tucked under his fingers like a duck bill. After he inserts his knuckles – the widest part of his hand – he can curl his fingers into a fist/ball shape. Fisting requires time, patience, trust and lots of lube.
Flogging (flagellation): hitting someone with a multi-tailed tool known as a flogger. Depending upon the strength of the swing, flogging can range from warm-up to harsh impact that draws blood. Floggers tails come in many materials: fur, leather, suede, rubber, silicone, and ball-chain to name a few.
Food play: incorporating food into sex. This may mean using someone as a dish or table, covering your partner’s body with food and licking it off (think whipped cream or chocolate sauce, but you can get creative!). Food play can be fun, but beware that playing with food near your vagina could contribute to a yeast infection. A fetish for food is known as sitophilia.
Foot fetish (podophilia): a foot fetishist enjoys feet sexually. This may involve footjobs, licking and sucking, massaging. Foot worship in a power exchange scene can take the form of polishing shoes or boots even with a tongue or worshipping feet!
Forced feeding: a kink for forcing someone to eat, potentially until they gain weight. This fetish is a type of body modification fetish. Feederism sometimes specifically refers to men feeding women but can be used without any distinction.
Formicophilia: arousal by insects or by insects crawling on and nibbling the body. The fetish for bees and wasps specifically is known as melissophilia while an attraction to spiders is known as arachnophilia.
Frotting: rubbing of two penises together. One man may hold the penises together during this act. Similar activities include frottage (rubbing while clothed for sexual stimulation) and frotteurism (rubbing or fondling an unsuspecting/non-consenting person).
Furries: this kink is hot, literally. Furries dress as animals or humanoid animal creatures, sometimes decked head-to-toe in fur. They often don animalistic dildos via strap-ons to enhance their furry play. Many furries engage in role playing games and cosplay as part of their lifestyle, which can become quite expensive.
Note that some furries engage only in costumes and roleplay only and no sexual activity (although some people do not see a distinction). To differentiate, “yiffy” refers to a sexualized furry fetish.
Gags: a form of mouth bondage. Gags come in many forms, but ball gags are the most common. They may also take the form of bit, cleave, pacifier, penis or spider gag, among others. Mouth gags aren’t usually dangerous, but they can be uncomfortable. Make sure to fit the gag properly to your (or your partner’s) mouth.
Gerontophilia: attraction to someone from a much older age group. May-December relationships can fall into this kink if the members of the couple specifically fetishize the age difference. Scientific American explains this in more detail.
Golden showers: See watersports.
Group sex (Polyiterophilia): group sex and multiple party scenarios can be quite hot, but they can also be uncomfortable. Threesomes are one of the more common arrangements (and a fascination with three-person sex is known as triolism/troilism). Wanna try a threesome yourself? Find out how to make it awesome and use these satisfying threesome positions.
Haematomania aka hematolagnia : lust for blood and bleeding. May include wounds, vampirism or biting to draw blood. It goes without saying that this one is obviously quite dangerous.
Harpaxophilia: the fetish for being robbed. Can be played as a role in consensual non-consent. Chrematistophilia is a similar kink for being forced to pay for sex.
Helplessness: any role in which someone is helpless. They may be the victim to their roleplay partner (robber, kidnapper, etc), or their partner may act as a savior (think of a princess who needs saving or an inept housewife).
Homeovestism: attraction to the clothing of one’s own gender or by people wearing the clothing accepted as appropriate for their gender by society. This fetish was first defined by George Zavitzianos [11].
Hybristophilia: arousal by the knowledge that one’s partner has committed a heinous act or crime. This can include cheating, lying, robbery, or murder. This is sometimes known as Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome after the American bank-robbing and murdering duo. One partner is turned on by the other’s bad deeds. Some people find themselves attracted to criminals who are in prison.
Hypnotism: in an erotic situation, hypnosis could be a form of consensual nonconsent. Try out this kink with some sexy magician/assistant role play.
Hypoxia: paraphilia for being submerged under water to restrict breathing, a type of erotic asphyxiation. This can be fatal [12].
Immobility: a kink involving bondage and forced feeding.
Impact play: any activity involving hitting, either with body parts or other tools. Hitting, punching, spanking, flogging, whipping and paddling are just a few forms of impact play, and intensity varies with the tool and effort.
Impregnation: the fascination with making someone pregnant/conception during sex, typically from a man’s point of view.
Imprisonment: obsession with being locked inside cages, cells, coffins or other areas.
Infantilism: a specific type of age play where someone plays an infant/baby. This can involve pacifiers, diapers, bottles, etc. A second person may act as a nanny or parent.
Internal cumshots: similar to a semen fetish but arousal is due to being ejaculated into rather than on. If you’re trying to avoid pregnancy, anal sex is the only safe way to engage in this kink. But STIs can be transmitted through semen even during anal sex.
Intercrural or interfemoral sex: thrusting between someone’s thighs without penetration.
Intoxication: taking drugs or alcohol during or before a sex scene. Intoxication can lead to poor decision-making, risky behavior and mistakes that could be dangerous or even fatal, especially when mixed with edge play.
Jerk off instructions (JOI): Being instructed to told to to masturbate.
Katoptronophilia: a fetish for having sex in front of mirrors. Some people are simply turned on by seeing themselves in a mirror.
Keraunophilia: a sexual fascination with thunder and lightning – similar to arousal from thunderstorms (brontophilia). You can’t incorporate it into your sex, but a thunderstorm makes a good backdrop for sexy times! Many people find their levels of desire increase during storms.
Kigurumi: this fetish is all about wearing anime masks, specifically men who wear masks of women.
Knife play: a type of edge play activity that involves actual knives or blades or the implication of. Breaking someone’s skin during kinky sex could be quite dangerous.
Lactation: a lactation fetishist is all about lactating mammaries, that is, boobs producing milk. Many women enjoy the sensation of nipple suckling, and their partners enjoy breastfeeding. Lactation fetishists may encourage lactation when it wouldn’t naturally occur because the milk specifically is their kink (lactophilia), or engage in breastfeeding without milk. Learn how to breastfeed your man.
Latex/rubber: latex, rubber, PVC and similar materials attract our eyes with their sheen. They make for perfect fetish photography, too. Fortunately, you can get your kink on with the help of many retailers that specialize in latex gear and clothing.
Lesbophilia: men with this kink enjoy lesbian sex more than your typical male. Some may go so far as to imagine themselves as women in girl-on-girl scenarios. These 14 lesbian sex positions will give you some inspiration.
Lithophilia: a kink for rocks, stones, or gravel. This can be used nonsexually.
Macro Fetish: people with this kink enjoy partners who are giant. This may mean plus-sized, but it can mean giants in the realm of fantasy roleplaying and writing.
Macrogenitalism: a fetish for genitals that are particularly large. This isn’t limited just to penises.
Maiesiophilia: sexual attraction to pregnant women or giving birth.
Maschalagnia: a fetish dedicated to armpits, including, kissing, licking and smelling. This kink may also involve inserting penises in the armpit for stimulation.
Masochism: enjoyment of pain, punishment, and torture. Someone who feels this is known as a masochist. Masochists are often but not always submissive.
Mechanophilia: sexual attraction to and arousal by machines. While other fetishes objectify robots, this one can include a wider variety and may also go along with the desire to have sex in or on a machine such as a car, bike, plane, etc.
Medical play: role play involving medical scenarios, medical implements (scalpels, needles, speculums, etc) and/or medical uniforms. Medical play often involves an examination of one person by the “doctor,” who may take advantage of the situation. Play piercing is also common in medical play. Any play that breaks the skin can be dangerous if an infection occurs.
Menophilia: an obsession with menstrual blood. Fetishists of this type don’t mind period sex. In fact, they may prefer it. And they might like going down on a woman when she has her period.
Merinthophilia: the fetish for bondage. See also vincilagnia.
Mess fetish (hygrophilia): if you would rather avoid the wet spot on the bed, then this kink probably isn’t for you. Mess fetishists enjoy the mess created by sexual fluids, both male and female fluid. They may use the fluids as lubes, to drink, to “paint” on their partner’s body or passing it back and forth orally (snowballing).
Micro fetish: the opposite of a macro fetish. Kinksters enjoy when partners are much smaller than them or being the smaller partner. Those who fall into the latter group may enjoy the feeling of being crushed during sex. Here’s a thread by someone who has a micro fetish.
Military: a military fetish that often goes hand in hand with a uniform fetish.
Mixophilia: a kink related to watching yourself having sex. Recording sex and mirrors are two ways to enjoy this kink.
Morphophilia: people with this fetish are attracted to bodies and body parts that are different from the norm. They might enjoy amputees, dwarves or people with other deformations.
Mummification: a kink where someone is bound entirely or nearly entirely to prevent almost all movement. A vacuum bed can achieve full mummification as can plastic wrap, but it can be dangerous if bindings prevent airflow. Mummification can also involve extreme temperatures, so hydration is a must to do it safely.
Muscles: some people have a fetish for defined or large muscles. Muscle worship is one variant of this kink.
Mysophilia: this fetish is for dirt and items that have been dirtied, especially by bodily fluids during sex. Used underwear is a common example.

Narratophilia: a fetish shared by those who enjoy telling and listening to dirty stories, talking about sex or incorporating dirty talk into sex.
Nasolingus: a fetish for sucking on someone’s nose.
Nasophilia: fetish for noses.
Necrophilia: the fetish for human corpses.
Necrozoophilia: fetish for deceased animals.
Needle play: playing with needles can involve breaking the skin and temporary piercing. Needles can also be used to scratch.
Nonconsensual: a kink for sex without consent (rape). All nonconsensual sexual activities and play are forms of sexual assault or rape. This is illegal, traumatizing and can be dangerous.
Nullification: kink for removing any body part. This is very dangerous.
Nullo: an extreme kink for removal of genitals. In practice, nullo is very dangerous and can even be fatal.
Nyctophilia: if you love the night, you might have this fetish. It can also refer to fetishizing darkness. Scotophilia has the same meaning.
Objectophilia (Objectum Sexuality): also known as fetishism. This refers specifically to arousal by and sexual activity with an inanimate object such as shoes.
Oculolinctus: desire to lick eyeballs.
Oculophilia: an obsession with the eyes.
Odaxelagnia: kink for biting or being bitten. May or may not involve blood.
Odontophilia: the general fetish for teeth, which can include biting, licking teeth or even removing them.
Olfactophilia: attraction to smells, especially pungent body odors. Osmolagnia is the fetish for sweat or gaseous emissions specifically.
Omorashi: the Japanese word for a fetish related to having a full bladder and urinating on oneself. Often shortened to “omo.”
Orgasm denial: type of play where someone’s orgasm is denied entirely, limited/ruined or delayed.
Otherness: sexual attraction to someone from other places, including aliens. See all xenophilia and exoticism.

Parthenophilia: a fetish for virginal partners.
Partialism: sexual obsession for specific body parts and not the whole. Eyes, faces, forearms, and feet are all common objects of obsession, but any body part will do.
Pecattiphilia: fetish for sinning and breaking religious rules.
Pediophilia: fetish for dolls, especially sex dolls.
Penis Humiliation: a kink involving insulting a man’s penis, including size, appearance, and performance. More on BDSM humiliation.
Peodeiktophilia: showing one’s penis to others (flashing).
Pet play: any kink where someone acts like a domesticated pet. Cats and dogs are especially common with leashes, collars and food/water dishes used as props.
Phalloorchoalgolagnia: arousal from pain directed toward male genitals. See also cock and ball torture (CBT).
Phallophilia: obsession with large penises. Many people share this kink on the Experience Project.
Phobophilia: sexual obsession with being afraid. This fetish can be directed toward hate as well as fear.
Phygephilia: fetish for being a fugitive on the run.
Pictophilia: fetish for watching pornography, especially of the same actor.
Play piercing (Piquerism, Picquerism): play piercing is performed for temporary decoration as well as for the sensation of breaking the skin.
Plushophilia: fetish for stuffed animals. These people may have a kink specifically for teddy bears, and they may be furries. Reddit has numerous communities on stuffed animals.
Pony play: a kink for acting like a pony or its master. “Ponies” can wear everything from blinders to bits to bridles to fake ears and hooves. Ponies are trained by their masters and may even do manual labor.
Psychrophilia: arousal by being cold or watching others be cold. Having sex in freezers or meat lockers or around ice might fulfill this kink. In other contexts, a psychrophile is an organism such as bacteria that grows in extreme temperatures such as the poles or deep ocean.
Pregnancy: this kink goes beyond a woman’s pregnant glow. Some people just can’t get enough of a pregnant woman’s powerful and sexy body. It’s so common that there are three different names for it: preggophilia, and maieusophoria. Your partner may even be surprised by how turned on he is when you’re pregnant – and your hormones might have you wanting more sex, too.
Psychrocism: fetish dedicated to being cold, having sex with a cold partner or using cold objects (ice cubes, cold dildos, etc) during sex.
Pteronphilia: kink for being tickled specifically by feathers.
Pubephilia: obsession with pubic hair. A love for pubic hair has been expressed in literature and art.
Pygmalionism: sexual obsession with human-like images, especially when you made it yourself. This fetish may lead to stimulating oneself with statues or mannequins.
Pygophilia: partialism to butts and seeing, touching and playing with them.
Pyrolagnia: sexual arousal from watching or setting fires. Playing with fire is dangerous. At least one study has been done on the subject [13].
Pyrophilia: a fascination with fire. Setting fires and using fire during sex can be dangerous. However, massage candles can be used safely because of the wax’s low melting point, and fire cupping is not usually risky.
Quirofilia: fetish for hands. Some people fetishize certain parts of the hand such as the fingers or fingernails. Others may prefer hands of a certain size or shape. Still others with this fetish may enjoy seeing hands performing certain actions. It could be masturbation or something nonsexual such as washing the dishes.
Rape fantasy: a fetish for acting out a pretend rape (consensual nonconsent). This fantasy can occur on both the victim or perpetrator’s sides. Arousal at the idea of rape is known as raptophilia. Discover other common sexual fantasies.
Revving: kink for watching someone rev an engine, especially when they wear heels. Also known as “pedal pushing” or “pedal pumping.” There are plenty of videos on pornography sites and even Youtube featuring women in bare feet or high heels pushing the gas pedal. Sometimes these women are referred to as gas pedal honeys.
Retifism: the fetish for shoes and footwear. Also known as altocalciphilia.
Rhabdophilia: a fetish for receiving physical beatings such as flogging or whipping.
Robotism: kink for androids (male robots) or gynoids (female robots) or cyborgs.
Ropework: a kink for rope as used as the specific type of bondage. Popular types of ropework include the Japanese-inspired shibari, more correctly called “Kinbaku”.
Rimming: a kink for giving or receiving rim jobs.

Sadism: the kink for providing pain. Masochists and sadists often come together to meet one another’s kinky needs.
Hey, do you think you might be kinky? Try these 23 kinky sex ideas and techniques.
Savantophilia: fetish for people who have a cognitive impairment or delay.
Scatophilia a fetish for fecal matter. Also known as coprophilia.
Sensation play: a light kink where partners exchange sensations on the skin. Items with different textures (soft, hard, bumpy, smooth, cold, hot, etc) can be run across the skin. Pain isn’t involved, but you can alternate between pain and sensation during light BDSM play.
Sensory deprivation: any play that prevents someone from using one of their five senses. Blindfolds block sight, gloves prevent touch, earmuffs deprive the sense of hearing, etc.
Siderodromophilia: a fetish for trains or engaging in sexual activity on a train.
Slime fetish: a kink for slime and slimy things. Tentacles are a prime example of a slime fetish in popular media. This fetish is closely related to the mess fetish.
Sneezing Fetish: a kink for watching someone else sneeze. This person is usually naked. Sneezing elicits a bodily response somewhat similar to orgasm. People with a sneeze fetish might also participate in tickling and forced urinating kinks.
Snuff: a fantasy fetish for killing someone or being killed. Snuff is often considered to be an urban legend, and it’s an obviously dangerous and illegal in practice.
Somnophilia: the fetish for sexual partners who are asleep. It is a rare fetish [14]. People with this fascination may enjoy the “sleeping princess” trope. In reality, a partner should specify prior consent to sexual activity that happens or begins while they are asleep because sleeping people cannot give consent. Definitions differ, however.
Sounding: a kink for inserting thin tubes, usually made of glass or metal, into the urethra. This is one of the most common forms of urethral play [15]. Kinksters often use medical sounds or similar tools, and sounding can be part of medical play. Sounding can be dangerous, especially if the item inserted breaks off internally or is not sanitized beforehand.
Spanking: this is a fetish that many people have tried in the bedroom. A firm hand comes into play as punishment or enticement in many power exchange relationships, including domestic discipline relationships and schoolgirl roleplay. You might enjoy spanking from time to time even if you don’t consider yourself all that kinky, but spanking can also be quite extreme.
Read: Erotic Spanking: The What, Why & How
Stigmatophilia: the fetish for piercings and sometimes tattoos. See body modification fetish.
Stockings: items that are often fetishized. Some people like all of them. Others prefer those that are lace-topped, hooked to a garter belt or with a visible seam down the back.
Strap-on: fetish specifically for using strap-ons. Anal, oral or vaginal penetration can be achieved. Anally penetrating a male with a strap-on is known as pegging. Here are 17 wild pegging positions you can use when you peg your partner.
Stygiophilia: arousal by thoughts of hell and eternal damnation.
Stuffing: eating until the point of physical pain.
Suspension: the practice of suspending someone from the ground or being suspended yourself. Suspension can be accomplished with ropes, harnesses and other devices and items.
Symphorphilia: fetish for watching car accidents or other traumatic incidents.

Taphephilia: fetish for being buried alive. This may be connected to an imprisonment kink.
Teasing (Tantalolagnia): To enjoy teasing as sexual gratification. This may be prolonged sexual teasing or teasing in the form of insults and ribbing.
Technophilia: a fetish for any technology such as robots, AI and sex machines. Kinks for cybernetic enhancements fall into this category, and some may fetishize the idea of amputations.
Teleiophilia: the erotic preference for persons between the age of physical maturity and the onset of middle-age. First described in 2000 by Ray Blanchard and Howard Barbaree [16]
Telephonicophilia: the fetish for phone sex and dirty talking over the phone.
Tentacle fetish: fetish for tentacles. Many people enjoy animated erotica/pornography with tentacles, and tentacles dildos also lend to this fantasy.
Teratophilia: attraction to people with bodily deformities. This umbrella term includes several other fetishes on this list including stigmatophilia, morphophilia, and acrotomophilia. However, it may also refer to a sexual attraction to “actual” monsters.
Thesauromania: kink for collecting women’s clothing. The collector may focus on specific items/categories such as underwear.
Tickling (Knismolagnia, Knismo, Titillagnia): while tickling can be a form of teasing, it’s a kink in its own right for some people. Those who enjoy tickling may enjoy surrendering control or struggling to retain it. Tickling to the point of urinating is also one flavor of this fetish. Tickle torture is a kink for tickling or being tickled while bound.
Transformation fetish: kink for transforming into other people or even non-human creatures. TF is common in hentai and some written erotica.
Trichophilia: hair fetish. Tips and techniques for pulling your partner’s hair.
Triolism: a fetish for threesomes. This may include a kink for watching your partner have sex with someone else.
Tripsolagnophilia: massage fetish. Even if you don’t have a fetish, a sensual massage can be relaxing and it’s good foreplay!
Related: Erotic Massage 101 – Sensual Massage Techniques
Underwear fetish: the fascination with underwear, usually women’s underwear. Men with this fetish will collect, wear or smell underwear.
Uniforms: many women love a man in uniform, but not every couple incorporates this into their sex lives. Those who do just might have a uniform fetish. Uniforms, of course, can make someone seem like a powerful person (military, police and firefighter uniforms are some of the most popular) or help you get into the role of a naif (schoolgirl, waitress, Playboy bunny) and a well-fitted uniform shows off a person’s body in just the right way. If your job requires a uniform, you’re in luck. Otherwise, you can hit up a costume shop or even buy uniform-inspired lingerie.
Ursusagalmatophilia: kink for teddy bears or dressing up as a teddy bear/animal.
Urtication: using the nettle plant to sting a partner’s skin.
Vaccinophilia: vaccination fetish. See also medical play and belonephilia.
Vicarphilia: being sexually vicarious, specifically related to enjoying other’s stories of sexual activity.
Vincilagnia: kink for being tied up and at the mercy of another person. This is a type of bondage fetish.
Vomit Fetish (Emetophilia): a sexual obsession with the act or substance of vomit.
Vore/Vorarephilia : sexual desire to be eaten alive or to eat someone while they are still alive. Vore would incredibly dangerous and illegal if attempted in reality, but it remains a fantasy for most people. You’ll find plenty of art and stories dedicated to vore on DeviantArt, Tumblr, and Reddit.
Voyeurism: a kink for watching someone else while naked or engaged in sexual activity. Voyeurs and exhibitionists make excellent pairings. Non-consensual voyeurism may be against the law. Ecouteurism is a related kink for listening to someone have sex without permission. The fetish is also known as scopophilia.

Watersports (urophilia): A relatively popular fetish, watersports are also known as golden showers. This kink involves playing with urine, being peed on or urinating on another person. Want to know more about golden showers? A particular form of this is wetting: urinating in one’s underwear and clothing.
Wax play: using wax during sex. Wax comes in the form of massage candles, which are relatively safe. But other types of wax may have a higher melting point and be more dangerous. Flames used to melt wax also pose a risk.
Weapon fetish: sexual arousal due to weapons. This appears in some erotic media.
Wet and messy (WAM) fetish: being turned on by being soiled by things other than bodily fluids. Also known as sploshing. This can include food.
Xenophilia: sexual attraction to exotic people or objects.
Xylophilia: fetish for wood. It may also be described as an attraction to nature, sexual or in general.
Yeastiality: sexual activity involving bread, especially warm dough. This may be an alleged kink. Introducing yeast to the genitals can lead to an infection.
Yiffing: sex with stuffed animals or a furry.
Zelophilia: arousal due to jealousy, either your own or someone’s jealousy over you. Cuckhold fantasies are one such example where men know – and sometimes watch – their wives engaging in affairs. Tips for exploring the cuckold kink.
Zentai: wearing skintight suits while grinding against others in similar suits.
Zoophilia: dressing like an animal for sex or feeling romantic attraction to animals.
Zoosexual: sexual attraction to animals. See bestiality.
Zwischenstufe: the sexual obsession with people of the same sex.
That’s it for our list of kinks – for now! There are a huge amount of sexual fetishes, and many people have more than one.
Does anything on this list pique your interest? Then you might be a little kinky. Find out how kinky your are in this test.
For the most part, a fetish or kink can be fun; although, there are some times when it can disturbing, dangerous, or illegal to participate in them, and you might want to seek professional help if your fetish falls into that category or if it’s disrupting your life.
If you noticed that we are missing something, please let us know in the comments section below.
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I want to tell you about my friend Karen.
Karen came to me one day. She was hysterical.
She told me that her marriage was falling apart because she and her husband didn’t have satisfying sex.
Every time they were intimate, Karen was faking her orgasms. It turns out she couldn’t orgasm during sex.
In fact...
She never had an orgasm in her entire life. Not one!
This left her feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
Even worse...
She stopped wanting sex with her husband, slowly driving him away, and...
Almost destroying her marriage. Thankfully...
It turns out that there is a simple solution for women who struggle to orgasm, whether you are having sex or masturbating.
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Even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or while masturbating, this process will also work for you.
And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.
Furries aren’t a fetish.
Yiff is a fetish involving furries. But its not a fetish itself. Its a community of anthropomorphic animal fans. Thats it. Please stop perpetuating the idea that being a furry is about sex-addicted animal lovers.
hey found the furry
Yeah, exactly. Thank you. I’m so tired of this being added to fetish and kink lists
I was trying to explain to a friend of mine what being a furry is stating : its not inherently sexual only for my other friend to chime in saying “its a kink , its all about sex .. I know im a furry ….”
>.> like hello
No spitting Fetish? Really? Saliva? Its a relatively common one.
Thanks John, I’ll get it added to the list
You missed some! Like a balloon fetish. Forniphilia: turning people into furniture. Formicophilia: being crawled on by insects. Dendrophilia: trees. Capnolagnia: smoking. Erotophonophilia is Snuff i guess since it is murdering people. Gerontophilia: old people. Objectophilia like the lady that married the Berlin wall. Mechanophilia: having sex with cars and stuff. Hybristophilia: criminals. Apotemnophilia: BEING an Amputee. Acrotomophilia: Amputee fetish. Abasiophilia: People with impaired mobility. Mud/Quicksand fetish. Coulrophilia: clowns.
Wikipedia lists are often helpful.
Awesome, thanks Tippy!
You should have read the article before you made your comment.
They mentioned a lot of these
Elastophilia: the sexyness of stretchy material/fabric (spandex, latex, silicone, etc.) and bouncing on or sinking deep down into something stretchy.
Um so what fetish is it when you enjoy receiving deepthroat and your partner swallowing multiple loads out of you in one sitting? Like marithon blowjobing?
No joke, this is what I like. So is this a fetish? If not am I the first? Cause it’s amazing, having a partner who loves it is a match made in heaven.
Technically no as the definition of a sexual fetish is
“A sexual fixation on a nonliving object or non-genital body part.”
So I’m curios is there a kink term for someone who like their partner to hide their identity. Like with a mask or a suit? Not dressing up in anything particular just a hidden identity type of thing. Like I want to see them, but not their face. Is that a think?.
Vore is NOT incredibly dangerous or illegal for the simple reason that it’s impossible. It is pure fantasy and often involves the idea of giant men, women or creatures swallowing tiny people or fantasy creatures whole and alive like in a fairytale. Death is not part of the fantasy for the vast majority either. It is often a power play just like in bdsm but in another context. There are hundreds of sub variations too and I would venture to say it is one of the more psychologically complex fetishes bases on the sheer number of variations and subtleties. Please do not mix up vore and cannibalism. Voraphiles distance themselves from this. Cannibalism can be real and is gory. Vore cannot be real and remains purely in the realm of fiction and fantasy. You run the risk of stigmatising rather innocuous and harmless fetishes here which I’m sure was not your intention. It is important that people understand that nobody chooses to have a fetish any more than they choose their sexuality. Misinformation about one’s fetish can really alienate and make it difficult for that person to speak openly about their fetishes. It would be very cool to see the words dangerous and illegal removed and I would encourage people to look for information about the fetish outside of Wikipedia. It is far too complex a subject to be conveniently defined by a handful of people who quite likely have their own very specific preferences concerning the fetish. Sorry for the long-winded post but I would hate to see the vore community be misunderstood more than they already are. The article in general is nice though 🙂
Yes! Thank you for this comment! I have a vore fetish and am really concerned with it being associated with cannibalism. In my fantasies, the sub is shrunken down and swallowed by the giant/giantess whole. No death or pain in my fantasy. As soon as blood, gore or death enter the picture it is the farthest thing I find arousing. This fantasy kind if vore is referred to as soft vore in the community, where as cannibalism is hard vore. However, people in both camps tend to completely stick to themselves as soft vore fans and hard vore fans are aroused by completely different things and aren’t even the same fetish.
Furries aren’t a kink in of themselves. What you’re looking for is murrsuiting which is what you’re thinking of in your description of furries. Most furries with fursuits don’t murrsuit!
Exactly, that was annoying af for me to read. Most furries do not partake in it. Fursuiting is not the same as mursuiting lol. There were a few mistakes within this list that bothered me if I’m completely honest along with several fetishes left out.
Zoey, thanks for your feedback, let me know the mistakes and I will fix them. Same with the fetishes I left out…trying to make this list complete!
autogynephilia is an incredibly transphobic concept originating from a cis man, so please remove that from this. That’s not an actual fetish, it’s used to invalidate trans women.
I’m a trans guy and I find it sexy as shit and get super fucking turned on when my boyfriend, who is a full on guy and has a dick and everything and is 100% happy being a guy, dresses up like a chick. So no, it’s not transphobic. Stop being a millenial.
You know that trans people can also internalise transphobia, right? Being trans doesn’t make you automatically exempt from being transphobic.
crossdressing kink and autogynephilia are different :p i also like my cis boyfriend crossdressing, and he loves it too
Enkuopoiphilia is a festish for the act of impregnation, as opposed to maiesiophilia which is a fetish for pregnant women.
Two mornings ago, I found myself slapping my wife’s breast- she coaxed me to do it somehow. Anyway, a switch was flicked on in her. She became very aroused, she pleasured herself and the she climaxed and then complained about thinking about dick all day. [cause she knows I won’t have sex before work -cause that would make me tired all day.] I want to understand her mindset. Is she in to pain? Or kinky stuff? I want to ask her, but I don’t want to feel embarrassed or make her feel embarrassed.
The best person to explain her mindset is HER. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed in any way, sex is normal and healthy and so are kinks (provided they aren’t illegal and don’t hurt someone)
Can you please explain, Meaning of kinks and fetish for me, am kind of lot always in between.
If your wife asks you to slap her boobs and fuck her….you’re a lucky man!
If you’re not into it, maybe give her my number ???
This made me laugh ?
We need a kink for jimins thighs parkjiminphila
Honestly same but we should sexualize them park jimin is a real human and isn’t just some walking sex toy
What’s it called if you have a kink for tounge kissing and rubbing..?
Omggg I wanna ask too
It’s not a kink because it is already sexual. Kinks are generally consideree nonsexual to begin with.
I think Vicarphilia is exactly what I like. Something about hearing about my grilfriend’s Past experiences, and how slutty she was, just turns me on so much!
I like it when my dog watches…what would that be called?
poor dogger
You wouldn’t let him join a bit?
Is there a kink/fetish for scratching? When i was topping my gf she dug her nails into my skin and scratched me all over my back, and I really liked it.
yes. its called acarophilia
Feederism is a community for all. Not gender specific in any way. There are thousands of female feeders, and who your feeding can be platonic or a person of your sexual preference, it’s not a gender regulation.
Is there a term for being sexually aroused by bruises? Seems as though there should be, but google doesn’t think so :/
There may not be a word for it specifically, but plenty of people are attracted to all sorts of things that don’t have terms!
I would imagine it’s called haematomaphilia 🙂 after the Latin for bruise, haematoma
I would think that is part of impact play. No?
I love and get turned on looking at my bruises and am always wanting more but don’t enjoy self inflicted bruises. Most don’t come from impact play so I would think it is something different.
so i like when a guy or a girl is really rough with my breast but not to the point of exucianting pain, so what fetish would that be? or is it even a fetish?
what about wrapping yourself in paper
on god
Automasochism? First time ever happening, most intense orgasm ever having vaginal sex I slapped myself during really hard, Is that normal Im not sure if it was involuntary or not. I did like it though….
Weight gain and inflation are missing
Was about to say the same thing no bloating or inflation listened here
Both added 🙂
What is the fetish for buying a woman clothes, having her model them, then have sex with them wearing the clothes. I know endytophilia is the fetish for sex while wearing clothes, but it’s more than that. I like taking a woman to store, picking out clothes for her, take her back to my place, have her try on the clothes, and when one of the outfits properly turns me on, we go at it. Is there a name for that?
You missed Futa which is like a chick with a vagina and a dick.
I may have missed it but what about just attraction to characters in general movie tv musical or any form of act
Hmmm…that’s a good one. We’ll look into it.
Fictosexual, the act of being sexually attracted to fictional characters
I’m in the process of making a Lifestyle Ranch.. which will have cabins, underground fetish rooms, barns with animals…list goes on.. but I’m making the underground rooms to be out of site, soundproof.. and lots of fun for all sorts of fetishes. I seen this list and it will def. help and any additional ideas anyone has for the Ranch I would love to hear the. This project is in motion and should be up and running by summer 2020 hopefully . providing the weather acts right.
Thank you for the list..
Switch Deborah
Where is the ranch going to be located at and is it up and running yet
Zwischenstufe: the sexual obsession to people of the same sex.
Doesn’t that just mean you’re gay/lesbian?
It means intermediate stage and is a feminine noun
If there is one, what is the name for the “Sexual Arousal of feeling Fear”?
Good question, I’ll look into it
here is a bigger list though not defining them
1950s Household,
Abduction Play, Abrasion Play, Accents, Age Play, Anal, Anal Beads, anal chastity, anal hooks, Anal Sex, Anal Stretching, anal training, androgyny, anime, Anonymous Encounters, armbinders, armpits, Art Erotica, artistic cutting, Asphyxiaphilia Play, Ass Play, Ass to Mouth, Ass worship, attention, Auralism,
Bald Girls, Ball Gags, Ball Kicking, Ball Stretching, Ballbusting, Ballet Boots/Shoes, Bare Bottom Spanking, Bare Handed Spanking, barefoot, Bastinado, Bathroom Use Control, BDSM, begging, behavior modification, bellydancing, belt spanking, belt whippings, Ben Wa Balls, big tits, Bimboification, Biting, Blindfolds, Blood Play, blow jobs, blushing, Body Hair, Body Modification, Body Paint, Body Worship, Bondage, bondage art, Bondage Equipment, Bondage Tape, Boot, boot blacking, Boot licking, boot worship, Boss/Secretary, Braces, Branding, Brats, Breast Bondage, Breast Spanking, breast whipping, Breast/Nipple Play, breastfeeding, breasts, Breath Play, breeding, Bruises, Bukkake, bullwhips, Burlesque, Business Suits, Butt Plugs,
Caging/Confinement, Candle Wax, Caning, Caressing, Casting, catheters, Catsuits, CBT, Cell Popping, Chains, Chakra energy play, chaps, Chastity, Chastity Devices, cheerleading uniforms, Chocolate, Choking Play, Cigars, Clamps and Clips, claws, Cling Film, clit pumping, clit spanking, Clothespins, Clover Clamps, Clowns, Cock and Ball Torture, Cock Milking, cock slapping, Cock Worship, cocksucking, Collar and Lead/Leash, Collars, Consensual Nonconsent Play, control, cornertime, Corporal Punishment, Corset Cinching, corset piercing, corset training, corsetry, Corsets, cosplay, Costumes/Dressing-up, Covert Bondage, crawling, creampie, crops, Crucifixion Play, Crying, Cuckold, Cuddles, cum, Cunnilingus, Cunt Worship, Cupping, Cutting, cyber sex,
D/s, Dacryphilia, Daddy Daughter roleplay, Daddy/girl, Dalliance fun at the TL, damsels in distress, decorative cutting, Deep Throating, Defilement, Degradation, Denim, Depilation/Shaving, Diapers, Dildos, Discipline, Doctor/Nurse Play, dollification, Domestic Servitude, Domination, Double Penetration, Douching, Duct Tape,
E-Stim, Edge Play, Electrical Play, emotional masochism, Emotional Sadism, Encasement Fetish, Enemas, Energy Play, Erotic Literature, Erotic Photography, Exhibitionism, eye contact restrictions,
Face Farting, Face Fucking, Face sitting/smothering, Face Slapping, Facial Hair, Fear, Feathers, feet, Female Ejaculation, feminization, Fetish Models, Fetish Wear, fetnights, Figging, fingering, fingernails, Fire Cupping, Fire Flogging, Fire Play, fish hooks, Fishnets, Fisting, Flashing, Flesh Hooks, Flirting, Flogging, Food Play, Foot Massage, Foot Worship, Foot/Feet, forniphilia, Freckles, French Maids, fucking machines, Fur,
Gagging/Choked by Cock, Gags, Gangbangs, Gas Masks, geeks, Geisha, gender play, genital piercings, Glass Dildos, Glasses, glory hole, gloves, Goth, graphoerotica, Grooming, group sex,
hair, hair bondage, Hair Pulling, hairbrush spanking, Handcuffs, handjobs, Hands, head shaving, hemp rope, Hentai, High Heels, High Protocol, Hojojutsu, hoods, hook suspension, Hot Oil Massages, human ashtray, Human Doll, human furniture, human toilet, Humiliation, Humor,
Ice Cubes, impact play, Impregnation Fantasy, Infidelity, inflatables, intelligence, Internal Enslavement, interracial sex, Interrogation,
Japanese Bondage,
Kicking, kilts, Kinbaku, Kissing, Kitten Petplay, Klismaphilia, kneeling,
lace, Lactation, large labia, Large objects, Latex, Leather, legs, Librarians, Light Bondage, Lingerie, lipstick, liquor, Lycra/spandex,
Maid, Maid Uniforms, Makeup, Making Home Movies, male authority, male submission, martial arts, Masks, Masochism, Massages, Master/Slave, Masturbation, Medical Play, Medieval Devices, Mental Bondage, metal, military, military interrogation, Military Uniforms, Mind Fucks, Mistress/slave, mistresses with strap-ons, mommy/boy dynamics, Mommy/girl, Monogamy, Multiple Orgasms, mummification, muscle worship, Muscles, music, Mutual Masturbation,
necks, Needle Play, Nipples, Nudity, Nun/Priest Play, NylonLegs & Feet, Nyotaimori,
Obedience Training, Objectification, Old Guard Slavery, older women, Online Play, Oral Sex, ordered to masturbate, Orgasm Control, Orgasm Denial, Orgy, otk spanking, outdoor bondage, Outdoor sex,
Paddling, Pain, Panties, Panty-Sniffing, Pantyhose/Stockings, pegging, Percussion Play, Petplay, Petticoats, phone sex, Photography, Piercings, Piggy Play, pigtails, Pin-Ups, Pinching, Pirates, Play Piercing, Play Punishment, polyamory, Pony Play, Pornography, Posture Collars, Power Exchange, Predator/prey, Predicament Bondage, Pressure points, pro domme, Prostate Massage, prostate milking, Protocol, Psycholagny, pubic hair, Public Humiliation, public play, Punching Play, Puppy Play, Pursuit, Take-Down & Capture, pussy pumping, pussy worship, PVC,
Religious Play, Remote-Control Devices, Restraints, Retifism, Riding Crops, Rimming, Rituals, robots, Role Play, Rope Bondage/Suspension, rough sex, Rubber,
Sacred Sexuality, Sadism, Sadomasochism, sapiosexuality, Saran Wrap, Satin, Scarf bondage, Scarification, Scent, schoolgirl, schoolgirl uniform, Scratching, Seduction, Self-bondage, Sensation Play, Sensory Deprivation, sensual domination, sensual play, Sensual/slave dances, sensualism, Service, Service-oriented submission, sex, Sex In Public, sex in the cemetery, sex in videostore pornography rooms, sex magick, Sex Online, sex with strangers, sexual objectification, sexual slavery, Shackles, shaving, Shibari, shoes, Silk, Single Tail Whips, Sissification, sissy panties, sissy training, Skirts, Slapping, Slave Bells, slave tattoos, slavery, sleep, sleepsacks, sleepy sex, sluts, small penis humiliation, small tits, Smoking, smothering, snuggling, Socks, sounds, Spandex, Spanking, speculums, Speech restriction, spiritual bdsm, Spitting, Spreader Bars, Squirting, staples, Stockings, Strap-ons, submission, subspace, superheroes, suspension, Suspension Bondage, Swallowing, sweat, swinging, Switching, sybian,
Talking Dirty, Tantra, Tattoos, Teacher/Student, tearing off clothing, Tears, Teasing, Tens Unit, threesomes, Tickling, Tit Fucking, tit slapping, toes and feet, toilet, toilet slave, tongue sucking, Tongues, Total Power Exchange, Touching, Toy Making, Toys, Trampling, transformation, Triple Penetration,
Uncut Cock, Uniforms, Urethral Fucking, Urethral Sounds,
vacuum bed, Vacuum pumping, Vaginal Stretching, Vampires, Velvet, Verbal Humiliation and Degradation, Vibrators, Victorian Lifestyles, Victorian pornography, vintage lingerie, Vintage Pornography, vinyl, Violence, violet wand, voice play, Voyeurism,
Wartenberg Pinwheels, Waterboarding, Waterbondage, Watersports, Wax, webcams, whipping, Whips, WolfPlay, Wrestling, Writing Erotica,
Thanks Blake
You should be in charge. How could they ignore Bimboification!
this is the list off of fetlife lol^^
No such thing as a complete list and if there was, this isn’t even close.
true, but we both tried!
What would a kink for sex is the workplace (I.e. secretary in office) be called? Especially with outfits like a sheer blouse and tight pencil skirt.
Not sure the scientific name, but sounds like fun!
Shibari technically isn’t a kink or a fetish, it is a art form. Shibari means ‘to tie beautifully’ so although it can be sexual its not intended to be. It’s literally tying knots in a precise and artistic manner.
Pretty sure spandex wasn’t intended to be a kink either. Food also wasn’t invented to be sexy. Thus why they are fetishes and not just sex toys.
Is there a name for the sexual arousal from being able to see the anus around clothing? Like if someone is wearing a thong and they bend over and the hole is covered but you can see the puckered skin. It’s specific, i know, but it would be nice to know.
This is the first I’ve heard of it…how about we call it “partially clothed, anal admiration?”
What about oviposition
What if someone hates feet but likes footjobs? Or fucking the area behind someone’s knee/elbow/armpit. All of those areas are not sexual in any way but fucking them feels really good. The closest this list comes is “foot fetish” but that says that they see feet sexually or worship them but it’s absolutely neither.
Please stop gendering genitals. It’s transphobic. Vagina doesn’t equal female, and penis doesn’t equal male. Just say “vagina” or “penis” or “vulva” or “testicles”.
What about bubble baths? Tbh it gets me seriously aroused. Fantasize that i’m either with another or alone being buried/swallowed up as the bubbles get deeper. Have gone so far as to use a spa mat, tape, and sometimes swim goggles along with bubble bath to act it out.
I only noticed two that were missing from the list, and both happen to be my biggest kinks:
Spectrophilia – the act or fantasy of having sex with spirits and ghosts.
Corpse Play – a sexual act in which one of the participates pretends to be a corpse, allowing their body to be used while remaining completely silent and immobile (with consent, of course)
Any information on:
queen of spades
There is obviously a ton of stuff missing. Acucullophilia for a start. And no, that isn’t the name for fancying Macaulay Culkin! Look it up …
Ok, there’s another one for you….”Flooding the Cave”, I don’t know what the technical term for it is. Where the man urinates inside a vagina or anus during sex. Might technically fall under watersports.
Cool list 😀
You can add the “dictionnary of BDSM” of Gala FUR to complete it 🙂
I’m a french Zentaï fetichist since 1998. I’ve collected more than 150 suits in my closets with a personal blog:
I recently found myself a single at 49 and went on the dating sites and was surprised at the amount of younger men that hit me up I assumed it was more of a checklist thing you know cougar or m*** but another thing I came across a lot of is men not want me to be their mother their mommy not like in the daddy way women use it I don’t think they actually want to sleep with their mother but it’s kind of like the idea of acting something out maybe to resolve something with her mother or sister or you know what I mean like it’s incest but it’s not so I’m wondering if there’s a name for that
Mommy kink?
J-Jerk Off Instruction (JOI)
Added! Let me know if you can think of a better definition?
furries are NOT a fetish. the discription gave is the false stereotype put on the community by the news stations for watchbait and only a few people acutally fuck in fursuits and those people are not allowed to wear those suits in public because the fandom is the enjoyment of dressing up as characters and entertaining people and CHILDREN! the false sterotype has ruined and made the fandom toxic and horrible to deal with because idiots try to join thinking it is about sex because of the false description forced on the fandom.
the furry community was just a cosplay community that cosplayed their self-made anthro characters along with ones from movies and tv shows and accepted people that were outcasts from society for being lgbtq+, having disabilities, being deformed, or just plain socially awkward. the community has done so much charity work raising millions of dollars to cancer research, helping homeless families and disabled children charities but ever since the false discription was advertied by fax news, nbc news, and all the other usual news stations the fandon members are one by one leaving because of so many idiots wanting to join just to get laid and hump each other.
Okay, so what’s the opposite of Lesbophillia? Being a female that enjoys watching men having sex and even sometimes imagining being a man themselves while having sex? I have this and since there’s the opposite equivalent I can’t be the only one.
Autassassinophilia – being killed ir the risk of being killed
I’m wondering the same thing..? ????♀️
I see there’s machinophilia for mechanical devices in general, but it’s pretty broad. Is there a fetish specifically for automobiles? I’ve got a serious paraphilia for sports cars.
Is there a classification for group sex where the fantasy is for one individual to strictly receive pleasure from multiple partners without reciprocation?
Also is there anything specific for the uncontrollable desire for nipple stimulation and play?
About your group sex question: I don’t know a scientific term, but if it exists in your head, then it exists 🙂
About your nipple question: Same answer as above 🙂
Compersion.. the most kindest and heartfelt of all kinks
You forgot breeding. Breeding kinks are definitely something that should be listed
Ok, what about when watching like a movie and a woman is about to be raped or is being raped. That seriously turns me on but actual rape doesn’t. I have almost been raped before but I was able to get away. That scares me and when a woman is raped irl my heart goes out to her. But like movies I know its not real so it seriously turns me on! Just like in movies when a woman is held hostage by a hot but scary ass dude, that turns me on! I sometimes has fantasized that happening to me! I have wanted so badly to do a rape play but never found someone I trust enough to even tell!! Does that fall under the same thing as voyeurism or rape play?
My fetish is missing. I love to hear people’s secrets. It has always come naturally to me. I even have a degree in a related field.
I don’t have a foot fetish technically but I like guys with foot fetishes and having my foots played with. Is that a thing or Is it just me? Also feel turned on easier when wearing certain socks shoes or stockings based on material.
Angelophilia: Sex with angels. Yes, that’s absolutely a thing. Ida Craddock wrote about her marriage to an angel decades ago. And in “The Angels’ Message to Humanity,” Gerald and Betty Schueler write about a pathworking system where the central act of the ritual, is having sex with an Enochian watcher angel.
lmAO gimme some of that LSD
Is this just me or do other people like it when girls have really gnarly toes that cut the tongue when They are sucked on.
Anyone attracted to girls with poopy, hairy buttholes?
I think that’s called “coprophilia”
Where on this list is there being a sissy. Thats a hole life style change and gas sub categorys and crazy shit with all these lil fetishs lol snow balling lol
Being a sissy seems to be my biggest obsession lately. Don’t know exactly where it came from but I can’t stop dreaming and thinking about it
2 things:
1) Vore isn’t all about eating/being eaten. There’s also anal vore and unbirth vore.
2) is there a kink for licking tongues? Kinda like making out but lips aren’t touching. I see that in hentai a lot and I’m curious.
Yeah absolutely, I have that kink.
Knismaphilia (I think that’s how you spell it) is tickling
That’s my huge turn on fetish is tickling
What really intrigues me is multiple guys and one girls being forced to be tied together in a predicament (forced penetration and/or blowjobs) so that they are all aroused but not able to orgasm due to not being able to move. Is there a term for this?
What about women’s glossy magazine fetish, being totally wrapped and smothered with gorgeous glossy international fashion and beauty magazines.
I must say,I am completely enthralled and enjoying this page.
I have a statement and follow up question. I wear DDD/E cups and I overly enjoy meeting guys and letting them suckle my tits for comfort, as well as squeezing their cocks between my breast so I can see their “fountain of youth” orgasm.. though I’ve only been able to experience this with my boyfriend and his friends. Iwent so far as getting a breast pump.. Is it just breast worship? Are there any communities or sites I can be recommended to..other than fetlife?
I’m not even sure this is a kink, but it is definitely an incredibly powerful turn-on, enough that I have spent time (a *lot* of time) searching out occurrences in online pornogrpahy. I suppose I would call it “affirmation” — getting incredibly aroused by asking relatively basic questions and having your partner say “yes” as the answer. “Do you want to eat my pussy?” “Yes!” “Do you like my cock in your mouth?” “Oh, yes!” “Will you wear this for me?” “Yes!” “Can I suck your nipples?” “Absolutely.”
Every time my partner says “yes” in a sex session my arousal basically doubles from whatever it was before she said “yes.”
I’m glad you put warnings for the dangerous ones, also I know you didnt say it was a complete list, but I hope you can update it to include
I’m glad you put warnings for the dangerous ones, also I know you didnt say it was a complete list, but I hope you can update it to include more
The question’s been asked before but nobody had an answer so i’m asking again.
What is the counterpart of lesbophilia?
Because that is certainly my kink/fetish/whatever. I am a woman and read/watch exclusively gay male pornography (only extreme rarely other pornography). And yeah more often than not i imagine myself being a man and having sexuel interactions with other men.
So has this ever been idk analysed or something?
I don’t know the name for this…perhaps we could invent one. Any ideas?
girl i- that’s a Fujoshi.
Thank you!
I think you’re not the only one like this. I explained it to myself as being a man in my previous life. Even though I was born straight woman this time who is married and has kids, I still like to watch porno from men perspective, can easily be aroused by pussy and imaging offen having a dick and fucking that pussy. I do not think it’s a kink. I guess it’s rather normal fantasies. Nothing really extraordinary.
It’s kind of insensitive to say that people with bodily deformities are monsters. It also hurts me to be honest since I love monsters and never agreed with their name being used as an insult.
The true definition of Teratophilia is a sexual attraction to monsters and not humans with bodily deformities since those are still humans.
Teratophilia is just monsters such as werewolves, vampires, zombies, kaiju, etc.
This is how I feel to! It dehumanizes them 🙁
If you could please remove the lesbian/sapphic fetish, I would appreciate it. This one is harmful because lesbian couples get sexualized by straight men already, having it on the list will encourage them. Not only that but there had been numerous times where lesbian couples had been harrassed or assaulted for refusing to do anything infront of men. They are just harmless lgbt couples and should be left alone to do intimate things by themselves. Thank you!
Great point. At the same time, I don’t want to pretend people do not have this fetish by deleting it. What would be a good comment/note/disclaimer to include alongside it so people understand how it can verge into the harmful/hurtful?
plz tho– if a guy is attracted to two girls fucking that’s just him being a perv, thats not a classified kink and shouldn’t be accepted as one. i don’t exist for some man to fap off to.
does anyone know if there’s an official name for a fetish involving hunger or starvation? as an abstract concept, being hungry yourself or watching someone else be hungry. yes forced to starvation could fit under the denial like a dom/sub thing but I haven’t seen anything talking about hunger specifically.
I’ve read the description for Watersports/goldenshowers but I know there is a fetish that takes it further. The drinking, forced or otherwise, of another’s urine. Is there a name for tbis or is it still considered just watersports?
Very informative list. But I’ve noticed that Cumflation (cuminflation) isn’t on the list. Yet inflation is. If the reason is because Cumflation can’t physically happen then I’d have to argue that it indeed can just not from a real person. People have used fake cum or thick fluids using an Enema bag or a anal syringe to inject the fluid inside them. So in that sense it could fit the list.
Just a suggestion.
who wanna try oculolinctus? hmu @ the capitol
Unless I missed it, you forgot kabeshiri, which is a kink for people being fucked while stuck in a wall. It’s not super common and it mostly seems to be a thing in Japanese porn/hentai.
I dont understand why smoking is left off of nearly every published list of fetishes, yet is one of the most common fetishes.
We carry enough shame already for having a fetish for a socially unacceptable action, it would be nice to be included.
What do you call being sexually aroused by flexibility (watching gymnasts doing extreme splits for example)??
I agree that it’s frustrating for some Lesbians to be sexualized, but I’d say that there’s nothing wrong with heterosexual men OR women being attracted to lesbian sex like quite a few of the comments are saying it is. As long as it doesn’t get to the point of acting on it in public, it’s fine. Directly harassing or making anyone feel uncomfortable or trying to make them do sexual things in front of you isn’t okay but you don’t pick what you’re attracted to sexually, just as you don’t pick what you’re attracted to romantically.
Men aren’t pervs for being attracted to woman-on-woman sex and women aren’t pervs for being attracted to man-on-man sex.
I also agree that it’s frustrating for some transgender people to have cross-dressing sexualized, but I’d say the same thing as before. As long as you don’t let it get out of hand or out-of-bedroom, you’re fine. And, it’s not really sexualizing transgender people, it’s more like sexualizing cross-dressing. Think of it this way: if Autogynephilia and the opposite are sexualizing transgender people, then cross-dressing is mocking transgender people, but, as everyone knows, it’s really not.
In conclusion, not recognizing something as existing, and being ignorant towards it, won’t make it go away.
What a list. Would love to know if there is a name for a kink that involves wrapping myself in paper? Its something I have imagined doing whenever in the bedroom but I feel ashamed to ask my partner of 2 years to indulge in my fantasy as I am scared of her reaction (I just suspect she’d laugh).
Another of my fantasy’s includes having lightbulbs inserted into my anus, is there a specific name for this or does it fall under simple anal play?
Many Thanks
What about how I like warming up my satsumas on radiators before squeezing the sticky juice on her?
This is discriminatory. Please tell me I’m not the only one with this fetish>:)
Reading this made for an interesting night with the homos.
A good starting point for anyone just starting out
me and my bf read thru and gave our personal ratings for this list just for fun and god we were laughing the entire time.
despite it is so painfully obvious it was written by a cishet man bc of how many kinks were left off and how poorly some of them were worded in my opinion, it was a great way to spend an evening and another great way to learn about youre partners preferences without being overly serious
Thanks for the feedback Honey. Can you let me know what kinks I left out? I’d love to include them. I’m also trying to ensure my wording is more inclusive. Can you let me know which sentences were poorly worded?
My wife left me after I showed her this list. Thanks honey!
What is it called when a female enjoys vaginal penetration or clitoral stimulation by random objects like hair brush or cucumber or shampoo bottle or anything that will fit I guess. Or like being stimulated from a vacuum hose sucking ur clit and making ur labia flap back and forth together, using a handheld cake mixer over ur panties to stimulate ur clit, or any other homemade devices to do the same.
Looks like you found a new fetish!
Is there a name for a fetish where you want your partner to become an inanimate object while still retaining human characteristics? For example, if you wanted your partner to become a jacket so you would wear them, or have them turn into a pair of jeans. It’s not just limited to clothes, for example, wanting your partner to become a basketball or a vacuum cleaner.
I ask because I’ve recently had someone continuously ask me questions like “what would you do if I was a hairclip?” typically within a sexual context, and I was wondering if it was a fetish or something.
I’m missing the one for seeing through the body. I forget the name. Also didn’t see corpse play.
Very disappointing to see all the entitled whining and gatekeeping about which ones should be invalidated or removed simply because the subject is uncomfortable with being the subject of a kink. Valuation should not even be brought up here, least of all in terms of projected fears/fantasies stemming largely from self-overestimation. To compound that with derogatory language like “perv” is just willfully idiotic in a framework like this.
Amazon woman having her feet worshipped after casual sex. Then she uses her feet and puts me in her Finisher mover. Locking my head face and neck between her arches and soles. Gripping tightly with no escaping. Then she slowly twists my head and neck with her feet as far as she can half way and holds me in that position. I can’t go anywhere or do anything about it. She then tells me she is going to SNAP MY NECK with her feet. It’s time for her ultimate pleasure. She would tease me by scaring me with false breaks. She touches herself and tells me I best make myself cum soon because it will be my last. In a moment she is going to SNAP MY NECK . She wants to do it. She is extremely turned on by the idea of it. She has the power and controls my fate. Only thing I can do is accept it and take it. I can’t escape her Finisher move. If killing me gives her the ultimate pleasure she seems them so be it. I am going to meet my demise if that’s what she wants. At any moment she can snap my neck. I always make sure I kiss and lick her beautiful feet as much as I can as she is twisting me. Threatening me as she twists and twists. We both are masterbation as this is happening. For some strange reason we get the most intense orgasm when we do this . Death and pleasure mixed makes it so much stronger. We now do this every time we have sex. To be honest this is my favorite part now for 10 years. I look forward to her putting me in her Finisher move. It’s now my favorite way to orgasm and also her being the Amazon woman executrix that’s going to end me when she snaps my neck. Also I love it when she is about to orgasm she will say you . I am going to snap your neck. It’s time to die say goodbye . Then she twists and yells SNAP!!!! And jerks my head twists it the opposite side doing a false break scaring me as she does it. Then we both have our ultimate pleasure. It truly is fun scary and amazing . I enjoy it and look forward to it. She loves the power and control. Knowing she can easily at any moment if she wanted to cause my demise. And as for me I get my pleasure from fear and edge play it’s called. Knowing She decides my fate and there’s nothing I can do about it. I go in never knowing if she is going to spare me for another night of pleasure or it’s to the afterlife I go. I love being dominated by her and I have a huge foot fetish. Ever since I was younger I’ve been into woman’s feet. I even enjoy ballbusting , being trampled , lick feet clean or dirty . So I look at it this way. If my partner snaps my neck . What better way to go then being killed by her amazing beautiful and sexy mature feet. Death and pleasure truly brings the strongest orgasms ever. I am sure many when they read this will think we are twisted and crazy. But if you never experienced it . You will never understand. Other than that we are fairly normal and mellow people. Anyway so add this fetish to the list . This is a form of extreme edge play and fear play. With foot fetish and femdom in the mix. I also the past 7 years have seen it’s more and more popular than we thought . We talk to Many everyday that have this same fantasy. Any questions you have for me about this feel free to reply or ask.
I am a lesbian and I am hopelessly turned on by another female sitting on my face in public and peeing down my throat and making me drinking her urine in front of people. What would this fetish be considered exactly?
Toilet slave
A few times my wife threatened to completely cut me off from orgasms and just milk my prostate. I have orgasm issues sometimes anyway. She’s talking about tease and denial with it I presume. I wonder if there are really couples that limit his sex to just milking? Seems like incredibly erotic and maybe frustrating too. I know it’s talk but I wonder if it happens?
Is there an opposite of Lesbophilia? If so what’s it called?
Is there a name for a fetish where you love being trampled because that thing really make me aroused
I have a serious question. So I caught my GF a couple years back sleeping with my best friend. She had no idea I was watching them. My buddy is obssed with my life and wants everything I have. Can’t explain it, just does. I did sleep with his aunt a when i was 21 and came clean to him because I knew he knew already. So that was one of the reason I let this go. Anyways, I know my GF loves me. Like loves me so incredibly much she might hurt herself if I left. So recently I confronted her nicely about what happened and what I saw a year back. I did not get mad. She said she never did it. But I saw it with my own two eyes. He was always wanting to come to my house every chance he could. They have this communication through their eyes where they Stare at one another and they think no one knows what is going on between them. So my question is to you. My girlfriend think she is getting away with this secrect relationship even though I caught them. She gets off on the fact that she is being sneaky and she thinks I have no idea what’s is happening. My buddy denys it also. What is the feitsh called for a woman who cuckholds her man with his best friend, compulsively lies over and over again and thinks she is getting away with it? I was okay at first because I thought I deserved it from banging my best friends aunt. But I just want her to come forward with the truth even when I caught them. I didn’t jump in and say “see I caught you” not sure why I didn’t all those years back. It’s almost like she gets off on lying about it, being sneaky and thinking she is getting away with it. I find it very odd that she won’t admit’s like if she admits it then her fetish is destroyed and I am to blame. Another thing they do is, they have a long distance bullet vibrator that she has in her pussy non stop. He controls it on one end and she cant stop. We have an amazijh sex life ourself. I am rather well indowded at 9 inches and my buddy is no more than 4 inches hard. So thats why i know his penis size isnt what she is after. Like I am massive compared to him. But I cannot seem to understand why she won’t give it up. She lies about almost anything and I have to have 100% legitimate proof. So that’s why I bought a stealth camera to put in my guest bedroom where he sleep when he comes over. So my plan was to stage an event at my house and have him spend the night but before I do, I want to know what this fethish is categorized. It goes much deeper than anyting ive ever seem before. I know she likes non-cosensual sleeping sex. She pretend like she never woke up when I’m smashing her. It’s kind of fun. She does a good job hiding her orgasm since my cock is enormous. I’ve never seen a girl not be able to scream or moan when I put my cock in them. It stretches them greatly. Anyway she has been riding this lying way to far and I don’t know what to do. I didn’t want it to come to this but she is forcing my hand. I’ve been so nice about this who entire situation. I don’t want to lose her but I need her to change if we are to get married and have children. She wants that but I cannot have a mother like this raising children in the world. The world doesn’t need that. Im also afraid she would pass these genes along to my children. Yeah we are pretty fucked up individuals. Im on the edge of boning another woman myself if she cant stop. I know myself to, ill give up on her and move on. Anytime i bring it back up lately, and o tell her i need her to stop being in denail and come clean we get in to a full blown argument and shit hits the fan. She cried and gets what she wants because I cave in and give her hugs, kisses and allow her to stay. But to think that she rather end our 4 year relationship than give up this kink is mind blowing. I cannot have a wife who wants to be able to lie like this and expect me to sweep it under the rug. I love her so much b/c she is such a sweetheart and makes me a more soft gentler man. She has a lot of great qualities besides this kink. Its becoming disturbing now. And I know I make her better by giving her the confidence and freedom to become the best version of herself. I don’t control her like other men have in her life, i give her everything she could ever desire. I know she would make a wonderful wife(if she coould drop this).We know that we are kindred spirits. We have so much going for us. Once I have the footage I need I am going to drop my best friend and tell him to kick rocks. I know she doesn’t want to be with him in the end. She just likes the sneaky-Ness of everything. My boy has no idea what’s coming from him. So can you help? I need to know what this kink is. It seem likes it’s a multiples put together to make one. She normally isn’t a liar but when it comes to sex she is. She doesn’t hide anything on her phone. She doesn’t use social media and they don’t communicate unless he is at my house or we are at his. They don’t even communicate with the Long distance bullet vibrator he controls. This whole situation is weird. I know I could just walk away but in way too deep and need some answers first. I hope this makes sense. Please respond asap.
Thank you kindly
I can’t seem to find the term for this:
A woman magically suddenly has a penis and is overcome with the new horniness and sensation. She seducess girlfriends and strangers alike to satisfy this new addiction to the male orgasm.
I don’t mean Futa or Futanari specifically, though it “cums” close. Specifically if she rapes other women to satify her new obsession.
I also noticed no Incest on this list.
Ok, so I’m a straight man, and I know that I have a foot fetish. I love to smell and lick women’s feet like big time. But I also love to squeeze my feet in women’s shoes that are a bit small and feel them stretching around my feet… WTF
what is the name for the fetish of sexual attractions towards fictional characters?
like getting your ass pounded by Broly the super saian.
That’s Fictophilia and a lot of people have it without even realizing 😀
I really want to know about the attraction to scars.
It’s sometimes added to the Stigmatophilia though it’s mostly about tattoos and piercings.
It could be called Ulophilia (ulo- as the medical prefix for scars or scarring and -philia as the usual suffix for an attraction) or just Scar fetish.
And I mean like already existing scars and burn on a person and not making new ones. Anything on that?
I found this list while looking for… well, list like this. In the context of science fiction, what would be the term for fetishizing human inhabitants from other planets, in the same way that people from other cultures or at least geopolitical locations are fetishized in race play?
Is there one for when a woman is OBSESSED with a man having chest hair? I mean if legs and back are hairy too then yaassssss but at least the chest? The hairier the better?
I see the hair fetish but this is a specific thing or does it just fall under the hair fetish one trichophilia?
Good Site, i did a Quiz game in a Discord call with two friends, they guessed what the kinks could be just by hearing the scientific words for them. It was very fun 🙂
Plastic wrap.